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1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

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T24 Close of Business (COB)
T24 Helper
November 3, 2016  T24 Helper  One comment  [ 4,028 views YouTube 626

1 Fre Or Char Maker Recent Posts

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other onlin . Fre 7-da tria
Tier 1 US bank selects
Temenos T24 Core Banking
for global cash
2 Aqu Dat Studi ™ b Aqu Fol ® management backbone
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Comprehensiv Tool for Databas
Developer , DBA , & Analyst . Ful 14- through DW.EXPORT
Da Tria How to activate
How to con gure
Close of Business (COB) handles the T24 Batch Processing.
Multiple T24 environments
Close of Business is used for processing events, calculating and using JBoss
posting interest, rolling the bank date forward and production of Procedure to input
single side DATA.CAPTURE
various reports.
How to mature a MM
The Close of Business triggers various activities based on the contract online
scheduled date and based on speci c conditions. The Close of T24 DEVELOPER: (T24,
Business consists of the following ve stages in sorted order: TEMENOS T24, JIRA,
Stage Description of activities LarrainVial nally goes
live with Temenos’ T24
APPLICATION Individual application processes
core banking system 1/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

(Forex, Funds Transfer, etc.) Five steps, ve minutes,

€5 – KBC launches new
SYSTEM WIDE System wide processes (Interest and
mobile app for current
Charges, Revaluation, etc.)
REPORTING Main system reports (Trial Balance, Openbank step closer
General Ledgers, etc.) to new core banking
system decision
START OF DAY Change date (Standing Orders, split
month end events, cash ow
maintenance, etc.)

ON LINE Any non critical reports and

T24 Helper
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processes that can be run after the
system has returned to on line mode.
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The Close of Business runs various processes based on the order

above, in order of stages and within the stage based on the sequence
T24 Helper
about 2 months ago
Each batch stage consists of a number of processes with the same or
different sequence number, which corresponds directly to records in How to activate EB.DUPLICATE.TYPE
the BATCH le, and each process consists of a number of jobs for
which routines are de ned in the PGM.FILE as type ‘B’. Each batch
process de nes the stage and sequence at which it has to be run, the
jobs to be run and the frequency in which it has to be run.

At no point, the stage and the sequence of the batch process will be
violated thus ensuring data integrity and proper processing of jobs if
they are dependent on an earlier job.


In order to get the most out of this manual, it is essential that you are
familiar with the standard procedures regarding navigating your
way around the system. This includes items such as program access RFID Wristband
via menus, data entry and editing, mandatory and multi‐level elds,
committing details, and so forth. All of these are described in detail
in the Navigation manual. RFID Wristband
on sales . Contact
Multiple session Close of Business
T24 Close of Business processes have been designed to run as multi
threaded to reduce the time taken and to maximise the usage of
system resources. Multiple agents can be used to run the Close of Shop
Business and they share the job load.

However, this will not affect the sequence or the veri cation of the
Close of Business. The agents complement each other within the
same stage and sequence and do not violate the agents, thus
ensuring data integrity.

The number of agents is de ned in the TSA.WORKLOAD PROFILE Our Visitors

record, which is in turn attached to the TSA.SERVICE record on
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1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper
Dec. 18th - Jan. 18th

Close of Business – Set up

A Service Manager (TSM) and Service Agents (COB) control the

records for each of these as described below:



The Manager only requires one agent (above) whereas 2 to 3 agents

for the COB are suf cient (below)


There is only one record – SYSTEM. This application tells the Service
Manager at which levels (in seconds) to review and restart the
Agents. 3/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Step 3 – Create a COB User

This is the user name that will be associated with all records
processed during the Close of Business.

The  process  to create a user  is  described  in  the  System
 Administrator manual  and  is  therefore  not repeated here.

Step 4 –

(Create COMMA Version to facilitate starting and stopping Agents

without the need to log in as a second user) 4/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Note: The server name is not a mandatory eld. The tSM obtains the
server name it should run, by executing the hostname command. It
then tries to match  that  with  the  value  entered  in  the   eld
 SERVER.NAME  in TSA.SERVICE of the agent.  If it does not match
then it could not start the agents. If there is no value in the eld
SERVER.NAME, the tSM uses the value captured by it (through the
‘hostname’ command). So there is no need for the SERVER.NAME
eld in TSA.SERVICE. This applies both to local host as well as

Note: The server name is not a mandatory eld. The tSM obtains the
server name it should run, by executing the hostname command. It
then tries to match that with the value entered in the eld
SERVER.NAME  in TSA.SERVICE of the agent. If it does not match
then it could not start the agents. If there is no value in the eld
SERVER.NAME, the tSM uses the value captured by it (through the
‘hostname’ command). So there is no need for the SERVER.NAME
eld in TSA.SERVICE. This applies both to local host as well as

To invoke Close of Business

As Agents may become stuck, we recommend that you rst STOP all
Agents, and then clear the table F.TSA.STATUS at the j prompt as

1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Also clear the EB.EOD.ERROR le once the errors occurred during

the Close of Business have been xed, by entering F.EB.EOD.ERROR
at the j-prompts as follows:


Start TSA.SERVICE for both TSM and COB records

Initiate Close of Business using tSM and tSA

Step 1 – Start the Service Manager 6/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

You have now started the Service Manager.

The Manager continues to advise to manually start the Agents:

Step 2 – Proceed to start the Agents

Open a new Re ection session and enter tSA 2 –DEBUG and the
command prompt:

Agent 2 has been started and the COB is underway, now start Agent
3: 7/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Example of processing screens (with COMO as Agents were started

with –DEBUG statement)

Step 3

When the COB is completed, the Service Manager automatically

stops the Agents – this is the display: 8/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Step 4

Return to the TSA.SERVICE, application and STOP the TSM record.

You will note that the status of COB is already set to STOP.

Start COB with Users Signed On

Non Stop Processing and Close of Business complement each other.

Close of Business disallow input and processing of records in all
applications, other than those supported by Non Stop service.

The applications that are available in Non Stop (NS) service will be
available without any restrictions and will be  using   the  next
 working  date  for processing  thus  ensuring  the concurrent
 transactions  are  not picked up for  processing  by the Close of
Business which is running in parallel.

To support this, Close of Business distinguishes the dates by two

different records per company in the DATES application. Close  of
 Business  at the beginning, cycles  the dates record and restores the
old dates record with the key  as  CO.CODE-COB  record  in  DATES
and on line  processing happens with the cycled record in the DATES
application. 9/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Even though there is no need for typical T24forMCB sites to make

use of the Non Stop service, the information above is relevant as TT,
FT and DC transactions may be captured while the Close of Business
is being processed.

There is also no longer the need to close tills and for users to be
logged out of the system prior to invoking the Close of Business.

Any  transactions  not  permitted  during  the  Close of Business

 provide  a  message  to the  user  stating that it is invalid during
Close of Business.

List Files

Every job during the Close of Business uses a LIST le for storing and
sharing records for processing between different agents. The LIST
le is dynamically determined based on the session number doing
the SELECT processing of a multi threaded job. The other agents use
the allotted list for sharing their load of the job. The LIST le is
empty at the end of the job thus making it available for a different


Since the introduction of multi threaded architecture, the COMO is

written with the session number to distinguish processing between
different threads.

The COMO is written with the key as TSA_<agent no>_datetime.

It  is  recommended that all COB COMOs be retained securely for at

least six weeks.

If there is an occasion to restore and rerun, then the COMOs should

be printed or copied to a secure medium before the restore takes

Example of the COMO with an error:

Monitoring COB 10/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Three enquiries are available that assist the monitoring the progress
of Close of Business and the records processed with the time taken.
They can be accessed via the Temenos Enterprise Console.

COB.PROGRESS – A listing of active companies and an indication

(progress bar) of their time to completion.

JOB.PROGRESS – This enquiry list all active and completed jobs by

descending start times (i.e. current on top).   It shows the start time,
end time, elapsed time, contracts processed, total contracts to
process, throughput (contracts/minute) and individual server rate.
The latter is the number of contracts processed in one minute by a
server process – this will be compared historically to see if the job is
slowing down as time passes.

JOB.HISTORY – Drilling down from the JOB.PROGRESS, the user

can see a graph of the elapsed time of the last ten runs of the job and
the individual server rate. If the latter gure rises over time; it
indicates a problem, which could be badly sized les.

Batch Output

All reports, COMOs, etc. produced by the batch system are output
using the T24 Report Control system. This enables the operator to
determine the destination printer, user addressing, number of
copies, etc.

The following applications are used in this process:

Application Description
SPOOL.BATCH.OUTPUT Prints or reprints all
output for a speci c
batch run.

SPF Speci es  that  no

 printing  should  take
 place  until  all
 processes  have

HOLD.CONTROL Stores detail of all output

produced by the batch

PRINTER.ID Speci es the printers

available to the system.

USER De ning the reports and

individual should receive.

In order to access the reports generated during the Close of

Business, follow these steps: 11/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper


Enter ENQ REPORT.LIST in the Command Line.


1. Enter ENQ LIST in the Command Line.

2. Enter the search criteria and click on the Find butto

3. View the resulting enquiry on screen and manipulate as

described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the report.


A screen like the one shown below displays, allowing you to lter the
records for on screen enquiry or report.

Selection criteria may include part of a report name, or not entering

any selection criteria, the system displays all reports generated and
held as per the number of days de ned in the SPF record.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown

Select the report by clicking on the View Report ID against the

record displayed in the report list. 12/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

Error Handling

As described in the introduction, a process can consist of any

number of jobs, which in turn can execute a number of programs or
operating system commands. If an error occurs, the system may
return immediately to the monitor screen and display the process
and the job in error or in the case of less sever errors, update the
record for the current batch run and the current company on the
EB.EOD.ERROR le and continues.

The details of these errors can be found in examining the records on

the EB.EOD.ERROR le and on the EB.EOD.ERROR.DETAIL le.

The Close of Business processes are wrapped around jBASE

transaction management. Hence, in case of any crashes during Close
of Business, the concerned transaction is rolled back and the Close
of Business continues. This ensures that Close of Business can
continue after an error and partial updates are rolled back to keep
the database in sync.

Jobs can abort for a variety of reasons, both system and application
related. Identify the aborted job.

Any system related crashes are sensed by the Temenos Service

Manager (TSM) and the dead agent is started again. The TSM, if
there is no activity in an agent for a period of time as de ned in
the DEATH.WATCH eld of TSA.SERVICE, it restarts the agent thus
ensuring that the Close of Business crashes are monitored and
restarted by the TSM.

Any application related crashes write into EB.EOD.ERROR the

information on the job name, the record and the text of the crash.

The underlying record from the .LIST le is removed and the updates
done until the particular transaction is rolled back. 13/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

To continue the batch, use the up arrow key at the j-prompt for the
last command (e.g. tSA 2 –DEBUG) and depress the return key.

There will be some critical jobs that may crash and abort the Close of
Business due to business reasons, as further continuance of the
Close of Business is not advocated. These jobs are de ned as

Error Message Problem

BATCH NOT COMPLETED You cannot return to on line
YET mode until all batch  
 processes have been
completed successfully.

EOD HAS BEEN INITIATED COB has already been set.

ILLEGAL FREQ FORMAT Invalid frequency code

speci ed in process.

ILLEGAL ORDER The jobs in the process have

been speci ed in an
execution order that is illegal
i.e. job 1 depends on the
successful completion of job

INITIALISES ERROR Job failed during

initialization – no need to
restore the database to re

INVALID ENTRY, TRY AGAIN Unknown command at

current action level.

JOB ERROR Job terminated with an error

– see process output.

LINE NO. OUT OF RANGE Row selection number does

not have an associated

NO ENTRY IN PGM.FILE Job not de ned in

OPTION INVALID IN ON Option from menu cannot be
LINE executed until the Close of
Business has been initiated.

PROCESS JOB STATUS IS You cannot start this process

Xxxxx when another has failed. Re-
run the job in error rst.

PROCESS NAME NOT Process name entered is not


PROCESS NOT IN HOLD OR Cannot select process to be 14/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

ERROR restarted when the current

status is not HOLD or

PROCESS NOT IN RUN Cannot select a process to

STATE be halted when the current
status is not RUNNING.

PROCESS NOT PRESENT Unknown process name

entered from action line.

REC MISSING Fatal error during process

execution – see process
output for more details.

RESTORE DB Database needs to be

restored to re run this job

UNKNOWN JOB IN Job not de ned in



End of Year Procedure End of Year Procedure

T24 R12 and above T24 R10 and R11

How to calculate the How to set a customer to

interest for utilized receive SMS and/or email
amount alerts?

Data Capture 15/17
1/25/2018 T24 Close of Business (COB) - T24 Helper

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T24 Core Banking System Software
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One comment

November 16, 2016 at 9:18 pm

Very useful article for the all the T24 Operation guys.


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