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Assignment 1

1. PWD Command
Print the name of the working directory.

2. CAL Command
The cal command displays a simple, formatted calendar in your terminal.
3. DATE Command
The date command is used to print out, or change the value of, the system's time and date information.

4. CAT Command
cat stands for "catenate." It reads data from files, and outputs their contents. It is the simplest way to display
the contents of a file at the command line.
Assignment 2
1. Alias Command
alias instructs the shell to replace one string with another when executing commands.

2. Echo Command
The echo program displays text. It's a handy way to create customized output in your terminal.

3. Mv Command
The mv command moves, or renames, files and directories on your filesystem.

4. Cp Command
The cp command is makes copies of files and directories.

5. Rm Command
The rm ("remove") command is used to delete files. When used recursively, it may be used to
delete directories.
Assignment 3
1. Tar Command
The tar program is used to create, maintain, modify, and extract files that are archived in the tar format.

2. Ls Command
Lists the contents of a directory.
3. Comm Command
Compare two sorted files line-by-line.
Assignment 4

1. Diff Command
diff analyzes two files and prints the lines that are different. Essentially, it outputs a set of instructions
for how to change one file to make it identical to the second file.

2. Wc Command
wc, or "word count," prints a count of newlines, words, and bytes for each input file.

3. Cmp Command
cmp is used to compare two files byte by byte. If a difference is found, it reports the byte and line number
where the first difference is found. If no differences are found, by default, cmp returns no output.
Assignment 5
1. Uname
Print information about the current system

2. Bc Command
bc is an arbitrary-precision language for performing math calculations.

3. Uname Command
The hostname command shows or sets the system hostname.
Assignment 6

1. Chmod Command
chmod is used to change the permissions of files or directories.

1. the user can read, write, and execute it;

2. members of your group can read and execute it; and
3. others may only read it.

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