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Writ of Amparo Writ of Habeas Data

Nature of remedy If right life/liberty/security is violated (or If right to privacy is so violated (or threatened
threatened to be so) by a public official/ employee to be so) in gathering/ collecting/ storing data
or a private individual/entity or information about aggrieved party’s
person/family/home/ correspondence
Who may file  Aggrieved party  Aggrieved party
 In order  If ELKED cases (in order)
 Immediate family members  Immediate family members
 Ascendant/ descendant or collateral  Ascendant/ descendant or collateral
relative within 4th civil degree relative within 4th civil degree
 Concerned citizen/ organization
 Aggrieved party’s filing suspends the right to
file of others
 Filing by an authorized party suspends the
right of all others down the order
Docket fees Exempt If indigent petitioner, exempt
Docket petition and act immediately Docket petition and act immediately, but
without prejudice to submission of proof of
indigency within 15 days from filing
Content of petition Signed, verified and allege Signed, verified and allege
 Petitioner’s circumstance  Petitioner’s circumstance
 Respondent’s circumstances  Respondent’s circumstances
 Right violated or threatened to be violated,  File/ database location and person/ entity in
and how violated/threatened possession/ control
 Investigations conducted  Petitioner’s action/ recourses to secure the
 Petitioners’ action/recourses to determine data/ information
aggrieved party’s identity/whereabouts and  Relief prayed for, including the update/
violator’s identity rectification/suppression/ destruction of the
 Relief prayed for file/database or enjoinment of the threat
 Include general prayer for other just and  Include general prayer for other just and
equitable reliefs equitable reliefs
Issuance of writ Upon filing and petition’s prima facie validity Upon filing and petition’s prima facie validity
Court shall immediately issue the writ Court shall immediately issue the writ
Clerk of Court shall issue the writ under the Same , and he shall serve it within 3 days from
Court’s seal issuance
If urgent, the judge/justice may issue the writ in If urgent, the judge/justice may issue the writ in
his own handwriting and deputize anyone to serve his own handwriting and deputize anyone to
it serve it
The writ shall set the date and time for summary Same, but within 10 days from issuance
hearing, which should be within 7 days from
Penalty for refusing Contempt, without prejudice to other disciplinary Contempt, without prejudice to other
to issue writ actions disciplinary actions
Service of writ Serve a copy on respondent and retain a copy on Serve a copy on respondent and retain a copy
which to make a return of service on which to make a return of service
 If respondent cannot be served personally,  If respondent cannot be served personally,
apply substituted service rules apply substituted service rules
Return on the writ Respondent must file a verified written return Same, but within 5 working days (the court may
within 72 hours after service extend the period for justifiable reasons)
Contents of return: Contents of return:
 Lawful defenses  Lawful defenses
 Steps/action taken to determine the  If respondent has possession/ control of the
whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the data/ information
violator  Disclosure of the data/ information, its
 All relevant information nature, and the purpose of its collection
 If respondent is a public official/ employee,  Steps/ actions taken to secure the data/
actions that were taken or will be taken information’s confidentiality
 To verify the aggrieved party’s identity  Data/ information’s currency and accuracy
 To recover and preserve evidence for  Other relevant allegations
prosecution  General denial of petition’s allegation is not
 To determine death’s/ disappearance’s allowed
 To identify and apprehend persons
 To bring suspected offenders to court
 General denial of petition’s allegation is not
Defenses raised All defenses not raised in the return are deemed Hearing may be in chambers if respondent
waived invokes the following defenses:
 Release of the data/ information will
compromise national security or state
 Data/ information cannot be divulges to
public because of its nature or privileged
Prohibited pleading/  MTD  MTD
motions  Motion for extension to file pleading  Motion for extension to file pleading
 Dilatory motion for postponement  Dilatory motion for postponement
 Motion for bill of particulars  Motion for bill of particulars
 Counter/cross complaint  Counter/cross complaint
 3rd party complaint  3rd party complaint
 Reply  Reply
 Motion to declare respondent in default  Motion to declare respondent in default
 Intervention  Intervention
 Memorandum  Memorandum
 MFR of interlocutory order or interim relief  MFR of interlocutory order or interim relief
orders orders
 Petition for certiorari/ mandamus/ prohibition  Petition for certiorari/ mandamus/
against interlocutory prohibition against interlocutory
Effect of failure to file Ex parte hearing Ex parte hearing
return May grant petitioner relief as petition warrants,
although it is the court’s discretion to require
petitioner to submit evidence
Summary hearing Allowed, but the court may call for a preliminary Allowed, but the court may call for a
conference to simplify issues and determine preliminary conference to simplify issues and
possibility of obtaining stipulations and determine possibility of obtaining stipulations
admissions and admissions
Hearing will be day to day until completed, and
has the same priority as HC petitions
Interim reliefs Upon filing and anytime before judgment, the
court may grant any of the following:
 Temporary protection order
 Inspection order = to permit entry for
inspecting relevant objects/ operations
 Production = to produce and permit inspection
 Witness protection order
Availability of interim Only
reliefs to respondent  Inspection order = to permit entry for
inspecting relevant objects/ operations
 Production = to produce and permit inspection
Contempt For disobeying lawful court orders/ processes For disobeying lawful court orders/ processes
Burden of proof Substantial evidence
Required standard of If respondent is:
diligence  Private individual/entity: Ordinary
 Public official/employee: Extraordinary; and
cannot invoke presumption of regularity in
performance of official duty to evade liability
Judgment Must be rendered within 10 days from petition’s Must be rendered within 10 days from
submission for decision petition’s submission for decision
If petition’s allegation are proven by substantial Same
evidence, grant writ and reliefs; otherwise, deny Upon judgment’s finality, enforce within 5 days
Return of service Executing officer must make return within 3
days from enforcement
Notice and hearing on the executing officer’s
Appeal Appeal to SC under Rule 45, on question of law, Appeal to SC under Rule 45, on question of law,
and within 5 days from notice of adverse and within 5 days from notice of adverse
judgment judgment
Appeal has same priority as HC cases Appeal has same priority as HC and Amparo
Archiving and revival If petition cannot proceed for a valid cause, the
of cases court shall not dismiss it but shall archive it
After 2 years from notice of archiving to
petitioner, petition shall be dismissed with
prejudice upon failure to prosecute
Institution of Not precluded Not precluded
separate actions
Effect of filing a A separate petition for the Amparo writ cannot be A separate petition for the Amparo writ cannot
criminal action filed, but the remedy may be availed by motion in be filed, but the remedy may be availed by
the criminal action motion in the criminal action
Consolidation with If a separate criminal (and civil) action is filed
another action subsequent to the filing of petition for the writ,
consolidate the petition into the criminal action
Substantive rights Cannot be increased/decreased/ modified Cannot be increased/decreased/ modified
ROC application Suppletory Suppletory

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