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Concrete nouns a r e persons, places, or things you can see or touch.

Abstract nouns are concepts whlch usually name Ideas, feelings. or
Intangible senses like taste. smell, or hearjng.

Abstract nouns art: words like:

love, hate, noise. hunger, health, Inspiration, century, ldstory

Abstractlconcrete Nouns, Exercise 1. Place a c above concrete nouns.

Place an a above abstract nouns.

1 . Some people have a fear of flying.

2. The hid her anger well.
3.His wish was for happlness.
4. The music caught our attention.
5.The iuice tastcd swcct.
6. The u s p e a d through the crowd.
7.The idea was terrific.
8.Wealth comes before everything else.
9. Their itnapination created many problems.
10. Anger and hate do not make a happy pel-sou.

Abstract / Concrete Nouns, Exerclse 2. Wrf te a sentence using the fcrllowlng words
as abstract nouns.

1. love
2 . adventure
3. hunger
4. honor
5. sadness

Abstract/Concrete Nouns, Exercise 3. Are these thing nourLs abstract or con-

1. secret 8. magazine 15. snow
2. food 9. notion 16. fiiendshlp
3. wedding 10. belief 1 7 . denlvcracy
4. JOY I 1. loyalty 18. highway
5 . freedom 1 2. pleasure 19. fear
6 . sentence 13. humor 14. kindness 2 1. idea
: .+
q y .ly.

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Nouns,< I .,..-
Collective N o w

Nouns which group similar people or things are called collective nouns.

One sheep i s a single sheep. But a group of sheep is a flock.

A boy, girl, mother, arid father are single members of a family.

There rnay be a Juan,Marie, and Lee. Together they are children

if they are young, adults if they are mature. or simply people.

There i s one juror who I s part of a jury.

Flock, family, children, adults, people. and Jury are groups or

collective nouns

Collective Nouns, Exercise 1 . Underline each collective noun.

1. The stamp club meets every Thursday after school.

2. The football team plays I t s last game away from horne.
3. The orchestra is made up of many musicians.
4. The herd of horses numbered seventy-five head.
5.The pack of wolves hunted together.
6. All mammals are warm-blooded.
7. The group worked hard to complete the job:
8. Who I s part of the mayor's committee on education?
9. Place that cup by the bunch of bananas.
10.Our class I s going on a field trip next week.

Collective Nouns. Exercise 2. Draw a line between the singular or plural

noun and the collectlve noun,

1. pine school
2. Oregon dessert
3. car flock
4. fear reptile
5. birds color
6 . snake nation vehicle
8. cake emotion
9.Canada state
10. green Wee

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