CRST - July 09 - DR Lee' S ICL Surgery

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What a
Bright World!
My firsthand experience undergoing phakic IOL
implantation under the care of my brother.

efractive error, particularly myopia, is a major

R issue in Asian countries—our population has a

much higher incidence compared with other
ethnic groups. Although LASIK is the favored
procedure to treat low refractive errors, its predictabili-
ty falters when used to correct moderate to high
myopia or high astigmatism. At Saint Mary’s Eye
Hospital in Busan, Korea, we integrated the Visian ICL
(STAAR Surgical, Monrovia, California) into our prac-
tice 12 years ago. This phakic ICL has become a true
breakthrough treatment for our large group of myopic
and myopic astigmatic patients, including myself. I had
a Toric ICL implanted in 2006. Here is my story.

MY MOTIVATI ON Figure 1. Tae Heon Lee,MD (left),after receiving a phakic IOL.His

Before undergoing ICL surgery, I had horrendous eyesight brother,Kyung Heon Lee,MD (right),performed the procedure.
(-5.50 -4.00 X 5° in the right eye and -6.00 -3.50 X 175° in the
left). I was severely myopic, had high astigmatism, and wore in 2003, I knew it was the right option for me. By that
thick glasses. Whenever I opened my eyes in the morning, I time, I had performed ICL implantation for approximate-
had to search for my glasses. Whenever I took off my glasses ly 3 years—plenty of time to convince me of the lens’s
to wash my hands and face or take a shower, I felt uncom- safety and accuracy.
fortable. As my presbyopia continued to develop, I decided to
I gradually developed presbyopia and felt even more undergo ICL implantation aiming for -1.00 D of sphere.
uncomfortable with my glasses. I wanted to take them (When I think about it now, monovision would have been
off to live a more comfortable daily life. I also wanted to better for me, but I have been happy with my result.) I antic-
be able to wear nice sunglasses, like other people. I want- ipated that I would have to wear thin glasses after surgery.
ed to be elegant and stylish. No doubt, I had to do some- I asked my brother, Kyung Heon Lee, MD, to perform
thing to improve my vision. the surgery. I think the main reason it was easy for me to
consider ICL implantation was because I knew my
WHY THE TOR I C ICL? brother would be on the other side of the microscope.
Until recently, there had been no suitable refractive He is a pioneering member of the Korean Ophthalmol-
procedure to treat my refractive condition. Corneal ogical Society and has played a leading role in both
refractive surgery was not a viable option because of my phaco and IOL use in Korea since 1980. Additionally, I
severe astigmatism. But when I heard about the Toric ICL had complete confidence in our refractive team. Our






Although by 2006 I had performed ICL surgery in

many patients, I felt a little uneasy when my brother, Tae
Heon Lee, MD, asked me to perform his surgery.
However, I believe in the safety and accuracy of the
Visian ICL (STAAR Surgical, Monrovia, California) and
therefore agreed. In his case, ICL implantation occurred
without any problems, and the results were as good as
we had predicted and remain stable today.
Because my brother is very satisfied with the ICL sur-
Figure 2. Dr. Lee during the procedure.
gery results, he is now able to recommend the ICL to
patients with more enthusiasm, sharing his own experi-
ence with them. I have been performing ICL surgery for
hospital performs more than 300 ICL cases and more more than 10 years; I firmly believe that it is an effective
than 3,000 corneal refractive surgery cases each year. refractive surgery option with a low complication rate.
SURGERY Kyung Heon Lee, MD, is the Director of St.
A few days before the surgery, I was a bit nervous and Mary’s Eye Hospital, Inc. Busan, Korea. Dr. Lee
apprehensive. However, the day of the operation, I felt states that he has no financial interest in the
calm and relaxed (Figures 1 and 2). It was a strange feel- products or companies mentioned. He may be
ing not only to be the patient but also to be on the same reached at tel: +82 51 743 0775; fax: +82 51
bed as my patients are when I perform surgeries. 743 0776.
I believed in my brother’s surgical technique and the
Toric ICL unconditionally. I could feel the lenses being
inserted into my eyes; I had some pain when the carba- understand my patients’ situations better. I understand
chol was applied. All in all, the procedure lasted only 15 each patient’s reasoning for making the decision to
minutes before I hopped off my operating bed to face have ICL surgery, which is an important asset in my
the world again. Immediately, I knew my vision was cor- profession. In my case, I felt I needed surgery not only
rected because I could distinctly see the faces of those in to get rid of my thick glasses and have the option of
the operating room. It was magical. wearing nice sunglasses, but also to achieve a better
quality of life. For me, the more my presbyopia devel-
RE SULTS oped, the more uncomfortable I felt.
The surgery results indicate that the position of the I now understand that it is important for patients to
lens (ie, vault) is about 1.5 times the corneal thickness. trust and believe in their doctors. I believed in my broth-
My refraction is stable, with a UCVA of 0.6 for far and er’s surgical technique, so I could proceed to have the
J1 for near. I do not need glasses when seeing patients surgery comfortably. I appreciate the work of my brother
or performing laser refractive surgery. I need glasses and Saint Mary’s refractive team. I am happy with my vision
only when I drive at night, watch movies, or perform a and lifestyle, especially when compared with my life with
microscopic surgery. With correction, my distance glasses before surgery.
vision is 1.0. Three years have now passed since the sur- If someone is considering the ICL, I would recommend
gery, and there has been no change in my eyesight and, having surgery earlier in life than I did. ■
so far, no complications. I can enjoy a comfortable and
satisfactory quality of life because I no longer need to Tae Heon Lee, MD, is the General Manager
wear glasses in my daily life. of St. Mary’s Eye Hospital, Inc., Busan, Korea.
Since 1997, our hospital has performed more than Dr. Lee states that he has no financial interest
1,500 ICL implantations with excellent outcomes. I am in the products or companies mentioned. He
proud to say that I am one of the successful cases. My may be reached at tel: +82 51 743 0775; fax:
surgical experience with the Visian ICL has made me +82 51 743 0776; e-mail:




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