MARCH 2018 Ask The Doctor

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Q. Can exercise help treat depression?

Ever have one of those days

t t he Blues?
where you’re feeling down?
You know something
isn’t right. You’re sad or G o
anxious. You’re not sleeping well.
Maybe you don’t have any energy, Regular exercise, such as brisk
walking, can help. How long should
you’ve lost interest in things you
used to enjoy. Sound familiar? Aim for 30 minutes a day. But if you
A day or two of feeling down doesn’t don’t have 30 minutes, even smaller

mean you’re depressed. But if
you feel down for more than two Boost your mental health
Improve your mood
ose of E x


depression. And you’re not alone.

Millions of people struggle with Help you feel good about
depression. Maybe it’s the daily yourself and how you are taking

it’s something bigger like the death Prevent many serious health
of a loved one, job loss, divorce, or problems including heart
disease, cancer, diabetes,
depressed for no apparent reason. But there’s at least one other way
and worsening depression
to combat depression without the
Common factors linked Need a dose of something to improve
to depression include: your mood? Exercise is medicine.3
A recent study followed 126 people
with major depression.2 These people References
Personal problems
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
didn’t help. So instead of medicine, (2016). Selected prescription drug classes
Substance abuse they exercised more. They took used in the past 30 days, by sex and age:
United States, selected years 1988–1994
What can you do about it? home for 12 weeks. The result: through 2011–2014. From: https://www.
2. Trivedi, M.H., et al. (2011). Exercise as an
of the group beat depression.
augmentation treatment for nonremitted
to help people with depression. Feeling “blue”? One way to help major depressive disorder: a randomized,
yourself right now is to be more parallel dose comparison. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 72(5):677-684. From: https://
3. American College of Sports Medicine.
help, too. About 1 in 9 people in the health can improve, right along (2017). Exercise is medicine. From: http://
with your physical health.

© Wellsource, Inc., Clackamas, Oregon. All rights reserved. For personal use only – do not make unauthorized copies.

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