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February has proved to be a cold and very windy month, making playing golf
very difficult at times, however there have been some bright spots of good
scoring and a notable achievement by our Stableford winner Dave Sharp who
on the 180 yard par 3 8th hole took his 4 iron and deposited his tee shot in to
the cup for a “hole in one”


Wednesday February 7 – Monthly Medal

A difficult day as the scores show with a five way tie for second place decided
on a card play of

1st Mark Newall 80-5= 75

2nd Les Raufer 91-15= 76 on a card play of

3rd Peter Ayres 91-15=76 on a card play of

Twos: Peter Death 12th, Marl Newall, Colin Waters 17th

Wednesday February 14 – Campbell Lamont Qualifier

Whilst the rest of field struggled to score, our easy winner skated home

1st Ann Miles 41 pts

2nd Robert White 35 pts on a card play of

3rd Norman Ridgway 35 pts

Twos: Rich Hull 3rd, Ann Miles x2 8th & 14th, Norman Ridgway, Maj-Len Thun
12th, Roy Lewis, Robert White 14th, Andy Killen, Derek Manning, Hylton Smith

Wednesday February 21 – Individual Stableford

Whilst the highlight was Daves “hole in one” the rest of scoring was mediocre

1st Dave Sharp 36 pts

2nd Bill Gibb 33 pts

3rd Norman Whibley 32 pts

Twos: Paul Mailly 12th, Andy Killen, Mark Newall, Norman Whibley 14th, Sandra
Siggers 17th

Wednesday February 28 – Campbell Lamont Qualifier

A pleasant day until the wind got up later and made the back nine more
difficult with the top three places decided by a card play of.

1st Jim Laing 36 pts on a card play of

2nd Norman Whibley 36 pts on a card play of

3rd Kevin Manser 36 pts

Twos: Norman Whibley 12th, Chris Baker 14th, Louis Long 17th

For further information log on to our website at

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