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• Taxiing
- use of asymmetric power for steering
- propeller clearance, problems on uneven ground.
• Power Check
ME 01 - feathering check on propellers.
• Throttle handling for takeoff, into wind and cross-wind
1 • Complexity
Normal - engine cooling use of cowl flaps 2:00
Operation - fuel system cross-feed
- electrical system two alternators, alternator failure
- control and systems malfunction and failures
• Practical use of autopilot

• Handling with one engine inoperative

- identification of failed engine physical, visual and
instrument indications
- feathering drills and engine shut-down checks
- un-feather procedure
- zero thrust simulation of failed engine condition
- power required for level flight on one engine single-
engine ceiling
ME 02 - effect of airspeed and power on rudder requirement
- asymmetric turns, difference “into” and “away” from
good engine
- controllability at low speeds; difference in minimum
control speeds for wings level and
with bank applied towards live engine; critical
engine; effect of density altitude and CG
- monitoring fuel state, electrical loads, temperatures
and pressures on good engine.
• Engine failure on takeoff
- single-engine safety speed relation on Vmc
- failure before reaching single engine safety speed
ENGINE handling of takeoff if continued; trim and balance,
FAILURE importance for handling and
- best angle of climb and rate of climb speeds.
• Asymmetric circuit and landing
- circuit procedures
- delaying gear and flap extension
- flare and touch-down; asymmetric drag.
• Go-around with one engine inoperative
- capability to climb on one engine temperature and

mass considerations.
- minimum safe height for go-around.
- rotation to climb attitude; maintaining safe speed.
- gear and flap retraction, checklist.
• Pre-departure procedures
• Pre-flight inspection and checks
• Starting, after starting checks
• Taxiing, power checks
- use of asymmetric power as well as rudder, nose
wheel steering and brakes.
• Demonstration takeoff
• Basic maneuvers in flight
- power control, use of propeller pitch control,
synchronization, use of cowl flaps.
- straight and level
- climbs and descents
ME 03 - cylinder head temperature
- turns
• Demonstration landing.
3 2:00
• Steep turns
General • Stalling
Handling • Asymmetric flight (use zero thrust except for
feathering demonstration)
- control and identification of failed engine
- critical engine
- visual and instrument indications of failure
- handling with one engine inoperative; effect or
power and airspeed variations
- single-engine cruise and climb speeds
- minimum control speed (Vmc); effect of bank
- feathering and subsequent checks; electrical loads,
load shedding, loss of hydraulic pump
- un-feathering; effect of wind-milling propeller on

• Takeoff and initial climb to circuit height

- throttle handling, keeping straight
- un-stick, single-engine safety speed
ME 05
- initial climb checks
- power handling, throttle and pitch lever handling.
• Circuit procedures and checks
• Normal powered approach and landing
Circuit 2 : 00
- right and left hand circuits
• Go around
• Touch and go landing procedure.

• Cross-wind takeoff
- cross-wind limits, keeping straight, throttle handling
• Cross-wind limits
ME 06 - cross-wind limits
- alignment with centre line; crab and wing-down
5 • Flapless and power-off landings
Cross Wind
Take Off • Short-field landing 2 : 00
and Landing • Performance (short-field and obstacle clearance)
- flap setting
- single-engine safety speed and precautions.
• Takeoff with simulated engine failure at safe speed
and height
- takeoff briefing
- correct attitude for climb-out on one engine balance
ME 07
- after takeoff and after engine failure checks.
• Asymmetric circuit
Take Off
- balance variation in rudder load with changes in
and Landing
6 speed and/or power.
With Engine
- delayed undercarriage and flap extensions. 2 : 00
• Asymmetric approach and landing
- minimum height for safe go-around
- control of airspeed
- flare; directional control at power-off.
• Go-around on one engine at safe height
- achievement of single-engine climb speed.

• Responsibilities of pilot in command and co-pilot

• Crew monitoring systems
• Crew briefings
• Challenge and response checklists
• On-watch responsibilities
• Meals in flight
• Crew member incapacitation
ME 10
• Co-pilot duties
- pre-flight preparation
7 - documentation checks
Multi –
- pre-flight and pre-start checks 2 : 00
- departure planning
- ATS clearances, read-back
- setting up radios
- cross-checking and monitoring
- duties in cruise
- arrival planning
- post-flight duties.

• Instrument departure procedure

-instrument climb and departure after visual takeoff
• Intercepting and maintaining VOR/ADF tracks
-to and from stations
-effect of wind
• Holding pattern
-appropriate entry procedure
-timing and heading adjustment to compensate for
ME 11 • VOR and ADF approaches
-instrument approach procedure
8 -aircraft checks 2 : 00
Instrument -MDA/H for straight-in and circling approaches.
flying -Missed approach procedure on instruments
• Standard ILS approach with and without radar
-operation to published minima.
-missed approach from DA/H.
-straight-in landing after achieving visual
reference at DA/H.
• Back beam or no-glide path approach.

• Instrument departure procedure

- simulated engine failure during climb out;
control and identification of failed engine;
simulated feathering and engine failure drill.
ME 13 • ADF and ILS approaches with one engine inoperative.
- importance of trim, balance and maintaining
Dual - correct airspeed to reduce frequency and
Applied magnitude of power changes to minimum.
9 2 : 00
instrument - increased difficulty in tracking with directional
flying with control problem.
engine - missed approach on instruments with one
failure engine inoperative; possibility of need for
higher DA/H or MDA/H.
• Approach with both engines operating with engine
failure during missed approach.

 Standard instrument departure

ME 14  Joining airways
 Airways flight; clearances and RTF procedures
Dual - and phraseologies, flight log.
10 Cross-  Holding procedure 2 : 00
country  Standard instrument approach
airways  Second approach followed by straight in or circle
flight to land.

• Test to be conducted by an examiner.

• Test should be flown as pilot in command under
ME 21 supervision of the examiner.
Log as pilot in command if successful.
• Test must cover:
11 Multi- - pre-flight preparation and planning. 1:00
Engine - instrument departure
Qualifying - ADF/VOR tracking
Flight Test - holding procedures
- ADF or VOR approach followed by circle to
land procedure.

TOTAL 21 : 00


Week 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
ME 1 ME 2 Off ME 3 ME 4 Off ME 5

Week 2
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
ME 6 Off ME 7 ME 8 Off ME 9 ME 10

Week 3
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Off ME 11

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