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Group 1/ International Chemistry Education:

1. Risma Aditya Metha Anggraeni (093194004)

2. Yudit Yulianinda (093194005)
3. Luthfi Faza Afina Riza Walida (093194016)
4. Devi Wahyuningtyas (093194028)
Thanks to Allah SWT for all its blessing giving us good health, so we can finish this
report. It’s a Biological experiment report about elodea and cheek cell. This report is
arranged to fill general biology subject.

We say thank too to my entire friend and my lecture that had been help us to
arrange this report. We know that this report is not correct well, so that we are waiting
for your critic and suggest repairing this report be better.

Surabaya, October 2009

Chapter 1


A. Background

Plant and animal have a unique shape. Animal is easy to move, while plant live on
the ground. Organ, tissues, and plant cell absolutely different with the animal. Multi
cellular organisms are composed of groups of specialized cells, called tissues, which
together perform particular function for the organism. Tissues in turn, may be grouped
to form organs, and organs may be grouped into organ system.

B. Problem Formulation

What are the differences between animal and plant cell?

C. Purpose
1. Using microscope efficiently
2. Preparing Cell preparat
3. Comparing cell structure that is seen really by light microscope
Chapter 2

Base Theory

Definition of Cell

Cell is the smallest organization unit that becomes the base of living in biological
meaning. All of living function is arranged and happened in cell, so that cell has a
function as an autonomic if all of its needed is filled.

The Historical of cell discovering

Cell is discovered by Robert Hooke, a British Scientist on 1665. He observe about

thin slice of “gabus” on microscope. Cell is from Greek, cellula that has meaning

Cell Structure

Generally, each cell has:

1. Cell membrane
2. Cytoplasm
3. Nucleus

Plant cell and bacteria cell has layer outside the membrane that is called cell wall.
The characteristic of cell wall are inelastic and limiting the cell size changing. The
existence of cell wall can makes the forming of intercellular room. It’s become important
part on plant to distribute minerals.
Cytoplasm and nucleus is called protoplasm. Cytoplasm is concentrated liquid
(cytosol). There are many kinds of organel inside the cytoplasm that is organized to
support the living of the cell. Organel has separated structure from cytosol that
compartmentation in the cell, so that it has posibility to get reaction that can not
reacting in cytosol. Cytoplasm also supported by skeleton tissues so that it has definite

Organels that can be found in cytoplasm:

a. Mitokondria (kondriosom)

b. Complex Golgi (diktiosom)

c. Endoplasmic reticulum

d. Plastida (espicially on plant, include leukoplas, chloroplas, kromoplas)

e. Vacuola (espicially on plant)

Kinds of Cell according to the Nucleus

 Prokaryotic

It does not have nucleus membrane. The nucleus matterial spreads in cytoplasm
(Cell that has one membrane system).

 Eukariotic

It has nucleus membrane. The nucleus material is limited by one membrane

system that different with cytoplasm.
Chapter 3

Experiment Method

A. Instrument and Material

1. Microscope
2. Object Glass
3. Cover Glass
4. Elodea Leaf
5. Cheek Cell
6. Methylene Blue Solution
7. Ice cream Spoon
8. Water
9. Pipette

B. Procedure
1. Preparing the instrument
2. Taking the elodea leaf.
3. Putting it on the object glass that has been dropped by water.
4. Closing it with cover glass.
5. Observing Elodea cell by microscope with low level zooming.
6. Focusing on the layer above the elodea leaf.
7. Focusing on one cell.
8. Explaining what did we seen by picture and narrative explanation.
9. Centering on one cell, zooming on high level.
10. Identifying the structure of the cell.
11. Taking one drop of methylene blue and putting it on the object glass.
12. Taking cell inside the cheek and mixing it with the methylene blue.
13. Closing it with the cover glass.
14. Drying it.
15. Dropping water on it to clean the methylene blue.
16. Drying it again.
17. Putting it on the microscope.
18. Focusing on one cell in low level zooming, then on high level zooming.
19. Drawing the cell on a paper.

C. Experiment Plan
Chapter IV

Data, Analysis, and Discussion

A. Data
B. Analysis

From these data, we know that there are differences between plant cell and
animal cell. On the plant cell, it has cell wall and has definite shape. The shape is like a
box. Meanwhile, the animal cell does not cell wall, so that it does not have a definite
shape. The plant cell has vacuole, whereas the animal cell doesn’t have vacuole. The
color of plant cell is green, while the cheek cell is colorless.

C. Discussion
1. The shape of Elodea leaf is long and has serrated in the edge. The shape of
elodea cell is box, it’s arranged orderly.
2. There are cells that are arranged orderly. The shape is box and it has cell wall.
The color is green.
3. The shape of cheek cell is random. In the cell there are dots and we identify it as
the nucleus. It is colorless. It does not have cell wall.
4. The same things: Both of them have nucleus.
The difference thing: The shape of animal cell is random, it does not have cell
wall, and it is colorless. Meanwhile, the shape of plant cell is definite, it has cell
wall, and it is green.

No Organelle Plant Cell Animal Cell

1 Cell Wall √ -
2 Nucleus √ √
3 Membrane plasma √ √

6. The differences between animal cell and plant cell are plant cell has cell wall, so
that it has definite shape. It has green color. Whereas the animal cell does not
have cell wall, so that it does not have definite shape. It is colorless.
7. Generally it is same. But, more details it absolutely different. For example the
cell of onion. The shape of onion cell is longer than elodea cell. The color is clear
8. A. Does the rhoe discolor cell have green color?

B. How is the shape of Rhoe discolor cell?

C. Does rhoe discolor have cell wall?


Rhoe discolor cell has cell wall and has definite shape. The color is purple.

Experiment Planning:

1. Preparing the instrument (microscope, rhoe discolor leaf, cutter, cover glass,
object glass, water, pipette).
2. Cutting the bottom of rhoe discolor leaf as thin as you can.
3. Putting it on the object glass and dropping water on it.
4. Closing it with cover glass.
5. Observing on microscope.


Rhoe discolor cell has cell wall, has definite shape, the color is purple.
Chapter V


The differences between Plant Cell and Animal Cell.

Plant Cell Animal Cell

Plant cell has bigger size than animal cell. Animal cell is smaller than plant cell

It has definite shape It does not have definite shape.

It has cell wall. It does not have cell wall

It does not have vacuole, but it has

It has vacuola

It does not have centrosome It has centrosome.

It does not have lysosom It has lysosome.

The nucleus is smaller than vacuole The nucleus is bigger than vesicle.
Syamsuri, Istamar. 2007. Biologi. Malang: Erlangga

Aryulina, Dyah. 2007. Biologi. Jakarta: Esis

Anonim. 2000. The Fast Encyclopedia of Animals and Nature. London: Aladin Book, Ltd

Applin, D. 1997. Key Science Biology. London: Stanley Thornes, Ltd

Becket, B. 1991. All about Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press

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