Science Clown

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The Science Clown


This article is directed at any man who calls himself a scientist that has not yet measure this elusive
quantity that men call “God” I will refer to it as +Ø and have the audacity to tells us all that we are
wrong. At the top of my list of “Science Clowns” is Stephen Hawking the “eminent authority” of those
things “universal”.

Hawking has not yet figured out that his senses and his measurement tools will never be able to
measure anything outside of the universe and outside of the paradigm they are designed to operate.
Our senses are <b>designed</b> conceal much from our perception and this includes +Ø. Unless one is
able to harness their right-brain then they will be quite unaware of the purpose, meaning and lack of
randomness in their life experience. Logical thinkers are, of course, masters of their left-brain and are
not equipped to perceive things beyond their material experience. This makes them unsuitable and
prohibited from perceiving what many know with certainty in that there is an entity that operates and
moves the universe specifically such that those in the left-brain cannot detect its presence.

Additionally because these ego driven personalities are ruled by chance, chaos and probability they can
always assign an event or happening to mere chance. These science clowns have be hypnotized by their
material experience such that they can only allow themselves to see only those things that exist within
the framework that they themselves create for themselves. They blindly accept that events that have an
extremely low probability of occurring are still just coincidence. Even though when they observe things
they do not understand they often attribute it to some they call “super-position” a term no different to
one known in metaphysics as “super-natural”.

Stephen Hawking is an especially rare case in that he believes it is his duty to dispel our foolish notions
of +Ø. He uses his understanding of Quantum Mechanics to tell us the universe may have “just
happened” rather than it being created by Ø. He fails to relate the fact that we cannot observe any
phenomenon without affecting or biasing the phenomenon and outcome. Let’s look at the
phenomenon of a thought entering Stephen Hawking’s mind. He believes “it just happens” and it was
not “given to him” through “inspiration” (in spirit ation). Why would he not conclude that the universe
“just happened” he has biased his own thought and conclusion.

The normal man is not so horribly encumbered by his own bias. Additionally Hawkings has replicated his
erroneous model of the universe in his mind and has no trouble discounting things that do not fit like
entanglement. He believes in the old religious model of time and believes the simulation around him
actually exists independent of his ability to perceive it.

We receive exactly what we expect. If we are open to those things operating outside of classical physics
and traditionally accepted cosmology then we are treated to witnessing these things in our independent
life experience as they serve a purpose only in our personal life experience and education.
Stephen Hawkings chose an interesting life experience where no matter how intelligent he is, he can
never see what we stupid people see every day. We see purpose meaning and a deliberate process in
our lives. Hawkings sees only chaos and randomness. Is he wrong? No he is right for his own
experience. His experience is not our experience so he becomes this funny little man railing against a
universe he has little hope in his current state of understanding.

So passionate is his quest to dispel our stupid notions of +Ø that he went to the Pope and exposed his
ignorance to all. Hopefully the Pope patted his head and said, “you’ll be just fine.” How would +Ø treat
such a confused man? Well if he continued to create victims with his convoluted erroneous logic +Ø
might punish him in some way. If he continued, then that punishment may include a measure of
confinement. Hawkings is more confined than most. He cannot speak without mechanical assistance
and yet he still persists in his left-brained nonsense. Even after being hit by a car twice he still has not
figured out such a simple right-brained certainty. Even 60 years ago Hawkings would be unable to
communicate his goofy opinions and conclusions. We live in a time when there is no limit to absurdity,
deception and depravity and that is necessary as it provides great fodder for our educational experience.

Hawkings would rather die than accept that his state is a result of his own actions and a product of a
mind so blind it cannot see what is right in front of his face. He would attribute it to “bad luck” or a
“genetic predisposition” and he was not responsible for the life experience he has chosen for himself.

I do not look at him as an invalid or disabled and I applaud him for setting new standards for logical
scientific absurdity. The sane and the insane need each other to measure themselves and what a hard
and cruel place this universe would be without +Ø providing us such a huge population of clowns to
make our lives so much more entertaining and enjoyable.

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