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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Eagle Scout Rank Worksheet

For a period of at least eight-(8) months as a holder of the Venturer Scout Rank, do the following:

Requirement 1
Satisfy your parents and Scout leaders that you are doing your best to live by the Scout Oath and Law and the
Senior Scout Code.

Signature of Parent ______________________________

Signature of Parent ______________________________

Signature of Scout Leader ______________________________

Signature of Scout Leader ______________________________

Requirement 2
Show evidence that you are faithful in observing your religious obligations.

Signature of Religious Adviser ______________________________

Requirement 3
Practice or lead in an institutional or district activity involving the development of Filipino attitudes and values.

Activity Level of Involvement:  Institutional  District

Describe the Activity _____________________________________________________________________________________


List down Filipino attitudes and values involved in the activity (list at least two each):


1. __________________________________________ 1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________

© Merit Badge Center, Philippines Page 1

Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 4
With the members of your Crew, plan and organize a cultural activity participated by girls.

Describe the Activity _____________________________________________________________________________________


How many were in attendance? _________ Boys _________ Girls

Requirement 5
Within your chosen area of vocation/avocational study, earn a second Specialist Rating (involving three related merit badges).

Specialist Rating ___________________________________

Merit Badge ______________________ Date Earned: ________________________

Merit Badge ______________________ Date Earned: ________________________

Merit Badge ______________________ Date Earned: ________________________

Make an individual vocational training/development plan to pursue your chosen occupation and secure the approval of your Outfit

Chosen Occupation _______________________________________

Training or Development _______________________________________________________________________________

Preparation or Pre-Requisites ____________________________________________________________________________

Cost or Fees for Training _______________________________________________________________________________

Explain how this will help in pursuing your chosen occupation __________________________________________________

Training or Development _______________________________________________________________________________

Preparation or Pre-Requisites ____________________________________________________________________________

Cost or Fees for Training _______________________________________________________________________________

Explain how this will help in pursuing your chosen occupation __________________________________________________

© Merit Badge Center, Philippines Page 2

Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Outfit Leader Approval Signatures

__________________________________ ______________
Outfit Advisor Date

__________________________________ ______________
Assistant Outfit Advisor Date

Requirement 6
With the members of your Crew, plan and carry out two-(2) community service projects designed to improve the physical
environment in your community.

Project # 1

Date of Project ________________________

Name of Community __________________________________________________________________________________

What physical community environment did you worked on? ____________________________________________________


How did you improve it or What did you do to improve it? _____________________________________________________

Number of Crew Members Participating __________________ Total Number of Hours Worked _______________________

Project # 2

Date of Project ________________________

Name of Community __________________________________________________________________________________

What physical community environment did you worked on? ____________________________________________________


How did you improve it or What did you do to improve it? _____________________________________________________

Number of Crew Members Participating __________________ Total Number of Hours Worked _______________________

© Merit Badge Center, Philippines Page 3

Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 7
With your Crew, go on a 4-day survival expedition during rainy season to an approved Scout camping area bringing with you only a
compass and map, raincoat, knife, and waterproof matches and living off the land. After the expedition, present yourself to your
Advisor to show you are still healthy and narrate your experiences.

Approved Scouting Camping Area Used ________________________________________________________

Date Range of Expedition (must be within rainy season) ____________________________________________

Narrate your experiences:





Present yourself to your Outfit Advisor and show you are still healthy.

__________________________________ ______________
Outfit Advisor’s Signature Date

Requirement 8
World Brotherhood Date Earned: ________________________

Lifesaving Date Earned: ________________________

© Merit Badge Center, Philippines Page 4

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