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Eduart Ceci Write and Speak Day assignment

HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences

1st February 2018

The influence of colors in advertising

The very idea that colors, when used properly in advertsing, can influence
the consumers behaviour is a matter of utmost interest. A lot of controversy
is created between the people who believe that colours are associated to
specific place and time in our brains -and thus convey certain emotions-,
and the people who think that it is as accurate as crystal reading.

Many people at some point in time have probably wondered If there’s a

specific reason or meaning behind the red color of the firetrucks or why
green is the prominent color in pharmacy brands. According to scientific
studies, different colours evoke different emotions in people. And every
color has its own purpose in advertising.

Red, is psychologically associated with danger, aggression or provocation,

but it also has positive psychological properties and can be used efficiently
in marketing by evoking strong emotions. The color red is related to the
feeling of passion, excitement, determination and strength.

Blue, can stimulate the feeling of trust in the watcher. You ‘ll notice that
blue is predominantly used by large corporations (banks, finance related
businesses etc.) and that is because it conveys loyalty, intelligence,
efficiency and stability. It is no secret that worldwide established
companies that aim to assure people into trusting them use blue in their
logo. (e.g. FB, Nordea)

Green, transmits the picture of nature and environment. It stimulates the

feel of safety, stability and bloomingness. There is no reason for
environmental companies and causes that aim ecological awareness to not
include the colour green in their brands.
Eduart Ceci Write and Speak Day assignment
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences
1st February 2018

Color emotion guide - Dashburst


Black, Grey are the colors that some people disagree with, when utilised
into an advertisement campaign since the shades of black is said to cause
depression and are known as the colors best described as the mood of
anxious or depressed people. Despite the fact we can argue just by
referencing how wonderfully the colors are being displayed in paramount
companies or famous platforms such as Apple and Wikipedia.

Studies have also shown that ‘’90% of all purchasing decisions are made
subconsiously’’ which means that if a company uses the right tools and
does the right research before launching a product or a campaign, success
is inevitable. ‘’To put it this way: brands and products that evoke our
emotions, like Coca-Cola or Apple, always win’’

To demonstrate the Importance of the visual factors and how much they
influence the buyers decision, even further:

Percentage of 92.6% 5.6% 0.8%

Place visual Said that the Judged a
Reason appearances and physical feel via product by
color above other the sense of using hearing or
other shopping touch was most smell
factors important
Research conducted by the secretariat of the Seoul International
Color Expo 2004

Given the psychological definition of colors and how it can influence a

consumer’s decision there is no wonder why advertising agencies spend a
lot of thought and time before releasing a campaign.
Eduart Ceci Write and Speak Day assignment
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences
1st February 2018

1. References

1.1 Electronic Sources

Article was written by Jill Morton, President of Colorcom, published in 2010

URL: https://www.colorcom.com/research/why-color-matters
Accessed: Thurday 1st of February 2018

Article by ISPO NEWS Magazine

URL: http://mag.ispo.com/2015/01/90-percent-of-all-purchasing-decisions-are-made-subconsciously/?
Accessed: Thurday 1st of February 2018

Article by New Design Group

URL: https://www.newdesigngroup.ca/graphic-design/psychology-colour-advertising/
Accessed: Thurday 1st of February 2018

DASHBURST Magazine, Color Emotion Guide, published November 30th, 2014

URL: https://magazine.dashburst.com/pic/color-emotion-guide/
Accessed: Thurday 1st of February 2018

1.2 Book Sources

Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, & Control

By Philip Kotler published in 1967
Electronic review: https://books.google.fi/books/about/Marketing_Management.html?
Accessed: Thursday 1st of March 2018

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