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The Organization of Ship’s Crew

The man in charge of a ship is the Master. He is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety
of the crew. He must be well qualified and an experience navigator. Although his correct title is
the Master, he is addressed as “Captain’

The organization of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but it is still customary to find Deck,
Engine, Catering and radio Departments in ships of a reasonable size. Each department is made
up of a varied number of officers, petty officers and ratings.

The chief officers, or First Master as he is often called is the Master’s chief officer and head of
the Deck Department.

He is assisted by a second officer (Mate), a Third Officer (Mate), and sometimes a Fourth
Officer (Mate)

Several companies employ a First officer as well as a Chief Officer.

The Deck Department also includes a Boatswain (Bosun) and a carpenter, both petty officers,
and a number of ratings.

These are made up of Able Seamen (AB), Ordinary Seamen (OS) and a middle grade known as
Efficient Deck Hands (EDH).

There are other grades of seamen.

On some ships navigating Cadets are carried for training purpose.

The Chief Engineer is head of the Engine Department.

He is assisted by a second, third, Fourth and sometimes Fifth Enginer.

An Electrical Officer may also be carried.

The engine room petty officers are the Storekeeper and Donkeyman.

On tankers there is also a Pumpman.

He is also a petty officers.

The engine room ratings are Fireman and Greasers.

There are may also be Engineer Cadets.

The Catering Department is under the Chief Steward.

It is divided into a saloon and gallery section.

The former is headed by the Second Steward, the latter by the Ship’s Cook.

They are both usually petty officers.

They are assisted by several stewards and cooks, and by a number of junior ratings.

The Radio Department often conists of only one man: the Radion Officer.

On Ships where continuous radio watches are kept there may be three radio officers; a chief,
second and third.
Organisasi Kru Kapal

Orang yang bertanggung jawab atas sebuah kapal adalah Master. Dia bertanggung jawab atas
kapal, kargo dan keamanan awak kapal. Dia harus berkualitas dan navigator pengalaman.
Meskipun judulnya yang benar adalah Master, dia dialamatkan sebagai "Kapten '

Organisasi awak kapal kargo berubah, namun masih biasa menemukan Departemen Dek, Mesin,
Katering dan Radio di kapal dengan ukuran yang masuk akal. Setiap departemen terdiri dari
jumlah petugas, perwira dan pemeringkat yang bervariasi.

Petugas utama, atau Guru Pertama karena dia sering dipanggil adalah kepala kepala Master dan
kepala Departemen Deck.

Dia dibantu oleh petugas kedua (Mate), Petugas Ketiga (Mate), dan kadang-kadang Petugas
Keempat (Mate)

Beberapa perusahaan mempekerjakan perwira Pertama sekaligus Chief Officer.

Departemen Deck juga mencakup Boatswain (Bosun) dan seorang tukang kayu, perwira kecil,
dan sejumlah pemeringkat.

Ini terdiri dari Able Seamen (AB), Pelaut Biasa (OS) dan kelas menengah dikenal sebagai
Efficient Deck Hands (EDH).

Ada nilai pelaut lainnya.

Pada beberapa kapal yang menavigasi Kadet dibawa untuk tujuan pelatihan.

Chief Engineer adalah kepala Departemen Mesin.

Dia dibantu oleh Enginer kedua, ketiga, keempat dan kadang-kadang kelima.

Petugas Listrik juga bisa dibawa.

Petugas kamar kecil mesin adalah Storekeeper dan Donkeyman.

Di kapal tanker ada juga Pumpman.

Dia juga perwira kecil.

Peringkat ruang mesin adalah Fireman dan Greasers.

Mungkin juga ada Engineer Kadet.

Departemen Catering berada di bawah Chief Steward.

Ini dibagi menjadi bagian galeri dan galeri.

Yang pertama dipimpin oleh Second Steward, yang terakhir oleh Ship's Cook.

Mereka berdua biasanya perwira kecil.

Mereka dibantu oleh beberapa pelayan dan juru masak, dan oleh sejumlah peringkat junior.

Departemen Radio sering hanya terdiri dari satu orang: Petugas Radion.

Di kapal-kapal dimana jam radio terus menerus disimpan mungkin ada tiga petugas radio;
seorang pemimpin, kedua dan ketiga.

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