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Power Development
for Golf
Scot D. Morrison, PT, DPT, CSCS1 and Eric J. Chaconas, PT, DPT, CSCS2
Washougal Sport and Spine, Washougal, Washington; and 2Department of Physical Therapy, University of
St. Augustine, St. Augustine, Florida

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in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (

ABSTRACT the follow through (21). The golf swing speed is an important means of assess-
is considered to be a sequential move- ing the intervention’s effect on the golf
ment with power development begin- game. With all other aspects being
ning with ground reaction forces equal, an increase in club head speed
FROM ALL AGE GROUPS. THE (GRFs) in the lower extremity and of 5.3 km/h has been shown to result in
STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING peaking at club head impact (9,14). 10–15 m increased carry distance from
PROFESSIONAL WILL OFTEN Hume describes the kinetic chain the tee (23). The role of the lower
ENCOUNTER GOLFERS WHO ARE sequence as initiated by the “legs and extremity in the golf swing is to gener-
LOOKING TO IMPROVE THEIR hips followed by movement of the ate force and transfer it through the
GAME THROUGH ROTATIONAL trunk and shoulders, and finally the foot into the ground. The force push-
POWER DEVELOPMENT. BY GAIN- hands and wrists” (9). Elite golfers do ing back on the foot from the ground
ING A SOUND UNDERSTANDING a better job of this summation of is usually described as the GRF. The
OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ROTA- power, which is one of the reasons ability to load the rear foot and then
TIONAL POWER IN THE GOLFER, for their greater club head speed (14). transfer this GRF from the rear foot to
THE EXERCISE PROFESSIONAL The literature has established strong the lead foot during the downswing is
WILL BE BETTER ABLE TO support for the use of physical training something that skilled golfers do better
ADDRESS THIS NEED. THE PUR- in the sport of golf (1,8,13,20,24). than novices which results in increased
POSE OF THIS ARTICLE IS TO Because of the nature of the sport club head speed (9,10). In addition to
DISCUSS POWER DEVELOPMENT and the correlation between measures this weight shift, highly skilled golfers
PRINCIPLES, ADDRESS GOLF- of power and club head speed, an demonstrate better stability and
SPECIFIC POWER DEVELOPMENT, important focus of training is on the increased transfer of force at impact
AND GIVE SOME SPECIFIC EXER- development of power (18). Although (14). The initial assessment of a golfer
CISE OPTIONS THAT CAN BE the golf swing is a unique movement, it should include these tests of power and
is important to approach the develop- they should be retested regularly to
ment of power in a golfer the same way track progress. A complete description
one would develop power in other of the tests mentioned in this section
INTRODUCTION has been discussed elsewhere in the
sports. There are basic principles that
olf is a sport that can be played

G apply to power development and these literature (5,18,22).

by almost anyone regardless of
should be adhered to while also
age, sex, or skill. Worldwide POWER DEVELOPMENT
acknowledging the unique demands PARAMETERS
there are an estimated 35 million golfers
of golf. The 3 main components that interact
with approximately 26.5 million partic-
ipants in the United States alone (16). together allowing for maximal power
With the wide appeal of this sport are: muscular strength, rate of force
Power for golf can be measured with
comes unique demands that must be development, and the amount of force
a variety of jump tests and medicine
met for the golfer to be successful. ball throws. The seated medicine ball
During the normal full golf swing, high chest throw, standing rotational throw,
levels of force are required to acceler- squat jump, and countermovement
golf; power; exercise; rotational power;
ate the club into the downswing jump have been found to correlate well
club head speed
and then again to decelerate during with club head speed (5,18). Club head

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 43
Power for Golf

that can be developed at high veloci- ROLE OF STRENGTH account a multitude of variables, but
ties of movement (6). In each of these Strength is closely correlated with the general guidelines suggest significant
domains, the specific exercise, the load athlete’s capacity to rapidly produce gains in as few as 2–3 sets performed
used, the velocity by which it is per- high levels of force (2,3,6). A founda- 2–3 times per week (3,8,11,19).
formed, sets, repetitions (reps), rest tion of strength must be in place for the
periods, sequencing, and frequency golfer to develop significant levels of ROLE OF BALLISTIC TRAINING
are all parameters that are important power (3,6). Strength development can Ballistic training is the second aspect of
to consider. A full description of how be sufficient to develop power without the mixed methods approach. This
to manipulate these variables is beyond the addition of any specific work (15) form of training allows the golfer to
the scope of this article and the reader and a stronger golfer will respond to the accelerate throughout the entire
is referred to the article by Haff and addition of specific power-based exer- movement (6). This is in sharp contrast
Nimphius (6). However, in general, cises more optimally (2). to an exercise such as a bench press
the load will be submaximal and the It should be noted that strength is where up to 52% of the total duration
rest periods will be long enough to relative to the individual and sport. of the exercise has been shown to con-
allow for complete recovery. Observed increase in power resulting sist of deceleration (3). The full impor-
For power development, a mixed from strength work is assumed to tance of training at high velocity has
methods approach is often recommen- come from increased muscle cross- been discussed in depth in prior reports
ded (3,6). This approach combines sectional area and changes in neural (6). When looking to train for high
heavy resistance training with ballistic drive (3). General guidelines for velocity, it is important that the loads
training to maximize the training effect strength development suggest that used for the ballistic exercises are low
to the individual demands of the sport. near maximum resistance levels should enough that the golfer is actually able
A mixed methods program trains be used (.80% of 1 repetition maxi- to perform the movement at high
power production across its entire mum) with lower repetition ranges speeds. Winchester et al. (26) looked
spectrum compared with strength and longer rest periods (19). Exercise at 8 weeks of ballistic resistance train-
training or ballistic exercise alone. prescription for strength must take into ing performed 3 times per week at

Figure 1. (A) Medial/lateral jump initial position: The golfer stands to the side of the box and goes into a single-leg stance on the
outside leg. The jump is initiated by dropping down on the right leg and then driving into triple extension to jump
toward the box. (B) Medial/lateral jump end position: The athlete will land on the opposite leg from the one that was
jumped off of. The landing on the box should be quiet and controlled with no loss of balance noted. The athlete will
step down and repeat.

44 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014

loads between 26 and 48% of 1 repeti- patterns of movement that are seen the downswing. To avoid excessive
tion maximum and found increased in the sport. Because golf is largely loading through the lower extremity,
peak power and rate of force develop- a sport of frontal plane motion trans- the athlete is instructed to step down
ment compared with a control. The lated into rotational power, the inclu- from the box after each repetition
observed increases in the rate of force sion of exercises that develop this instead of jumping down. The athlete
development are caused by adaptations frontal power is warranted. should be instructed to perform an
in neural drive, the rate of activation, explosive movement from the ground
and intermuscular coordination (3). MEDIAL/LATERAL JUMP and land in a controlled manner. As
Both the intent to move rapidly and The medial to lateral jump is per- golf is a sport that is asymmetrical in
the actual rapid execution of the exer- formed with the athlete jumping onto nature, it is important to perform an
cise have been shown to have a large a box in the frontal plane as described equal number of reps to both sides.
effect on training outcomes (3). Insur- in (Figure 1A and 1B and see Video,
ing that the golfer maximizes velocity Supplemental Digital Content 1, MEDICINE BALL THROW
during the execution of the movement, This The medicine ball throw described in
while using a load that allows for attain- exercise aids in the development of Figure 2A and 2B and Supplemental
ment of these high velocities, should be explosive power generation from the Digital Content 2 (see Video, http://
a component of the training program. hips that can be helpful in the rapid is a funda-
When performed in this manner, development and transfer of GRF from mental power development exercise.
ballistic exercises allow the athlete to the rear foot to the lead foot during The medicine ball is one of the most
train at or near performance speed with
a large power output and high rate of
force development that can lead to
increased power at game speed (3).

The development of lower-body
strength and power is a key compo-
nent of golf-specific training (25). Golf
is similar to other striking and throw-
ing sports in that the golfers’ power
development originates in the lower
extremities and the resulting GRFs
are expressed through the trunk and
upper extremity into the golf club.
The inclusion of exercises that empha-
size extension through the hip and
knee is therefore important. Exercise
selection should be specific to the
demands of the sport with a focus on
the specific muscles, movements, and
energy systems that are required by the
sport. Lower-body power and upper-
body strength are correlated with all
specific golf performance measures,
most notably distance and overall
score (25).
When used in conjunction with
strength training, plyometrics have
been shown to be beneficial for
improving club head speed in golfers
Figure 2. (A) Medicine ball rotational throw start position: The golfer stands in an
(1). Research suggests that power
athletic stance grasping the ball with both hands and holding it to the side
development is specific to direction of the right hip. (B) Medicine ball rotational throw end position: The throw
(22). Exercise selection, to some extent, is initiated with powerful double extension of the knees and hips with
should therefore emphasize those a weight shift from right to left while simultaneously rotating through the
movements that mimic the same torso and throwing the ball toward the wall.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 45

Power for Golf

general rotational power. Appropriate

verbal cuing would include a phrase
such as “try to throw the ball through
the wall.”

Kettlebell Swing
The kettlebell swing (Figure 3A and 3B
and see Video, Supplemental Digital Con-
tent 3,
has been shown to develop power and
strength and has been suggested as
a viable alternative to more traditional
methods, such as the power clean,
when looking for exercise program
variety (12,17). Inclusion of the kettle-
bell swing offers the strength and con-
ditioning professional an alternative
means of lower-body power develop-
ment that may be easier for the golfer
to perform at home or while traveling.
The kettlebell swing is executed with
an emphasis on flexion at the hip, often
called the hip hinge, which biases
toward the use of the posterior chain
for the execution of the exercise. This
emphasizes powerful hip and knee
extension similar what is found during
the golf swing. Verbal instruction in-
cludes “hike” the kettlebell between
the legs on the downswing and “snap
Figure 3. (A) Kettlebell swing bottom position: Set up by standing with the feet the hips forward” on the upswing.
slightly past shoulder width apart with the kettlebell set an arms length
in front and on the floor. The swing is initiated with the golfer pushing EXAMPLE PROGRAM
the hips back while reaching forward to grasp the bell. Flexion at the
An example program is provided in the
knee is minimal but should be enough to allow for a neutral spine. The
kettlebell is then pulled from the floor and swung back between the Table. This program would be imple-
legs to load the hips for the swing. (B) Kettlebell swing top position: mented as the foundational component
From the loaded position extend the hips crisply to swing the kettlebell of the golfers program and likely would
up. At the top of the swing, the golfer will be standing tall without follow-up a block that has emphasized
excessive hip or lumbar spine extension. The downswing is initiated strength development. The warm-up
when the kettlebell reaches the peak of the swing. At this point, the and accessory exercises added to the
weight is actively pulled down and back between the legs. It is program would be specific to the needs
important to keep the arc of the swing close to the hips to minimize the demonstrated by the athlete. The pro-
load through the lumbar spine. gram would be followed for 4–6 weeks
as a power-specific training block and
emphasis should be placed on progress-
versatile exercise tools that allows for from the lower extremity that is ing the intensity of the exercises per-
power development at a velocity sim- expressed in a rotary throwing manner formed without excessive variation in
ilar to sport-specific speed. The rota- both in the backswing and downswing. the specific exercises.
tional throw has been shown to be It is important to use a weight that is The strength exercises chosen compli-
closely correlated with club head speed light enough to allow for high move- ment the power work that the golfer
(18) and programs using various rota- ment velocity. The strength and condi- will be performing. Sufficient hip and
tional throws have been shown to tioning professional should also avoid knee flexion while performing the
improve club head speed for golfers instructing the golfer to attempt to imi- squat is important with deep front
(4,20). The rotational medicine ball tate their golf swing with this exercise. and back squats producing greater
throw reproduces the characteristics The goal is not to interfere with the transfer to the squat jump (7), which
of the golf swing by creating power swing motor program but to develop is highly correlated to club head speed

46 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014

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48 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014


Exercise Selection to
Develop Optimal
Explosive Lunge
Movements for
World-Standard Squash
Graham Turner, MSc1 and Keith Barker, MSc2
Department of Sport Health and Nutrition, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds, England, United Kingdom; and 2English
Institute of Sport, Manchester, England, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT change of direction, and the lunge is “jump forward lunge (JFL)” demon-
a specialized movement component, strates that the quadriceps, hamstrings,
critical to the movement repertoire of and gastrocnemius remain active
the squash athlete (3,9). The lunge pat- throughout each stage of each move-
ACCELERATION AND DECELERA- terns performed during squash competi- ment and all 3 muscle groups perform
TION OVER SHORT DISTANCES IS tion vary greatly in their direction, eccentric, concentric, and isometric
ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS. THE amplitude, velocity, mechanics, and contractions (8). This underlines the
EXPLOSIVE LUNGE REQUIRES A kinematics (6). The extreme high- requirement for program design to be
COMPLEX COMBINATION OF velocity lunge performed during world- based around multi-joint and structural
BOTH LOCOMOTION AND STABIL- standard squash is best characterized as compound exercises, such as the squat
ITY IN RESPONSE TO MOVEMENT an explosive bound or “jump lunge.” This and deadlift.
DIRECTION AND DISTANCE FROM movement differs markedly from the tra- Examination of the force characteris-
THE BALL, AT THE TIME OF SHOT ditional lunge pattern and requires the tics between lunge techniques of
SELECTION. THIS ARTICLE DEM- athlete to leap into unilateral hip exten- trained athletes lunging with maximal
ONSTRATES THE METHOD OF sion before playing a shot (Figure 1). exertion demonstrates that the JFL
FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE PRO- The jump lunge demonstrates specialist consistently elicits higher muscle acti-
GRESSION USED AT THE ENGLISH agility, underpinned by mechanically vation, and so program planning must
INSTITUTE OF SPORT TO OPTIMIZE efficient, coordinated, and controlled also ensure that exercise progression
EXPLOSIVE LUNGE MOVEMENT TO movement. Movement into and out of develops specific movement dynamics.
SUPPORT WORLD-CLASS PER- the jump lunge represents a movement Contrary to common belief, the JFL
FORMANCE AT THE 2013 SQUASH sequence that depends on rapid force does not elicit prolonged eccentric
WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS. production to maximize velocity (21). hamstring contraction. Electromyog-
Effective application of impulse is criti- raphy data presented by Jonhagen
INTRODUCTION cal to success; therefore, conditioning et al. (8) demonstrate that eccentric
must emphasize maximum strength activity occurs during the approach
gility is a context-specific ability,

A reliant on both physical and

technical qualities (7). During
an elite squash match, each athlete must
and explosive training to enable the
trained athlete to continue to make
physiological gains (11,12).
phase of the lunge, but even at maximal
exertion, the time spent in eccentric

perform frequent lunging and squatting KEY WORDS:

movement patterns with variable execu- KINEMATICS
squash; agility; jump forward lunge;
tion and recovery (4,6,19). Effective court Biomechanical analysis of a traditional strength; power
coverage relies on rapid and forceful “walk forward lunge (WFL)” and the

36 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
flexes at the hip to lower the trunk into
a position approaching horizontal to
play the shot (Figure 1B). After playing
the ball, the athlete is then required to
rapidly recover into a ready position
for the next movement sequence. The
development of sport-specific explo-
sive ability therefore necessitates an
integrated training program to under-
pin dynamic correspondence for explo-
sive exercise progression (16).


In squash, the loser of the rally will usu-
ally cover more distance than the winner
(18). During performance, fatigue will
induce changes in lower limb muscle
activation and muscle co-activation
ratios that threaten to compromise
multi-joint coordination (13). Strength
and conditioning coaches must therefore
prioritize functional loading, to ensure
that physiological capacity is developed
in synergy with motor competence, to
support technical performance (2).
Examination of lunge forces and tech-
nique reveals that more experienced
squash players learn the ability to sup-
press impact loading forces following
coordination of high initial impact
Figure 1. (A) Example of a squash jump lunge. (B) Squash jump lunge end position.
force. Kinematic analysis of the tech-
nique of developing players demon-
strates that in comparison, junior
hamstring contraction is short (18 6 occurs in the gastrocnemius (61 6 3%
players tend to land with a slightly
8%) relative to the whole movement. during approach and 63 6 12% during
straighter leg, causing foot placement
Hamstring muscle activation during recovery) (8).
to produce a flat foot strike in advance
approach is determined by the force/ Jumping into the lunge changes the of knee flexion (20). Performance
time characteristics of the movement, kinematics of the movement and re- enhancement therefore necessitates
and analysis demonstrates that in the quires the athlete to control force coaching that emphasizes motor con-
WFL, eccentric contraction is quickly while using a greater range of motion trol as the athlete learns to exert and
followed by hamstring lengthening. at the hip, knee, and ankle. During this absorb greater force (10). Exercise pro-
This contrasts with the pattern of mus- movement, the length of the ham- gression must be underpinned by safe
cular contraction found in the hamstring strings is influenced more by the angle and effective movement competence,
in the JFL where stability in stance re- at the hip than the angle at the knee and the Y Balance Test offers a validated
quires a higher degree of muscular con- (5). In squash, world-class performance movement screening protocol to objec-
trol and underlines the need for good relies on the ability of the athlete tively assess dynamic balance (14).
form and posture. In the JFL, increased to combine explosive lunging with
force correlates with increased eccentric dynamic trunk flexion to support shot THE EXPLOSIVE LUNGE
activation but instead of lengthening, execution. In these “jump lunges,” the DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE
the hamstrings then utilize an isometric athlete leads the movement with an CONTINUUM
contraction to control the higher forces extended knee before striking the floor The explosive lunge development exer-
absorbed at foot strike. Analysis of mus- with the heel and rolling onto a full cise continuum (Figure 2) presents an
cle activation for both the WFL and the foot contact. Frequently in these move- evidence-based model for functional
JFL demonstrates that at all speeds ments, on striking the floor with the exercise progression that has been dem-
eccentric contraction predominately heel, the athlete then immediately onstrated to be effective in the support

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 37

Explosive Lunge Movements for World-Standard Squash

factors, velocity, and neuromuscular

recruitment (15). The moderate move-
ment velocity, flexed knee on ground
contact, and upright trunk mean that
for squash, this exercise is best suited to
the general preparation phase of training.

When the squash player is challenged
to perform an extended dynamic for-
ward lunge over an increased distance,
the coach should instruct the athlete to
extend the knee of the lead leg toward
ground contact (Figure 4A–C). This
exercise targets both the amplitude
and the mechanics of sport-specific
movement dynamics to develop high-
velocity lunging ability for squash.
Unlike the traditional WFL, progres-
sion requires that external loading on
the bar is reduced and amplitude and
velocity of movement are increased.

Figure 2. Explosive Lunge Development Exercise Continuum 5 SL; single-leg. REAR FOOT ELEVATED
and development of world-class squash careful periodization, integrated planning, In this exercise, the ascent of the rear foot
performance. and qualified supervision (17). elevated split deadlift (Figure 5A–C) is
The continuum dictates that explosive executed by extending the knee of the
training is preceded by strength training PERFORMANCE PROGRESSION lead leg before extending at the hip. To
with exercise selection and loading deter- The following section presents 4 lunge descend, this sequence is then reversed in
mined by individual needs analysis. Dur- pattern exercises from the explosive a smooth controlled movement. The ath-
ing general preparation, low speed-high lunge development continuum to exem- lete should maintain a flat back with
force exercise predominates, whereas plify how exercise selection supports shoulders retracted throughout the
during specific preparation and compe- program design to enhance sport- movement. The benefit of this exercise
tition phases, increased emphasis is specific movement mechanics, force is that it provides loading in an extremely
placed on high speed-high force move- production, and velocity. Used within relevant position in relation to trunk for-
ments. Exercises on the continuum a periodized program, the featured ex- ward lean and disassociation at the hip.
increase in velocity (low to high: left ercises target the neuromuscular factors Coaches should recognize, however, that
to right) with the corresponding involved in strength production to effect the relatively low velocity of the move-
increase in musculoskeletal stress indi- performance adaptation to develop ment and the position of partial hip and
cated by progression through colored explosive lunge performance (Figs. 3–6). knee extension attained at the top of the
zones, from green through amber to exercise may also threaten to limit func-
red. The green zone contains low TRADITIONAL (WALK FORWARD) tional transfer. This example underlines
speed-high force program components DYNAMIC LUNGE the need for coaches to integrate a bal-
used to enhance muscle force produc- The traditional gym-based WFL ance of exercises in program design to
tion and develop movement-specific (Figure 3) requires the athlete to ensure that each of the neuromuscular
strength. Exercises in the amber zone maintain an upright trunk, and the factors involved in strength production
emphasize mechanical specificity to train knee of the lead leg is flexed on contact is targeted.
peak power, rate of force development, with the floor. This exercise can provide
and acceleration. The red zone contains relatively high external loading at moder- EXPLOSIVE FORWARD BOUND
exercises for speed strength training that ate movement velocities. Requiring the TO REBOUND
use ballistic muscular actions to promote athlete to drive up and out of the lunge The forward bound to rebound
successful performance adaptation. Exer- as explosively as possible increases the (Figure 6A–C) provides an extremely
cises from the red zone must be used sport specificity of the movement in rela- specific stimulus for training to improve
selectively and programming requires tion to perceptual and decision-making high-velocity lunging in squash. The

38 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014

Figure 3. (A–C) The traditional walk forward lunge.

athlete is instructed to leap as far as they position. Coaching emphasizes active enable the athlete to rebound back
can from one foot to the other, before pre-activation around the ankle, knee, toward the start position as quickly as
rebounding back toward the start and hip to brace the landing and thus possible. Contact time at the extent of

Figure 4. (A–C) Extended dynamic forward lunge.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 39

Explosive Lunge Movements for World-Standard Squash

Figure 5. (A–C) Rear foot elevated split deadlift.

the movement should be minimized. explosive ability, demonstrating high Explosive rebound to rebound repeti-
This exercise exemplifies the perfor- velocity—high force movement, aug- tions can be used to successfully pro-
mance of sport-specific power and mented by strength development. mote performance adaptation through

Figure 6. (A–C) Explosive forward bound to rebound.

40 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014

an overload application that conditions or range of motion (mobility) challenge lunge movements. The explosive lunge
the athlete, to mitigate fatigue-induced to elicit a positive impact on the overall development continuum (Figure 2)
reductions in performance (13,21). performance of explosive lunging presents an evidence-based model for
movements. Examples of relevant assis- functional exercise progression, which
PROGRAMMING tance exercises are provided in Table 1. in careful combination with assis-
Squash players who, according to the tance exercises enables the strength
Long Term Athlete Development CONCLUSION and conditioning coach to select rel-
model (1), are still within the Train to When working to develop the ability evant exercises, to support perfor-
Train stage must learn to perfect coor- of the squash athlete to perform high- mance progression to attain and
dination of strength and movement to velocity lunges, the strength and con- sustain world-class performance.
control impact landing (6). Program- ditioning coach must take a strategic,
ming to develop the JFL must therefore need-based approach underpinned by Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
be supported by a range of reduced a clear understanding of the direction, The authors report no conflicts of interest
force exercises. The same exercises are amplitude, velocity, mechanics, and and no source of funding.
used by the elite squash player to com- kinematics of the lunges performed
pliment high-force work undertaken to during competition. Maturation,
Graham Turner
help improve JFL performance. Rather movement competence, training age,
is a senior lec-
than having a strength or power and phase of training should all be
turer in the
emphasis, these “assistance” exercises considered when selecting exercises
Department of
provide the athlete with either a stability to support and develop explosive
Sport, Health
and Nutrition at
Table 1 Leeds Trinity
Example of assistance stability-strength and mobility-strength exercises University.
Assistance exercises (lower forces)

Stability-strength Single-leg squat off box

Single-leg pistol squat
Keith Barker is
Single-leg hang clean a senior strength
Single-leg push jerk
& conditioning
coach with the
Single-leg dumbbell squat touch down English Institute
Single-leg wood chop of Sport, and
National Lead
Split squat with imbalanced or unstable load Strength & Con-
Single-leg medicine ball catch-throw ditioning Coach
for England
Bungee lunge and medicine ball catch-throw Squash.
Overhead lunge with twist
Hop and stick
Single-leg stiff-legged deadlift REFERENCES
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42 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2014

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