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May 2017

A platform
to speak
Government is reviewing
protections for insecure
workers. But what do
they want? We find out.
— 18 to 21

News Feature Feature Feature

HSE announces Andy Slaughter MP Brexit – knowns Slaves of our times:
priorities under on his year working at and unknowns. looking after your
new Business Plan British Safety Council A legal view supply chain
—8 —24 —28 —30
fo ult

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r a a ti

ok EE ow
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Viewpoint Explosion without injuries cost MP predicts US trade deal

Essar Oil UK £1.6m – 6 ‘disaster’ for chemicals safety – 8
3 Past, present and future


4 Alarm over ‘Henry VIII’ style

powers in Brexit white paper
5 Gig economy contracts under
fire from MPs
9 British Safety Council to
Photograph: HSE Photograph: iStock/andresr
launch brand new website
10 Raising funds for Labour Slaves of our times: looking after your supply chain – 30
Behind the Label


11 L
 ouise Ward: design takes
the driver’s seat
12 Richard Bryne: getting the
right insight
14 Letters


16 60th anniversary celebrations:

film, fun & fundraising
18 Desperately seeking security?
A new workforce speaks out
22 Don’t ingnore stress
24 Hammersmith MP recalls his
first job with us
30 Brexit: knowns and unknowns
32 International Safety Awards –
individual & sector nominees Photograph: iStock/Liuser

Regulars A treat for the eye – 27 Corporate manslaughter:

prevention is key – 33
41 Events
4 4 Products and services
46 Questions and Answers
48 Info update

Editor Iris Cepero

Deputy editor Thomas Tevlin
News & features Belinda Liversedge
Photograph: iStock/Yuri_Arcurs Photograph: iStock/lovro77
Graphics & design Dean Papadopoullos
Advertisement sales Member Trade
T 0116 3265533 Safety Management ISSN 0951 2624 is published by the British Safety Council
Jas Singh and Nigel Stephens (70 Chancellors Road; London; W6 9RS; United Kingdom)
E The opinions expressed in Safety Management do not necessarily reflect the views
E of the British Safety Council. Reference to names of firms and commercial products
Subscriptions and processes does not imply their endorsement by the British Safety Council.

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2 Safety Management May 2017


Past, present and future

On 23 March we hosted a Outside of the United Kingdom the

film night at the Regent Street challenge is immense, and in some
Film about our history based
cinema in London. This venue countries resembles the position the
on archive footage at:
was the home of the first films UK was in 60 years ago. Too many
ever shown in the UK back in people are still being killed, injured
1896 when silent images of and made ill at work. Globally, every
a train pulling into a station, day, 6,300 people die as a result of
shot by the Lumiere brothers, occupational accidents or work-related
Follow the British Safety
shocked the audience so much diseases – that’s more than 2.3 million
Council on Twitter:
that some, it’s reported, ran unnecessary deaths every year.
out of the cinema concerned The chosen charity for our
for their safety! It therefore felt anniversary celebrations is
like a fitting location in which Labour Behind the Label, an NGO
to host the celebrations for our campaigning to improve the labour
60th Anniversary. conditions of garment workers
We have been working for safer
worldwide, many of whom make
Through the medium of film, the workplaces for 60 years, but
our clothes and shoes. We saw in
event celebrated the rich history of our work is far from complete
2013 how poor conditions can lead
our organisation, considered the to tragedy when over 1,000 workers
complexity of risk from the point died in the Rana Plaza factory
of view of young people today and collapse in Bangladesh. The rights
explored some of the challenges likely of workers and the responsibility of
to arise over the next 60 years. It was brands are key. Labour Behind the
a great event. You can read more Label played an important role in
about it on page 16 and view the films developing the Bangladesh Accord
on our YouTube channel. on Fire and Building Safety and they
The British Safety Council is a are continuing this important work
remarkable organisation and one across the world. We will continue
that has a great spirit. It’s a spirit fundraising for them in 2017 (See p10).
that has allowed us to make such a We must never assume that
difference over the years, educating unsafe work is a thing of the past, or
millions of workers, and making that health and safety is something
tens of thousands of workplaces only for technical specialists in the
safer in the United Kingdom and field. There is a need for that level of
around the world. expertise in risk management, but
But our work is far from complete. the starting point must be a general
In the UK we need to focus more appreciation of risk by everyone,
on health and wellbeing, given that from business leaders to the next
for every working day lost due to generation of workers.
accident, six are lost due to health So, as an organisation we have
issues, of which nearly half relate to lots to feel proud of, but there is
mental as opposed to physical health. still a huge amount to be done.
When I tell you that if you were a We have an exciting future
worker on a UK construction site that ahead of us and I look forward
you’d be 10 times more likely to lose to building on the rich legacy
your life through suicide than through set out for us by our founder,
accident, you’ll know why we’re James Tye and continued
so proud of our involvement in the during the past 60 years.
establishment of Mates in Mind, a new —
charity aimed at improving the mental Mike Robinson FCA
health of the 2.1 million construction Chief executive
workers in the UK. British Safety Council

May 2017 Safety Management 3

— header

The top news from the health,

safety and environmental Visit Safety Management online:
management sector.

as references to ‘Member States

other than the United Kingdom’, or
references to ‘EU law’ and to speed the
process up.
Secretary of state for Exiting the
EU, David Davis, reassured that: “It is
not a vehicle for policy changes”. He
said the Great Repeal Bill will provide
‘clarity and certainty’ for businesses
and workers on the day of leaving the
European Union. “It will mean that as
we exit the EU and seek a new deep
and special partnership with the EU,
we will be doing so from the position
where we have the same standards
and rules. But it will also ensure that
we deliver on our promise to end the
Britain is set to transfer EU laws into the UK statute book to prepare for Brexit.
supremacy of EU law in the UK.”
Photograph: iStock/martinwimmer But shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir
Starmer said: “We need an assurance

Alarm over ‘Henry VIII’ 9from Davis) that he will face down
those on his own side who will not be

clauses in Brexit white paper able to resist the temptation to water

these rights and protections down.”
“When we see the Bill there should
The government has published a Repeal Bill to stop holes being punched be no power to change rights and
white paper on legislating for the in the rights that working people in obligations and protections in the
United Kingdom’s withdrawal from Britain currently have. future by delegated legislation.”
the European Union. “There must be a guarantee of O’Grady said: “The Prime Minister
The Great Repeal Bill white paper a level playing field with our EU should put a clause in the Bill that
is to ensure that all existing EU laws, ensures that her government can’t
partners – not a race to the bottom on
including health and safety, will be use antiquated Henry VIII powers to
workplace rights,” she added.
transferred into the UK statute book. [reduce] worker protections on the
These include rights to paid holidays, quiet, without parliamentary scrutiny.”
protections from excessive working The government wants the power in
hours and equality rights – all laws the Great Repeal Bill to come into force
that have originated from the EU. The There should be no power to as soon as the Bill gains Royal Assent,
massive conversion process - there are change rights and protections so that the process of correcting the
around 12,000 EU regulations in force in the future statute book can begin.
in the UK – will be done so there is a Britain is expected to officially leave
‘functioning’ legal system in place for the EU no later than April 2019. Prime
when Britain actually leaves the EU. minister Theresa May triggered Article
But the TUC has warned that so- 50 to start the process shortly before
called ‘Henry VIII’ powers provided for The paper, published on 30 March, 12:30pm on 29 March 2017.
in the bill will allow the government says that powers to make secondary
to repeal or water down protections legislation – those seized on as being
without parliamentary scrutiny. dangerously antiquated – will be to To read the white paper:
TUC general secretary Frances ‘enable corrections to the laws that
O’Grady said: “The Prime Minister would otherwise no longer operate Read analysis of possible
needs to think again. She should carve appropriately’. They will be used to changes to health & safety law
out a specific exemption in the Great correct some technicalities, such after Brexit on p28

4 Safety Management May 2017

Page header

Work linked to heart

attacks in firefighters
Firefighters may be at greater risk of
heart attack and stroke due to their
working conditions, a study suggests.
Researchers at Edinburgh University
put 19 non-smoking, healthy
firefighters through heat simulations
and they found that the workers’ blood
became stickier and was more likely
to form potentially harmful clots after
exposures to very high temperatures.
They say findings may explain why
heart attacks are the leading cause of
death among firefighters.
MPs are investigating the status of workers in the ‘gig economy’. Photograph: iStock/GibsonPictures Professor Nick Mills said: “Our
study has shown a direct link between
the heat and physical activity levels
Gig economy contracts encountered by firefighters during the
course of their duties and their risk
‘unintelligible’ say MPs of suffering a heart attack. However,
we’ve also found that there are simple
measures, such as staying well
A committee of MPs has branded flexibility and employment protection’. hydrated, that firefighters can take to
Uber contracts with its drivers “There is no fundamental reason reduce this risk.”
“almost unintelligible” and why you cannot both have a flexible Dave Green, of the firefighters’ union
“gibberish” in its enquiry into self- form of employment and have worker- FBU, said: “Fire service employers now
employment and the gig economy. based entitlements, so we should need to urgently start to deal with this
The Work and Pensions Committee recognise that,” he told MPs. issue. Unfortunately, cuts to the fire
highlighted the problems with clauses Tim Roache, GMB general and rescue service mean that finding
of several contracts it had received secretary commented: “All the forced fresh crews to relieve firefighters who
from companies including Uber, self-employment contracts being have already worked too long in heat
Hermes, Deliveroo and Amazon. brought to us by members are not just isn’t always possible.”
Frank Field MP, chair of the nonsense, they are unlawful.
committee, said: “Quite frankly the
Uber contract is gibberish. They are
well aware that many, if not most, of Brexit health warning
their drivers speak English as a second The common cold and stress
Contracts required people to
language — they recently lost a court could increase because of Brexit,
agree that they are not workers,
case trying to escape TfL’s new English Professor Cary Cooper warned at
and not to take a case to court
testing rules for private hire drivers – yet the HSE stress summit.
their contract is almost unintelligible.” Cooper compared uncertainty over
The issues were raised on 6 April Brexit to the periods before and during
following an evidence session held in the the last recession, when stress levels
House of Commons. The committee also
“These multinational companies make went up and colds and respiratory
voiced concern that three of the firms’
a fortune, but reward their workers problems increased according to his
contracts (excepting Hermes) required
with job insecurity and denial of the own research of 39,000 workers.
people to agree that they are not
most basic rights of employment “Brexit is the next wave. I think
workers, and to agree not to challenge
rights, like the right to the minimum people’s fears and [problems] during
their self-employed status in court.
wage, holiday pay, and sick pay.” the recession are rearing their ugly
Field said it was an “egregious” clause
Uber said it is revising its contracts head yet again,” he said on 16 March.
designed to “put people off” challenging
into plainer English and its contract did He also warned of techno-stress,
their status, including not going to
not prevent anyone challenging their expressing amazement that most
court, and trying to obtain employment
employment status. Deliveroo also told of the audience of health and safety
rights that may be due to them.
MPs it was removing the offending professionals confessed to checking
Matthew Taylor, who is leading the
clause in its courier contracts.
government’s modern employment smart phones at night or on holiday.
review, said companies are ‘very good “In a service-based economy we want
at leading self-employed contractors What does it feel like to be a to have the technologies so we can work
to think there is a trade-off between gig worker? Feature: p18 more flexibly, but we have to control it.”

May 2017 Safety Management 5

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Third, although Essar’s policy was

to isolate the main fuel lines to the
furnace, the hydrocarbons entered the
furnace via a secondary fuel line which
had not been isolated when shut down.
Essar Oil (UK) Ltd, of the Stanlow
Manufacturing Complex at Ellesmere
Port, pleaded guilty to breaching
regulation 4 of COMAH, paying costs of
£57,644.80, in addition to the fine.
HSE principal inspector Joanne
Eccles commented: “The industry
should take notice of this case, there
were no injuries but mistakes were
made and could have been prevented.”
In a statement, Essar Oil UK said:
“We take this matter very seriously.
Distillation column at Stanlow oil refinery where fires broke out. Photograph: HSE Following the incident, measures were
put in place to ensure it could not

Essar Oil UK fined £1.65m happen again. No one at Stanlow was

hurt and there were no effects on the

after explosion at refinery general public off-site.”

It added that new sentencing
guidelines introduced in February
The UK oil division of Indian furnace, starting a number of fires 2016 had “significantly increased” the
conglomerate Essar has been fined which had to be brought under control. penalties the court can impose which
£1.65m for breaching health and The incident was reported to the was reflected in the size of its fine.
safety law following an explosion at European Union as a major accident Essar Oil UK is a subsidiary of Essar
its Stanlow oil refinery in Ellesmere under schedule 7 of the Control of Energy, which operates assets in the
Port, Cheshire. Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) power, oil and gas industries in India
Although no one was injured, the Regulations 1999. and the UK. It is part of Essar Group,
blast in the early hours of 14 November HSE’s investigation found Essar Oil with annual revenues of over $35bn.
2013 caused internal structures to (UK) Ltd had failed to take measures Essar Oil UK owns and operates the
collapse, resulting in damage totalling to prevent a major accident, and there Stanlow oil refinery, which produces
more than £20m, Liverpool Crown were three main health and safety over 16% of the UK’s transport fuels.
Court heard on 3 April. failings. First, a safety critical valve Essar Oil UK reported profits of £196m
HSE told the court that problems was ordered and installed incorrectly after tax in 2015/16.
began during the start-up of the site’s and Essar failed to correctly validate In October 2015 Essar Oil UK was
main distillation unit, when extremely its operation. Second, the company fined £497,284 following a prosecution
flammable hydrocarbons were allowed failed to assess the installation of a brought by the Environment Agency
to enter an unignited furnace. The heat new safety-critical trip by failing to over two pollution incidents involving
from another furnace nearby triggered recognise the system had a by-pass oil spills and releases; one occurring at
the explosion which destroyed the line which defeated the trip’s operation. the Stanlow refinery.

BAM in dock after for Network Rail. workers. Construction work in the
Mark Bradley was seriously injured vicinity of live conductors must
worker electrocuted when the fifth lamp post touched the be properly planned, managed
BAM Construction Limited has 11kV overhead power lines as it was and monitored to ensure the risks
been fined £260,000 after a worker being lifted into position. A colleague are controlled.”
was electrocuted by an overhead rushed to his aid and managed to use BAM Construction Limited, of
power line at a railway operating a piece of timber to push him away Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead,
centre in Basingstoke. Shoreland from the lamp column. pleaded guilty to breaching regulation
Projects Limited, the groundworks Investigating HSE inspector 14 of the Electricity at Work
contractor BAM appointed for the William Christie said: “This entirely Regulations 1989 and was ordered to
work, was also fined. preventable incident has had a pay costs of £9,415.13.
Winchester Crown Court heard permanent and very substantial effect Shoreland Projects Limited was
that on 26 January 2015, workers had on Mark’s life. fined £22,000 after pleading guilty to
been installing lamp posts on the site “Overhead power lines pose a the same breach and ordered to pay
entrance road for a project undertaken significant threat to the safety of costs of £8,442.53.

6 Safety Management May 2017

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Page header

On stress, it plans to ‘customise’

stress management standards in
healthcare, education and prisons
where it is running pilot programmes.
HSE will finalise its plans to reduce
work-related ill health in the 19 sectors
it identified in its draft health and
work strategy using feedback from
its consultation with stakeholders.
The regulator aims to complete
around 20,000 proactive inspections,
the same as in its last two business
plans (it actually delivered just
18,000 proactive inspections last
HSE will prepare for any ‘changes to the chemicals regime’ arising from Brexit.
year). HSE also pledges to ‘sustain
Photograph: iStock/andresr
improvements to the timely completion
of investigations’ and aims to complete
HSE announces priorities in 80% of fatal investigations within
12 months of assuming primacy. This
business plan for 2017/18 compares to 70% achieved in 2016.
In other highlights, HSE is to:
• Develop an accreditation offer to
Brexit, less onerous budget cuts preparing for any necessary changes
companies that sign up to HGBWW
and plans to take forward action to the chemicals regime”. It will carry
allowing ‘significant contributions
on stress, MSDs and lung disease out a consultation on a review of health to be recognised’
– these are the headlines of HSE’s and safety regulations in chemicals • Develop a strategy for cybersecurity
2017/18 business plan. by the end of the year, it says. HSE in the chemicals sector
Whereas last year’s business plan has also singled out ‘blue tape’ – • Research on how to influence
was dominated by cuts, this year the disproportionate health and safety construction SMEs’ management
outlook appeared less painful with burdens businesses place on each of risk and present findings to
taxpayer-funded income expected to other – as an issue. It will develop the the board
be £128.4m in 2019/20, £5m more than ‘evidence base’ for taking action on this. • Targeted programme of
budgeted for previously. Elsewhere the Following Helping Great Britain inspections at fairground rides
budget is £135.6m in 2017/18, falling to Work Well (HGBWW), HSE’s strategy with safety issues
£128.4m in 2018/19, as expected. for 2016-2020, which emphasised • Legionella - programme of return
There are four priorities in the collaboration, another priority is ‘leading visits to poorly performing
document. Under the priority to provide and engaging with others’. Under this dutyholders
an effective regulatory framework, heading HSE proposes to create a new • Become a Disability Confident
HSE says it will “contribute to the partnership across groups currently employer in 2017/18
government work on the UK’s exit tackling occupational lung disease to • Create an enhanced website,
from the European Union, including ‘coordinate activity’. to be more ‘user-focused’.

US trade deal would regulation: companies have to prove their because it relies on the collaboration
products are safe. That basic approach of experts in each of the EU member
be ‘disaster’ for simply isn’t recognised in the US.” states to run it.
chemicals safety He said it would be a ‘disaster’ if An enquiry into REACH’s future after
we adopt a UK-US trade deal without Brexit is underway in Parliament with
A UK-US trade deal out of REACH’s
REACH because of the ‘toothless the Environmental Audit Committee.
umbrella would be a “health and
safety disaster”, a Labour MP tiger’ of US equivalent rules. The US Davies, a committee member, told
has warned. Toxic Substances Control Act (TOSCA) a hearing on 7 March: “To provide
Writing for the Guardian, Geraint allows asbestos to be sold in the US. It business certainty, wouldn’t it be
Davies said: “If we leave the EU we also allows chemicals to be sold which sensible simply to say, “We will
step out of the protective umbrella of have been outlawed by the EU, he said. adopt REACH”? It is all very well
REACH, the EU directive that requires Registration, Evaluation, saying we might have a difference of
companies to prove their chemicals Authorisation and Restriction of opinion on ethanol in alcohol or with
are safe to human health and the Chemicals (REACH) is thought to be Poland or whatever, but what we are
environment before they can be sold. one of the most difficult aspects of talking about here are thousands and
“The process works on the environmental regulation to preserve in thousands of jobs and billions and
“precautionary principle” central to EU UK law once the country leaves the EU billions of pounds of industry.”

8 Safety Management May 2017

Page header

about health and safety, whether you’re

a seasoned professional, or taking
your first steps into this arena. We’ll be
using this new site as one of our main
vehicles to educate, inform and drive
public awareness.
We’ve listened carefully to thousands
of health and safety professionals over
the last year, and we’re planning a new
generation of tools and services we
can offer to help you better make the
case for good practice, and more easily
embed it into your workplace culture.
Keep an eye on our new website over the
rest of 2017 because although we are
launching the new site in May, we’ll be
delivering a steady stream of new and
innovative features offering data insights,
career guidance, online communities,
A more user friendly and intercative website will help you better make the case for good practice. better management of your health and
Photograph: iStock/shironosov safety tools, and an extensive library
of research and knowledge for you to

Safety 2.0: speaking the consult during the rest of 2017, our 60th
anniversary year.

language of the modern world

We want to empower our members,
subscribers and the general public with
the very best information, guidance
and support to continue to make the
Chris Wales
workplace an ever-safer and healthier
British Safety Council
place to be. Finding new interactive
ways to convey our research, putting
British In 1957, British Safety Maps tells people how to get from A quick-access tools and advice into
Council Council founder James to B using real-time traffic monitoring. the mobile phone in your pocket, and
Tye not only had a mission Amazon’s Alexa listens and orders your giving health and safety professionals
– to stop the almost half a million shopping, while robots and drones the support they need to be a success
accidents and thousands of fatalities package and deliver your order. Apple’s will be our mission going forward.
occurring in the UK – but he knew value, if it were a country’s GDP, The world continues to change at
exactly how to do it. “Meetings, would place it number 20 in the world an ever-greater pace and as well as
lectures, discussions and rankings, just below Saudi Arabia, empowering us, technology continues
displays; films, posters, television above Switzerland. to disrupt – with the likes of Uber,
and broadcasting; handbooks, We know, in short, that if we want AirBnB, Facebook, Google, Apple,
brochures, pamphlets and the to shape the world’s view on safety, Amazon and others continuing to turn
like,” prescribed the British Safety ‘brochures, pamphlets and the like’ old ways of working on their head.
Council’s first constitution. probably aren’t going to cut it now and New frontiers are opening up for us.
As we celebrate our 60th birthday this in future alone. What will be the risks in a workplace
year, the British Safety Council’s resolve That’s why over the last year of heavy automation? Of robotics?
to ensure that ‘no one is injured or made the British Safety Council has been Of workers staring at mobiles and
ill at work’ is as strong as ever, as is our investing heavily in the creation of a computer screens every day for hours?
determination to use whatever methods new digital department. We’ve been What are the risks of the stress of
help us best turn hearts and minds to tasked with research and development being ‘always connected’?
the vital work of protecting workers. To aimed at bringing in a number of As we celebrate 60 years of hard work
do that however, we need to speak the cutting-edge digital tools and services and progress, I can scarcely imagine
language of the modern world. into the health and safety market. a more interesting or better time for
This is the era in which Twitter We know that today people learn the British Safety Council to continue
makes or breaks celebrity careers and and consume information in different to invest in new ways of spreading
delivers breaking news ahead of news ways: on mobile phones, interactively, its message. Our new website will be
outlets. Where analysts conclude that via social media, as well as traditional available from 6 May.
the President of the United States methods. On 5 May we will launch our
won office using Facebook; which is brand-new website. Built mobile-first,
no surprise when almost a third of the we intend this to be the go-to digital Visit new site at the same url:
planet’s population log into it. Google home for everything you need to know

May 2017 Safety Management 9


Many workers in the garment industry are subject to labour exploitation. Photograph: iStock/track5

For the people who make our clothes

Harpreet Hansi and financial need it, to raise awareness and build
British Safety Council support they solidarity between consumers and
need to start workers and to continue to work
British 2017 is seeing the British rebuilding with brands to ensure worker rights
Council Safety Council celebrating their lives. are respected.
its 60th Birthday. On 23 Like the
March it was celebrated in style British Safety
with a film night and fundraiser at Council vision
the iconic Regent Street Cinema in that no one should be injured or made
London (see p16). ill at work, Labour Behind the Label
The British Safety Council took believes that that no worker should have
this opportunity to raise funds in to risk their health, their safety or their
aid of Labour Behind the Label, a lives simply by going to work. Over the
charity fighting for garment workers’ years they have helped many victims of
conditions across the globe. Labour incidents like the Rana Plaza collapse Help us raise
Behind the Label campaigns to improve to rebuild their lives. The NGO has money for
conditions and empower workers in the made a positive impact by challenging Labour Behind
global garment industry, to guarantee brands to improve their manufacturing
the Label
that standards are set and maintained and production strategies and provide Text RISK17 £5
and to ensure that a tragedy like the satisfactory wages for workers in to 70070
collapse of the Rana Plaza building that developing countries.
caused the death of more than 1,000 The British Safety Council
people in Bangladesh in 2013 never appreciates the generous contributions
happens again. we received on 23 March for this
One of their campaigns, Worker fundraising effort, and as part of the
Safety, focuses on lobbying celebrations for our 60th anniversary,
governments, brands and retailers we will keep raising funds until the end
and employers to take steps to make of 2017 to support their work.
workplaces safe. They also campaign The money raised will help Labour
to ensure that, when the worst does Behind the Label to cover urgent Read more about modern
happen, workers receive the medical appeals to support workers when they slavery on p30

10 Safety Management May 2017


Design takes the

driver’s seat
Throughout history, that we know can lead to accidents. learning is being directly applied to
human beings have sought Technology is evolving at an continuously improve the safety and
opportunities to increase value, amazing pace, so there is a need to act performance of the system. Nobody is
efficiency and productivity quickly if we are to reap the benefits of advocating personal sacrifice for the
while reducing the requirement this unique opportunity to design out sake of progress though! Small scale
for effort and interaction. risk and design in health and safety. trials allow this learning to develop
From the development of the For many years we have understood while managing the risk of incidents
earliest hand tools, through that human involvement introduces and allowing people to develop
water power, horse power, an element of uncertainty to a system confidence in the system.
steam, combustion and then or process. People think and act Whatever your views are about
electric engines, to computers, independently, and are therefore the advance of technology, there is
the internet and robotics, this inherently unpredictable. However, no doubt that the man-machine
objective has driven progress if the level of human involvement at interface is changing fundamentally.
throughout the world. the point of work is reducing, then I believe that there is an opportunity
there is a real opportunity to address to achieve a real step change in health
Now we are reaching another
this issue by applying intelligence and and safety, if we act quickly to apply
key milestone in the evolution of
allowing systems to learn and evolve historical data; design out risk; and
technology. Machinery and equipment
to reduce risk. design health and safety into the
is becoming fully autonomous,
We have already seen some systems of the future.
requiring little or no human interaction
at the point of work. elements of this in the automotive Louise Ward
So, does this render us obsolete? industry, where systems have been Director of policy, communications
Is a life of leisure awaiting us all as the introduced to automatically apply the and standards
machines get on with the business of brakes on encountering an obstruction; British Safety Council
running our world? I think not, but I do limit the speed of the vehicle based on
think that the role we play is changing. the conditions; automatically switch
Rather than being involved at the point on headlights and windscreen wipers
of work, we will instead be involved where required; indeed, some cars
in enabling; writing the algorithms, now even park themselves! All of
setting the objectives, specifying these systems have been designed
the output and controlling the end to to address key causes of accidents,
end process. This is a fundamental by reducing the need for a person
change, but also offers an important to make decisions and take action,
opportunity to design management instead using data from monitoring
of health and safety into the systems and sensing equipment to identify
of the future. a hazardous situation and apply the
There is already talk of the appropriate control measure based on
complexities of legal liability for objective learning from historical data.
incidents involving autonomous The results have been very positive in
machines. For example, who should terms of incident reduction, and the
be held accountable for a road accident systems are now being fitted to an ever
involving an autonomous vehicle? increasing range of vehicles.
Not the occupant, they have no control There is a need to manage
over the operation. Who then? The expectations though. Things will
organisation that wrote the control still go wrong, especially in the early
system? The owner of the equipment? stages of development. Indeed,
The answers aren’t yet defined, trials of autonomous vehicles have
but rather than focusing on just the already been halted several times
reactive element, surely the objective following accidents that have attracted Collision and injury criteria
must be to apply the knowledge and significant media attention. However when working with robots at:
learning gained over the last 100 or the incidence rate is significantly lower
more years to design out the factors than that for standard vehicles and rr906.htm

May 2017 Safety Management 11

Page header

Getting the right insight

To work out what your safety climate What they don’t mention, gives you
is like, you need to build a picture the insights you need — again the
Richard based on three dimensions. pros and cons of this approach are
Byrne • Physical safety —how well are obvious; or
occupational health and safety • You develop your own questionnaire
risks managed locally across the based around the key ‘what it will
organisation. This can be measured feel like’ measures in your safety
using an audit or a series of them strategy, these are the statements
• Colleague perceptions — what that any good strategy aiming to
do your workforce think of how deliver cultural change will have.
you manage health and safety. Whatever you do, you need to make
This is often measured using a sure the questions are valid; in other
questionnaire or by interviews words they test what you think they
• External perceptions — what do
will test. The results are reliable, so if
your external stakeholders think of
Health & safety director you repeat the survey you will get a
how you manage safety relative to
Contract Merchanting & similar result. Just as important is to
your competitors, legal standards,
Plumbing & Heating Divisions pay attention to the response rate.
customer expectations and best in
Travis Perkins Plc A poor response rate, or low
class. This can be measured via a
uptake for the interviews actually
range of key business metrics.
tells you as much as a high response
rate or great uptake on interviews.
Though, ideally, the rate will be
representative of the workforce,
the results are questionable.
Measuring the safety climate
The results of a climate survey are
Safety culture is one of those is not as easy as simply doing
the results, you can’t change them.
phrases that is banded about by an audit and having a chat
All you can do —even if the results
lots of people in the profession with a few people
are beyond your wildest dreams—
and industry, but the more I hear
is to celebrate success where you
people talk about it the less sure
can and then focus on a handful of
I am they know what they are
improvement actions. Those actions
talking about.
Building a picture of the physical will make a real difference. If you
One of the main areas of confusion,
safety and external perceptions is keep referencing back to the climate
it seems, is how you actually measure
relatively straight forward, however assessment as to why you doing what
it. Back in 2005 my first ever article
colleague perceptions isn’t. You have you are, it makes colleagues realise
for a safety magazine was on this
a number of decisions to make: they are being listened too.
very subject. As it happened 12 years
• You include a handful of health Measuring the safety climate is not
ago, I thought it would worth dusting
and safety-related questions in a as easy as simply doing an audit and
it off and refreshing a few of the
bigger employee attitude survey. having a chat with a few people while
key points.
The downside of doing this is that you are there. It’s multi dimensional
The facts when you get the results you often and best considered when you’ve
You cannot measure culture. The need more insights to identify focus cracked the obvious stuff and want
phrase ‘safety culture’ means the areas, hence another more detailed to get more insights into what
collection of people’s attitudes and survey; or will give you the next leap in your
beliefs towards how health and safety • You use an off-the-shelf organisation’s safety performance.
is managed in an organisation. It is questionnaire with all the pros and
widely agreed upon by academics that cons associated with them; or
it is difficult to measure in absolute • You use a face-to-face interview HSE guide to measuring health
terms. What you can do is take a approach like appreciative enquiry, & safety performance at:
snapshot in time. This is often called where you ask people to tell you
the ‘safety climate’. what’s good or what they like. pdf

12 Safety Management May 2017

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— header

Come together
Join the debate:
Process safety performance in
What do you think about
the high hazard industry is being
topical health, safety or
threatened by the interminable
environmental issues?
rise of the silo factor – an inability
within process safety management
(PSM) circles to collaborate and be
consistent across all departments
in an organisation.
Letter of the month The silo factor occurs when different
parties think more about optimising their
The human factor own area of responsibility and less about
optimising the overall organisation’s PSM
ethical standards.
performance. Effective performance
Historically, human factors
of the PSM system, however, can only
(ergonomics), which provides a
be achieved through integrated and
scientific approach to human-
collaborative thinking and processes
centred design, applying
that encourage a constant focus on
physiological and psychological
major accident hazards (MAHs).
principles to optimise the balance of
This is the principal finding of a
people’s strengths and limitations,
research project carried out by ABB’s
has played an important part in
global engineering and consultancy
the design of human-centred
group. In the study (
systems but its contribution has
Photograph: iStock/muratsenel kk3cp2t), we identified common
often been too limited and too
PSM weaknesses which include
Automation, informatics, robotics, late in the design process to have
factors such as inadequate testing of
sensors and mobile devices are a real impact. The CIEHF believes
safeguards and poor understanding of
transforming our workplaces and that now is the time to bring this
hazards. In most cases the weaknesses
it’s exciting to consider the potential approach to the fore. Suggestions
identified were in some way a result of
these technologies have to improve from MEPs, for example, that
silo approaches to PSM with different
our world. robot designers could include ‘kill’
departments not integrating effectively.
However, we must advance switches so that robots can be
The process safety implications of
with care; there are significant turned off in emergencies would be
the weaknesses identified are clear
challenges emerging around a step in the right direction.
instances of people performing safety
human interaction with robots Humans come in all shapes and
critical tasks without understanding
and robot design, which need our sizes and, unlike machines, bring
the significance of the tasks and
attention, particularly in terms of high levels of unpredictability in
hazards they are protecting against;
health and safety. It is important their responses and behaviour.
protective systems not designed with
to remember that human skills Humans are able to respond to
an adequate understanding of the scale
will remain essential for many unusual or unexpected situations,
of consequences they need to protect
tasks, necessitating a harmonious and contribute towards the
against; and management systems not
marriage between humans resilience of a system. So, as
identifying and rectifying shortcomings.
and machines. workforces become more mobile,
To avoid silo thinking, the process
The Chartered Institute of diverse, and dependent on
industry must address three main areas.
Ergonomics and Human Factors technology, human factors can
Accountability and oversight – who in
(CIEHF) agrees with Members in ensure inclusive design of robots
the organisation is accountable for the
the European Parliament (MEPs) and intelligent systems to improve
overall management of process safety?
who have recently suggested that their capability for interpreting
Communication – what needs to be
a robust European legal framework and responding to human operator
communicated to and by each party?
around the development of requirements.
Simplification – how to simplify PSM and
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence The application of human
pass on the information everyone needs
is urgently needed ( factors in design activities must
in ways that they can understand?
z52gp4h). MEPs are calling for therefore be prioritised to ensure
PSM can be complex and some
a European Agency for robotics we are creating robots that can
elements of it technically challenging,
and a Code of Ethical Content to effectively and safely work and
but many functions and people within an
regulate who should be accountable interact with people.
organisation need only simple messages.
for the social, environmental and —

human health impacts of robotics Sarah Sharples
Conrad Ellison
and ensure that they operate in Past president
Principal EHS consultant
accordance with legal, safety and CIEHF
ABB Consulting

14 Safety Management May 2017

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Feature – 60th Anniversary

Shanil Kawol, a film

competition finalist Mark Kermode

Members of the film competition’s judging panel Guests enjoyed celebrations

Richard Bracewell, Kieron Corless and Iris Cepero at the Regents Cinema

60th celebrations off the choices that you make every day in

order to disregard or counter those risks

with a swing
which society creates for us. It made
me think of health and safety as a much
broader issue than just following specific
procedures. It’s much more complex,
“The British Safety Council has a Mark Kermode and British Safety especially when related to mental health.
great spirit,” said Mike Robinson, Council members and friends, enjoyed Everyone should be aware of their own
chief executive, speaking at a splendid evening of history and health and safety.”
the gala film night held on 23 thought-provoking debate. Finalists from around the world
Five films by young people made also spoke of the value of exchanging
March to celebrate 60 years of
to address the British Safety Council culturally-formed ideas on the nature of
the organisation’s rich history.
competition brief on ‘Risk’ were risk. Nikhil Sudersanan, a finalist for his
“The night’s celebrations clearly
screened. Winners, selected out of film Inertia, set in an Indian marketplace,
demonstrate that we have a lot
nearly 50 entries, expressed their said people approached him on the night
to feel proud of, as well as many
delight at the opportunity as well as the to say they had been amazed to see
challenges and opportunities to
chance to shape discussions around animals being slaughtered on film. “They
address as we look forward to
what health and safety means today. said they hadn’t seen how chickens
the next 60 years.”
Kate Haley, student at Trinity College, are killed. Then I came to know about
The buzz at the Regents cinema, Dublin, Ireland, a finalist for her film Risk the frozen chicken culture in western
London showed how true Mike’s told in an ingenious first person style countries where meat is available in
words were, as young film competition poetry narrative, said: “I really thought supermarkets in its frozen form. I felt we
winners, the evening’s host, film critic about what you risk as a female and could exchange something culturally.”

16 Safety Management May 2017

Feature – 60th Anniversary

Juan Cruz and Elena Alston,

Nikhil Sudersanan and Niranjan director and actress in
Chirayath, finalists of Inertia winning film Me MiPhone & I

Kate Haley collecting her

award for her film Risk
with Mark Kermode and
Lynda Armstrong

He added: “We truly enjoyed the night, as a health and safety exemplar, but explored the big issues of the day
our first experience of entering an which this year reported more fatalities in film via interviews with thought
international competition. Making the by itself than in the whole of the UK leaders in health and safety. Sir Cary
final became news in Kerala, our state construction sector. He said: “Outside Cooper, Professor of organisational
in India and people were eagerly asking the UK the challenge is immense and psychology and health at Manchester
us to show it to them.” in some countries, it resembles the University provided refreshing views
position the UK was in 60 years ago. on topics including the gig economy,
Our work is far from complete.” mechanisation and stress. “We don’t
The night also included the have rest and recuperation away from
We truly enjoyed the night, our premiere of British Safety Council at technology. We’re on the smart phones
first experience of entering an 60, made by Matthew Holder, head of all the time,” he warned as one of the
international competition biggest issues. It took the audience
campaigns. It explored the history of
back to the winning young person’s
the organisation and safety’s changing
film, Me MiPhone and I, which showed
times through fascinating archive
the isolating and corrosive powers of
material; workmen tiptoeing along the
new technology.
The presence of a young Indian edge of buildings without hard hats
filmmaker had a greater relevance and fall protection, group activities
for the night. At the press conference for young people to think about safety To watch all the films shown
journalists heard of the British Safety and bold campaigning work to raise on the night, visit the British
Council’s aims to open an office in safety’s profile, including taking an Safety Council’s YouTube
India. Mike Robinson had expressed elephant to parliament. channel here:
his shock at visiting an Indian company The event also looked to the
recently, which locally was regarded future. Future Risk: the next 60 years britishsafetycouncil/videos

May 2017 Safety Management 17


Insecure work has been linked to increased stress and undermining of dignity in the workplace. Photograph: iStock/Malombra76

A sense of
insecure workers in the UK are
unhappy, unhealthy or feel worse off
than their employee cohorts. As will
be seen in these testimonies from five

individuals who fall into the category
of insecure worker, many relish the
freedoms of their unstructured working
life. Indeed, an-ex teacher describes
how as an employee he experienced
Insecure work is on the rise. We take a far more stress in that role than he
does today as a self-employed person.
look at what it feels like to be an insecure Equally, there is dissatisfaction.
worker through a series of interviews. An Uber driver explains how at first
he loved his job, but feels disillusioned
by issues over his self-employed status,
Gig work is thought to have been as insecure workers, an increase of showing how question marks over
coined in the 1920s by jazz club 25% since a decade ago according status and rights can eat into identity
musicians. Now, gig working and to the Trade Union Congress (TUC). and wellbeing.
other forms of insecure work have Its December 2016 report, Living on The TUC and Matthew Taylor, chief
less carefree associations. Anxiety, the Edge, identified three groups of executive of the Royal Society for the
exploitation and denial of basic precarious or insecure workers; those encouragement of Arts, Manufactures
rights such as holiday and sickness in low paid self-employment, ‘gig and Commerce are separately
pay are far from the freedoms of its workers’ (often defined as independent gathering testimonies to better
linguistic origins. contractors doing temporary, flexible understand the issues in order to make
Insecure work is also a big concern jobs) and zero hour-contract workers. proposals for changes in laws over
because it’s on the rise. Today, one Yet, despite the serious concerns, workers’ rights to government. These
in 10 working people are defined it cannot be said that all 3.2 million interviews aim to add to that insight.

18 Safety Management May 2017


Mick*, Uber driver Fares are decided for us, so we don’t

have any say. When you are self-
in place to prevent such a driver taking
on any long jobs.
employed, you submit invoices for the The recent ruling over the status
I’ve been a driver with Uber work you have done, you are in control. of certain Uber drivers (an Employment
for two years; before that As drivers we are at a constant lose, Tribunal ruling in October 2016 found
I was self-employed as a lose, lose. If I pick up a client going to a group of Uber drivers were not
painter and decorator. the local station and in that short time self-employed but workers, entitled to
they spill something in the car. Okay, workers’ rights) has encouraged me to
I feel totally deflated and demoralised.
so I’ve only done four miles. But I’ve put my own case forward. I’m waiting
I feel alienated. It didn’t start that way.
earned my wage minus Uber’s fee, then to find out when it’s going to the next
I’ve had lovely feedback from clients
I have got to find £9 to clean the car as stage in court.
over the years, many have rated me
we’re responsible for maintaining the In the meantime, I feel like I’m in limbo.
five stars [on the Uber app] and added
vehicle. In the time of cleaning I can’t When I go online in to complete my tax
comments like ‘brilliant driver’, good
work. What have I made from the job? self-assessment, I don’t know what to
luck Mick’, ‘really nice guy and great
I’ve lost. put myself down for. I have never had
conversation’, which has felt good.
I used to work up to 90 hours a an argument with the tax office, and
But slowly my experience of
week as a decorator. It was my choice. if it goes wrong, I am the one with my
working has left me feeling drained
But a driver hasn’t got the option to
of energy. I’ve been told that I’m on a back against the wall.
work long hours or not, because he
platform that says I’m self-employed. I think Uber have actually designed
can’t see how long a job will be for until
But there’s none of the decision making the whole platform to suit its needs.
it’s too late. A while back I picked up
or self-respect that comes with being The loser in this is not the client, it’s not
somebody from Dover Street in W1
self-employed. Uber, it’s actually the driver. And it’s
thinking it was a local job, and then
We are controlled by Uber in all sad because we are the petrol in Uber’s
when they got to the car with their
aspects. If we don’t pick up clients, we tank, we keep the company going.
suitcases I realised they were going
get punished for it, if we pick up clients I enjoy working and I’ve enjoyed
to Southampton.
who are rude to us and we don’t want driving for Uber but I have been totally
I drive 100 miles into work every day
to drive them and we say no, we get destroyed and battered. I have lost
and 100 miles back. If I’m working and
disciplined. For example, if you cancel interest in getting up and going to
driving to Southampton on top of that,
jobs, you get points – if you accrue a work, although I still work because
that’s not right and it’s not safe.
certain number of these, they switch I have to. I think that if they keep
I think clients should know when a
you off for up to 20 minutes and you alienating us, then good drivers won’t
driver has driven over a certain number
can’t get a job in that time. of hours because of their safety in the want be willing to work with them.
Every aspect of my day is controlled. vehicle. There should be safeguards *Not his real name.

Mick says confusion over his self-employed status has left him feeling stressed and powerless. Photograph: iStock/Geber86

May 2017 Safety Management 19


Mark Lotsu, 38, self-employed charge of my level of success makes me

feel much happier. I’m able to divide up
in fitness and teaching my time more effectively. When I was
teaching, I was working from 6 am to
sometimes 11 o’clock at night depending
I went straight into teaching
on extra lessons with kids, marking,
after university – climbing up
preparation – and that was stressful. I
the ladder in education over
didn’t have any personal time. At the
15 years, eventually becoming
time, it didn’t faze me because I loved
head of my department at the
what I did, but looking back I realised my
relatively young age of 36.
life was slowly passing me by.
I was a fantastic teacher, I loved I think when you are working, there
working in schools, and enjoyed the are people who care but at the end of
atmosphere of learning and working the day you are there to do a job. While
with colleagues, but things changed. there is concern about your mental
With strict targets, I felt under pressure health and stress levels, I don’t think
to ensure kids performed and to cut that is given enough kudos in terms of
a long story short, as a result of the the results expected from you. When
intense stress of this, I decided to leave people want certain results, it can be at
teaching in April last year. the cost of your own mental health.
I spent months in a pit of despair Right now I’m not able to pay into
and depression, trying to figure out a pension. If I don’t work I don’t get
what I was going to do. All I’d ever paid – if I’m sick and can’t tutor for that
known was how to work for someone hour I don’t get paid. But I’m still so
else – I was in a tailspin. much happier and calmer knowing I
With help of family and friends, I don’t have to answer to anyone but me.
picked myself up. That’s when I found I think having a plan and a strategy will
the world of self-employment – being help ensure my financial security.
my own boss, and running my own Once my businesses have built up, I’ll
businesses. I do private tutoring, I’m a be able to spend more time with friends
massage therapist and I’ve got a health and family, and travel, which I haven’t
and wellness business in the network been able to do. I’d like to give back a lot
marketing industry. too – volunteering. Long term that’s what
Having the relief that I am solely in Mark is happier self-employed. working for myself will allow me to do.

Sarah*, part- I get holiday pay and travel is paid.

But my main problem is time. I’m
They’re just hoping when you’re a carer
you’re going to be kind enough and
time care home responsible for getting elderly patients work extra for free.
My argument has always been if
up, washed, dressed, medicated and
worker, London given breakfast; depending on if you it was about services for children,
come across a problem, like if they’ve everybody would be screaming and
I work as a home carer 20 hours fallen, you’ve got to call emergency shouting, but because it’s happening to
a week in London for a care services. But one lady I visited was elderly people, because they’re adults,
company on contractual hours. only getting half an hour of my time everybody thinks “oh well, they can
It suits me but there are a lot of other just to give her a bath. What if they cope”, but they can’t because they’ve
carers I know who are not happy have alzheimer’s or they’re frail? Tasks reverted to being children.
because they’re on zero hours. One can take much longer. *Not her real name.
week they could get 10 hours, the next
week they could get 15 – it fluctuates.
They don’t get paid for travelling or for
sickness benefits.
My borough has signed up to the
Ethical Care Charter so companies are
supposed to offer contractual hours.
But what happens is they say, “We can
offer you a 30-hour contract, but you
have to work every other weekend”.
You could be working 12 days straight
before you’re off for 2 days – I think
that’s why some workers don’t sign up. Photograph iStock/Dean Mitchell

20 Safety Management May 2017


Lara*, agency worker, education motivates them or what their skills are,
and slowly the young person will fade
I feel rather lonely most days. I miss the while confidence and anything that
I’m 28 and I work with an
interaction of meeting new people. person once stood for is near extinct.
agency to get teacher supply
The agency is great and keep me We start to close off.
work in schools. My ambition is
posted often, but working in two I’m getting support though the
to get a full time job as a school
schools a week can make it difficult to Young Women’s Trust, which represents
counsellor. I love working with
feel part of a community. If I’m lucky, I’ll women like me struggling to live on
children and the energy and
work with great teachers and we learn low or no pay. I’ve met similar women
positivity they exude – I learn
from each other. But, you are treated like myself and been able to talk about
something new every time I’m
differently from full time workers. When everything from how I feel to what I’ve
given the chance of a full day’s been through. Having people who want
work. But although I love the you come into the workplace you are
automatically eyed up because we to genuinely help is great and it has
field I’m in, I’m struggling to opened my eyes to feeling positive.
secure full time hours. wear different ID cards with different
coloured straps. You are not always *Not her real name.
Since moving from London to Norfolk, expected to go to certain meetings.
my agency has found me work at a When I was younger and starting
primary school and a special needs out in education as a nursery assistant,
school, which cover all school ages. I was paid way below what I should
I speak to the agency every few days. have been earning. Right now, even
On the very odd occasion I will get a call though I’m older, I’m still struggling
in the morning and I will be needed right – wondering when I’ll ever be able to
there and then. It’s not been easy but afford a mortgage or be able to start a
it has allowed me to gain full working family makes it even harder. It feels like
days and some good experience. I’m nowhere near being able to do that.
My main worry is getting enough I think employers should nurture
hours to cover the rent and contribute young people in their work more.
towards living costs. Otherwise it’s So many young people suffer from
a real struggle and puts a strain on insecurities, and that first job affects
my relationship. your confidence in progressing
I have no family or friends where I live upwards. Managers want to squeeze
now, so I rely on work to give me that every bit of work out of a young person
social life. Despite having a great partner and not actually want to know what Photograph iStock/DGLimages

Gemma Beal, 28 – self-employed with mental and physical wellbeing

as a person in life generally. A lot of
personal trainer and owner of personal trainers work themselves to
the bone, it’s quite an adrenaline driven
Raw Freedom health and fitness job. Some might get money hungry
and say, “I can squeeze one more client
in…”, but for me I find it comes at a
I work part time in a gym, I run cost to my health. I’ve made choices so
my own business and am a I don’t overwork. After all, the rewards
freelance masseuse. of being self-employed are in having
the freedom to manage your own time.
Previously I worked as an employee in the
The big one for me is building a career
health and fitness world. But I realised
around your passions and tailoring it
I was putting in a lot of energy for little exactly to what you want out of it.
return – financially and in lack of personal From my perspective, I see a lot
reward. I thought: no, if I’m going to put of clients who work full time with
in this much, I want it to be for me. computers and in offices who suffer
I’m not financially driven – if I need a from stress. They finish work, head
holiday I take it, it just comes at a cost. for the gym and will want to go hell
You work harder leading up to it and for leather to get the stress out of
when you get back. But on the plus, them. Injuries become more common.
I take holidays when I want; if I need I’ll coach them in neck and shoulder
a day off or want to go on a course – exercises. I also encourage people
I’ve got no one to answer to. to get fresh air – it’s such a stagnant
Honestly speaking, I struggle Gemma in one of her roles as masseuse. environment working in an office all day.

May 2017 Safety Management 21


No excuse for
ignoring stress
Billy O’Brien part manufacturer £200,000 in fines counselling phone lines and onsite
Director of customer success and costs in November 2016. Mental massage are nice to have, providing
Effective Software wellbeing needs to be taken seriously. these as a first step is the equivalent of
According to HSE work-related providing dust-masks and gardening
We are all different, and all
stress is responsible for 45% of all gloves without considering the types of
respond differently to stressors;
working days lost to ill health, while respiratory or handling hazards people
some people thrive on high
it is estimated that the number of are facing, or whether there is a better
workloads, tight deadlines and
deaths from suicide in the construction way to control the hazards at source.
a busy work life, while others industry could be 10 times higher than While we, of course, are all different
will crumble. those from fatal accidents at work. in our response to stressors, HSE
However, using that as an excuse to The tried and tested approach to have identified six headings under
do nothing about it is like saying that stress recommended by HSE is one that which workplace stress hazards can
some people are stronger than others, traditional safety managers will recognise: be grouped. To make this personal,
or doing nothing about unreasonable identify the hazards and who will be we have considered this from the
manual handling requirements. That harmed, assess the risks, and control perspective of a health and safety
kind of thinking cost one car engine the causes of harm. While yoga classes, manager’s own stress levels.

Heading Stress increases Stress managed

Demands You are frequently required to work Your workload is achievable within
longer hours than contracted, and agreed hours of work, and you are
you are expected to carry out risk given time to develop your skills.
assessments for technical areas You have the resources to bring in
outside your expertise specialists for areas outside your
current skill set

Control You are not allowed to leave half- You can plan your work, and you are
an hour early for a school parents’ happy to work longer hours when
evening, but expected to work late it is needed, provided you can also
with no advance notice chose which days to leave early to
manage family commitments

Support You are expected to make a report You are expected to make a report
on accidents to the board, but on accidents to the board, and the
department heads ignore your departments send you their data in
requests for information and the plenty of time. IT provide proactive
IT system keeps crashing. You are support to make sure systems can
criticised by your line manager for cope with the extra workload
missing the deadline

Relationships When you request information Aware of the sensitivity of the

about an accident you receive verbal accident investigation, your line
abuse. When you complain, your line manager hosts a discussion
manager refuses to take any action between you and the department
because that department has the head, defining unacceptable
highest productivity behaviour in advance

Role As the safety advisor, you are made A line manager is asked to review the Photograph: iStock/Electra-K-Vasileiadou
responsible for the implementation of actions arising from a risk assessment
your recommendations, even though and to determine which can be
Excellent and free resources are
you have no control over the staff implemented and which might need
who must implement them further consideration or support available to help you carry out your
stress risk assessment, including a
Change You hear rumours of cost cutting, A company-wide meeting is held to
35-item questionnaire that can be
and assume that safety is likely to explain forthcoming changes, after
be the first area to suffer. You start which your line manager invites
distributed to all your staff. If you
looking at job advert websites in your you to discuss if you could take on haven’t considered stress at work yet,
lunch hour additional responsibilities this is a good place to start.

22 Safety Management May 2017


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May 2017 Safety Management 23

Feature — 60 th Anniversary

My first proper
and cool job
Andy Slaughter as success and earned me a reprieve for
Labour MP for Hammersmith another week.
Once, with our brilliant graphic artist –
This article comes with a yes we had one of those too, in fact two I
health and safety warning. think– I designed a cartoon strip warning
It is recollecting events of 35 against the dangers of fireworks. James
years ago and, therefore, much suggested we expanded it to make direct
comparison with the Falklands War. It
that should be remembered is
worked. I think we made page two of
forgotten and much that should
some tabloids, but not in a good way. I
be forgotten is remembered. hid in Riverside for a couple of days, but
But it remains the truth that employment James was delighted.
as the British Safety Council’s press I only lasted just over a year at
officer was the first ‘proper’ job I ever the British Safety Council, though I
had. Leaving Exeter University in 1982 am still in contact with some of my
with an English degree was not perhaps contemporaries. It was not the polished
The British Safety Council office is located at and professional organisation it is now.
the best entry into the employment
Hammersmith, Andy’s borough.
market, then in the middle of one of But it was fun. I hope it still is.
Margaret Thatcher’s (this is hurting you First jobs leave a lasting impression,
The founder, guru and dominant and I will always be grateful to the
far more than it is hurting me) recessions.
personality in its four decades has organisation for introducing me to the
I was delighted to get a job almost
become a legend. Tye created the world of work, for knocking a little of
immediately when most of my
organisation and put it on the map. And the pretentiousness off and for paying
contemporaries were signing on or
crucial to that was his understanding me the sum of £4,500 a year.
working in pubs, and pleased also to
of what makes people sit up and pay I’m delighted the British Safety
have one that was local (my family not
attention. In a rather staid and formal Council has stayed in Hammersmith
having moved from the Borough of
world, James Tye, with his bow tie, and has grown in size and reputation
Hammersmith & Fulham for a century
Trumpesque management style and over the past 30 years. Its creation
or more) but still sounded quite cool,
love of the good life, was a revelation. marked the sea-change in culture
as we said then.
And when I said I was the press that led to safety in the workplace
officer, what I actually mean is that becoming a priority after the 1974 Act.
I was one of about 10 people in the When I was shadow justice minister,
British Safety Council communications I will always be grateful to for six years until last summer, I often
department. Others included Charlie
the British Safety Council for met insurers or policy wonks who tried to
Leadbeater and Michael Harrison,
introducing me to the world persuade me that we no longer needed
later leading journalists at the FT and
of work and for knocking a little or could afford the legal and institutional
Independent respectively. Mark Wheeler,
of the pretentiousness off protections against accidents at work or
who went on to be a senior press person elsewhere built up in the past 40 years.
I politely disagreed, and did so
at the HSE, ran the information ‘hotline’.
with the knowledge I had somehow
There were ex-Fleet Street pros, hustlers,
absorbed in the sometimes chaotic,
and the wonderful Colin Fletcher, the I lost count of the times my boss would
always stimulating environment of
in-house photographer with a view of say, make sure James doesn’t see
Chancellor’s Road circa 1982.
life that Raymond Chandler would have you today, as he wants to sack you.
I wish the British Safety Council a
found sardonic. Traumatic at first, this became routine. I
very happy 60th birthday.
Why, you may ask, did the British would disappear with Colin to the bar at
Safety Council need a comms Riverside Studios and wait – sometimes
department that was larger than many several hours – until the coast was clear. Andy Slaughter MP at the
of its other ‘proper’ functions, including The remedy was to get James into launch of our manifesto
sales, training and membership. The the national press – it didn’t matter Working Well in 2012:
answer to this question, and to almost any which paper, or even if the story was w
other there in the 1980s was: James Tye. good or bad. Coverage is what counted watch?v=MZy5IFdyMGY

24 Safety Management May 2017



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A treat for the eyes

Jim Lythgow presbyopia to one degree or another.

Director of strategic alliances Presbyopia is difficulty with near-vision
Specsavers Corporate Eyecare focus, often manifesting itself in the
need for glasses to see close up.
Workplace safety eyecare is For those who have difficulty with
changing. This is partly due near-vision, over-goggles were once
to new policy, partly due to the main solution. It is generally agreed
innovation, and partly due to the nowadays that this is not an acceptable
shifting profile of the workforce. solution. This becomes even more
obvious when in conjunction with the
There is an increasing trend towards longer wearing-times associated with a
100% safety eyewear policies in ‘at policy of 100% safety eyewear. The two
risk’ settings. This is where, if there is a sets of lenses create a light refraction
requirement for safety eyewear in one Photograph: iStock/Yuri_Arcurs that makes this option impractical and
area of the working environment, for possibly dangerous, quite aside from
one employee or more, all personnel Innovation the discomfort of wearing two sets of
are expected to comply, whether To be sure of comfort and fit, it is also eyewear. The clear answer here is to
or not they themselves carry out an important to look for a provider with a provide prescription safety eyewear.
‘at-risk’ task. This has implications wide range of styles. One style may be In a person’s 50s, presbyopia
for the provision of safety eyewear. more comfortable for an individual than becomes more progressive. While eye
Firstly, it means that employers are another. We now even have prescription examinations are often advised to be
likely to be providing safety eyewear safety eyewear available in larger sizes, every two years, it is at this time that an
for a greater number of employees, to fit wider heads. optician is more likely to advise annual
and secondly, employees are likely While style is important for checks. Safety managers may also need
to be wearing safety eyewear more comfort, the positives of the aesthetics to consider offering a wider range of
often and for greater periods of time. themselves should not be forgotten. lens solutions, including bifocal and
Correspondingly, safety managers will Research conducted on behalf of varifocal lenses for prescription safety
be looking for cost-effective eyecare, Specsavers Corporate Eyecare has also eyewear. Both are now possible and it is
and employees will require higher shown that employees are more likely always best to provide safety eyewear
levels of comfort from the eyewear to wear safety eyewear if they like the of the same lens prescription as the
they are provided. way it looks. New and exciting brands individual wears in everyday life.
Our research over many years has partnering with eyecare providers is a While the eyesight of those in their
consistently shown that employees are good way to offer fresh and sought-after later-60s did not use to be an issue for
more likely to remove safety eyewear if designs. Prescription safety eyewear safety managers, this age group is now
it is not comfortable. There are several can now be obtained in a whole range expanding in the workplace. At this
ways to ensure greater comfort from of colours and styles, with male, female stage, employees may find difficulty
safety eyewear. Perhaps the most vital
and unisex designs. seeing in low-light. This is worth taking
consideration is allowing employees
into account in the work environment,
to actually try on the eyewear prior Age
particularly in ‘at risk’ areas.
to purchase. No one would dream of The workforce itself is another
buying their everyday glasses without influencer on workplace eyecare. Our Provision
trying them on, so why would you buy ageing workforce is well documented. While safety eyewear requirements are
something as vital as safety eyewear The Chartered Institute of Personnel changing in the workplace, provision of
without trying it first? Equally, when and Development states that over 30% prescription safety eyewear is changing
purchasing everyday eyewear, it is of people in employment in the UK are too. Eyecare can, for example, now be
generally fitted by an expert when over the age of 50. purchased, managed, and distributed
dispensed. The same should of course This has an impact for safety online; styles are evolving; comfort is
happen with prescription safety eyewear. The age of 40 is a critical point paramount; ranges are increasing. The
eyewear, to ensure it fits properly at which changes in vision commonly safety manager and employee have
around the temples and across the begin to occur and the vast majority more choice and appropriate options
bridge of the nose. of people will begin to suffer from than ever.

May 2017 Safety Management 27


Post Brexit there may be some divergence in the laws applicable in the UK and EU, but the UK will be keen to maintain its profile as the standard
bearer for health and safety matters. Photograph: iStock/xavierarnau

Brexit: knowns
having one of the best combined
health and safety records in Europe
and the world. When the EU’s Health
and Safety Directive was introduced

and unknowns
in 1989, the UK had few alterations to
make to its national laws to bring it in
line. The Corporate Manslaughter and
Corporate Homicide Act 2007, another
Laura Cameron cornerstone of our system, is also
Partner wholly derived from the UK.
Pinsent Masons LLP Since achieving membership of the
EU, a series of individual directives
focusing on specific aspects of safety
By the end of March 2019 the UK will no and health at work have been issued
at European level and transposed into
longer be part of the European Union, that UK law. Until repealed or otherwise
much is clear. Beyond that, much remains amended, such legislation (as with
other legislation emanating from the
little more than speculation. UK Parliament) will remain unaffected
after withdrawal. Insofar as laws derive
from directly applicable EU regulations,
Unravelling the UK’s membership and safety regulation in the UK.
the UK government has promised a
of the EU will not be an end to the The foundation of the current health
Great Repeal Bill designed to ensure
matter of course. Perhaps more and safety regulatory system was
the status quo post exit.
significant will be the negotiations established totally independently of On the whole, the UK is seen as the
to agree new trading relationships, the EU by the Health and Safety at ‘gold standard’ in health and safety
customs controls, immigration etc. Work Act (HSWA) 1974. The legislation matters – witness the minimal impact
What effect, if any, could these has at its heart a simple but enduring of the imposition of the Offshore Safety
negotiations have on health and principle – those who create risks are Directive – with HSE generally agreed
safety law in the UK? best placed to control them. to be an effective regulator, whose
In previous publications we have The system has stood the test expertise is sought overseas.
pointed to the long tradition of health of time and has resulted in the UK As a result, UK workers and their

28 Safety Management May 2017


representatives have come to to protect workers’ rights. The detail of regulations and the stripping away
expect certain standards and, more this remains to be seen and some, for of others, a wholesale lowering of
importantly, that these standards will example the TUC, have voiced concern standards is unlikely. On the contrary,
be maintained and indeed improved. at the UK government’s apparent if we wish to continue to trade with
Over time, of course, certain laws may reluctance to give more guarantees the EU, the likelihood is that standards
well be looked at afresh but wholesale on workers’ rights, including those will at the very least require to be
change is dependent on political will in relation to health and safety, post maintained. Outside of the European
and is likely to prove unpopular. Nor Brexit, citing the fact that the EU’s trade structures, the UK will be free
is there credible evidence to support Health and Safety Framework Directive to regulate or deregulate as it sees fit;
contentions that there is material forces employers to assess and act to
however, the impact on health and
over-regulation in this area and reduce workplace risks. As we have
safety-related legislation is likely to
insofar as there can be a reduction, seen, however, many such duties
be limited due to political and social
without a lowering of standards, that here emanate not from EU legislation
realities and the UK government’s
is happening, not only in the UK via its but from our own HSWA. In so far as
white paper states that “this
Red tape challenge, but in the EU too they have their foundations in the EU,
Government has committed not only
via the ongoing Regulatory Fitness and many laws of significance are now so
to safeguard the rights of workers
Performance Programme. embedded here as it to be very difficult
set out in European legislation, but
While in the future there may be to see any real appetite for, or prospect
some divergence in the laws applicable of, their removal. to enhance them”.
in the UK and EU, the UK will be keen Will there be a race to the bottom as Moreover, businesses appreciate
to maintain its profile as the standard the UK scrambles to form alternative the value of a robust health and safety
bearer for health and safety matters. relationships with trading partners? management system. Not only does
In its white paper The United Kingdom’s While disengagement from the EU may it make sense from a reputational
exit from, and new partnership with, the well involve a process of determining perspective, but it also makes sense
European Union the UK government which primary and secondary health economically – increasingly hefty fines
has set out its guiding priorities as it and safety legislation remains socially for breaches of the HSWA look set
approaches negotiations to exit the EU. or economically useful to the UK, to continue and production days lost
Key among them is the commitment potentially leading to changes to some through ill health are difficult to recover.

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May 2017 Safety Management 29


There is increasing pressure for businesses to face up to their responsibilities from both a moral and legal perspective. Photograph: iStock/Liuser

Slaves of
intentions, auditing a supply chain with
multiple suppliers can be so complex,
confidently identifying and eliminating

our times
the use of slave labour can present a
serious challenge.
The BBC Panorama programme
aired in October last year which
discovered Syrian refugees working
Danny Hobson illegally in Turkey for major brands,
Ethical and quality improvement manager many of whom were proponents of
Arco ethical trading, is a case in point. The
fact that slave labour has been found
so readily within the supply chain of
Modern day slavery is surprisingly prevalent companies who are proactive in trying
in the supply chain, that is why is crucial to to outlaw this kind of practice shows
just how inherent the problem is and
build a robust approach to ethical supply how much work is there to be done.
and inspire others to make a difference. Thankfully there is increasing
pressure for businesses to face up to
their responsibilities from both a moral
Tamil Nadu is the powerhouse of regular victims of bonded labour. and legal perspective. The Modern
India’s textile industry and accounts The women millworkers experience Slavery Act, which was introduced in
for 20% of the country’s total many forms of ill treatment, including 2015 to consolidate laws covering the
export of ready-made garments.
excessive working hours, poor living issue of slavery in the UK, now also
Housing 58% of India’s textile mills,
conditions in hostels, and illness includes provisions for supply chains.
the state of Tamil Nadu employs
caused by exposure to cotton dust. The Transparency in Supply Chain
over 1.02 million workers in the
Withholding wages and paying below Provisions require businesses which
garment sector, most of whom are
minimum wage is common practice, have an annual turnover above £36m
subject to severe labour exploitation
while workers have no access to to publish a statement which confirms
and dangerous conditions. As
grievance mechanisms. the steps taken to mitigate the risk that
the world’s second largest textile
The examples and figures make slavery and human trafficking are in
exporter, India’s garments find their
startling reading but unfortunately their business or supply chain.
way into supply chains around the
globe, including the UK. it is still too easy for companies

Tamil Nadu, in the southernmost and consumers to turn a blind eye.
part of India, is just one example of Many consumers are unaware of the
the international crime of modern conditions under which the goods
victims of forced labour globally
day slavery. The workforce is they buy have been produced and
(ILO 2012)
predominantly female and many are even when businesses have good

30 Safety Management May 2017


A supply chain reaction to resolve breeches of national and • If your supplier has a turnover in
At Arco we pride ourselves on our local laws and the ETI Base Code. The the UK greater than £36m and falls
ethical supply policy and we are corrective action plans are managed by under the Modern Slavery Act,
committed to making a difference. As the Arco Product Assurance Team, Arco review their published statement
well as meeting our obligations in line Xiamen team (based in China) and the • Be sure about your own supply
with these provisions, we promote manufacturers themselves. chain by using suppliers that are
ethical trade within the supply of safety In the first instance it is always members of the Ethical Trading
products. In the same way as we drive preferable to try and help a supplier Initiative or equivalent organisations.
improvements in quality standards raise their standards. As well as The task of auditing a complex supply
across our industry through investment improving working conditions for chain with multiple suppliers can be
in product testing and assurance, Arco staff, this can benefit the supplier by arduous. By ensuring you only work
is also taking action to raise standards helping them to win more contracts with ethical suppliers it is peace of
throughout our supply chain when and compete more effectively for mind for procurement teams.
it comes to ethical trading; we call it international business. Examples of
starting a supply chain reaction. how Arco has helped its suppliers ETI Base Code (nine points)
Arco is a member of the Ethical improve employee wellbeing include 1. Employment is freely chosen
Trading Initiative (ETI), a leading helping them to provide better dining 2. Freedom of association and
alliance of companies, trade unions
and hygiene facilities and instigating the right to collective bargaining
and NGOs that promotes respect for
training programmes to improve are respected
workers’ rights around the globe. The
employee morale and engagement.
ETI’s aim is to improve the lives of 3. Working conditions are
Any supplier failing seriously or
workers by eradicating exploitation safe and hygienic
consistently to adhere to the standards
and discrimination. Arco joined the ETI 4. Child labour shall not be used
detailed in the Ethical Guide for
in 2007 and remains the first and only 5. Living wages are paid
Vendors document will be removed
safety distributor to be a member. 6. Working hours are not excessive
from the approved supplier list.
7. No discrimination is practiced
Supplier ethical compliance
What can you do? 8. Regular employment is provided
Arco has created a process to ensure
If you are concerned about unethical 9. No harsh or inhumane treatment
the ethical compliance and capabilities
practices or slave labour in your supply is allowed.
of all suppliers manufacturing products
chain there are a number of steps you
which carry an Arco brand. This is in
can take:
line with the ETI Base Code, which
• Ask your suppliers about their
is founded on the conventions of the
supply chain and the factories Film on modern slavery at:
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
providing your goods
and is an internationally recognised
code of labour practice. • Ask your suppliers about their Transparency in supply chains.
Before any product is made, ethical assurance measures and Modern Slavery Act at:
suppliers must commit to Arco’s due diligence processes
Ethical Compliance Procedure which
ensures they have the capability and
systems to meet the requirements of the
ETI Base Code. When a supplier wishes
to use subcontractors or outworkers
for Arco production, then this must be
approved in advance by the company.
It is the supplier’s obligation to provide
evidence that any subcontractor
or outworker used conforms to the
standards outlined in the Ethical Guide
for Vendors document.

Ethical auditing
Manufacturers of Arco own label
products are appraised using a risk
based approach. Factory assessments
are conducted by one of the world
leading social compliance audit
companies or by Arco employees
who have been trained by the ETI in
the application of the ETI Base Code.
Factories are assessed for ethical Asking your providers about their supply chain standards helps to promote ethical trading.
compliance and corrective plans agreed iStock/Photobos

May 2017 Safety Management 31

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Web-based permit to work systems can improve your management control. Photograph: iStock/lovro77

It’s all about prevention

Simon Olliff These convictions have happened made organisations accountable for
Managing director since the introduction of the new corporate manslaughter incidents as the
Banyard Solutions Sentencing Guidelines in February result of a serious management failure.
2016 – with the potential for courts The sentencing processes takes more
A Manchester building contractor to levy increased fines and custodial into account than ever before, bringing
has been sent to jail for eight sentences for serious breaches of in different elements of your business
months for hiring two workers health and safety. that you may not have initially realised.
who were not qualified to carry Other high profile cases with Step 1 takes into account the
out work at height and failing to huge fines include Merlin Attractions seriousness of the incident, including
provide fall protection measures Operations: £5m, ConocoPhillips: the possible failure by employers to
on a roofing job, resulting in the £3m, Cristel Pigment: £3m, Tata Steel: respond to near misses or to action
death of a casual labourer who fell £1.98m, Foodles Production: £1.6m. advice from employees. Whether
to his death. In another recent case, Think about it. What could getting it the offence demonstrates a lack of
an engineering company in North wrong cost you?
adherence to recognised standards,
East England was fined £150,000 In focus: Corporate Manslaughter Act inadequate training, supervision or
for providing inadequate PPE to its One element of these new guidelines reporting is also considered. Other
workers who were severely burned that could affect you includes the questions that help to determine the
carrying out cleaning tasks using revisions to the 2007 Corporate offence category of the incident include:
corrosive substances. Manslaughter Act – a landmark law that Is it representative of fundamental

May 2017 Safety Management 33


poor health and safety record, and

falsification of documents and licenses.
Factors that could reduce the total
fine include evidence of steps taken to
remedy the issue, a good health and
safety record and relevant procedures
in place.
While you can guarantee the
efficiency and conformity of your written
health and safety processes, you cannot
be completely sure that firstly, these
policies are being wholly implemented
on site and secondly, that your entire
supply chain is fully compliant.
E-permits, the web-based
permit-to work system improves
your management control, reducing
Under the Corporate Manslaughter Act each incident is treated entirely in its own right.
possible risk of injury to people by
Photograph: iStock/filmfoto
ensuring all of the individuals on
your site have genuine, up to date
systematic failings? Was there a death manslaughter offences, plus £50,000
qualifications meeting your criteria and
or serious personal injury? Is there a for breach of the Health and Safety at
Work Act. This fine was based on the standards – alerting you immediately
high risk of future deaths?
company being a micro organisation, if the situation changes. It enables you
Category A groups incidents where
taking into account the company’s to have complete visibility of all of the
answers to the questions indicate
fundamentally good safety record, lack contractors within your supply chain,
a high level of harm or culpability.
of previous prosecutions and the steps providing an accurate overview to who
Category B is in place when answers to
taken immediately after the incident to is doing what, when, where, why and
the questions indicate a lower level of
rectify the issue. how in your buildings, connecting your
culpability. The fine eventually imposed
internal policies and external legislation
on the organisation is usually dependant
and regulation requirements. Incidents
on turnover on the proviso that a
can be prevented from happening in
detailed and accurate record of financial
the first place but on the rare occasion
information is provided.
You can guarantee the something does occur, the e-permits
A medium organisation with a
efficiency and conformity of system enables you to demonstrate
turnover between £10m and £50m with
your written health and safety that you have put all reasonably
an Offence Category A can expect a
processes, but it is difficult to practicable methods in place.
fine between £1,8m up to £7,5m. For
be completely sure that they are The revisions to the Corporate
a small organisation with a turnover
being wholly implemented on Manslaughter Act highlight that each
between £2m and £10m also grouped
site and that your entire supply incident is treated entirely in its own
into Offence Category A, the fine can
chain is fully compliant right but that the punishments for
range from £540,000 to £2,800,000.
offending businesses are stronger
On the occasions where the financial
than ever before. The sentencing
information provided is not to the
process takes a plethora of factors into
court’s satisfaction, the fine can be
Be prepared account, including an organisation’s
Just one year in action, these guidelines previous record and compliance,
Key cases have resulted in more than 19 fines of current health and safety systems and
This stringent approach has irrevocably more than £1m, compared to three in self reporting processes. The message
altered the landscape of health and 2015, and none in 2014. is clear: you need to be prepared with
safety sentencing and the punishment It is critical to understand the effective solutions that provides you
inflicted on offending organisations. changes to the Corporate Manslaughter with the transparency, compliance and
In the first sentencing under the new Act, how this has already seriously assurance you need in case something
guidelines in July 2016, Monavon impacted offending organisations in goes wrong.
Construction Ltd pleaded guilty to two terms of finances and reputation, and
counts of corporate manslaughter, after how you can protect your workforce
two men fell into a 3.7 metre lightwell and your business from serious failings Corporate Manslaughter &
that only had perimeter edge protection, and possible prosecution. Corporate Homicide Act at:
rather than metal railings, fixed around Aggravating factors within the
it in October 2013. Both men died at the sentencing process that could increase Sentencing guidelines for
scene. The judge fined the company the fine given include cost cutting at health and safety offenses at:
£250,000 for each of the corporate the expense of health and safety, a

34 Safety Management May 2017

Policy, Legislation,
Audit and Best

9.30–12.30, 17 May, London

Join us for a morning policy
and best practice briefing with British Safety Council
expert environmental and members: Free
sustainability professionals. Non-members £49.00
Key topics will include: Book your place at
• Policy and legislation developments
in the context of Brexit events
• Updates on environmental
sentencing guidelines
• Transition requirements for ISO 14001:2015
• How organisations deal with value
chain management and outsourcing
• Improving communication and
employee engagement.

Expert Panel
• Simon Colvin, Partner and National Head
of Environment Team, Weightmans LLP
• Stephanie Taylor, Sustainability
Associate Director, Mace Group
• Tom Shields, Health and Safety
Coach, Mount Anvil
• British Safety Council experts. Find out more:
T +44 (0)20 3510 8355
The event includes a Q&A session E
followed by a networking lunch
to share best practice.

British Safety Council (Company Limited by Guarantee).

Registered in England and Wales No. 4618713 at
70 Chancellors Road, London, W6 9RS.
Registered Charity No. 1097271 and OSCR No. SC037998
International Safety Awards

Young Health and Safety Champion

The British Safety Council recognises those individuals who have been influential exemplars in their
approach to keeping work colleagues and members of the public safe from harm. The following
individuals were shortlisted by the panel of judges, chaired by British Safety Council trustee Graham
Cowan, for the two awards: Young Health and Safety Champion and Health and Safety Champion.
The winners will be announced at the gala dinner on 5 May 2017.

Ben Ealey-Newman Ravi Kumar Sharma Ajay Kumar Behara

Engineering apprentice Transportation infrastructure trainee Operations officer

Cobham Antenna Systems L&T Construction Mangalore Terminal

In his first year with the company, while working Ravi has joined the transportation infrastructure Ajay is playing a crucial role in the ocean
as an engineering apprentice, Ben sustained project as a diploma trainee almost two years tanker discharge and loading operations at
injuries to his hand. Following this incident, ago. Since then he has been very active in EHS Mangalore Terminal ensuring highest standards
Ben took a proactive approach to improving work, leading by example and encouraging his of safety and welfare of employees. He has
safety in his work environment and soon was colleagues to follow. He also initiated various implemented the following safety initiatives: no
asked to take a greater role within the SHE initiatives in the interest of internal and external entry to hazardous areas without safety shoe
function. Initially he became a SHE champion stakeholders. For example, he organised a blood and helmet, wearing of a full body harness
for the shop floor in one of the facilities. His donation, health check-up and eye check-up while working at height, carrying VHF while
responsibilities included implementing the camps for local villagers. He has also initiated on operational duty, job safety analysis for
HSL Safety Climate tool in the area, as well a road safety campaign to create awareness non-routine jobs and work permit for all jobs
as creating and delivering training sessions among the road users. He has also taken undertaken at hazardous area. His contribution
on improved workshop practices. Ben has theinitiative to conduct multiple awareness to housekeeping of the site made it one of
implemented a behavioural safety programme training programmes for school children’s and the best maintained sites in the company,
across the business and improved the educated them about traffic rules. benefitting the wellbeing of the employees and
communication of SHE across all functions. resulting in zero near miss incidents in that area.

Sophie Harwood Tom Arkley Venkatesh Kannan

Junior engineer BIM technician Management trainee Engineer

Waldeck consulting Willmott Dixon Interiors Larsen & Toubro ltd
Sophie Harwood is a Junior Engineer BIM Tom has been the driving force behind the Venkatesh Kannan initiated new monthly EHS
Technician and UAV and Digital Capture company’s partnership with Construction initiatives in the construction project in which
Specialist in the company’s offices in Sleaford. Youth Trust in London, helping 13 unemployed he is involved. This included implementing 3R
In 2016, Waldeck introduced a Health and young people gain qualifications in H&S as waste reduction initiatives, energy management
Safety First initiative and Sophie has been at part of our management trainee ‘Changing plan and the LOTOTO system. Venkatesh is an
the forefront of its development and delivery Lives Programme’. He delivered training to initiator of health and safety celebration days in
becoming the Sleaford Office Health & unemployed young people and organised the company, such as Safety Month and Safety
Safety First Champion and assisting in the site visits for schools, charities and university Week. He also prepared applications for national
development and delivery of new H&S policies students and supported work experience and international H&S awards. Conducting
and procedures. She also set up a weekly office students in their site placements, H&S more awareness campaigns and training for
safety walk round which is now carried out at management and Field View training. Tom site supervisors and workers in the station
all offices and follows up any issues resulting has won the company’s ‘Star of the Month’ was also his idea. When he witnessed unsafe
from the walk. Sophie has also produced and accolade for his dedication and commitment. practices, he urged employees to stop work and
delivered a number of Tool Box Talks at Sleaford took immediate action, while reporting these
which have also been used in other offices. incidents to top management.

36 Safety Management May 2017

International Safety Awards

Health and Safety Champion


Andrew Kettrick Colin Nivison Innes Alexander

Senior foreman Project engineering management, project leader Project director of Doha Festival City
Bachy Soletanche GlaxoSmithKline – Irvine Mace International, Qatar
Andrew, who has been employed by the Colin, Project Leader in charge of all projects On Qatar’s largest commercial development,
company for over 20 years, is heavily and construction activities at Irvine, looks after Doha Festival City, with a workforce of over
involved in the development and mentoring 250 staff. Using his safety knowledge of the 9,000, H&S was a priority for Innes. He
of new apprentices. Under his guidance new operation process, he has established a safety established a common set of health, safety
piling operatives gain experience in hazard culture with no RIDDOR lost time for the last and welfare standards and communicated
identification and safety operating techniques ten years. Colin has been leading the quarterly these to all stakeholders before anyone set
of high risk equipment. Andrew is also involved safety forums and inspired people to talk about foot on site. One of his biggest challenges
in the mentoring of new supervisors following their own health issues, such as stress in the was the different health and safety cultures
promotion, assisting them in learning their workplace. Colin led the behavioural safety and awareness levels on a site of this size
new responsibilities and planning of their review of the construction group, helping to and this region. He led two-way discussions
work. Andrew assists the group SHEQ team in identify needs and issues for the site that led that forged strong collaborative working
the development on new guidance notes and to the creation of the PEM 2017 safety plan. relationships with a shared goal and focus on
safe system of works and is involved in their One of its outcomes was the relocation of wellbeing. Innes conducts regular leadership
ongoing review. Throughout his career Andrew the contractor’s village, which will result in a tours, safety meetings and workshops that help
has submitted a variety of innovations which purpose-built site with safety meeting rooms him to engage with the team and reward best
have been implemented in the UK company and for personnel to use as stress-free zones. performance. Over three years, the project has
across the parent company worldwide. had zero lost time or reportable injuries and has
achieved 50 million safe man-hours.

Kenny Maddock Kieren McCafferty Steve Wilkinson

Production engineer Site supervisor Head of risk

BAE Systems Naval Ships Walker Construction Addison Lee
Moving a 1,500 ton ship from a barge into Kieren has made an outstanding contribution Steve has been at the forefront of safety
a dock, the ‘float off’, is a high risk activity. to H&S of his colleagues and all stakeholders throughout his career. He designed and
In 2016, a team headed by Kenny Maddock, around him. He has been working with the implemented contractor safety programmes
pioneered a new approach that exemplifies teachers and pupils of the White Cliffs Primary which verified contractors before giving them
Naval Ships’ commitment to safety. Previously College to create a positive perception of access to any site. He has continued this work
float offs were planned in a desk exercise, using the construction industry, using poster in Addison Lee, implementing contractor safety
drawings. This time, Kenny and the team used competitions and hands-on site experience. schemes which led to improved company
digital technology, creating a representation Aware of the dangers that surround lack profitability and health and safety performance.
of the ship and dock area utilising the of communication, especially with sub- Addison Lee was able to demonstrate zero
visualisation suites. They were used to brief contractors, Kieren introduced a weekly site LTAs over the period during which he has
the team, immersing them in an interactive tour for all sub-contractors. Prior to the tour, he been working for the company. Steve is
3D model. They assessed the safest places for developed an action board showing potential now bringing together leading operators in
each employee to stand and clearances of the hazards and actions needed to be taken to keep the industry to address air pollution within
supporting tugs to the ship grillages during the workplace safe. Kieren’s program is now the workplace. He is acting on the research
float off, helping mitigate a collision risk. fully integrated on all Walker Construction sites. findings demonstrating that there is a robust
relationship between daily air pollution levels
and worker productivity.

May 2017 Safety Management 37

International Safety Awards

Sector awards

The International Safety Awards scheme, now in its 59th year, celebrates organisations from
around the world that have demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the scheme’s independent judges,
their commitment to preventing work-related injuries and ill health during the 2016 calendar year.
The shortlisted organisations by sector are:

Sector Runners up (in no particular order)

Construction and Arabian Construction Company – Al Meena Residential and Commercial Tower
property services Strabag SpA – Alto Maipo Hydroelectric Project
VolkerRail Ltd – Doncaster
Ductclean (UK) Ltd t/a DCUK FM - Head Office
Bachy Soletanche Ltd – Henderson House
L&T Construction TI IC/Kannur International Airport Limited Site
Connell Brothers Limited – Salford
CLC Group Ltd – Southampton
Amana Group – United Arab Emirates
Ferrovial Agroman – Heathrow
Financial, IT, legal, scientific, Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt. Ltd.
technical services and media
Hospitality and catering Arsenal Football Club
Pontins Brean Sands
Pontins Camber Sands
Pontins Pakefield
Pontins Prestatyn
Pontins Sand Bay
Pontins Southport
Local government, defence Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety & Health Center (OSHAD)
and public services Animal and Plant Health Agency (Weybridge Site)
Dubai Municipality – Health and Safety Department
GardaWorld International Protective Services
Manufacturing Airbus UK Ltd – Broughton
Airbus UK Ltd – Filton
Albert Bartlett & Sons Ltd – Boston Division
Kuwait National Petroleum Company – Local Marketing Department
Kuwait National Petroleum Company – Shuaiba Refinery
Modular Fabrication Facility, L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering Limited, Kattupalli
Scott Safety – Skelmersdale
Oil, gas, mining and quarrying Bahrain National Gas Company
Cairn India Limited – Raageshwari Gas Field
Tolmann Allied Service Company Limited

Power and utilities Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd


Transport, distribution Larsen & Tourbro Limited, Transportation Infrastructure Independent

and storage Company – Maharastra Border to Sangareddy Road Project
Unipart Aftermarket Logistics – North America
Unipart Logistics
Unipart Rail

Wholesale and retail services Majid Al Futtaim

38 Safety Management May 2017


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May 2017 Safety Management 39

Attending is one small step
for the organization,
one giant leap
for the safety of employees.

11th Annual HSE

Excellence Europe
23rd - 24th May 2017
Amsterdam, Hotel Novotel
— header
Events calendar

The British Safety Council is

running a series of free webinars
on recent developments to
safety, health and environmental
management standards,
legislation and best practice

Event round-up

Free SHE
for 2017

The webinars will explore various SHE management issues. Photograph: iStock/anyaberkut

The British Safety Council is running safety performance. The webinar will be and Garry Cornell, environmental
a series of free webinars exploring presented by David Parr, head of audit auditors and consultants at the
important recent developments and technical services at the British British Safety Council. It will outline
around safety, health and Safety Council, who is a member of the some of the challenges and solutions
environmental (SHE) management HS1 committee which acts as the forum to carrying out an internal audit of
standards, legislation and policies for UK consultation on the ISO 45001 an organisation’s environmental
affecting UK businesses. standard. David says : “We will look management system. The webinar
The webinars will run for at the main requirements of the new is aimed at anyone responsible for
approximately one hour and will standard and outline how organisations undertaking internal audits to assess
be presented by the British Safety certificated under the existing OHSAS compliance with the international
Council’s own health, safety and 18001 standard can begin to prepare for environmental management standard
environmental experts and a guest the transition to ISO 45001.” ISO 14001:2015 – for example, prior
environmental lawyer. to a formal certification visit by an
Environmental policy update
SHE auditing services The third webinar, on Wednesday 7 June, independent auditor.
The first webinar will take place on will provide an overview of some key Energy management
Monday 22 May and will provide an recent and possible developments to The final webinar in the schedule will
overview of the British Safety Council’s UK environmental policy and legislation take place on Wednesday 2 August
range of SHE auditing services. It will affecting UK businesses. It will be and will focus on the benefits of
explain how a British Safety Council delivered by Howard Dawes, senior implementing an energy management
best practice Five Star audit can environmental consultant at the British system to either comply with or mirror
help both to assess the effectiveness Safety Council, and Simon Colvin, partner the ISO 50001 international energy
of an organisation’s existing SHE and national head of the environment
management standard.
management systems and identify and team at Weightmans law firm.
Howard Dawes will present the
support improvements in overall SHE Howard says: “We will consider
webinar alongside Alistair Walker, an
performance. the potential implications of Brexit
environmental auditor and consultant
The second webinar will take place on the UK’s future environmental
at the British Safety Council.
on Tuesday 6 June and will explore laws, provide an update on recent
Howard says: “We will explain the
some of the likely requirements of environmental policy and legislative
benefits of an energy management
the forthcoming new international developments and give an overview
system and some of the key requirements
health and safety management system of the 2014 sentencing guidelines for
for managing energy usage in the context
standard, ISO 45001. The new standard environmental offences for England
of a changing regulatory landscape.”
will provide a single, internationally and Wales.”
agreed framework for organisations The fifth webinar will take place
of all types and sizes who wish to on Thursday 6 July and will be To register go to:
continually improve their health and presented by Keith Whitehead w

May 2017 Safety Management 41

Events calendar

May-November 3-4 May – free event 17 May & 8 November

SHE audit and Scotland Works, Environmental policy,


legislative update, Glasgow legislation, audit

Manchester, Scotland Free exhibition at the SEC Glasgow and best practice
featuring a programme of seminars
and Birmingham organised by the British Safety
update, London and
Council. The presentations include: Manchester
• Mock health and safety trial – Morning briefings from the British
Pinsent Masons law firm Safety Council on some recent
• Impact of the health and safety and potential key developments to
sentencing guidelines in Scotland environmental policies, standards and
– Malcolm Gunnyeon, partner, practices affecting UK businesses.
and James McMillan, associate, The workshops will explore the
Maclay, Murray & Spens law firm potential impact on UK environmental
• Building an exemplary culture for laws, policies and practices of
an iconic project – Andy Forbes, developments such as the UK’s
director of health and safety, vote to leave the European Union
Babcock Marine and international agreements
• How to bullet-proof your aimed at tackling climate change.
performance, mental health and They will also examine some of the
resilience – Mark Davies, director, changes businesses may need to
A series of morning briefings from
7Futures make to ensure compliance with
the British Safety Council focusing
• A toolkit for wellbeing – Tim the 2015 version of the ISO 14001
on key developments around Marsh, The Healthy Work environmental management standard.
best practice safety, health and Company. Speakers will also provide insight
environmental (SHE) management Our staff will also be present on into some best practice approaches
auditing and recent legislative trends. stand HS83 to explain the benefits of to environmental management.
The briefings will explore some our SHE products and services. The workshops will run from
of the likely requirements of the
09:30-12:30 and take place on 17
forthcoming international health
May in London and on 8 November
and safety management systems For more information see:
in Manchester. Attendance is free for
standard ISO 45001. They will also w
British Safety Council members and
outline some of the key changes
costs £49.00 + VAT for non-members.
introduced by the 2015 version
5 May
of the ISO 14001 environmental
Book your place at:
management standard. 60th Anniversary w
Guest speakers will discuss the
impact of the revised sentencing
and International
guidelines for health and safety Safety Awards Gala 22 May – free event
offences and HSE’s stress
Dinner, London
management standards, and there
A black tie gala dinner celebrating Best practice auditing
will be an overview of the British
Safety Council’s range of SHE
both the achievements of the in health, safety and
winners of the 2017 International
auditing services for businesses.
Safety Awards and the British Safety
environment webinar
The briefings will run from 10:00-
Council’s 60th anniversary. Free webinar providing an overview
12:30. They will take place on 25
The Gala Dinner will take place of the British Safety Council’s range
May (Manchester), 13 July (London),
at the Grosvenor House Hotel in of safety, health and environmental
24 August (London), 21 September
London’s Mayfair and will be hosted auditing services.
(Scotland), 12 October (London) and
by broadcaster Gabby Logan. The The one-hour webinar will explain
16 November (Birmingham). evening will feature the formal how an audit can help to assess the
Attendance is free for British presentation of the awards, the official effectiveness of an organisation’s
Safety Council members and costs awards presentation photographs, a SHE management systems and
£49.00 + VAT for non-members. fine dining experience and a night of support improvements which lead to
live entertainment and dancing. benefits across the whole business.
Book your place at:
w For more information see: To register go to:
auditupdate w w

42 Safety Management May 2017

Events calendar

6 June – free event 28 June 20 July & 23 November

ISO 45001 update ISO 14001 transition ISO 45001 transition

webinar workshop, London workshop, London
Free webinar on some of the likely One-day workshop from the
and Birmingham
requirements of the forthcoming British Safety Council exploring the One-day workshops from the
new international health and safety revised and enhanced requirements British Safety Council on the likely
management standard, ISO 45001. requirements of the forthcoming new
of the international environmental
It will also focus on how organisations international safety management
management systems standard
can begin to prepare for the transition standard, ISO 45001. The workshops
ISO 14001:2015.
from the OHSAS 18001 standard. will also explore how organisations
Accredited by IEMA, the workshop
is aimed at those responsible for can begin to prepare for the transition
To register go to: ensuring that an organisation’s from the OHSAS 18001 standard.
w They will be held on 20 July in London
environmental management policies
and 23 November in Birmingham,
and systems comply with the 2015
and places cost £49.00 + VAT for
version of the standard. It is also
7 June – free event British Safety Council members and
suitable for those wishing to learn
£99.00 + VAT for non-members.
Environmental policy more about the general concepts,
principles and requirements of
and legislation ISO 14001 and aiming to help an Book your place at:
update webinar organisation become certified under w
Free webinar highlighting some the standard for the first time.
The workshop will explain some of 2 August – free event
important developments to
UK environmental policies and the key and enhanced requirements of
legislation. The one hour webinar ISO 14001:2015 and how to manage ISO 50001 energy
will be presented by Howard Dawes, the transition to the new standard. management
senior environmental consultant The workshop will run from
standard webinar
at the British Safety Council, and 09:00-16:30 and places cost
Simon Colvin, partner and national £295.00 + VAT. Free webinar from the British
head of the environment team at Safety Council on the benefits
Weightmans law firm. of implementing an energy
Book your place at: management system in line with the ISO 50001 international standard.
Register at: 14001-transition-workshop-0
Register at:
6 July – free event w
20-22 June – free event

Safety & Health ISO 14001:2015

10-11 October – free event
Expo, London internal auditing
The British Safety Council is
webinar Health & Safety
providing some educational sessions Free webinar from the British
North, Manchester
on the first day of this free-to-attend Safety Council on the some of Free to attend exhibition featuring
exhibition at ExCeL London. the challenges and solutions to seminars organised by the British
Macnaughton McGregor will carrying out internal audits of Safety Council. Our staff will also
run an interactive scenario-based an organisation’s environmental be present on stand K40 .
workshop exploring health and management system in line with
safety engagement. Tim Marsh the international management
from The Healthy Work Company standard ISO 14001:2015.
For more information go to:
will provide guidance on addressing The one hour webinar will be
wellbeing at work and Mark Davies, presented by Keith Whitehead
director of 7Futures, will discuss the and Garry Cornell, environmental
importance of rest and recovery in Attendance may attract continuing
auditors and consultants at the professional development credits.
building personal resilience. British Safety Council.

Full details of all British Safety

For more information see: Register at:
Council events can be found at: w

May 2017 Safety Management 43

Products and services

The latest equipment and

services, including vehicles Find out more:
fitted with staff welfare facilities E
and solutions for safe manual
and mechanical handling.

Locked out Noise annoys Now hear this

Arco has published a guide to its JSP has expanded its Sonis range of ear
range of lockout and tagout devices, defenders with the launch of helmet-
padlocks and signs for the safe mounted models compatible with its
isolation of plant and machinery during safety helmets.
activities such as maintenance. The ear defenders offer various levels
The products include lockout of hearing protection, from SNR 26 for
devices for isolating equipment from low level noise; SNR 31 for substantial
dangerous energy sources; hasps for industrial noise and a market leading SNR
attaching multiple padlocks; and signs of 36 for extreme industrial noise.
Colour coded to indicate the level of
warning the equipment must not be Casella is running a one-day course on
noise attenuation offered, the defenders
used until the padlocks are removed by monitoring exposure to occupational
can be easily attached and removed from
authorised keyholders. The guide also noise in Bedford on 23 May.
the universal slot of JSP’s safety helmets.
provides advice on implementing an Run by Casella’s Shaun Knott, who
Tests have confirmed the defenders
effective ‘lockout, tagout’ programme. has 25 years’ experience in delivering
achieve the correct SNR’s when worn
noise monitoring training, the course
with JSP’s EVOlite, EVO2, EVO3, Global
will explain how to use personal noise Standard EVO5 Olympus and Skyworker
monitoring devices (dosimeters) and
helmets. The defenders can be rotated on
how to use the resulting readings to
top of the helmet when not in use.
identify the most appropriate form of
Jacket hearing protection equipment for staff.

A range of water-
resistant, high
visibility clothing
for workers in
Take a break
industries such as Mobile staff welfare vehicles built
rail, infrastructure, upon the base chassis of commercial
civil engineering and utilities has been vehicles such as vans are available
launched by Pulsar. from Cartwright Conversions.
The Evolution range features Customers select their preferred
garments such as storm coats, over make and model of commercial vehicle
trousers and adjustable and removable and Cartwright designs and installs Eye like it
hoods that can be worn over safety the welfare facilities. The standard Specsavers has launched a range of JCB-
helmets. The garments are available layout typically includes a toilet cubicle, branded prescription safety eyewear.
in high visibility orange or yellow and hand-washing facilities, canteen area, The range offers a choice of 20
feature reflective tape to help ensure fire extinguisher, first aid kit, eye wash metal and polycarbonate frames in
the wearer can be seen more easily by station and secure storage for tools and a variety of styles, sizes and colour
colleagues, drivers and plant operators. other items. The conversion also normally combinations. The eyewear ranges
The Evotech three-layer laminate includes the provision of electrical from chunky, wraparound-style glasses
fabric is up to 13 times more water- services such as power supplies, side to more sleek and minimalist options
resistant than required by the relevant and reverse cameras, exterior lighting, and a wide choice of lens materials
standard and the material is completely USB charging points, internal motion- are available. The eyewear is available
wind-resistant. Some of the garments sensing LED lighting and the application through Specsavers’ e-voucher system
include concealed pockets for phones of customer-specific livery. and can be obtained from any of
and radio loops for securing headphone The vehicles overcome the need to Specsavers’ 785 stores across the UK.
wires safely. provide standalone welfare facilities.

s safety-eyewear/jcb-glasses

44 Safety Management May 2017

Products and services

Boots made for working Take 5 – manual and mechanical handling

Dr. Martens has launched a steel
toe-capped safety boot based on its Weigh to go Cover up
original iconic boot design.
A modern update on the Icon 7B10
work boot, the Hyten S1P features an
internal steel toe-cap that exceeds the
European standard, an anti-penetration
midsole and soft milled leather uppers.
Available in black and in UK sizes 3-13,
the boot offers excellent grip, slip
and puncture resistance. It also has
anti-static properties and features Dr.
Martens’ trademark yellow stitching. Logitrans has launched a hand pallet Trench and manhole access covers
truck with integrated weighing scale. from Fibrelite that can be safely lifted
The WSP 2200 truck: using an ergonomically designed
• Can transport and weigh loads up aid have been installed at the Port of
to 2,200kg Immingham in Lincolnshire. The fibre

Keep on truckin’ • Can weigh items for up to 250

hours on a single battery charge.
reinforced plastic (ERP) covers are:
• Capable of withstanding vehicular
Infrastructure support service company traffic weighing up to 60 tonnes
Amey has purchased a range of 3.5 • Typically a third lighter than
tonne tipper trucks fitted with electric
equivalent sized concrete or
cranes from Penny Hydraulics. metal covers, making them
Mounted to the vehicles’ easier to lift.
headboards, the Swinglift MC250 A helping hand
cranes have a lifting capacity of 250kg Briggs Equipment has won a contract to
for handling highway engineering supply and service a variety of materials
equipment, such as whacker plates and handling equipment for the national
road signs. Powered by the vehicle’s brewery and pub chain Marston’s. The The big lift
battery, the cranes feature a built in contract includes:
overload device to prevent them being • Providing forklift trucks with special
used beyond their safe working load. clamp attachments that can lift up
The cranes are fully demountable, to 18 beer barrels at a time
meaning they can be transferred to • Working with Marston’s and a
other vehicles, and weigh just 20kg. specialist to develop a keg deflector
This reduces the impact on the vehicle’s to enhance operator safety in the
overall weight, which helps to keep event of a keg falling from a clamp.
vehicle emissions to a minimum while
maximising the truck’s capacity for
carrying equipment and materials.
The trucks also feature tipping bodies
from Bevan Specialist Products, which
incorporate guardrails to protect workers
Pump it up
Mobile, hydraulic column lifts
from falling from the vehicle bed. Michael Smith Engineers has for providing safe access to the
expanded its range of pumps for underside of commercial vehicles
emptying hazardous liquids from such as HGV tractor units, coaches
containers by introducing a 134cm and vans have been launched by
tube length suitable for 1,040 litre TOTALKARE. The lifts:
intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). • Can be used in sets of four, six or
The Finnish Thomson pumps: eight and have a lifting capability
• Are a more practical alternative to of 7,500kg per column
the manual effort of a hand pump • Have adjustable forks to fit wheel
• Can safely transfer acids, sizes from 700-1,400mm
corrosives and chemicals from • Are available in a cable-free
containers such as drums version to help reduce the risk of
• Include explosion-proof models. slips and trips.

May 2017 Safety Management 45

— header
Questions & answers

Our experts answer your

questions on manual Subscribe to the information
handling. and advice package for access
to our adviceline:
T 0870 163 0023

? What sort of measures should we be taking to reduce the

risks from manual handling ? What should be covered
in a manual handling
training course

risks from manual lifting include:

• Making the load smaller and lighter Employers are required under the
and easier to lift Health and Safety at Work Act and
• Breaking up large consignments into the Management of Health and
more manageable loads Safety at Work Regulations 1999
• Modifying the workstation, storage to provide their employees with
areas and the task to reduce carrying suitable and sufficient information,
distances, twisting movements or the instruction and training to ensure their
lifting of things from floor level or from health and safety at work. If there
above shoulder height is a risk of employees being injured
• Improving the working environment while carrying out manual handling
Photograph: iStock/Thomas_EyeDesign – for example, improvements tasks, they must be provided with
to the lighting, flooring and air appropriate information and training
Manual handling, such as lifting,
temperatures can sometimes make on how to keep themselves safe.
lowering, pushing, pulling and
manual handling easier and safer HSE does not publish prescriptive
carrying loads such as goods,
• Providing employees with suitable guidance on what a ‘good’ manual
materials and people, is one of the
training on issues such as the risk of handling training course should include
most common causes of injury and ill
injury, safe handling techniques and or how long it should last. However, in
health at work.
the use of mechanical handling aids. general courses should be suitable for
As a result, under the Manual
The extent and the detail of a risk the individual, tasks and environment
Handling Operations Regulations 1992,
assessment for manual handling will involved; include relevant examples;
employers have a duty to avoid the
depend on a number of factors, including and last long enough to cover all the
need for employees to carry out manual
the nature and frequency of the tasks, relevant information. Training should
handling tasks that pose a risk of injury,
the need for awkward postures and any therefore generally cover:
so far as is reasonably practicable.
previous or existing musculoskeletal • Manual handling risk factors and
However, if hazardous manual handling
injuries among employees. how injuries can occur
tasks cannot be avoided, employers
To help employers assess the • How to carry out safe manual handling
must assess the risks they pose and take
risks from manual handling, HSE including good handling technique
appropriate steps to reduce them – again,
has produced a variety of guidance • Appropriate systems of work for the
so far as is reasonably practicable.
and tools. These include simple risk individual’s tasks and environment
Employers should first attempt to
filters to distinguish low risk handling • Correct use of mechanical aids,
avoid the need for hazardous manual
tasks from those that require more such as trolleys and pallet trucks
handling tasks – for example, by having
detailed assessment and checklists for • Practical work to allow the trainer to
raw materials delivered directly to their
undertaking full risk assessments. identify and put right anything the
point of use. If manual handling cannot
HSE also stresses the importance of trainee is not doing safely.
be avoided and poses a risk of injury,
involving employees in assessing and Employees or their representatives
employers should remove or reduce
controlling manual handling risks. By should be involved in developing
the risk by automating the task or using
law, employees, or their representatives, and implementing the training and
mechanical handling equipment – for
must be consulted on health and safety monitoring its effectiveness, and
example, conveyors and pallet trucks.
matters, and employees will usually supervisors and managers should
However, if it is not reasonably
understand the risks posed by manual also be made aware of the instruction
practicable to automate the process
handling and may be able to offer and training given to staff so they can
or provide mechanical assistance,
practical solutions for controlling them. ensure it is followed correctly.
employers should consider making
changes to the task, the load and the
working environment. According to HSE, More guidance is at: More advice is at:
some suggested ways of reducing the

46 Safety Management May 2017

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Registered Charity No. 1097271 and OSCR No. SC037998
— header
Info update

The latest health & safety

advice, information & resources, HSE publications are
including free machinery available from:
webinars and a safety alert
template for users of mobile
elevating work platforms.

MEWP safety alerts Machinery webinars Trampoline park tips

A Publicly Available Specification setting
out requirements for the safe and correct
design, construction, risk assessment
and operation of indoor trampoline
parks has been published by BSI.
PAS 5000 specifies requirements for
the construction of indoor trampoline
parks made up of interconnected
trampolines used for non-competitive
Photograph: iStock/JasonBatterham
Free webinars and workshops on leisure activities. Aimed at designers,
Guidance for the construction and related various aspects of machinery safety manufacturers, installers and operators,
industries on when and how to issue are being organised by plant and it includes requirements such as the
alerts to others about concerns relating machinery automation expert Pilz. correct height of trampolines.
to the design, manufacture, maintenance The short webinars are aimed at
and use of mobile elevating work anyone responsible for the safe operation It can be found at:
platforms (MEWPs) has been issued by of machinery and will cover topics such
the Strategic Forum Plant Safety Group. as the requirements of the Provision and
The protocol aims to guide the author Use of Work Equipment Regulations
in deciding if a formal safety alert is 1998 and the correct positioning of safety Health
necessary. It provides a standard format sensor devices such as light curtains. Little book of big
ideas about health and safety
for the layout and content of alerts and The one day workshops are aimed & safety

offers advice for those who receive them. at those responsible for the design,
According to the Plant Safety Group, operation and maintenance of guide
the protocol aims to avoid the risk of interlocked guard systems on machines.
A short guide
incorrect, misleading or poorly written They will cover topics such as how to
designed to
safety alerts causing unnecessary ensure interlocks comply with relevant
aid people’s
confusion among MEWP users, European standards and ways of
manufacturers and hire companies. preventing workers from defeating the
of the basic ideas and principles
devices. They will take place at various
underpinning the discourse about the
locations in England during 2017.
It can be found at: management of health and safety risks has been published by RoSPA.
To register go to: The booklet explores the meaning of commonly used but sometimes
Working time rights schedules misunderstood terms and concepts
such as hazard, risk, probability and
A short guide to staff rights under the
preventability. It examines topics such as
Working Time Regulations has been
published by TUC.
Roadworks film the ongoing debate on the appropriate
A short film reminding drivers of the extent of risk management and the
The booklet explains the legal limits
danger of speeding though roadworks benefits of firstly attempting to eliminate
on weekly working hours and night
has been produced by Dorset-based or reduce risks at source rather than
working, and workers’ rights to breaks,
rest periods and paid holiday. There charity SafeWise and Wessex Water. relying on training to aviod accidents.
is also guidance on the working time, The video reminds viewers of the According to RoSPA, the guide is a
rest break and holiday rights of young presence of road workers and the handy reference guide to essential terms
people aged under 18. consequences of vehicle accidents and concepts and a useful resource for
to both workers and their families. those teaching health and safety.

Working time, breaks and

holidays can be found at: It can be viewed at: It can be found at:

48 Safety Management May 2017

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