Package Insert - PYROGENT™ Ultra (English) - Original - 30370

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Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL)


U.S. Licence No. 1775. Translated versions available at


Section Page No. Section Page No.

1 Intended Use  2 6 Determination of Endotoxin

in an Unknown  13
1 Warning  3
7 Product Inhibition  14
1 Explanation of Test  3
8 A Note for Our International Customers 18
2 Principle  4
8 References 18
2 Reagents Supplied and
Storage Conditions  5
3 Materials and Equipment Not Provided  7
4 Sample Collection and Preparation  8
4 Reagent Preparation 9
5 Test Procedure and Interpretation 10
5 Confirmation of Label Claim  11
Important: Read Entire Brochure Before Performing Test Warning
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only. The PYROGENT™ Assay is not intended
Intended Use to detect endotoxemia in man. The LAL Test may be substituted for the
This product is intended as an In Vitro end-product endotoxin test for USP Rabbit Pyrogen Test when used according to the Pharmacopeial
human and animal parenteral drugs, biological products, and medical guidelines for end-product testing of human and animal parenteral
devices. This product is not intended for the detection of endotoxin drugs, biological products, and medical devices10.
in clinical samples or as an aid in the diagnosis of human disease. The
Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) test is a qualitative test for Gram- Explanation of Test
negative bacterial endotoxin. LAL as supplied is to be reconstituted The use of LAL for the detection of endotoxin evolved from the observa­
with LAL Reagent Water and then mixed in equal parts with the solution tion by Bang1 that Gram-negative infection of Limulus polyphemus
being tested. After incubation, and in the presence of endotoxin, gelation resulted in fatal intravascular coagulation. Levin and Bang 2,3 later
occurs; in the absence of endotoxin, gelation does not occur. demonstrated that this clotting was a result of the action between
endotoxin and a clottable protein in the circulating amebocytes of
The Pharmacopeia outlines procedures that are considered necessary Limulus blood. Following the development of a suitable anticoagulant
for: for Limulus blood, Levin and Bang4 prepared a lysate from washed
1.  Establishing endotoxin limits for pharmaceuticals and medical amebocytes which was an extremely sensitive indicator of the
devices presence of endotoxin. Solum 5,6 and Young, Levin, and Prendergast7
2. Validating the use of LAL as an end-product endotoxin test have purified and characterized the clottable protein from LAL and have
shown the reaction with endotoxin to be enzymatic.
3.  Developing a routine testing protocol10
The procedures described herein are based on the Pharmacopeial

2 3
Principle Reagents Supplied and Storage Conditions
Proenzyme Endotoxin Coagulase Limulus Amebocyte Lysate, Lyophilized
(E194-03, E194-06, E194-125) Yellow-Labeled Vial
Coagulogen Coagulase Coagulin
A lysate prepared from the circulating amebocytes of the horseshoe
Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin catalyzes the activation of a crab (Limulus polyphemus) standardized to detect the labeled concen- 2
proenzyme in the LAL7. The initial rate of activation is determined by the tration (EU/ml) of the USP Reference Standard Endotoxin.
concentration of endotoxin present. The activated enzyme (coagulase)
hydrolyzes specific bonds within a clotting protein (coagulogen) also Contains buffered mono and divalent cations. Lysate is lyophilized
present in LAL. Once hydrolyzed, the resultant coagulin self-associates and sealed under vacuum and is to be reconstituted with LAL Reagent
and forms a gelatinous clot. Water. Do not rehydrate until immediately prior to use.

Lyophilized (unreconstituted) LAL should be stored under refrigeration

at 2–8°C. Care should be taken to avoid exposing the lysate to tempera-
tures in excess of 37°C. Lysate which has been exposed to prolonged
periods of temperatures above 37°C or to bright light may turn yellow
and/or become insoluble. Lysate which exhibits such characteristics
should be discarded.

Reconstituted lysate may be stored at 2–8°C for 24 hours. For longer

storage, reconstituted lysate can be stored at -10°C or colder. The lysate
should be protected from exposure to light during storage. Use within
four weeks after reconstitution.

4 5
E. coli Endotoxin O55:B5, Liquid Endotoxin Standards Materials and Equipment NOT Provided
Yellow-Labeled Vials 1. LAL Reagent Water (#W50-640 or equivalent). LAL Reagent Water
Five vials containing a liquid preparation of purified endotoxin from is equivalent to Water for Bacterial Endotoxins Test (BET).
E. coli strain O55:B5. Four of the 5 vials contain endotoxin concentra-
tions which bracket the labeled lysate sensitivity. Using the Greek letter 2. Pipettes, 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 100 microliter, endotoxin-free.
λ (lambda) to represent the labeled lysate sensitivity, these concentra- 3. 10 × 75 mm glass reaction tubes, endotoxin-free (#N201, #N205
tions can be represented as 2λ, λ, 1/2λ, and 1/4λ. The fifth standard or equivalent) (see Sample Collection and Preparation for
(10 × 2λ) is used for the preparation of positive product controls. Each sterilizing procedure). 3
vial provides the user with a diluted Control Standard Endotoxin (CSE)
whose potency has been established using the current USP Reference 4. 13 × 100 mm glass dilution tubes, endotoxin-free (#N207 or
Standard Endotoxin (RSE) and the enclosed lot of PYROGENT™ lysate equivalent) (see Sample Collection and Preparation for
according to the procedures described herein. sterilizing procedure).

This CSE preparation, with established potency, is an acceptable 5. Heating block or non-circulating hot water bath (37°C ± 1°C).
substitute for the USP RSE in all aspects of quality control provided 6. Test tube rack.
the laboratory is using the designated lysate lot according to the pro-
cedures specified in this insert. 7. Timer.

Store vials at 2–8°C. Do not store frozen. Store opened vials at 2–8°C 8. Vortex mixer.
for up to 4 weeks.
The COA is available at
Warning: Contents pyrogenic. Not to be administered to humans.

6 7
Sample Collection and Preparation Reagent Preparation
Careful technique must be used to avoid microbial or endotoxin Allow reagents to equilibrate to room temperature prior to use.
contamination. All materials coming in contact with the sample or 1. Preparation of LAL.
test reagents must be endotoxin-free. Clean glassware and materials
may be rendered endotoxin-free by heating at 250°C for 30 minutes. A.  Reconstitute lyophilized lysate by adding 5.2 ml LAL Reagent
Appropriate precautions should be taken to protect depyrogenated Water to the 50-test vial. Swirl gently but thoroughly for at least
materials from subsequent environmental contamination. 30 seconds. Do not shake as contents will foam.

From experience, most sterile, individually wrapped, plastic pipettes B.  Reconstituted lysate can be stored for up to 24 hours at 2–8°C
and pipette tips are endotoxin-free. However, these materials should without loss of sensitivity. Reconstituted lysate can be divided
be tested before regular use. into more convenient volumes and stored below -10°C for up to
four weeks. Frozen liquid lysate should be thawed immediately
It may be necessary to adjust the pH of the sample to within the before use. Freeze–thaw only once.
range 6.0–8.0 using endotoxin-free sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric
acid 8,9. Always measure the pH of an aliquot of the bulk sample to avoid 2. Preparation of liquid endotoxin standards.
contamination by the pH electrode. Do not adjust unbuffered solutions.
A. Invert vials a minimum of 5 times to thoroughly mix the
Samples to be tested must be stored in such a way that all bacterio­ contents. Vortexing the liquid endotoxin standards is not
logical activity is stopped or the endotoxin level may increase with required.
time. For example, store samples at 2–8°C for less than 24 hours and
frozen for periods greater than 24 hours. It is the responsibility of the B. Store vials at 2–8°C. Do not store frozen. Store opened vials at
end-user to validate the proper container and storage conditions for 2–8°C for up to four weeks.
their samples.  Note: Caps should be replaced soon after dispensing to prevent
If the container of diluent used to rehydrate the LAL has been opened
previously or was not supplied by Lonza, the diluent alone must be
tested for endotoxin contamination.

8 9
Test Procedure and Interpretation 1. A positive reaction is characterized by the formation of a firm gel
Each assay should include the full range of liquid endotoxin standards that remains intact momentarily when the tube is inverted.
which bracket the labeled lysate sensitivity, dilutions of the test sample
and LAL Reagent Water to serve as a negative control. Carefully, to avoid 2. A negative reaction is characterized by the absence of a solid clot
microbial or endotoxin contamination, transfer 100 μl of standard, after inversion. The lysate may show an increased turbidity or
sample or water into the appropriate 10 × 75 mm reaction tube. viscosity. This is considered a negative result.

Add 100 μl of the reconstituted lysate to each tube beginning with the 3. The reaction in each tube should be recorded in columns as either
blank then moving from lowest to highest concentration of endotoxin. positive or negative.
Immediately following the addition of the lysate to each tube, the
contents should be mixed thoroughly and the tube placed in a 37°C + 1°C Confirmation of Label Claim
non-circulating hot water or dry heat bath. This procedure should be Each vial of LAL is labeled with the lysate sensitivity obtained using the
followed for each dilution of the endotoxin. The unknown test sample USP RSE, and is expressed in Endotoxin Units.
must be run in parallel with the CSE. The assay may be done either as
a yes/no test at a single dilution or as a quantitative test via a dilution As part of an initial in-house validation, each user should reverify the 5
series. The incubation time should be determined from the time each labeled lysate sensitivity using an endotoxin standard whose potency
tube is placed in the 37°C ± 1°C bath. Assay tubes should not be removed is known.
from incubation or disturbed prior to the time specified for reading the
test. After exactly 60 minutes (±2 minutes) of incubation, each tube Assay the full range of liquid endotoxin standards which bracket the
should be examined for gelation. labeled lysate sensitivity. Each dilution, as well as a negative water
control, should be assayed in quadruplicate. After the one hour incuba-
tion period, the positive and negative results are recorded. The endpoint
dilution is determined as the last dilution of endotoxin which still yields
a positive result.

10 11
Example Assay Results – Gel Clot Method Determination of Endotoxin in an Unknown
Lysate Sensitivity (λ) = 0.125 EU/ml To determine the endotoxin concentration of an unknown solution,
Liquid Endotoxin Standard (EU/ml) test serial two-fold dilutions of sample until an endpoint is reached.
0.25 0.125 0.06 0.03
Replicate (2λ) (λ) (1/2λ) (1/4λ) H2O Endpoint Calculate the geometric mean dilution as before and multiply by the
1 + + – – – 0.125 lysate sensitivity.
2 + + – – – 0.125
3 + + + – – 0.06 Determination of Endotoxin Concentration in an Unknown
Lysate Sensitivity (λ) = 0.125 EU/ml
4 + + – – – 0.125
Sample Dilution
Replicate 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64
The lysate sensitivity is calculated by determining the geometric mean
1 + + + – – –
of the endpoint. Each endpoint value is converted to log10. The individual
2 + + + + – –
log10 values are averaged and the lysate sensitivity is taken as the
antilog10 of this average log value.
Endpoint (EU/ml) Log10 Endpoint
Calculation of Geometric Mean Endpoint 1/8 (0.125) -0.903
Endpoint (EU/ml) Log10 Endpoint 1/16 (0.0625) -1.204
0.125 -0.903 Mean = -1.054
0.125 -0.903 Antilog10 Mean =0.088 = 1/11.4 6
0.06 -1.222 Endotoxin Concentration = lysate sensitivity × endpoint dilution
0.125 -0.903 = 0.125 EU/ml × 11.4 = 1.4 EU/ml
Mean = -0.983
Antilog10 Mean = 0.10 EU/ml

Acceptable variation is one half to two times the labeled lysate sensitivity.

12 13
Product Inhibition 4. Using the IPD (step #3), dilute the 10 × 2λ liquid endotoxin
The LAL reaction is enzyme mediated and, as such, has an optimal standard to 10λ by mixing 0.5 ml of the 10 × 2λ LES and 0.5 ml
pH range, and specific salt and divalent cation requirements. Occa- IPD to equal 10λ. Label as 10λ.
sionally, test samples may alter these optimal conditions to an extent
that the lysate is rendered insensitive to endotoxin. Negative results 5. Using the test dilution, dilute the 10λ to 4λ by adding 0.8 ml of
with samples which inhibit the LAL test do not necessarily indicate the 10λ to 1.2 ml of test dilution. Label as 4λ. This solution becomes
absence of endotoxin. the starting dilution for making the endotoxin concentrations to be
Initially, each type of sample should be screened for product inhibition.
Prepare a series of two-fold dilutions of endotoxin in product as follows: 6. Using the 4λ solution, make four additional two-fold serial dilutions
using test dilution as the diluent. Label as 2λ, λ, 1/2λ and 1/4λ,
1. Determine the dilution of the sample to be tested. The product must respectively.
be diluted a minimum of 1:2 when using the LES reagents in this
manner. Assay the endotoxin dilutions prepared in sample (step 6) in parallel
with the four liquid endotoxin standards which bracket the labeled
2. Make a minimum of 6 ml of the sample at the test dilution (step lysate sensitivity using standard procedures. At the end of the
#1). Use LAL Reagent Water as the sample diluent. Label as test incubation period, record positive and negative results and calculate
dilution. the geometric mean endpoint for both series of endotoxin dilutions.
Products are said to be free of product inhibition if the geometric mean
3.  Make a minimum of 1 ml of “initial product dilution” (IPD). The IPD endpoint of endotoxin in product is within 1/2 to 2 times the labeled
is twice the concentration of the sample test dilution (step #1). lysate sensitivity.
For example: if the sample is to be tested at a 1:2 dilution, the IPD
will be undilute; if the sample is to be tested at a 1:40 dilution, the
IPD should be 1:20. Label as IPD.

14 15
Product Inhibition Testing The easiest means to overcome product inhibition is through dilution.
Lysate Sensitivity (λ) = 0.125 EU/ml This initial dilution factor must be taken into account when calculating
Endotoxin Dilution (EU/ml) the total endotoxin concentration in a test sample. As a quick screen
Endotoxin 0.25 (2λ) 0.125 (λ) 0.06 (1/2λ) 0.03 (1/4λ)
to determine a non-inhibitory dilution of product, prepare a series of
in Water 1 + + – –
increasing dilutions of the product. Add 100 μl of each product dilution
2 + + – –
into an assay tube and then add 10 μl of the 10 × 2λ liquid endotoxin
3 + + + –
standard. Proceed as directed under Test Procedure. Positive results
4 + + – –
indicate when product inhibition has been overcome. Products which
geometric mean endpoint = 0.10 EU/ml
are extremely acidic or basic may require pH adjustment as well as
in Product A 1 + – – – dilution in order to completely overcome product inhibition.
2 + + – –
3 + + – –
4 + + – –
geometric mean endpoint = 0.15 EU/ml

in Product B 1 – – – –
2 – – – –
3 – – – –
4 – – – –
geometric mean endpoint = > 0.25 EU/ml

16 17
A Note for Our International Customers 10. United States Pharmacopeial Convention. General Chapter <85>
Bacterial Endotoxins Test. United States Pharmacopeia (USP).
Other regulatory agencies may adopt other performance standards
which will need to be satisfied in order to be in compliance in their 11. European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines. Chapter 2.6.14 Bacterial
jurisdictions. Endotoxins Test. European Pharmacopoeia (EP).

12. Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, General Chapter 4.0.1 Bacterial
References Endotoxins Test. Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP).
1. Bang, F.B. A bacterial disease of Limulus polyphemus. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.
98:325–351 (1956). 13. U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration,
"Guidance for Industry Pyrogen and Endotoxins Testing: Questions and Answers"
2. Levin, J. and F.B. Bang. A description of cellular coagulation in the Limulus. (June 2012).
Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp. 115:337 (1964).

3. Levin, J. and F.B. Bang. The role of endotoxin in the extracellular coagulation
of Limulus blood. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 115:265–274 (1964).

4. Levin, J. and F.B. Bang. Clottable protein in Limulus: its localization and kinetics
of its coagulation by endotoxin. Thrombos. Diath. Haemorrh. 19:186–197 (1968).

5. Solum, N.O. Some characteristics of the clottable protein of Limulus polyphemus

blood cells. Thrombos. Diath. Haemorrh. 23:170–181 (1970).

6. Solum, N.O. The coagulogen of Limulus polyphemus hemocytes. A comparison of

the clotted and non-clotted forms of the molecule. Throm. Res. 2:55–70 (1973).

7. Young, N.S., J. Levin, and R.A. Prendergast. An invertebrate coagulation system

activated by endotoxin: Evidence for enzymatic mechanism. J. Clin. Invest.
51:1790–1797 (1972).

8. Nachum, R., A. Lipsey and S.E. Siegel N. Eng. J. Med. 289:931–934 (1973).

9. Cooper, J.F., H.D. Hochstein and E.B. Seligman, Jr. Bull. Parent. Drug Assoc. 8
26:153–162 (1972).

18 19
Notes Notes

20 21
Certificate of Analysis:

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