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UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES CESAR E.A. VIRATA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. BA 470: MARKETING MANAGEMENT ‘Second Semester, SY 2016-2018 Lecture hours: TTh, 4:00 5:30PM Lecturer: Desiree 8. Cruz Email: Consuliation: after ciass hours Course Description Principles, practices and development of integrated marketing programs, Prerequisite BA 101- Introduction to Business Management and Junior standing in the VSB Course Structure This course will lize a combination of lectures, discussions, videos, case study presentations and team exercises, culminating with the major team-based project: the ‘marketing pian. Learning by doing is the best way to assimilate the concepts and ‘methods in this subject. Class sessions shall be devoted to extending and applying the material in the tox toactual cases. Course Objectives {At the conclusion of this subject, stucents should be able to: explain the basic concepts and methods of marketing and their value as a ‘management function, + formulate strategies anc tactics to address marketing problems and professionally present findings, orally and in writing integrate the concepts and techniques learned by preparing a marketing pian + develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Toxt ‘Kotler, Philip anc 1013), Principles of ” mri ad Gens Anpsrong Gis), cto. Maret 14% a, seen, Note: ‘The reprint version of the textbook is available at Mind Movers, Unit 2, 341 Katipunan Ave , Loyola Hts,, QC (back of Mercury Drugstore), contact nos. ° 920- 7533 of 435-1015. ? ges Evaluation meen Component — Medterm and Final exams, 30% Marketing plan 26% Case presentation aN Case digests, 20% Class participation, attendance, peer 10% grading, assignments Examinations (30%) Two examinations will be conducted 3 per achedule, A student who requests ‘& make-up exam musi submit a writen request together with supporting documents (e.g. medical certiicates) as required. Make-up exams. wil be {gWven at the discretion of the professor, A stucent whose request is denied ‘ulomaticaly gets 3 grace of Ofor the missed exam, ‘Marketing Plan (25%) Group project, guidelines to fellow, Case Study Prosentation (15%) Group project, quidetines to follow. Case Digests for non-prosonting groups (20%) ‘Group project, guidelines to follow, Class Participation, Attendance, Peor Grading, Assignments (10%) Attendance will be checked either through a roll cal at4:20PM or through 2 ‘sigr-up sheet. A 20-minute tardiness is considered an absence. A student who incurs more than 7 absences will automatically get a final grade of “S"for the entire course. This is consistent with University rvies Class participation does not just refer to recitation or the quality of a student's ‘contribution to the class discussion. It also refers to the behaviour of a student ‘uring classes. Some students don't recite often but show genuine interest through their demeanor. Disruptive behaviour such as texting or doing work for other subjects wil defintely have a negative impact on the class participation grade. Grade equivalent 5m $000 79-84 nn. 228 a 95 arvnere 1.25, TB TB occcnnen 280 91... 1.50 71-74 275 8-87 476 65-70 3.00 €2-84 200 Below 6s 5.00 Grades wil be rounded off to the nearest whole number. (Other Matters Referonces ‘+ Cite your references/sources at all tmes ‘+ Plagiarism and any form of dishonesty will be deait with according to University rules. ‘Submission of assignments! projects + Late submission is not alowed The student automaticaly ges a grace ‘of"0" for that requirement. — ston we nest oe + No submission in absentia. Students who ere absent on the submission date of requirements cannot ask a classmate to submit on their behal Neither will students be slowed to come to class very late or just ‘before dismissal just to submit their requirements. = Unless otherwise specified, hard copies of requirements are to be submitted Gadgets © Use of gadgets during class hours (even for note-taking) is ‘discespectius and is strictly prohibited except for class presentations Solicitation of grades +) While itis difficult to get one's desired grade because 55% of the grade comes from group-based projects, no extra work will be given so students can eam extra credit / points. Solicitation of grades § not allowed under Universiy rules and will be dealt with accordingly Don't wory. throughout the semester, everyone will get equal ‘opportunities to get bonus points. BA 170~ MARKETING MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE | |. UNDERSTANDING MARKETING 12 JAN.18, | Course Overview 21 Defining Marketing | +The scope of marketing | The core concepts of marketing | + Company orientations toward the marketplace ‘Chapter 1: Marketing: Greating and Capturing Customer Value 3 | JAN. 26 | Strategic Planning and Marketing Strategies + Strategic planning versus marketing planning | Chapter 2: Company and Marketing Ststgy: Partnering to Buld ee “ll UNDERSTANDING THE MARKETPLACE AND CONSUMERS | Scanning the Environment 38°) Anatyaing te company's mero and macroenveorment | Chapter 3: Analyzing the Marketing Environment | Marketing Research and Information Systems OS The marketing information sysiem ‘The marketing research process {Ethics in marketing esearch $ | chapter 4 Managing Marketing information to Gain Customer Insights 68 | FEB. Analyzing Consumer Markets + Consumer markets versus business markets + What influences consumer behavior + Model of consumer behavior + The buyer decision process ‘Chapter 5: Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying Behavior ' 8 | FEB. 16 | Business Buyer Behavior * Organization buying + Stages in the buying process | CHAPTER 6: Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior ~ ce il. DESIGNING A CUSTOMER-DRIVEN MARKETING ‘STRATEGY AND MIX Market Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning | + The marketing process | + Loves of market segmentation | + Segmenting consumer and business markets | | Market targeting: Evaluating and selecting market segments | | | | jO41 | FEB 1a, | Eicaap | | + Positioning strategies | Chapter 7: Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy | Creating Vaive for Target Customers on REVOLUTION ANNIVERSARY 12-13 | MAR. Shaping the Market Offerings } 1s = What is a product? | * Product and service decisions = Branding strategies + Services marketing | {| | Chapier 8: Products, Services, ang Brands | Building Customer Value van. | et an Mra rice | "5 The new product development process | + Managing new product development | Prodi toy strategies Chapter 9: New Product Development and | Product Life-Cycle Strategies “= nllating ahd responding to price changes Chapter 10: Pricing: Understanding and fing Customer Value Chaptar 11: Pricing Stratogios MAR. 24 | MAUNDY THURSDAY 1920 MAR, 29,31 ‘The nature of distribution channels ‘The role of marketing channio's * Channel det decisions * Conflict, cooperation and compatition (Chapter 12: Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value 21-22 APR. | IntegratedMarketing Communications ‘communicat ‘+The marketing communications mix ‘Chapter 14: Communicating Customer Value: Integrating Marketing Communications Strategy Additional, ‘Chapters 15 -17: Promotions mix / Nature of each promotion toot at | eh ae ae . Soa eficame of manstng ‘Chapter 18: Creating Advantage Chapter 20: Sustainable Social Responsibility and 2529'-|-_ APL: | CABS PRESENTATIONS 26, 28, MAYS 30-34 MAY_ | MARKETING PLAN PRESENTATIONS Sane Lo av 2s [rinatexam

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