2003 Issue 1 (Spring) - Investigating Out of Specification (OOS) Test Resul

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BioWhittakerTM LAL Review

Published by Cambrex Bio Science Walkersville, Inc.

Spring 2003

Investigating Out of Specification (OOS) reports, and the values used for
any statistical calculation or analy-
Test Results and The LAL Test sis." Based on this definition,
where the anomalous result is not
By Ronald N. Berzofsky Ph.D. the reportable value, a laboratory
investigation may be adequate; an

n 1998, the FDA published the criteria can allow investigations of OOS investigation of an unlikely
draft guidance entitled "Investi- anomalous results to be limited to product failure may not be neces-
gating Out of Specification (OOS) identifying the cause without sary.
Test Results for Pharmaceutical expanding the investigation need-
Production" 1. Since then, the time lessly to rule out unlikely product If an assay test result can be invali-
and energy devoted to investigating failures. Lynn Torbeck, in his article dated based on clear evidence of
perceived OOS results and other "Reportable Values for Out-of-Spec- laboratory error, there is no need for
anomalous results has expanded to ification Test Results"2, suggests
monumental proportion. It's time to that a clear and focused definition of If an assay test result can
take a step back and review exactly the term, reportable result, "can min-
what the OOS guidance says and imize the confusion … and clarify
be invalidated based on
how it relates to LAL test results. the related issues of assay valida- clear evidence of laboratory
tion and setting specifications." error, there is no need for
As defined in the guidance, the term further investigation.
OOS results includes all suspect Mr. Torbeck defines a reportable
results that fall outside the specifica- value as "the end result of the com- further investigation. That being
tions or acceptance criteria estab- plete measurement method as doc- said however, laboratory errors,
lished in new drug applications, offi- umented. It is the value compared which prevent valid test results from
cial compendia, or by the manufac- with the specification, the values being generated, should be investi-
turer. Careful attention to definitions collected when the term replicates gated and resolved. The guidance
of specifications and acceptance is used, the values used for official says...

“Laboratory error should be rela-

tively rare. Frequent errors suggest
BioWhittaker becomes Cambrex Bio Science Walkersville, Inc.
problem that might be due to inad-
equate training of analysts, poorly
BioWhittaker has taken on the name of our parent company Cambrex.
maintained or improperly calibrated
And while our name has changed, our BioWhittaker Endotoxin Detection
equipment, or careless work.
products haven't.
Whenever laboratory error is identi-
fied, the firm should determine the
• Stringent quality control over all products
source of that error and take cor-
• Technical experts committed to meeting your needs
rective action to ensure that it does
• Fast, reliable customer service
not occur again. To ensure compli-
• Innovative leaders in Endotoxin Detection
ance with the CGMP regulations,
the manufacturer also should main-
Cambrex is a global company dedicated to life sciences, sharing knowledge
tain adequate documentation of the
and resources to deliver better service and support. We appreciate the
corrective action.”
continued opportunity to meet your needs with the best quality products.
Continued on page 2
BioWhittakerTM LAL Review 2

OOS Continued from page 1 If the assay parameters are not in and see if the test results are out of
However, laboratory errors do not specification, invalidate the entire specification before invalidating the
automatically mean there has been assay. If there is no other error, analysis. The analyst should not
a product failure. the investigation is complete. generate any assay data that they
There is no valid test result which suspect will later be invalidated
The first step in evaluating any labo- constitutes a reportable value. because of laboratory error.
ratory test result is to review all Retest the original solutions unless
assay parameters to determine if the there is reason to suspect they were Before discarding test preparations
assay is valid. In advance of per- not prepared correctly. or standard preparations, analysts
forming any test or investigating any should check the assay data for
laboratory error, the laboratory If the product specific parameters compliance with written specifica-
should establish written assay and are not in specification, and retest- tions. However, the analyst should
product specifications. Include ing and resampling is permitted (see not automatically retest sample
specifications for the replicates of FDA Guideline, Validation the Limu- solutions without consulting with the
standards (%CV), standard curve lus Amebocyte Lysate Test as an supervisor. The investigation should
parameters (slope, Y intercept, coef- End-Product Release Test for be well documented and scientifical-
ficient of correlation), replicates of Human and Animal Parenterals, Bio- ly defensible. Retesting sample
product (%CV), PPC recovery and logics and Medical Devices), initiate solutions can be considered part of
product test results. Evaluate all retesting and/or resampling. If prod- the investigation, but should require
assay parameters first. In the event uct specific parameters continue to documentation and supervisory
of an error, reject the entire assay if be out of specification, you now sign-off.
any assay parameter is out of spec- must expand the investigation.
ification. If sample dilutions are to be stored
The OOS guidance specifies the and retested, validate the maximum
Based on the definition discussed responsibilities of the analyst. If the time test solutions may be stored
above, only reportable results have analyst suspects an error in the per- and still yield accurate results.
the potential of constituting an OOS; formance of a laboratory test, the Specify type of storage container
i.e. PPC recovery and product test analyst should immediately docu- and storage temperature. Use of
results. All the other assay parame- ment what happened and stop the endotoxin-spiked samples is recom-
ters that fall out of specification, if analysis. The analyst should not mended.
they are not reportable results, con- knowingly continue an analysis that
stitute a laboratory error. Product can be invalidated for an assignable The OOS guidance also specifies
quality is NOT an issue. cause. The analyst should not wait the supervisor's responsibilities.
Once an OOS result has been iden-
tified, the supervisor's assessment
should be objective and timely.
NEW RESEARCH PRODUCT AVAILABLE a) An immediate assessment
could include re-examination of
Earlier this year in our Winter 2002 LAL Review, we shared with you infor-
mation about our next generation of endotoxin detection products, the actual test solutions and
Recombinant Factor C. We are pleased to announce our research grade accessories used in the original
test kit, PyrogeneTM , will be available for sale at the beginning of 2003. analysis.
This test method is a single end-point assay that measures the fluores- b) The supervisor should discuss
cence generated by the enzymatic cleavage of a synthetic substrate and the test method with the analyst.
has a linear detection range from 0.1-10.0 EU/ml. The Recombinant Fac- The supervisor should confirm
tor C assay has a better specificity for the detection of endotoxin and will analyst's knowledge of the correct
not detect beta (1,3)-glucan activity. procedure and the analyst's ability
to perform the procedure in the
Pyrogene TM can be ordered under part number 50-658U which contains correct manner.
192 tests per kit.
Using the TRENDING feature, a
For additional product information, please contact our Technical Services
Department at 1-800-654-4452 ext 7822, or to place an order, contact our
Customer Services Department at 1-888-403-8772.
Continued on page 4
BioWhittakerTM LAL Review 3

Horseshoe Crab Named Delaware's High School biology teacher, Rob

Schroeder. I provided Rep. Schroed-
State Marine Animal er with a PowerPoint demonstration
By Abigail Bradley presenting the value of horseshoe
Editor’s Note: Abigail is now a freshman at the University of Delaware majoring in crabs, not just to Delawareans, but to
biology. She plans to pursue a graduate degree in marine science and wants to all Americans. Not only are they 500
continue working on horseshoe crab preservation issues. million year old creatures that
deserve our respect, but also there is

ver since I was a little child, I the science to me and provided me probably not a single American who
have been interested in horse- with supplies to work on the experi- has NOT benefited from a vaccine,
shoe crabs and have been for- ment. This is what gave me my start an injectable antibiotic, an intra-
tunate enough to live near the on horseshoe crab research. For the venous solution, insulin, or a medical
Delaware Bay where I grew to learn a rest of high school, I did all of my sci- device that's been tested with LAL. I
lot about them. When my mother ence projects on horseshoe crabs.
and I walked along the beach, we ...there is probably not a
would always look for stranded I decided to start some horseshoe single American who has
horseshoe crabs and return them to crab science projects focusing on NOT benefited from a vac-
the water. I didn't know the impor- which environmental factors influ-
tance of horseshoe crabs at the time; ence their nest site selection. I cine, an injectable antibiotic,
I just didn't want to see the stranded measured beach profile, sediment an intravenous solution,
ones die. Then, I attended Coast grain size, and water temperature insulin, or a medical device
Day, a celebration of the Delaware and salinity at five beach sites off the that's been tested with LAL.
coast at the University of Delaware's Delaware Bay. In 2001, I won a
College of Marine Studies in Lewes. I national DuPont Science Challenge also researched state symbols and
asked an oceanographer if returning Award (one of 50 winners out of over learned that not a single other state
stranded horseshoe crabs to the 13,000 entrants) and the President's has a "marine animal" as one of its
water was okay or if it was interfering Environmental Youth Award. I also symbols (some have marine mam-
with the ecosystem. He said it was received first place at the Sussex mals, others have fish, crustaceans,
not only okay, but that we should be County Science Fair, second at the etc.)
doing this because horseshoe crabs EPA Science Fair, and third at the
were valuable creatures and were in Delaware Valley Regional Science Rep. Schroeder introduced the bill
decline. This oceanographer, inci- Fair. and when it came time to be voted
dentally, Dr. Doug Miller, would be the on, I spoke before the House of Rep-
man I wound up working for at the A few months ago, my mother resentatives about the importance of
College of Marine Studies during my noticed a road in Lewes named horseshoe crabs to pharmaceuticals
junior and senior years of high "Munchy Branch Lane." Such an and ecology, and emphasized how
school. odd name for a new street got us the Delaware Bay is home to more
thinking about the way in which horseshoe crabs then anywhere else
His remarks spurned my interest in communities choose new names for in the world. The bill passed the
horseshoe crabs, and I began doing streets, buildings, etc. That is when House and the Senate unanimously
research on them, as well as partici- it dawned on us that nothing is and was signed into law by the Gov-
pating in the annual horseshoe crab named after the horseshoe crab in ernor on June 25, 2002.
survey that the College of Marine Delaware, yet, in my opinion, they
Studies holds. In ninth grade, I was are this state's most valuable The same day the bill was signed, I
interested in designing a science lab resource. was invited to visit the Delaware
project involving horseshoe crabs. Aquatic Resources Education Cen-
When I described the type of experi- I then wrote an email to Governor ter where Dr. Ron Berzofsky of
ment I wanted to work on (testing dif- Minner suggesting that she consider BioWhittaker was giving a presenta-
ferent types of water for the presence naming the horseshoe crab as tion. What a delight to meet in per-
of endotoxin using LAL), Dr. Bill Hall Delaware's state marine animal. She son a representative of BioWhittak-
at the University of Delaware's Col- told me the first step was to contact a er, the organization that helped
lege of Marine Studies suggested I state representative and that she launch my career in HSC research.
contact BioWhittaker. When I called would be "looking for the legislation." Who knows … maybe after college
BioWhittaker four years ago, I was I then contacted Representative John and graduate school, I'll be fortunate
delighted to be put in touch with Greg Schroeder, who also happens to be enough to work at BioWhittaker
Green who helped explain some of the brother of my Cape Henlopen someday too!
BioWhittakerTM LAL Review 4

OOS Continued from page 2 When evidence for laboratory evi- Resampling
graph summarizing historical prod- dence remains unclear, a failure Resampling involves analyzing a
uct results may be helpful in identi- investigation should be conducted specimen from the collection of a
fying a trend towards unacceptable to determine what caused the unex- new sample from the batch.
test performance. Typically 3 out of pected results.
4, or 4 out of 5 values all on the The FDA Guideline on the Valida-
same side of the mean indicate a Laboratory Investigation Phase tion of the Limulus Amebocyte
trend. Values outside the 3 stan- A number of practices are used dur- Lysate Test as an End-Product
dard deviation upper control limit ing the laboratory phase of an Endotoxin Test for Human and Ani-
(UCL) or lower control limit (LCL) investigation. These include: (1) mal Parenteral Drugs, Biological
clearly indicate atypical and unex- retesting a portion of the original Products, and Medical Devices
pected results. sample(s), (2) testing a specimen allows for resampling, specifically
from the collection of a new sample when the repeat testing on pooled
If the product test result is out of from the batch, (3) resampling test- samples indicates the presence of
specification or suspect, analyze ing data, and (4) using outlier test- endotoxin. In such case, an addi-
historical endotoxin results. Does ing. tional ten units from the lot are test-
the data indicate a trend towards ed individually.
suspect or unsatisfactory results? Retesting
Retesting implies re-assay of the Averaging
If the PPC recovery is out of speci- original sample. Situations where Averaging test data (individual
fication, a graph summarizing a par - retesting is indicated include inves- determinations) can be a valid
ticular analyst's past performance tigating test instrument malfunc- approach, but its use depends upon
compared to other analysts may be tions or identifying a possible sam- the sample and the purpose of the
helpful in identifying a problem ple handling integrity problem, for test. If the sample can be assumed
associated with an analyst depend - example, a suspected dilution error. to be homogeneous using averages
ent assay technique or dedicated Generally, retesting is neither spec- can provide a more accurate result.
accessory, i.e., micropipette. ified nor prohibited by approved In the case of microbiological
applications or by the compendia. assays, the USP prefers the use of
c) The supervisor should However, FDA generally does not averages (of individual determina-
examine the Reaction Times permit the substitution of one test tions) because of the innate vari-
obtained in the analysis and iden- result for another without invalidat- ability of the biological test system.
tify anomalous or suspect infor - ing the suspect test for an assigna -
mation. ble cause. The laboratory investiga- Reliance on averages (of reportable
d) The supervisor should con- tion should uncover the cause values) has the disadvantage of
firm performance of the instru- whenever possible. hiding variability among individual
ment. test results (individual reportable
e) The supervisor should Note: The FDA Guideline on the values). For this reason, unless
determine that the appropriate Validation of the Limulus Amebo- averaging is specified by the test
reference standards, reagents cyte Lysate Test as an End-Product method or adequate written investi-
and other solutions were used Endotoxin Test for Human and Ani- gation procedures, all individual test
and that they met quality control mal Parenteral Drugs, Biological results (individual reportable val-
specifications. Products, and Medical Devices ues) should be reported.
f) The supervisor should eval- allows for retesting. Retesting is
uate the performance of the test- performed using twice the original It should be noted that a test might
ing method to ensure that it is number of replicates. consist of replicates (of individual
performing according to the stan- values) to arrive at a result
dard expected on method valida- Decisions to retest should be based (reportable value). This determina-
tion data. on the objectives of the testing and tion is considered one test and one
g) The supervisor should doc- sound scientific judgment. Retest- result. The use of replicates (of
ument and preserve evidence of ing often should be performed by an individual determinations) should
the initial assessment. analyst other than the one who per- be included in the written, test
formed the original test. Therefore, methodology. Unexpected variation
have at least two analysts validated in replicate determinations should
When clear evidence of laboratory (competing Initial Qualification Test) trigger investigation and documen-
error exists, laboratory testing to perform the LAL test prior to tation requirements.
results should be invalidated. needing a second analyst to retest
suspect samples. Continued on page 5
BioWhittakerTM LAL Review 5

OOS Continued from page 4 than the failing results, in the priate raw material specifications,
Each individual value, which is com- absence of clear evidence that ana- validated depyrogenation proce-
bined to produce the reportable lytical error had occurred. dures and controlled manufacturing
value, does not need to meet the processes, product related out-of-
specification of the reportable value To use averaged reportable values specification results (OOS) also
unless an establishment has defined for assay reporting, all test results should not occur. In a well con-
it as reportable in policies or proce- should conform to specifications. All trolled system, the time and energy
dures. Even if these non-reportable reportable values must meet specifi- devoted to investigating out-of-spec-
individual replicates do not conform cation or an OOS has occurred. ification results is at a true minimum.
to the specification of the reportable Averaging OOS reportable values
value, there is no product failure and with in-specification reportable val- References
any investigation can be limited in ues without an investigation is NOT 1. "Guidance for Industry, Investigat-
scope to the laboratory error. The acceptable. ing Out of Specification (OOS) Test
individual values should not be Results for Pharmaceutical Produc-
reported, nor is their standard devia- tion," Federal Register 63 (189),
tion or % CV reported. Any variabil- Conclusion 522276-52277 (1998).
ity within these values is a laborato- In summary, laboratory errors, if
ry assay issue they occur, DO NOT constitute a 2. Torbeck, Lynn D. "Reportable Val-
product failure. Industry experience ues for Out-of-Specification Test
In some cases, evaluating a series suggests that with appropriate train- Results," Pharmaceutical Technology,
of reportable values may be part of ing and validated procedures, labo- February 1999.
the test procedure. If some of the ratory errors associated with the
reportable values are OOS and LAL test are infrequent. These
some are within specification and all errors must be investigated when
are within the documented variation they occur, but the investigation can
of the method, the passing results be limited in scope. With clear defi-
should be given no more credence nitions for reportable values, appro-

PYROGENT® Ultra Returns!

Imagine running your gel clot assays Standards never have to be vor- Gel clot LAL has been available for
without ever having to use a vortex texed! Simply select the dilution you over 25 years. Pyrogent® Ultra is a
mixer. How much time would you need, invert it for three seconds, major improvement in this assay
save? The initial vortexing of the open, and use. There is no need to whose time has come.
CSE requires a minimum of 15 min- vortex or make dilutions of the CSE.
utes, vortexing each standard You can have your assay underway The kits are available in the follow-
between dilutions involves another in less than five minutes. ing configuration:
minute, and additional vortexing
before adding standards to reaction In addition to saving time, you'll Catalog Number Lysate Sensitivity
tubes equals a lot of preparation experience a cost savings by not N403 0.03 EU/ml
time. having to use dilution tubes and N406 0.06 EU/ml
additional pipette tips. Most impor- N412 0.125 EU/ml
The problem is, proper vortexing is tantly, endotoxin dilution errors are
critical to the LAL assay, right? Well, no longer a variable. For additional product information,
not anymore. Cambrex is reintro- please contact our Technical Ser-
ducing BioWhittaker's PYROGENT ® Each 200 test kit contains 4 x 50 vices Department at 1-800-654-
Ultra, a gel clot kit configuration that test/vials of lysate, 5 x 5 ml/vials of 4452 ext 7822, or to place an order,
includes our proprietary Liquid gel clot Liquid Endotoxin Standard contact our Customer Services
Endotoxin Standards that never (2 8, 8, 0.5 8, 0.25 8, 20 8) and a Department at 1-888-403-8772.
need vortexing! Each kit includes a matched Certificate of Quality. Addi-
gel clot LAL reagent matched to a tionally, the 20 8 standard is includ-
series of pre-diluted liquid endotoxin ed to make spiking of the positive
standards. The Liquid Endotoxin product controls an easy step.
BioWhittakerTM LAL Review Telephone:
Customer Service (888) 403-8772
Technical Service (800) 654-4452 x7822
Published by Cambrex Bio Science Walkersville, Inc.
In Maryland (301) 898-7025
FAX (301) 845-8708

Direct Inquires to: T LAL 120

Editor, LAL Review 01/03

Cambrex Bio Science Walkersville, Inc
Permit #
8830 Biggs Ford Road Here
Walkersville, MD 21793

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