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The Dawn Of Hook Kieran Craft-12TI

A man sat at a table in an alehouse, remembering the day that changed his
life, just over a year ago. He still had the innocence of youth then. He was
born in England and had been given a good, British name, James. On his
coming-of-age, James hired a small ship and crew to sail to the Americas. The
journey had begun well but one night, after some weeks at sea, James stole
from his cabin and began sailing the ship on his own. He had always
dreamed of being a captain, but knew nothing of navigation, so James picked
a star and sailed toward it. As the sun rose, so did the crew. The captain was
furious and was about to turn the ship around when a call came from the
bird’s nest.
‘Land Ho!’
The ship was approaching an unknown island. It was small, but beautiful.
There were mountains, a forest, a beach, and an amazingly blue lagoon.
However, the most interesting sight was in fact the strangely shaped,
incredibly large birds flying above the island.

Should have killed and eaten those ’birds’ before we knew better. James thought.

They had been intending to do just that, but as they pulled into harbour, they
saw that it wasn’t birds flying around the island, but young boys clad in
animal skins. They all stayed close to a slightly older boy in green. James
assumed he was their leader. The leader was frolicking with the others like
Pan, Greek god of the forests, when he stopped suddenly, catching sight of
the ship in the lagoon. The boys all drew their knives and began attacking.
The crew tried to fight the boys off, but most were thrown overboard. Being
practiced swimmers wasn’t enough for those in the water, for a large
crocodile attacked. There were no survivors. The leader flew straight at James,
brandishing his knife. James felt sure he could handle one small boy, but the
power of flight gave him an advantage. In an unlucky parry attempt, the
boy’s knife slid and chopped off James’ hand. James collapsed, screaming, but
the boy was not content with simple victory. He took the bloody, severed
hand and threw it to the crocodile.


James and what was left of the crew took the ship, somehow managing to find
land again. James went into the first alehouse he found and began drinking
himself into a stupor.

But revenge will soon free me from my torment. James thought

A man with an eye patch, scars over his face, and incredibly poor hygiene
approached carrying a strange object.
‘I have what you asked for, Captain.’ The man said ‘and the ship is ready, but
you haven’t told us our destination, or even who you are.’
James grabbed the object and strapped it onto his arm. Firelight glinted off the
curved metal, and with a dark smile he answered.
‘We just need to follow a star. As for my name, call me Hook.’

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