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SELCS Coursework Coversheet

Please download this document and use it as the coversheet and first page of your coursework
submission. When you submit your work electronically to Turnitin, this should be a single file
composed of a completed coversheet followed by your work. Don’t forget to deduct the words used in
the coversheet from your overall word count before you enter the final number below.

Please do not enter your name or UCL student number anywhere on this form, or on your coursework. You can find your candidate
number on Portico (

Students must complete ALL of the following sections:

2017/18 candidate number: _________________________________

In the format ABCD6 – this should also be used as your submission title in the format module code followed by candidate
number (e.g.: ELCS4001_ABCD6)

Module code and title: _________________________________

Title of coursework: _________________________________

Actual word count: _________________________________

Please deduct 370 words for this coversheet after calculating the word count electronically; this will give you the overall word count to
enter above. Note: The final word count should include all footnotes (guidelines available on the ‘Instructions’ page), but exclude your
bibliography from the total

Legal statement:

 I understand that I will be penalised if work is submitted late without official permission and that the official
date of submission will be that recorded by Moodle/Turnitin.

 I understand that I will be penalised if the wordcount is found to exceed the official limit.

 I certify that the work submitted is my own and that the exact source of any material (ideas, information,
figures or text) derived or quoted from the published or unpublished work of other persons has been cited
according to the required conventions. I confirm that I have read the UCL policy on plagiarism, self-
plagiarism, collusion and falsification.

 I confirm that I have submitted this coursework to Turnitin in accordance with the instructions issued. I
understand that my coursework will be stored in the Turnitin database and may be compared against work
submitted from this or any other department(s) within this or other institutions using the service.

Please copy and paste the body of your essay below this point (to start on page 2):

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