An Alien

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An Alien’s Guide to the Human Body?

INTRODUCTION: Are those UFOs in the sky?! Oh my goodness, it looks like there is an alien invasion
on Earth! Although you have not seen an alien yet, you are walking around your neighborhood to get to
a friend’s house and suddenly you spot one---and he's headed your way! You do not have time to run
away and the alien looks about your age so you decide you will talk to him. Surprise! He even speaks
English! After you and the alien introduce yourselves, he asks you what you are. You are confused but
respond that you are a human being, living on Earth. He wants to know more about human beings and
you remembered learning in science class in the past that there are many different bodily systems
making up a human being. In this assignment, you will do more research on five of those human body
systems in order to tell the alien more about what a human being is. Following the QR codes below to
the websites, you will answer the guided reading questions about each bodily system- the skeletal,
muscular, circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems- in your notebook. Then, you'll use these notes
to put together a brief online presentation that the alien can bring back to his friends back home to
learn more about the makeup of a human being's body.


1. What muscle's rhythmic, wave-like movements force food from the throat to the stomach?

2. What is the acid called that is in our stomach?

3. Name and define at least three important parts of the digestive system.
1. Name three main parts of the respiratory system and their function.

2. What substance does the body take in when it inhales? What substance leaves the body while

3. About how many times per minute do humans breathe in and out?


1. Who has more bones, a baby or an adult?

2. What are the three main purposes of the skeletal system?

3. Describe the substances that make up a bone. What mineral is essential for bones?


1. How many chambers does a human heart have? Name the chambers.

2. Briefly describe the process of the circulatory system.

3. How many times does the average human heart beat per minute when the human is at rest?
1. Name and write a sentence about the three types of muscles.

2. What connects muscle to bones?

3. What is the largest muscle in the body?

FINAL ASSIGNMENT: In order to create something that the alien can take back to its friends and
family to learn more about the human body, you will use the questions that you answered for each
bodily system to make a voice thread. Find a picture that represents the systems so that the voice
thread will have six pictures: a "title picture" that shows an average human and then five pictures that
represent the five systems you just researched. Over each photo, record a caption during which you
answer the guiding questions for each bodily system. For instance, over the muscular system picture
you might record, "The muscular system is a major human body system. Humans have three types of
muscles called ____." Your voice thread should include all of the information that you found during this
virtual scavenger hunt and paint an accurate picture in the aliens' minds about how the human body
works for survival. You can reach the voice thread website by clicking here.

SUBMISSION: In order to submit this voice thread assignment, you will e-mail me a QR code that will
take me to your voice thread. Voice threads can be completed entirely online and once completed you
have the option of sharing the URL code. Use this URL code in a QR generator such as QR Stuff and then
send me an e-mail with the subject "AN ALIEN'S GUIDE TO THE HUMAN BODY" and with the QR code in
the message or attached to the email.
Having trouble with the url’s and downloads?

Use SWAY in office 365 ( using your student sign in.
EMS!(Lunch Number)

 Create your Sway

Then, follow these steps to add your audio:
o On the top menu bar, click Cards, and add the Audio card to your Sway.
o Click Record on the audio card.
o After a three second countdown, the flashing button will indicate you're recording.
o Click the flashing button when you're done recording.
o Click the play button to preview your recording.

Right Click to create your QRCode

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