5 - 11 - Demonstration - 3D Modeling, Part 3 (9 - 22)

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So we have reached the stage where we

have our 3D model of our little Roman
period juglet.
This is where I can start to talk about
why we wait make these models.
And I'm sure it's the case that you've
heard the term archaeology is
Where we start to think about if we just
do the field work without doing the
publication we've really just gone in and
changed the world and perhaps dug up a
building and destroyed that building.
Unless we share it, we're not really
meeting our responsibilities as
And, in many ways the same thing is true
about the objects that we collect.
What is the best way to not hold onto
those objects but to get them out into
the world in such a way that people can
experience them.
And again sharing.
And so how do we share 3D models?
I'm showing you a screen of, I'll just
start photoscan again.
And it is very important that under the
File menu it has this option to Export
And, without going into all the details
of it, it's very nice that it supports a
wide variety of formats.
That's an indication that once you have
made your model, it's not something that
is locked in one particular piece of
software but is something that we can let
people see.
Without requiring them to go through a
series of particular steps, there are
many ways they can get at this, this
One of those is usefully putting it onto
the internet.
So what I am showing you here is a
website p3d.in
It's just the, the one current way as
we're making this video of sharing 3D
As you can see, if I just expand out to
full screen here.
I am able to move this thing
around and again as we did as in
Agisoft photoscan or in 123 D Catch,
you can really zoom in on details of
Get a sense of the irregularity and the
way our little juglet stands.
He's leaning over a little bit.
Come out the back here and you can see a
sense of the seam that's along here.
And if I come and rotate here perhaps you
can see a little bit of the seam going on
Again the fur on this fella.
Zoom in on the eye.
Yeah, let me do the zoom.
Get a sense there.
These are, this is a, this is a webpage
that you can go to.
And we'll make sure that the link is
And try this for yourself and make your
own decisions about the object and make
your own decisions about how it look, how
it looks best or what is the right angle
to check this thing out from.
And here you can really see that, that
ridge along the back or the grooves on
the handle here.
And I hope it gives you an experience of
this object that is superior to the
experience if we were just putting up a
few pictures of it.
it is also the case that perhaps you want
to predetermine a view of it, so I have
Let me come out of full view here.
I have also made a.
YouTube video of this object.
And here I am going to the right YouTube
page for it.
Let's give it a chance to load.
I'll close these suggestions from and you
should be able to see the object rotating
All I can do here is pause and set it
I can't actually go in and get different
views of it.
But again, this is one way of sharing a
particular view of the object that maybe
makes it accessible to a larger crowd.
I do want to take the time now to show
you a little bit of how I made that
And the reason to do this is we going to
remove this moving into really quite
advanced techniques.
It is because I am able to do it using
entirely free software.
I want to highlight this word up here
If you to the website, blender.org you
can download.
Really quite advanced 3D modeling
production software that is entirely
We're in a world of open source software.
And that's a movement that really tries
to put into people's hands tools that let
them do very advanced work.
And so what I've had done, I've loaded
into blender, the object.
I have set up a camera pointing at the
object and you then you can also see
three different views of it.
If we come down to this view right here,
see these thin yellow lines.
Those are what we call key frames.
And if I hit Play, Blender is
automatically figuring out what the model
should look like in between each
And if I simplify the screen a little
bit, it'll be able to make it go more
And it is rotating the object.
But you can see the object has no texture
on it.
And last time we talked about the
importance of creating a texture that
gives it a really photo realistic look.
If I come to the Render menu here and say
Render Image, it'll make that same image
in very high quality.
And if I further go to Render Animation.
And we let the machine think about things
for a little while.
As it moves between frames, you'll see
there are very subtle changes in the
image that is being generated.
Very slight rotation.
Perhaps you caught it there.
And I stop now and go back to our YouTube
Load it again.
Oops, I went to the wrong one.
I apologize.
Now you can see the accumulated results.
Of rendering all those individual images
as the object is spinning around.
So just step back, you can make models
for free.
You can upload those models to a variety
of sites that let's your, let your
friends see them.
And you can create YouTube videos if you
wanted to get into advanced techniques
using free software, YouTube videos that
let people see your particular view of
And I say this because not only can you
do this but archeologists can.
And we should expect just as digital
cameras have really dramatically
increased the number of images that are
available of archeological material.
These kinds of tools should increase the
amount of 3D models, the number of 3D
models that you can go and play with.
And so we're in a really great time for
being an archaeologist and being somebody
who's interested in archaeology as we're
pushing out these kinds of techniques.
I want to go to one last possibility of
I hope you can see this well.
I have loaded the model onto my iPad, my
iPad mini using again free software
called Meshlabs, open source software.
And I'm grateful to the people who have
developed that software.
And I put on the mini this object and you
can see I'm using my fingers to rotate it
around and to zoom in and out.
This is the best I can do right now in
terms of putting an object in your hands
unless it's the case that you're going to
come travel to Providence, seeing me. Even
if you did this, this is usually stored
in a case for viewing.
So, these kinds of virtual
representations of objects are really
what will unlock your ability to play
with archaeological material.

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