ICDO-PI-7 Brochure

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≈ ICDO ≈

est. 1931

Protection of the population,

property and the environment
ICDO 2025
by the- Secretary-General

from the Secretary-General

of the ICDO

Looking back over the past 85 years of ICDO history, we have reason to
be proud yet a lot remains to be done.

The 21st century has not become safer, rather it has definitely become
much more difficult and dangerous. New risks, challenges and threats
to sustainable development are increasingly diverse…the world is
shaken by economic crises and conflicts, natural and man-made
disasters, climate change and ecological catastrophes. In light of our
close interdependence, problems of one country or region inevitably
take on global dimensions.

Today the ICDO, with the support of its Member States, has the ability to
provide effective support for the improvement and strengthening
of national civil defence organizations and other emergency services.

The ICDO will retain its firm resolve during the course of this decade to
support its Member States and the global community in their efforts to
overcome natural and man-made disasters.

The road ahead will not be easy. We face many challenges in the field
of civil protection but I have no doubt that, united, we will surmount the
difficulties and make our planet a better place in which to live.ICDO
P e r m a n e n t S e c r e t a r i a t
Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. Vladimir Kuvshinov

Secretary-General of the ICDO
ICDO Permanent Secretariat
Geneva, Switzerland

The International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) is an

intergovernmental organization whose objective is to contribute to the
development by States of structures ensuring the protection and
assistance of populations and safe-guarding property and the
environment in the face of natural and man-made disasters.
These structures are generally known as civil protection, civil defence,
civil safety and are all concerned with the management of
emergency situations.
The ICDO federates the national structures established by States for this
purpose with the aim of favouring cooperation and mutual solidarity
between them.

As stated in the Preamble
of its 1972 Constitution,
the ICDO was created with :
“a view to intensifying and coordinating on a worldwide
scale the development and improvement of organizations,
means and techniques for preventing and reducing the
consequences of natural disasters in peacetime or of the
use of weapons in time of conflict”.

To this end, the ICDO:

Federates the national services of Member States and represents

them at the international level;
Contributes to the creation and strengthening of civil defence and
civil protection structures in the countries in which they are needed.
For this purpose, the ICDO has access to a network of experts
specialized in the prevention and management of disasters;
Provides technical assistance and consulting or auditing support for
national civil defence and civil protection services;
Conceives and develops training programmes for civil defence and
civil protection personnel;
Promotes and facilitates the exchange of information and
experience in the field of civil defence and civil protection;
Works to harmonise disaster prevention and intervention procedures
with a view to creating an international standard.

28.05.1931 The "Lieu de Genève" Association is established in Paris.
New Statutes are adopted. The Association is renamed
24.06.1937 "International Association of Geneva Zones" and its official
headquarters are transferred to Geneva.
Conversion into the International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO)
Adoption of the Constitution of the ICDO as an intergovernmental
01.03.1972 Entry into force of the ICDO Constitution.
Adoption of the "Protocol Additional I to the Geneva Conventions of
12 August 1949". Article 61 provides the definition of "civil defence".
01.03.1991 Celebration of the first World Civil Defence Day.
04.10.2002 Official establishment of the International Order of Civil Defence.
The International Monitoring and Coordination Centre (IMCC)
opens at ICDO Headquarters in Geneva.
14.12.2015 The ICDO obtains Observer status with the UN General Assembly.

“…The idea of the ‘Geneva Zone’ occurred to me in Soissons during the winter
of 1914 – 1915 and it was confirmed in my mind in 1918 when I saw part of
the population of the Somme fleeing under fire.”

Photo: Surgeon-General George Saint-Paul on horseback at an award ceremony, 1918.

The Association “Lieu de Genève” (“Geneva Zone” Association) is established in Paris by
the French Surgeon-General Georges Saint-Paul. Its aim is to create neutralized zones
or open towns in which some categories of the civilian population (women, children, the
sick and the elderly) can seek refuge during wartime. It also aims to protect historical
monuments and cultural assets.

Surgeon-General Georges SAINT-PAUL


Founder of the "Lieu de Genève"

Association, in Paris

The "Association ‘Le Lieu de Genève’ ", is recognized on 8 June 1935 by the French Chamber
of Deputies.

The organization is transferred to Geneva and renamed "Association internationale des
Lieux de Genève" (" International Association of Geneva Zones, for the protection of
civilian populations in times of armed conflicts" ).


1st Secretary-General of the

International Association of Geneva Zones,
headquartered in Geneva

1949 On the initiative of the Government of Switzerland, a Diplomatic Conference is convened.

During this Conference three Geneva Conventions are revised and the fourth, relative to
the protection of civilian persons in time of war, is adopted and signed. The new Fourth
Convention envisages "hospital and safety zones and localities" for the civilian population.

1954 1st International Congress of the Association of Geneva Zones, Berlin (21-23 June).

1957 2nd International Conference of the Geneva Zones, Florence (10-13 January).

The International Association of Geneva Zones is reconstituted as the International Civil
Defence Organization (ICDO) and is given new statutes as a non-governmental
organization. It is given the responsibility of establishing liaison between national civil
defence organizations, undertaking and promoting studies and research on population
protection matters and facilitating the exchange of experience and the coordination of
efforts in the area of disaster prevention, preparedness and intervention.

Milan BODI

Secretary-General of the International

Association of Geneva Zones, 1951–1958

Secretary-General of the ICDO

(non-governmental), 1958–1972

Secretary-General of the ICDO

(intergovernmental), 1972-1986

The Executive Committee of ICDO creates the International Centre of Radioactive Alert
1958 in Geneva to promote and coordinate the international system of radioactive alert for
the benefit of civil defence.

3rd International Civil Defence Conference, Geneva (12-16 May). Theme: "Prevention
of and protection against radioactivity".
4th International Civil Defence Conference, Montreux (7-17 October). Theme :
1961 "Cooperating among all organizations all over the world".
5th International Civil Defence Conference, Geneva (27 May-19 June). Theme: "Rescue
work in case of disaster and war".
Following the 2nd International Conference on Radiological Protection in Monaco, the
representatives of the Member States of the ICDO, at its Constituent Assembly, adopt
the text of the present Constitution.

The Constitution enters into force on 1 March 1972. It attributes the status of
intergovernmental organization to the ICDO (United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 985)..
6th World Civil Defence Conference, Geneva (22-29 February). Theme: "Disaster
preparedness and mutual aid".

1974 7th World Civil Defence Conference, Caracas (13-16 February). Theme: "Problems of
intervention and interregional assistance".
On 10 March, a Headquarters Agreement is signed between the Swiss Federal Council
and the ICDO to govern the legal status of the Organization in Switzerland.

1977 The Diplomatic Conference which takes place in Geneva on 8 June adopts the "Protocol
Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949" (Protocol I). Its article 61
provides the definition of the term "Civil Defence" which should be understood to
encompass all humanitarian tasks intended to protect the civilian population against the
dangers of hostilities or disasters and to help it to recover from the immediate effects of
hostilities or disasters and also to provide the conditions necessary for its survival.

On 7 December, the "Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949"

(Protocol I) enters into force.

8th World Civil Defence Conference, Tunis (18-23 May). Theme: "Organization of a
national civil defence system".

1980 9th World Civil Defence Conference, Rabat (5-11 November). Theme: "Concerted and
coordinated actions in the fields of prevention, disaster preparedness and intervention".

Colonel Sadok ZNAIDI

Secretary-General of the ICDO

1986 - 2002

Adoption of the Declaration on Civil Defence by the 10 th World Conference on Civil

Defence, Amman, Jordan, (3-5 April). The Declaration calls on Governments:

— "to consider emergency prevention and preparedness as an integral

part and an important aspect of development policy and strategies, and hence to
integrate them in the socio-economic planning at all in-country levels;

— to consider that the very concept as well as the definition of 'Civil Defence' […] should
be understood to encompass all humanitarian activities related to protecting the
population, their property and environment against accidents and disasters of all kinds".

The 26th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in its resolution
2A (j) invites States party to Additional Protocol I to implement and disseminate the
rules of the Protocol with regard to civil defence and recommends that the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in collaboration with the International Civil Defence
Organization, encourage international cooperation in this field and the inclusion of this
question in international meetings on international humanitarian law.

Adoption by the ICDO of the distinctive international sign of civil defence
(an equilateral blue triangle on an orange background) as stated in the Protocol
Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (Protocol I).

Beijing Declaration adopted by the 11th World Conference on Civil Defence

(26-28 October): "World Action Plan for the Development of Civil Protection: protection
and assistance for all in the face of disasters in the 21st century".

Tunis Declaration adopted by the International Conference in Tunis (14-16 September):
"Voluntary service within civil defence: an act of solidarity and citizenship".

2000 An International Conference held in Geneva finalizes a Framework Convention on Civil

Defence Assistance, adopted on 22 May in Geneva.
Geneva Declaration adopted by the Ministerial Conference (Geneva, 30 October-
1 November): "Civil defence, a tool for sustainable development".

Adoption of the Declaration of the Ministers and Directors-General responsible for

Civil Protection, Civil Defence, Civil Safety and Emergency Management Situations at
the 12th World Conference on Civil Defence (Geneva, 25-27 June). Theme: "Civil
Defence, a tool for international solidarity against natural and man-made disasters in
the 21st century."
23 September 2001: Entry into force of the Framework Convention on Civil
Defence Assistance.

Brigadier General Nawaf B.S. AL SLEIBI

Secretary-General of the ICDO

2002 - 2013

Dakar Declaration adopted during a regional seminar (28–29 October): "Prospects

for the introduction of voluntary work in civil defence in Africa".
19 February 2002: In conformity with Article 102 of the United Nations Charter, the
Framework Convention on Civil Defence Assistance is registered with the United Nations
as a multilateral convention (No. 38131).

1st International Conference for the Follow-up of the Framework Convention on Civil
Defence Assistance of 22 May 2000, in Geneva (3 October 2002).

Gabala Declaration adopted by the 13th International Conference on Civil Defence and
Civil Protection, Gabala, 12-13 March): "Civil Defence and Preparation of Civil Societies
for Disaster Risk Prevention".

Doha Declaration to strengthen coordination between civil defence and search and
rescue teams to respond to crises and disasters, adopted by the 4 th International Civil
Defence Conference and Exhibition, Doha (11-13 November).
Declaration of the 1st African Meeting of Directors-General and Directors of Civil
Protection, Ouagadougou (3-4 December).

Dr. Vladimir KUVSHINOV

Secretary-General of the ICDO

2013 to the present

Adoption of the ICDO Strategic Development Programme for the Decade 2015-2025.

Creation of an e-learning training centre using the ICDO e-learning platform in the
National School for Civil Protection (Ecole Nationale de Protection Civile ), in Tunisia.

2015 Establishment of the International Monitoring and Coordination Centre (IMCC) at ICDO
headquarters in Geneva.

Opening of the first ICDO e-learning classroom in Tunis.

The ICDO obtains Observer status with the United Nations on 14 December 2015.

2016 Establishment of the 1st ICDO Emergency Relief Warehouses in Kyrgyzstan and Togo.

Adoption of ICDO regulations for the Honour Roll of Donors, Goodwill Ambassadors,
Member of Honour Board and Memory Book for Victims of Duty.
Adoption of the ICDO anthem and official protocol ceremonies.

22nd General Assembly, Bishkek 2016



Supreme body Implements decisions of In charge of technical

constituted of delegates the General Assembly and and administrative
representing the Member conducts ICDO activities management of the ICDO
States (every 2 years) accordingly (yearly) (permanent)

48th Executive Council, Tunis 2014

58 17 23
21st General Assembly, Geneva 2014

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the ICDO.


Training programmes:
Seminars, workshops, field exercises

Development programmes:
Humanitarian assistance
Technical assistance

Assessment and consulting

Public awareness and preparedness :

World Civil Defence Day (WCDD)
Publications & media relations

International Cooperation:
Joint activities with international and regional organizations
Conferences, exhibitions, missions

International Monitoring and Coordination Centre (IMCC):

Monitoring, analyzing, informing & support to decision-makers

The ICDO educational and training programme in the field of civil defence
and civil protection covers all aspects of prevention, response and
rehabilitation with respect to natural and man-made disasters.

Training is targeted for the following interest groups: senior civil defence staff,
junior professionals, trainers of trainers, government officials and other decision-
makers, public information officers, volunteers, youth and the general public.

The programme supports a wide variety of educational forums,

including conferences, workshops, seminars, field exercises and e-learning.

The working languages of the ICDO

training programme are English, French, Training courses
Arabic, Russian, Chinese and Spanish. Workshops
Field Exercises
More than 4,000 participants Symposiums

Topics are chosen by the ICDO within the framework of the Organization’s
annual programme and cover a broad range of subjects, from technical skills
(such as firefighting and underwater or mountain rescue), to the use of new
technologies, team-building, disaster medicine and psychological training.

The ICDO Regional Training Centres, partner academies and specialized institutes
are accredited by the Executive Council and General Assembly.
Their role is to promote the professional
ICDO Regional Training Centres in: development of civil defence/civil
Egypt, Cameroon, Pakistan, Jordan, protection personnel at the national,
Senegal, Tunisia, Burkina Faso,
regional and international levels; to
Russian Federation, Algeria
9 conduct research and studies; and to
promote the exchange of experience
and information in the field of civil
defence and civil protection .

Partner Academies & Specialized Institutes in:

Switzerland, Belarus, Russian Federation,
Kyrgyzstan, China, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, 9
Kazakhstan, Jordan


The ICDA is an international platform for the exchange of information among
the institutions and academies of ICDO Member States and for discussions
about modern methods of training and scientific research.



3-D Learning
Simulation Management
Software System

Training Multilingual
for Trainers Platform

Real-Time 1st e-Learning

Video Classroom
Distance in Tunis,
Learning 2014

The aim of the ICDO Development Programme is to support and
strengthen the capacities of national civil defence, civil protection
and emergency management structures.
The ICDO Development Programme is supported in large part by its
Strategic Partner the EMERCOM of Russia, as well as by Switzerland and
other important Donors.

The ICDO Development Programme includes: capacity-building

projects, and technical and humanitarian assistance.


Lesotho Delivery of medical equipment

Tadjikistan Delivery of pre-fabricated houses & wheat flour

Palestine Emergency relief assistance: delivery of medicine and equipment
North Korea Delivery of wheat flour

Guinea Delivery of rescue vehicles & medical equipment to fight the Ebola virus
Liberia Delivery of medical equipment to fight the Ebola virus

Cameroon Delivery of wheat flour

Afghanistan Delivery of food and wheat flour

Cote d’Ivoire Delivery of medicine and medical equipment

Mali Delivery of medical equipment to the main hospital

Haiti Temporary shelter camp for 1,000 persons


Humanitarian demining; delivery of fire trucks, rescue boats, pumps;

development of the Russian-Serbian humanitarian operational center
Cameroon Strengthening Cameroon’s Civil Defence
Strengthening the Tunisian Civil Defence Centre; delivery of fire trucks &
fire-fighting equipment
Switzerland Creation of the IMCC Centre at ICDO Headquarters
Delivery of seismological equipment; training of civil defence staff;
Nicaragua development of a national system of prevention and elimination
of disasters
Sri Lanka Delivery of demining equipment for Sri Lanka’s Civil Defence
Jordan Strengthening the capacity of the Civil Defence Academy
Armenia Creating and equipping an humanitarian centre
Lebanon Delivery of demining equipment for Lebanon’s Civil Defence
Kyrgyzstan Delivery of construction materials and rescue vehicles
Afghanistan Delivery of two ambulance helicopters
Cuba Delivery of 31 types of civil protection equipment

Technical Assistance
In partnership with the Government of Switzerland, the ICDO operates a
technical assistance programme which enables the Organization to provide
specialized equipment and other vital material to help strengthen the
capabilities of national civil defence-civil protection structures of ICDO
Member and Non-Member States to protect their populations and the
environment from the effects of natural and manmade disasters.


2002 Burkina Faso 1

2004 Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mauritania 3

2005 Senegal, Mongolia, Mali, Jordan, Gabon (x2), Sudan (x2) 8

2006 Côte d'Ivoire 1

2007 Burkina Faso, Mongolia 2

2008 Nigeria, Guinea (x2) 3

Palestine, Benin (x2), Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon,

2009 8
Pakistan, Lebanon

2010 Guinea, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal 4

2011 Bosnia & Herzegovina, Senegal 2

2012 Kyrgyzstan, Sudan, Burundi, Niger, Gabon, Guinea 6

Tunisia (x2), Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire,

2013 9
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo (x2)

Cameroon, Togo, Georgia, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Comoros

2014 Lebanon, Yemen, Serbia, Benin, Guinea, Mongolia, 16
Kazakhstan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Pakistan,

Jordan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Cyprus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan,

2015 Tunisia, Côte d'Ivoire, Armenia, Haiti, Guinea, Cuba, 17
Nicaragua, Togo, Ghana, Mauritania, Belarus

Cuba, Malaysia, Benin, Pakistan, Ghana, Niger, Egypt,

2016 19
Senegal, Togo, Kyrgyzstan

2017 Egypt, Burkina Faso, Mauritania & the RSHC in Niš, Serbia[ … ] 4 ...

103 containers sent to 42 pays since 2002.

In 2016, the ICDO launched its initiative to create Emergency Relief
Warehouses (ERWs) to improve the ability of civil protection authorities
to protect their populations from natural and man-made disasters at
the national and regional levels.

The ICDO has sent shipments of civil protection material donated by

the Swiss Government to stock the newly-established ERWs.

June 2016: TOGO

The 1st ICDO Emergency Relief

Warehouse (ERW) in Africa
was opened in Tsévie, Togo.

The ICDO delivered seven

containers of civil defence
equipment, donated by the
Swiss Confederation, to stock
the warehouse.

October 2015: KYRGYZSTAN

The ICDO entered into partnership

with the Ministry for Emergency
Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic
to establish an Emergency Relief
Warehouse (ERW) in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.

The ICDO delivered two truckloads of

equipment, donated by the Swiss
Confederation, for storage in the

More Emergency Relief Warehouses are planned for the future.

Since 2010, the ICDO has been playing an increasing role in the creation of
Humanitarian Centres (HCs) in ICDO Member States.

As of today, Centres already exist in Cuba, Nicaragua, Serbia and Armenia.

The purpose of the HCs is to support the efforts of civil defence structures
at the national and regional levels.

Photo: An ICDO delegation

visited the Russian-Serbian
Humanitarian Centre (RSHC)
in Niš, Serbia in 2016. The
purpose of the RSHC is to
support the activities of the
civil defence structures .

The Humanitarian Centres focus on the following main activities:

 Emergency relief

 Training courses for civil ,defence staff, local authorities and the public

 Monitoring and analysing the risks of natural and man-made disasters

Photo: Opening of the Russian-

Armenian Humanitarian Response
Centre in the Kotayk region, 2016.

Since 2004, the ICDO has been
providing assessment and consulting
support for the national civil defence Burundi
services of its Member States.

Main Topics:

 Assessment and analysis of risk areas;

 Prevention and operational plans for
disaster management;
 Assistance for the establishment
of cartographic and geographical
information systems (GIS);
 Development of national civil
defence /civil protection systems ;
 Advice for the improvement of
public awareness programmes.

Cyprus • Mauritania • Guinea

Palestine • Cameroon • Gabon
Togo • Burundi •Rwanda • Kenya




The International Order of Civil Defence, created in 2002, is the decoration

of honour of the International Civil Defence Organization.

This special honour is awarded in recognition of outstanding service

rendered to the ICDO for the promotion of civil defence on an
international scale, as well as for courageous acts and commitment in the
field of assistance and aid to civilian populations.

The Secretary-General of the International Civil Defence Organization holds

the post of Chancellor of the Order.

Commander Photo: H.E. Mr. Faure Gnassingbé,

President of the Togolose Republic, 2016

The International Order of

Officer Knight
Civil Defence includes
Knights, Officers and

Photo: General Director of Qatar’s Civil Defence,

Staff Brigadier-General A. M. Al-Sowaidi Photo: High officials of Kuwait’s Civil Defence


Adopted by the 49th ICDO Executive Council (Kyrgyzstan, 11 May 2016)

Approved by the 22nd ICDO General Assembly (Kyrgyzstan, 12 May 2016)


The objective of the Memory Book for the Victims of Duty is to pay tribute to the
victims of duty who have sacrificed their lives or become disabled in the course
of their work to protect the civilian population in times of emergency or
disaster. National civil protection services may submit the names of those
victims of tragic incidents who have accomplished their missions with
exceptional honour and courage. The Victim of Duty honour will be awarded
by the International Order of Civil Defence. The names and actions of those
honoured will be registered in the Memory Book for posterity.


The objective of the ICDO Goodwill Ambassadors project is to raise public
awareness of the mandate and activities of the ICDO at the national, regional
and international levels. The role of the Goodwill Ambassadors is to engage in
public advocacy and fundraising in accordance with the policies and strategies
of the ICDO and to participate in major ICDO events and missions, and other
activities as requested by the Secretary-General.


The objectives of the Member of Honour Board are to pay tribute to all those who
have rendered outstanding service to the ICDO and to benefit from their
experience to promote the image of the ICDO and its mandate. The Member of
Honour distinction may be awarded to those who have made outstanding
achievements in the field of civil defence, demonstrated courage and bravery in
the line of duty and made a significant contribution to strengthening the ICDO.


The objective of the Honour Roll of Donors is to establish an official list of the
donors who have contributed to the development of the ICDO, to identify their
participation and to immortalize their special place in ICDO history.

IFRC Delegation’s visit toGeneva
ICDO Secretariat, ICDO Headquarters
Geneva, 2016 The ICDO organizes official
visits and missions and
participates in international
conferences and exhibitions
regrouping experts in civil
protection, civil defence and
emergency services, as well as
governments and other
specialized partners to
promote joint initiatives and
1st Meeting of BRICS Ministers for Disaster Management
international cooperation.
KAZPAS, Kazakstan
St. Petersburg, 2014

Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition ISSE, Moscow 2015

Exhibition, Uzbekistan 2014

2nd African Meeting of Civil Defence Director-

Generals, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire, 2015

Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition ISSE, Moscow 2015

5th Annual Middle East

World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, 2015
FireSafe Forum, Dubai 2014

The ICDO participates actively in the work of the United Nations System
and numerous international and regional organizations in the field of
humanitarian action, crisis prevention and rehabilitation, as well as
preparedness of the population to face natural and man-made disasters.

IСDО partners include:

 UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (ОCНА);
 UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR);
 International Search and Rescue Advisory
Group (INSARAG);
 World Health Organization (WHO);
 United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG);
 International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) and International Federation of Red The ICDO obtained Observer Status
Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). with the U.N. General Assembly
(UN Resolution 70/122, 18 Dec. 2015).

Cooperation with

Since 2014, the ICDO has been active in the

International Geneva Perception Change
Project (PCP) aimed at
broadening the perception of the work
done by the UN and International
Organizations and partners in Geneva.
The PCP has already brought more than 95
partners together for this purpose.

Annual celebration on the 1st of March to mark the entry into force
of the Constitution of the ICDO as an intergovernmental organization in 1972.

In order to increase public-awareness

at the national level, the ICDO
recommends that countries organize
the following types of WCDD activities
aimed at promoting and disseminating
knowledge about the role and place
of civil protection in modern society:

▲ Courses for the public on different

aspects of safety at work and at home.

▲ Screening of videos and documentary

films on civil defence with the support
of the mass media.

▲ Exhibitions to increase awareness

among children and adults about civil
protection issues.

▲ Lessons in schools and educational

establishments to teach children the
basic elements of safety and security.

▲ Courses on best practices and emergency

response in the workplace.

▲ Workshops and conferences on the subject

of civil protection.

▲ Television and radio presentations by

national civil protection authorities on ways
to improve community-preparedness to
face emergencies and disasters.


Promoting information technologies In the News

International Civil Defence Journal

Publication featuring technical
information and articles on disaster
management throughout the


ICDO Manual
issued to date in Russian & Arabic.
English & French forthcoming..

International Geneva

On Social Media


In the Press


1. Development and updating of national risks maps in accordance with

2. Monitoring, follow-up of natural disasters and informing the affected states

and neighbouring countries by means of direct connection or reports.

3. Support to decision-makers at the international, regional and national levels.

4. Coordination of intervention teams and delivery of humanitarian aid.

5. Follow-up of the current weather situations.

6. Early warning.

7. Updates of prevention plans in accordance with international standards.

8. Distribution of annual reports on all registered disasters to the Member States.

9. Forecast of disasters and support measures at the national, regional and

international levels.

10. Training of heads and staff of disaster management centres (conferences,

seminars, workshops).

11. Organization of exercises with National Disaster Management Centres at the

national, regional and international levels.

12. Development of the distance learning network and creation of e-learning

programmes for National Disaster Management Centres.

13. Development of training programs for National Disaster Management


14. Development of the World Network of Disaster Management Centres.

Use of modern technologies for the
transmission of information

IMCCIMCC Conference
Inauguration Room
- June 2015 IMCC Operations Room
Development of Geographical
Information Systems (GIS)

Signing of agreements between the

ICDO-IMCC, ICDO Member States
and Affiliate Members in the field of
information exchange

Implementation of new strategies for

IMCC Operations Room Database Management Systems

Photos: Video-conference with the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, 2016

New global threats and risks of the 21st century require innovative approaches
and solutions to ensure effective operations of national civil defence structures
and other emergency services and to support sustainable development at the
national, regional and International levels.


 Increasing the role and authority of the ICDO, which should be the main
integral component of the national, regional and international communities for
effective protection of population and territories from all disasters.

 Improving and developing modern bilateral and multilateral international tools.

 Involving public-private partnerships for increased effectiveness in combating


I: Global Network of Disaster Management Centres

 Creation and Promotion
of three major networks:
II: World Network for Education and Training
III: World Network of Humanitarian Centres &
Emergency Relief Warehouses


To create a prototype of the Global Network of Disaster Management

Centres with key ICDO Member States involved in the process.

To develop and test the Global Network of Disaster Management

Centres in cooperation with the IMCC.

To help Member States improve and develop their National Disaster

Management Centres, including through the training of staff, exercises,
modernization of equipment, and preparation of regulations.


National Crisis Emergency and Relief
Management Centre Coordination Centre
Strategic Health
Operations Centre
Russian-Serbian International
Humanitarian Centre (information
Monitoring &
exchange agreement signed)
Coordination ASEAN Coordinating
Centre Centre for Humanitarian
(IMCC) Assistance on Disaster
Other ICDO )
Management (AHA Centre)
Member States

National Crisis National Disaster
Management Centre Management Centre


National Crisis National Disaster National Crisis
Management Centre Management Centre Management Centre

State Fire Academy of
Academy of the Ministry
EMERCOM of Russia -
of Emergency Situations of
the Republic of Azerbaijan
Civil Protection Academy
Moscow and the
Naif Arab University for
State Fire University of
Security Sciences
EMERCOM of Russia -
St. Petersburg Arabian Fire Safety
and Security Academy
Institute for Retraining ALGERIA
and Professional Development
National School of Civil
Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II QATAR
Academy of Civil Protection
Ras Laffan Emergency
& Safety College
National School of Civil Protection CAMEROON
Civil protection staff training centre
Russian-Serbian ARMENIA
Humanitarian Center
Russian-Armenian Humanitarian Center
Institute for training firefighters and rescuers Other ICDO Member States

The ICDO Development Programme will continue to focus
on the creation and promotion of humanitarian centres and
emergency relief warehouses

To strengthen the capacities of national civil defence structures and

support the development of a unified system of international security.

To reinforce the role and authority of national civil defence structures

for the protection of the public from the effects of disasters.

To support the activities of the humanitarian centres and emergency

supply warehouses and promote sustainable development at the
national, regional and international levels.


Russian- Nicaraguan
Serbian Humanitarian Humanitarian
Center Center


Russian-Armenian Emergency Relief
Humanitarian Center Warehouse in Osh


Member States
Emergency Relief
Creation of new humanitarian centers Warehouse, in Tsévie
& emergency relief warehouses

* Development of a world network for education and training.
Development of guidelines for the creation of unified programmes for civil defence
* specialists.

* Organizing training for senior officials on the management of civil defence operations.
* Organizing training for trainers.
* Organizing training to improve public preparedness to face disasters.
* Development of training for disaster prevention in air, maritime and land environments.
* Organizing expert workshops for the exchange of best practices and experience.
* Development of relations with relevant educational institution and training centres.

Creation and deployment of mobile training groups as a new approach for the
* education and training of civil defence and emergency management specialists.

Creation of a database of specialized courses for mobile training groups and the
* e-learning platform.

Development of the ICDO e-learning centre, using modern interactive, multimedia

* technologies.

Development of the international e-learning network among academies, schools and

* regional centres using the capacities of the ICDO International Monitoring and
Coordination Centre (IMCC).

Development of e-learning programmes on disaster prevention and management for

* decision-makers and civil society.

Implementation of integrated distance-learning programmes in the civil defence

* structures of ICDO Member States.
Enhanced collaboration with ICDO Member States to create an electronic library of the
* e-learning courses.

April 2016: Moscow
Representatives of 13 ICDO Member and
Observer States gathered at the Civil
Defence Academy of EMERCOM of Russia
for the 1st International Workshop of
Educational Institutions. The Delegates
adopted recommendations aimed at
enhancing the instruction and training of
civil defence / civil protection specialists.
A 2nd workshop will be held in 2017.

October 2015: Geneva

On behalf of the ICDO, Secretary-General

V. Kuvshinov received the donation of a
multi-purpose fire truck from the Canton of
Geneva, represented by Mr. J. Felley,
Director of the Office of Civil
Protection and Military Affairs of the
Canton of Geneva . The fire truck has
been shipped to Benin where it will be
used for the future training of firefighters.

December 2016: Tsévié, Togo

An ICDO Mobile Training Group

conducted a training course on the
use of the engines and other civil
protection equipment which the ICDO
has delivered to stock the new
Emergency Relief Warehouse. Civil
defence / civil protection professionals
from five neighboring countries attended
the course.

January 2017: ICDO Headquarters

A group of ICDO personnel attended
the new introductory course on civil
defence / civil protection at the IMCC
as part of an ICDO Training Programme
pilot project. The course will be
translated and presented in the official
languages of the Organization.

January 2017

International Civil Defence Organization — ICDO

10-12 Chemin de Surville, P.O. Box 172
CH-1213 Petit-Lancy 1, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel.: (+41 22) 879 69 69 • Fax : (+41 22) 879 69 79
E-mail : icdo@icdo.org • Website : http//www.icdo.org

ISBN: 92-9154-409-1
This document is updated at the end of every year.

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