5 - 9 - Demonstration - 3D Modeling, Part 1 (3 - 39)

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Hello, my name is Sebastian Heath, and

I'm happy to be joining Professor Alcock's
course on Archaeology Secrets to talk to
you about 3D modeling.
As you may know computers can create
compelling interaction with those virtual
worlds and virtual objects.
My goal, today, is to let you know that
this is work that you can do at home.
We're going to be going through very
hands on approach to using accessible
tools, accessible technology.
That by the end of it you may get a sense
that you can take what I've shown and go
out on the internet and try it.
We're going to start out by actually
making a model, and I will walk you
through that process.
What we have in, on the table in front of
us right now, is a small Roman period
juglet in the shape of perhaps a bear or
a lion cub.
I won't stress that too much, because
we're going to make the model, and you
can really get up close and perhaps
decide for yourselves.
As I said, It's a doable process and
we're in a room, here, today, that,
despite the set up of production
lighting, is actually pretty good because
it has a lot of natural light in it.
So, if you are going to try this at home,
I encourage you to find a room with a lot
of ambient background light, not a lot of
strong shadows.
you need an object and you need a camera.
And as you can see, I am holding in my
hand just my iPhone, which has a camera
built into it, and really, that is all
you need.
So, we start, fire up the, fire up my
And I'm going to start by getting about
this close and then just going around the
You can see I'm not moving too far.
Ideally, I'd be on a much smaller table
and I'd be able to go around.
But that's okay this is a robust process.
So I can come back here.
And keep shooting.
Keep shooting.
You can see perhaps in the camera what's
going on.
You can see some of the strong shadows.
But again, you'd be doing this at home
and there might not be such strong
If there's any particular detail you want
to get on the object, just come down and
let's really get the face here.
It's nice not to have a whole lot of
people walking around in the background.
You want stillness, calmness is your, is
your friend in doing this.
So, you might want to take 30, 40 shots
of an object like this.
Some from the top, some from around.
But hopefully you get a sense that, this
is doable.
Nothing too incredibly fancy.
If you don't have a stand like this, it's
nice to elevate the object a little bit.
You get better angles on it.
Use anything, anything that you have at
so that's the capture process for the
We're now going to move to the computer
and I'm going to show you how it's done,
in terms of making a model.
Both on a computer on itself and then
I'll also show you one web based tool.
That you can use for free to make your
own models.

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