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Platform Overview
Delegation of Work………………………………………………………………………………………2
Fair Elections Committee (FEC)…………………………………………………………………………2
✾ FEC Handbook Availability & Access
✾ Effective Election Guide
✾ Informational Outputs of FEC Rules for CPs
✾ Increase Chapter-Based Fundraising Initiatives (Caroling, Car washes, etc.)
✾ Chapter Competition: Prize
✾ Chapter T-Shirt Design Competition
✾ Partner with Local Businesses
Expansion & Public Relations……………………………………………………………………………4
✾ Emphasis on Chapter Growth and Interaction
✾ Casual Events
✾ Chapter Siblings
✾ Public Outreach
✾ Civic Education: Politics & JSA in Middle Schools
✾ Monthly Activism Events Publicized
✾ Three Activism Dates: before FS, before WC, and before SS
Council of Chapter Presidents & Chapter Affairs………………………………………………………..5
✾ “Director of Underclassmen Recruitment”
✾ Taking Diligent Records at CoCP Meetings
✾ Online Carpool System
✾ Mandatory Chapter Debate Workshops
✾ Fun Debate Block at FS & SS
✾ Live Stream Convention Debates
✾ Increasing of Chapter Conventions before FS and WinterCon
✾ Cabinet and Chapter Conveyance
✾ Mass Email Updates
✾ General ORV JSA Remind
Summer School…………………………………………………………………………………….……8
✾ Expanding from the Cabinet Department
Tech & Media…………………………………………………………………………………………....8
✾ Maintaining Consistency
✾ Streamline Online Voting
✾ Competitions at Conventions
✾ Chapter Social Media Pages

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 1

Delegation of Work
This year the governor and LtG shared an equal delegation of work, which allowed the elected
officials to be efficient & productive counterparts. The specific responsibilities of these positions
will be evolving with each new pairing of the governor and LtG. One will not always control the
Department of Fundraising and the other will not always control the Department of Expansion,
rather the control of the departments will be assigned to whoever of the two has the most
experience with department. Having a better comprehension of the inner workings of a
department will produce enhanced communication with directors and streamline work on
cabinet! This is why there are initiatives outline for all departments of cabinet, as the duties of
the governor and the LtG will be determined after elections.

Fair Elections Committee (FEC)

FEC Handbook Availability & Access

Traditionally, the FEC handbook has come out a short time before Fall State and candidates have
been able to file for candidacy after the convention. However, the lack of FEC rules before FS
has allowed for delegates to be in violation of the committee without being aware of it. By
releasing the handbook and defining election rules at the start of the school year, which is also
the general time period cabinet starts a more intensive workload, members will be able to lead
cleaner and fairer elections, while also being more aware of upcoming elections.

Effective Election Guide

Many members--both those on cabinet and general delegates--are typically unaware of the
election process until they attend Spring State, join a campaign team, or get to know a candidate
personally. Even then, they might not fully understand how an election runs or what candidates
do. A guide that explains the key aspects of election, in a dignified and effective way, will be
shared with all chapters and be accessible on the website at all times of the year. This guide will
explain the FEC, campaigns in the ORV, campaign teams, and any other essential information. It
will be heavily publicized during campaign season, and briefed on before the season as well to
educate more of the ORV.

Informational Outputs of FEC Rules for CPs

While many CPs are aware of the election season as candidates tour chapters, they might not be
aware of all of the FEC rules if they are not a candidate. If elected, I will reach out on an
individual basis to each chapter president, and explain all the FEC rules to affirm that they are

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 2

aware of them. Additionally, I will assure that they fully understand the information shared in
order to explain to chapter members, and feel comfortable answering any questions regarding
election rules.


Increase Chapter-Based Fundraising Initiatives (Caroling, Car Washes, etc.)

A stronger emphasis on chapter-fundraising will perpetuate greater membership engagement,
and allow more exposure of JSA to the community and possibly other students in the area. While
these fundraising events do occur, they happen sparsely even though they’ve proven to raise
hundreds in a day. The State of the Union watch parties included designated time periods and
were publicized to all Chapter Presidents. They offered the aide of state leadership in planning as
well, and the ORV can continue to allow these statewide events to happen.With one to three of
these events occurring in multiple chapters, funds will have an exponential increase.

Chapter Competition: Prize

Every chapter will create a StayClassy fundraising page at the beginning of the year and put all
funds in there. The chapter that has raised the most money by Spring State will win a prize that’s
to be determined. This will allow for more chapter interaction and incentivize fundraising at the
chapter level while also allowing for data tracking of how fundraising functions through different
regions of our state.

Chapter T-Shirt Design Competition

Chapters will have the option of submitting designs they would like to see the merchandise sold
at FS & SS. The winner can win a simple prize (donut party, pizza party, etc.), and additionally,
have the opportunity to see something they designed to be sold and worn by hundreds of
delegates. Again, this increases chapter involvement in the state and allows for greater
engagement of members with fundraising efforts.

Partnering with Local Businesses

Many local businesses are willing to provide JSA with donated food for events, yet they’ve
rarely been utilized to set up restaurant nights, where JSA secures 10-20% of the funds from
members who buy products and let the restaurant know they are there to support JSA. This is an
untapped source of fundraising that can establish solidified donors in communities.

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 3

Expansion & Public Relations

Emphasis on Chapter Growth and Interaction

Many chapters--with a few exceptions-- tend to fluctuate in chapter membership because one
class dominates the chapter, and efforts to grow the chapter aren’t placed in high regard. Even
with large chapters, it is important to maintain their health in all classes (freshman, sophomore,
junior & senior). The expansion department will work with already established chapters
alongside new chapters to sustain the ORV. Additionally, the more members in already-existing
chapters the more resources we have for expansion contacts.

Casual Events
Many people tend to be initially intimidated by JSA as they envision it as a rigid political
environment that requires them to be fully aware and educated on all topics. However, if it’s
presented in a more casual setting--such as the Summer Picnic Event-- novice JSAers and
expansion contacts will feel more at ease and will not be immediately thrown into an event that
tends to be more strict and professional. These casual events will have the ability to present JSA
in its entirety and will be utilized more, with more than one informal state event in the year.

Chapter Siblings
Strong chapters will be paired with smaller or expansion chapters, and chapter presidents will be
encouraged to communicate about how their chapters are leading their meetings, what publicity
efforts have been most efficient, and what initiatives have generally been engaging in their
chapters. There is a disconnect between chapters in the ORV, and most times other chapters are
unaware of what another is doing because no communication is established; chapter siblings will
help grow chapters and strengthen the ORV overall. Chapter siblings will also be encouraged to
hold joint activities such as watch parties, activism events, etc. which can further interconnect
the JSA community.

Public Outreach
In regards to public relations, efforts to have JSA recognized in local newspapers, educational
and political bloggers will be more extensive in the upcoming year. Bloggers on Instagram and
Twitter are a great source of exposure and will garner great publicity for JSA as they are more
accessible than newspapers.

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 4


Civic Education: Politics & JSA in Middle School

As of right now, JSA nationwide has only one middle school chapter established. However, an
effort to include middle schools in JSA will be made. JSA students will go into middle schools
and discuss political processes such as the importance of voting, inner workings of Congress, and
more topics that promote civic education. Civic engagement is always heavily emphasized in
JSA, and this initiative provides more activism opportunities for members while also exposing
students to JSA sooner.

Monthly Activism Events Publicized

The activism department will compile a list of activism events in all regions of the state that are
upcoming for the month and that JSA students have the option of attending. While activism days
provide great opportunities to volunteer and engage with communities, some organizations do
not want a mass group of JSA members attending an event. While other school volunteer
organizations also tend to this, JSA has a more extensive field of events they can provide as we
promote both political ​and​ social activism​.

Three Activism Dates: before FS, before WC, and before SS

Activism days are essential to the ORV and will be maintained in the upcoming year. They tend
to be very engaging while allowing for more interaction of members from different chapters as
they volunteer for different organizations. They have been consistently increasing, with two this
year. Logistically, it makes the most sense for us to hold them before each convention to attract
members on the verge about the idea of JSA and to expose members to the part of JSA that is
more activism focused whereas conventions tend to be more debate focused.

Council of Chapter Presidents & Chapter Affairs

“Director of Underclassmen Recruitment”

Many chapters suffer in terms of membership after strong upperclassmen leaders graduate, and
some chapters end up fading out because there’s a lack of underclassman being trained to take
over the chapter. There will be an effort in every chapter to have a ​“Director of Underclassmen
Recruitment” ​whose main priority will be to recruit underclassman to attend JSA, come to
conventions, and essentially build a stronger foundation for underclassmen in order to maintain a
healthy chapter for a long period of time.

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 5

Taking Diligent Recordings at CoCP Meetings
As of right now, if a chapter president misses a Council of Chapter President’s meeting (CoCP)
at a convention, they must have a delegate from their chapter fill in or directly contact the LtG to
be filled in. CoCP meetings will either be recorded by a volunteer from the media department, or
someone will take note of what occurs which can be emailed to all CPs--whether they were in
attendance or not--to reference at hand. This will make meetings more accessible and give
greater purpose as CPs will be able to continuously refer back to the information discussed in

Online Carpool System

There have been countless times where members have wanted to attend JSA events but could not
because they lacked a mode of transportation. By establishing a carpool system online, which
allows for those who need a ride to an event and those who can provide a ride to interact and
come up with a solution, member attendance of chaptercons and other events can be experienced,
and no one will be devoid of events they want to participate in!


Mandatory Chapter Debate Workshops

It’s important that JSA chapters cater to both experienced and inexperienced debaters. JSA
debate has many elements incorporated into it, with a multitude of different terms and rules that
a novice JSAer may not initially understand. For this reason, every chapter will conduct a debate
workshop to explain how debate works in the ORV, the different styles, rules, terms and etc.
They will be provided with all the necessary support from the Debate Department along with a
guide on how it should be run.

Fun Debate Block at Fall State & Spring State

I’ve seen time and time again how a room can be revived and be instantly engaged in a ‘fun’
debate. In the midst of very serious and sometimes complex debate topics, it’s important for us to
intertwine light-hearted topics to energize delegates and maintain a fun environment. This can be
either one designated block or multiple “fun debates” spread out through the entire convention.

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 6


Live Stream Convention Debates

For those that cannot attend conventions, or for those that are curious on how debates and our
state conventions run in general, it would be useful to live to stream some of the most engaging
debates at our conventions. In collaboration with tech & media, the convention will pick a debate
to live stream on an accessible social media website such as Twitter or Instagram for viewers at
home to watch.

Increase of Chapter Conventions before FS and WinterCon

Most chapter conventions occur before SS, mainly for campaign season and for candidates to
gain more exposure to voters. However, these events are great for people who are unsure
whether they would like to attend FS or WinterCon as they are structured in a similar manner
and can give an idea of how the overnight conventions play out. With more chapter conventions
in more diversified regions of the ORV, we can attract attention to our overnight conventions
while having more events to attract new JSAers who would like to get more involved.


Cabinet and Chapter Conveyance

Cabinet has all departments submit a bi-weekly update of what they have been achieving. This
should be made accessible to the general public of JSA, as it can help members understand what
exactly it is that cabinet does, and allows for full transparency. Additionally, monthly updates of
events that individual chapters have done will be made. These resources can be made public on
our website.

Mass Email Updates

It tends to be a difficult task to email all CPs at once-- whatever reason it may be. The current
mass email has not been updated for the duration of the year, and CPs have to be emailed
individually which may make a task more complex than needed. Having one email which is able
to send information to all CPs will make communication more efficient and effective.

General ORV JSA Remind

While there is a GroupMe to communicate with chapter leadership this year, there is no feasible
way to communicate with the ORV as a whole in sending short reminders. There will be a mass

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 7

reminder to communicate with the entire state, with the majority of additions being to the remind
at conventions. Only very necessary messages will go on this remind, and a select few people
will have access to it.

Summer School

Expanding from the Cabinet Department

As of right now, only one person is in our Summer School Department. Graduates of summer
school who want to join cabinet but are unsure of what they want to do will be encouraged to
join the Summer School Department. This will not only allow for more members to engage with
the state level of the ORV (cabinet), but also allows for greater publicity efforts to increase
summer school attendance.

Tech & Media

Maintaining Consistency
Consistency with our social media pages will create a more solidified and professional look as
opposed to it looking disorganized and inconsistent. Templates and a theme will be established
for our social media pages, which will also make posting and publicizing resources more
efficient. Additionally, with a uniform theme, posts can be associated with the ORV.

Streamline Online Voting

Next year, online voting at conventions will be done in an efficient manner to take the place of
ballots. In the past it has been slow and complex, but with reforms this year and working with
suggestions on how to improve the system, it will be fully established by next year.

Competitions at Conventions
At Winter Congress, media competitions for the best caption/picture/etc are held and have shown
to be very engaging for members while simultaneously promoting JSA on social media. The
same thing can be conducted at our state conventions for prizes and help JSA engage with

Chapter Social Media Pages

As mentioned before, chapters in the ORV tend to be unaware of each other’s initiatives due to a
lack of interaction; however, chapters that have social medias and publicize what they do are

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 8

recognized for their achievements and events. That is why all chapters will be encouraged to
create a social media page--preferably on twitter or instagram--so all they can interact!

A platform for you, by us. Shahad Salman for ORV LtG 9

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