Z 18 Wayfarer

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// mobboss.txt// A base for special named.

// Memory Cells: // Cell 0 - If 0,

default behavior. If 1, it doesn�t fidget.// Cell 3 - Number of state when talked
to. Plays default text if 0.begincreaturescript; variables; short i,target; short
mess1 = 0; short mess2 = 0; short mess3 = 0; short r1 = 0; short did_meet = 0; short
last_abil; short last_abil2; body; // set_top_string(""); beginstate INIT_STATE;
set_name(ME,"The Wayfarer"); set_level(ME,30); change_max_health(ME,100);
set_boss_level(ME,2); set_scaling(ME,100); set_speed_level(ME,1);
set_attack_bonus(ME,10); set_courage(ME,100);
//place_particle_num(ME,short which_particle,12,8);
//place_particle_num(ME,short which_particle,13,8); last_abil =
get_current_tick(); last_abil2 = get_current_tick();
add_ability(ME,34,85,0); add_ability(ME,35,123,0); break; beginstate
DEAD_STATE; sf(100,14,1); begin_talk_mode(25); break; beginstate START_STATE;
if (did_meet == 0) { if ((get_nearest_party_char(4) >= 0) ||
(who_shot_me() >= 0)) { did_meet = 1; talk_no_exit(160);
} else end(); } // if I have
a target for some reason, go attack it if (target_ok()) { if
(dist_to_char(get_target()) <= 16) set_state(3); else
set_foe_target(ME,-1); } if (get_foe_target(ME,TARGET_RANGE,0)) {
do_attack(); set_state(3); } if (who_shot_me() >= 0)
{ set_foe_target(ME,who_shot_me()); do_attack();
set_state(3); } if ((get_attitude(ME) >= 10) &&
(dist_to_party() <= 40)) { set_foe_target(ME,random_group_member(0));
set_state(3); } if (am_i_doing_action() == FALSE)
end_combat_turn(); break; beginstate 3; // attacking if (target_ok() ==
FALSE) set_state(START_STATE); if ((mess1 == 0) &&
(dist_to_zone_loc(ME,66,20) < 30) && (get_health(ME) < (get_max_health(ME) * 9) /
10)) { mess1 = 1; last_abil = get_current_tick();
play_sound(179); summon_creature(154);
run_char_animation(3,1,35); place_particle_num(154,10,7,10);
begin_talk_mode(22); } if ((mess2 == 0) && (get_health(ME) <
(get_max_health(ME) * 1) / 3)) { mess2 = 1;
set_char_status(ME,9,10); set_char_status(ME,5,10);
set_char_status(ME,19,10); last_abil2 = get_current_tick();
begin_talk_mode(23); } if ((mess1 > 0) &&
(tick_difference(last_abil,get_current_tick()) > 0)) { last_abil =
get_current_tick(); r1 = get_ran(1,0,2); if
(char_ok(154 + r1) == FALSE) { run_char_animation(3,1,35);
play_sound(179); summon_creature(154 + r1);
place_particle_num(154 + r1,10,7,10); } end();
} if ((mess2 > 0) && (tick_difference(last_abil2,get_current_tick()) >
1)) { run_char_animation(3,1,35); last_abil2 =
get_current_tick(); begin_talk_mode(24); end(); }//
play_sound(); // spawn_creature(); // set_summon_level(,1); //
place_particle_num(,10,7,10); // place_particle_num(,22,13,8);
permasparkles do_attack(); break; // for summons
place_particle_num(,10,7,10); beginstate TALKING_STATE; did_meet =
1; talk_no_exit(160); break;

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