Calcium Content Stat

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Table 1

Results of One Way Analysis of Variance of the Calcium Content

from the Leaves of Mint Family

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Interpretation

Between Groups 26.34 4 6.58 2.939 0.046 2.87
Within Groups 44.80 20 2.24 Significant
Total 71.137 24

Table 1 shows one way analysis of variance of the calcium content from the

leaves of mint family. Since P<0.05, there is significant difference between the calcium

content of the mint family of plants. The peppermint showed the highest amount of

calcium compared to the other plants of the mint family. This is further explained by the

post-hoc test, shown as follows.

Table 2
Results of Tukey-Kramer Minimum Significant Difference of the Calcium Content
of the different Leaves from the Mint Family

Comparison P value Interpretation

Peppermint vs. Oregano >0.05 Not significant
Peppermint vs. Rosemary >0.05 Not significant
Peppermint vs. Thyme >0.05 Not significant
Peppermint vs. Basil <0.05 Significant
Oregano vs. Rosemary >0.05 Not significant
Oregano vs. Thyme >0.05 Not significant
Oregano vs. Basil >0.05 Not significant
Rosemary vs. Thyme >0.05 Not significant
Rosemary vs. Basil >0.05 Not significant
Thyme vs. Basil >0.05 Not significant

Table 2 shows results of tukey-kramer minimum significant difference of the

calcium content of the different leaves from the mint family. The plants, peppermint,

oregano, rosemary and thyme showed no significant difference against each other. This

means that their calcium content do not significantly vary from each other. However,

basil showed to have the lowest calcium content. While peppermint showed the highest

calcium content among all the plants of the mint family.


Table 3
The Mean of the Calcium Content of the different
Leaves from the Mint Family

peppermint oregano rosemary thyme basil

25.42 26.06 22.39 23.77 24.19
25.65 26.5 25.17 24.08 25.18
24.48 24.07 25.11 23.37 22.58
25.81 25.52 26.26 24.49 19.98
24.8 22.95 23.87 25.45 19.81
Mean 25.232 25.02 24.56 24.232 22.348

Peppermint shows to have the highest mean with calcium content of 25.232.

While basil showed to have the lowest mean of 22.348.

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