Electra Tweak Compatibilty List

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RC1 is out! I will begin updating the sheet with repos soon!

Now in alphabetical order! Press Command F to search for a specific tweak!

Tweaks are all tested on the most recent version of Electra
Official link for Electra

If you would like to contribute, or report issues with the spreadsheet,

please notify us here by replying here Reddit Post

All tweaks are tested on latest version of Electra

Key: Stable/Works Issues Doesn't Work

Tweak Name Device Tested on Stability Notes

3DNoDiv10 iP6s Stable/Works

3Edgy5Me iPX,iP6s+,iP6 Doesn't Work

5 Icon Dock 5S Doesn't Work
5icondock Doesn't Work
69Nice iP7+ Stable/Works

9banners SE Doesn't Work

Activator Doesn't Work

Actual Battery iP6+ Stable/Works
AdaptiveKeyboard iP7 Stable/Works
AdaptiveKeyboard iP8+ Stable/Works
AdvancedSettings 8 Doesn't Work
AdvancedStatusTime iP6 Stable/Works
Aerial iP8,iP6, iP6+ Stable/Works
Aeternum Hives Doesn't Work
AEVUS iP6s, iP6s+,iP7 Stable/Works UpdatePost
AlienBlue ++ iP7+ Stable/Works
Alkaline iP6s, iP6s+,iP7 Stable/Works
Alphapaper iP8+
Anchor iP7+ Doesn't Work
Anemone Stable/Works Must install rocketbootstra
Apex 2 iP6+ Doesn't work
App Drawer iP7 Doesn't Work
App Percent iP7 Stable/Works
App Sync Doesn't Work
AppAdmin iP7+ Doesn't Work
AppColorBadges iP6+ iP6 Dosen’t work
Appcon iP7+ Doesn't Work
AppList Doesn't Work
Appsync Doesn't Work
AppSyncUnified SE Stable/Works
Aquaboard Doesn't Work
artworkify Stable/Works
Audicy iP6s+ Doesn't Work
AudioRecorder 2 iP7,iPX issues
AutoRotate SE Stable/Works
AutoRotate iPX Stable/Works
AutoShiftFix iPX Stable/Works
Backspace+ iP7,iP8,iPX Stable/Works
Badge Customizer iP8 Stable/Works The RGB selector is a bit re
Badge Customizer iPX Stable/Works
Banner Sounds 10 iPX Doesn't Work
Barmoji iPX Doesn't Work Only for IPX
Barrel SE Doesn't Work
Battery Percentage For iPodiPod Touch 7G Stable/Works
BatteryFlow SE Doesn't Work
BatteryLife iPad Mini 2 Doesn't Work
BatterypercentX iPX Stable/Works https://member.sparkservers.co.uk/
BatteryPercentX iPX Stable/Works Only for iPhone X
BatteryStatusBar issues Color settings don't work
BatteryPlus Issues Breaks the AppStore
BetterFiveColumnHomescreen iP6+, iPX Stable/Works
BetterFiveIconDock 5S Doesn't Work
BetterMessages iPX Doesn't Work
BetterPowerDown iP6, iP8 Doesn't Work
BetterPowerMenu iPod Touch 7G,iP7+, iP6, issues Respring Button doesn't work
BetterWiFi7 iP8 Doesn't Work
Bigify iPod Touch 7G Doesn't Work
BioProtect SE Doesn't Work
blightalert 5s Doesn't Work
BlurryBadges Stable/Works
BlurryLaunch Stable/Works
Bolders iP6s Doesn't Work
Bolt iPod Touch 6G Stable/Works
Bootlogocustomizer iP7 Doesn't Work
BootSound iPX Stable/Works
Bounce Notify8 iP6 Stable/Works
BounceNotify8 SE Stable/Works
Bouncy10 issues Doesn't work with app opening and closing
Boxy 2 5S Doesn't Work
Boxy 3 iPod Touch 6 issues Semi Works, swipe up feature doesn't work,
BrowserChanger10 iP7+ Doesn't Work
BrowserChooser 5S Doesn't Work
ByeByeHUD iP6+,5s Stable/Works Bar and slider is blocked by the iPhone X "n
ByeSpotlight iP8 Doesn't Work
Bytafont iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Callbar Doesn't work
callconnect Doesn't Work
Camera Mode 10 iP7 Doesn't Work
Camera Tweak 4 iP6 Doesn't Work
CanYouLikeNot iP6s, iPod Tocuh 7g Stable/Works
Cask iP6+ Stable/Works
Castro iP6s+ Doesn't Work
CCsmoth10 iP7+ Doesn't Work
Cercube for YouTube Stable/Works https://apt.alfhaily.me/files//me.alfhaily.ce
Charge iPad Mini 2 Doesn't Work
Charge mode iPad Mini 2 Doesn't Work
ChargeMode iP7+,iPX Stable/Works
ChargePulse iP6+ Stable/Works
CheeseCake iP7+,iP6+ Stable/Works
Circa iPX Stable/Works
CircleIcons Stable/Works
CKCounter iPX Doesn't Work
Classic badges 5S Stable/Works
Classic Dock iP6 Doesn't Work
ClassicBanners SE Doesn't Work
ClassicDock SE Stable/Works
CleanSheets2 Doesn't Work
ClearBadges3DTouch10 Stable/Works Bigboss
Cleardock iP7 Stable/Works
ColorBadges Stable/Works Works with bugs on this repo: apt.golddavid
ColorBanners 2 iP7+, iPX Doesn't Work
ColorCodedLogs iP6 Doesn't Work
Colorflow 3 iPX Issues Bigboss
ConfirmWithCena Doesn't Work
CrashReporter iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Croutons Doesn't Work
CustomCarrier Issues Works but the settings app freezes and (odd
Cuttlefish 5S Stable/Works
Cylinder iPX,5S,6S Stable/Works Bigboss
Dark Messages IPX, SE Stable/Works
Dark Texts 5S Stable/Works
DataMeter Doesn't Work
Date In Statusbar Stable/Works
DayNightSwitch iP6+ Stable/Works
DedupeVariants IPX Stable/Works
DedupeVariants iPX Stable/Works
DeleteCut iP6s Stable/Works
Deleteforever iP8 Issues Functional but there's no text in preferences
DetailedBatteryUsage SE Issues
DetailedCellularUsage Stable/Works
DetailedPowerUsage issues "Show daemons" not working
Dim iP6s Stable/Works
Disable Game Center BanneiPX,iP6+ Stable/Works
DisableLockCamera iP8 Stable/Works
DismissAnywhere Stable/Works
Dissident Doesn't Work
DndMyMusic iPod Touch 7G Stable/Works
DockAlpha Stable/Works
Docker iP7 Doesn't Work
DockShift Doesn't Work
DockXI iP6,iP6s+ Stable/Works
Dockxl Issues Its a bit out of place, but works. Also icon na
DoNotAutoLock9 iP7+ Stable/Works
Dont Stop The Party iP6s+ Doesn't Work
DopeSettings Stable/Works
Dotter Doesn't Work
DoubleCheck iPX Doesn't Work
DoubleCut Doesn’t Work
DownBoot 5C, iP6s, iP8+ Stable/Works
DragMeDown iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Dummypass Stable/Works
EasySwitcherX iPX Stable/Works you need to register at devlopers site https:
Eclipse 4 Issues Works on a few system apps, use Nightmode
EclipseX iPX,5S Stable/Works
Edge iP6 Doesn't Work
EdgeAlert iP7 Doesn't Work
EmojiKey iP5s Stable/Works
EQE Doesn't Work Needs to be updated for iOS 11
Erie Issues Works but goes to safe mode with certain se
Evanesco Doesn't Work
evanesco iPX Doesn't Work
ExactTime iPX,iP7 Stable/Works https://github.com/gilshahar7/ExactTime/
exKey iPX, iP7 issues The extra line of keys (the numbers) glitche
ExKeyboard iP6s Stable/Works
F.lux 5s Doesn't Work
Facedown iPX Doesn't Work
Fake GPS iP7+ Doesn't Work
FakeClockUp iP7+ Stable/Works
FastCopy iP6s Stable/Works
Faster Charging iPod touch 7G Stable/Works
FastUnlockX iPX Stable/Works
FavoriteEmojis Issues Doesn't work systemwide
Fingal iP6 Stable/Works
FingerTouch iP6,5S, iP6s+ Stable/Works
FirstEditBookmark 5S Stable/Works
FiveIconDock iP6+ Stable/Works
FiveIconDockXI iPX Stable/Works
FlashBlack iP8+ Doesn't Work
FlatsafariURL Stable/Works
Flex 3 Beta iP6, iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Flipcontrolcenter iP7 Doesn't Work
FluidEnabler Stable/Works
Fluidity iP6s,iP6+ issues Discontinued
Flame SE Stable/Works
Flurry iP7+ Doesn't Work
Folder6plus iP8 Stable/Works
Force3DTouch Doesn't Work Resprings into safe mode when activating 3
ForceInPicture iPX Stable/Works
Forcy SE Doesn't Work
FreeFall Doesn't Work
FreeLoader iP7+ Stable/Works
frontcamunmirror iP7 Stable/Works
FrontPage SE Stable/Works
FullSafari Issues Adding tabs works but the iPad style tabs do
Fuzzy iP6s Doesn't Work
GamePlayer iP7+ Doesn't Work
GBA4iOS SE Stable/Works
Ghosty iP7+ Doesn't Work
Glance Doesn't Work
Glowbadges Stable/Works Every time you wanna make a change you h
Go.Away.Period.Button iPX, iP6s Stable/Works
GoodWIfi Doesn't Work
Gorgone iP6s Doesn't Work
Gravity Issues
Growl iP6s Stable/Works
GrowlNotifier iPX Stable/Works
Haptic10 SE Stable/Works
HapticFeedback iP6s+ Doesn't Work
HapticKeyboard iPX, iP6s+,iP8 Stable/Works
HapticMusic iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Harbor 5s Doesn't Work
Hid3x Stable/Works
Hiddenconvos Pro iPX Doesn't Work
HiddenSettings7 Doesn't Work
HideBadgeText iP7+ Stable/Works
HideLabels10 Stable/Works
HideMeX Doesn't work
HideSettingsSearch iP8 Stable/Works
HomeGestures Stable/Works
HotDog Doesn't Work Error loading preference bundle
HouseArrestFix Doesn't Work
HUDPlayer 5S Doesn't Work
HUDVibrate Stable/Works
i8corners iP7 Stable/Works
IAmNoGenius iP7 Stable/Works
iBlank iPod Touch 6 Doesn't Work
iCleaner Doesn't work
Icon Bounce iP7 Doesn't Work
Icon renamer Stable/Works
Iconbounce iPX Doesn't Work
Icondock+ Stable/Works
Iconizer Doesn't work
Iconoclasm Stable/Works
IGExperiments iP7+ Doesn't Work
Infinidock iP7+ Doesn't Work
Instagram ++ iP6+ Stable/Works
Instagram++ Doesn't Work
instagramdownimage iP8, iP6+ Stable/Works
InstantTouchID SE Doesn't Work
iPad Cam For iPhone iPX,iP6s+ Stable/Works
IpaInstaller iPad Mini 2 Doesn't Work
iPhone Cam For iPads iPad Mini 4 Stable/Works
iSwipe iP7+ Stable/Works For The Usr Folder Go To /Usr/Share/ And
Itether SE Doesn't Work
Iwidgets 5s Doesn't Work
iWidgets iPX Doesn't Work
JailProtect Doesn't Work Requries AppList
Kaze iP7 Doesn't Work
Keyboard Accio Stable/Works
KeyShortcut iP6 Stable/Works
Killbackground10 Doesn't Work
kotak10 6S+ Stable/Works
KuaiDial iPX Stable/Works Install manually
LastLocked iPod Touch 6G Stable/Works
libcolorpicker iP6s Stable/Works
Liberty SE Doesn't Work
LInkTunes iPod Touch 7G Doesn't Work
Lithium ion Issues Not systemwide
Littlebrother Issues Glitchy, don’t use for now
LivelyClock iP7+ Stable/Works On repo ca13ra1.github.io/repo
LiveWallpapers iP6s Doesn't Work
LocationFaker Doesn’t Work
LocationFaker9 Doesn’t Work
LockGlyphX iP6+,iP7 Doesn't Work Error while loading PreferenceLoader // W
LockHTML4 iPhone 6+ Doesn't Work If you install you might not be able to re-jail
Lockscreen Custom Text iP7 Stable/Works
LSFingerprintFaster iP6s Stable/Works
LSHiddenTools10 Doesn't Work
LucidCamBars iPX Stable/Works Filters are moved down and cover the came
makerespringgreatagain Stable/Works
Manila iPX Stable/Works
ManualCorrect Pro iP7+ Stable/Works
mCast Doesn't Work Everything works but casting... so yea it bro
Membrane Issues Enables cellular but doesn't auto-disable it
Message tag iPX Stable/Works
MessageColors Stable/Works
MessageTypingIndicators iPX Stable/Works
Messenger+ iPX Stable/Works
MImport Doesn't Work Folder icon shows in Music.app but when yo
mimport iP8 Stable/Works
MinimalHUD iPhone 6+ Stable/Works
Mint iPX Stable/Works
Mitusha2 iP7+ Stable/Works https://github.com/c0ldra1n/Mitsuha2
Mobius Issues On home screen, best pair it with " Disable S
Modern iP7+ Doesn't Work
Moose iP8+ Stable/Works
Moveable9 Doesnt work on iPX Issues
MulitIconMover iP7+ Doesn't Work
Multiconmover Doesn't Work
MultiIconMover+ iP7+ Doesn't Work
MultiView iP6s+ Doesn't Work
musilyric Stable/Works
Musubi iP6 Doesn't Work
My Music+ iP6s Stable/Works
NCLink10 Doesn't Work
NetworkList Doesn't Work
NextAlarm10 iP6S+ Doesn't Work
NGXPlay iPX, iP6s Doesn't Work
Nightmode9 iP6s+ Stable/Works
No Icon Labels Stable/Works
No Page Dots 7 iPhone 6+ Stable/Works
No Spotlight BG Mask iP7,iP8,iPX Stable/Works
No Suggestions Youtube iPX Doesn't Work
No today view iPadMini 2nd Gen Doesn't Work
NoClose iP7+ Doesn't Work
noclose iP7+ Doesn't Work
Noctis Doesn't Work
Noctis11 Beta Stable/Works
NoFolderBackground Stable/Works
NoIconLabels iP8 Stable/Works
NoLiveClock iP8 Stable/Works
NoLowPowerAlert iPX Stable/Works
NoLowPowerAutoLock SE Doesn't Work
NoMoreSeparators Stable/Works
NoMotion iP6s issues occasional resprings on lockscreen
NoPaperLax iP6, SE Stable/Works
NoSharePlz Stable/Works Delete share option from 3D touch
NoSlowAnimations Issues
NoSpot10 iP7,iP6 Doesn't Work
NoStatusBar Doesn't work
NoSub Doesn't Work
Notchless IPX Stable/Works
NotiTinter Stable/Works
Notodayview ios10 SE issues Doesn't work on lockscreen
NoTrackPadDelay iP7+ Stable/Works
NougatFolder iPX, iP7+ Stable/Works
NougatShortcuts Issues Rounded corner but still with semi-transpa
NoUpdateHistory iPX Doesn't Work
NoVoiceMail iPX Stable/Works
ntSpeed Issues Works only in SB
NudeKeys iP6+ Stable/Works
Numerals Stable/Works
OLEDification iP8+, SE Stable/Works
OLEDification iP8+
Palbreak iPX Doesn't Work
Palert Doesn't Work
PassButtonStyle iPod Touch 6G Doesn't Work
PdaNet Doesn't Work
PDAnet SE Doesn't Work
PdaNet iPX Doesn't Work
Peek-A-Boo SE Doesn't Work
PerfectFit iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPX Stable/Works
Perpetual10 Lite iPX Doesn't Work
Phantom For Snapchat Doesn't Work
PhotoSize Stable/Works
PhotoTools iPX,iP6, iP7,iP8 Stable/Works move photos from cameraroll doesn't work
Pico Banners SE Stable/Works
PicoBanners2 iP6s Stable/Works
Pigeon iP6s Stable/Works
Pikabu beta iP6+ Stable/Works Has a few bugs as it’s a beta
PIPEnabler SE Stable/Works
Placeholder iP8 Stable/Works
PM, really? iP7+ Doesn't Work
PokeGo LS GIF 5s Stable/Works
Portrait Lighting Enabler Stable/Works
Power Bar 6S+ Issues
PowerDown iP6 Doesn't Work
PowerTap Doesn't Work
PreferenceOrganizer 2 iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Prefermyfi 2 Doesn't Work
PremiumPlay iPX Stable/Works
Priority Hub iPX Doesn't Work
Priority Hub iPX Doesn't Work
PriorityHub Doesn't Work
PrismBoard iP6s Doesn't Work
PrivateMessage iP6s Doesn't Work
Protect My Privacy SE Doesn't Work
PullToRespring iPX, iPad Mini 4, iP6+, iP5Stable/Works
PulseHUD Doesn't Work
QuickPowerMode iP7+ Stable/Works
QuickVolumeHUD+ iP6s Stable/Works
Random Icon Flip iP7 Doesn't Work
Reachboard iP8+ Doesn't Work
Reacherswitch Tested on IPX Stable/Works
Reachweather iP8+ Doesn't Work
RealCC iPad Air 2,iP6s Stable/Works https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jakeaja
ReformX iPod Touch 6 Doesn't Work
Remote Messages iP6s+ Doesn't Work
respringprogress Stable/Works
ReturnDismiss iP6 Stable/Works
RomanPasscode Stable/Works
Rocket Bootstrap SE Stable/Works Must get from official repo
Rotate+ iPX Doesn't Work
roundcorners iP7+ Doesn't Work
RoundDock Issues Adaptable Dock does not work, you have to
S8Edge Stable/Works
Saavlife iP7 Doesn't Work The Saavn App doesn't open after download
Safari Downloader+ iP6s Doesn't Work
Safari Plus iP6s, iP6 Doesn't Work
SafariFullScreenScrolling 6S+ Stable/Works
SameStatusBar iP7 Stable/Works
sbflip iP6 Stable/Works
Scothman for Snapchat (Notifications work) Stable/Works
ScramblePass Stable/Works
Semperin iPX Stable/Works incompatible with SimpleLSiOS10
SendDelay iPX Doesn't Work
SendProgress Stable/Works
SendProgress iPX Doesn't Work Cannot create new messages on the messag
serialsh iPX Doesn't Work
ShiftCycle iP6s+ Stable/Works
ShiftCycle SE issues
Shy Page Dots iP7+ Stable/Works
SimpleLSiOS10 Stable/Works Doesn't Work on 5s
SimplePasscodeButtons 5s Stable/Works Reported not working on iPX
Six Icon Dock For Iphone 6 Stable/Works Note: only for ip6/6s/7/8 screen size device
Sixbar 5S Doesn't Work
SkinnySettings iPod Touch 6 Doesn't Work
Skrollerz Stable/Works
Sleek'n'Bouncy 10 Doesn't Work
Sleekcode Doesn't Work
Sleeper iP7+ Doesn't Work
Slices iPX, iP8 issues Sometimes crashes
Slidecut Stable/Works
SmallVolumeStep iPX Stable/Works
SmartLowPower iP6 Doesn't Work
SmartTap iP8+ Doesn't Work
SmartVPN iPX Doesn't Work
Smooth3D Stable/Works
SmoothCursor Stable/Works
SmoothPop iP7+ Stable/Works
SmoothPop iP6 Stable/Works
Snapchat ++ iP6+ Stable/Works
SnapchatNoClickbait iP6s Stable/Works
Snoverlay iPod Touch 6G Stable/Works Add system files to /System/Libary/CoreSe
Sonus Doesn't Work
SpecialFaces iPX Doesn't Work Installs, but no faces show up in watch app
SpectrePatch Stable/Works
Speed Intensifier Doesn't Work
Speedintensifier Doesn’t Work
Speedy Doesn't Work
SpinSettings iP6s Doesn't Work
Splitify iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Spotifyhistory iP6 Stable/Works
Spotilife iP7 Stable/Works
SpringChanger iP6s Doesn't Work
SpringPlus iP6 Issues A lot of the setting don't work, it does crash
Springtomize 4 Doesn't Work Needs Substrate and update from developer
Springy iP6s Doesn't Work
SSHicon iP6 Doesn't Work
StatusFolder Stable/Works
StatusHUD 2 iPod Touch 7G, iP6s+ issues Every App crashes by changing the Volume,
StatusSwitcher Doesn't Work
StatusVol2 Doesn't Work
StatusVolX iP8 Doesn't Work
Stealth Cam iP8 Doesn't Work
StreakNotify SE Doesn't Work
Stylish iP6s Doesn't Work
SwipeExpander Doesn't Work
Swiper Doesn’t Work Very risky, just dont
SwipeSelection iP6+,iP7+, iP6+ Stable/Works
SwipeSelection Pro iP6 Stable/Works
SwipeShiftCaret iP6+ Stable/Works
SwipyFolders iP7+ Doesn't Work
SwitchSservice iPX Stable/Works
SwitchTint iP7,iP8,iPX Stable/Works
System Info iPod Touch 7G Stable/Works
SystemInfo Stable/Works
Taptapflip Tested on IPX Stable/Works
Taptic Keys iP7 Stable/Works beta was released on SparkDev_ ‘s patron to
TetherMe Doesn't Work
TGunlock iP7+ Stable/Works
TinyBar Doesn't Work
Touch Home iP7+ issues
Touchr Doesn't Work Crashes
Translucency Infinity iP7 Doesn't Work
Translucency Infinity iP6s+ Doesn't Work
TranslucentMessages iP7+ Doesn't Work
TrueBackground iPX Doesn't Work
trustdevalert iP6s issues the trust button apperars but dosen't do any
tschecker 8 Doesn't Work
tsprotector 8+ Doesn't Work
Twig Stable/Works
Twitter ++ iP6+ Doesn’t Work
TypeStatus 2 Doesn't work
unBold iP6s Stable/Works
UnlockSound iPX Stable/Works place sound effect into UISounds folder
Upscale Issues
UsageBarX Issues Work in system apps nowhere else
Vespera iP6s+ Doesn't Work
Vettr iP6s+, iP7, iP8+, iP5s issues if enabled, it will block th
Vibrancy Stable/Works
VideoLoop Doesn't Work
VideoPlayerRotatable iPX Stable/Works
iP6s Doesn't Work
VolumePercentage iP7 Stable/Works
vWallpaper 2 iP6s issues
WakeTunes Doesn't Work
Wallmart iPX Stable/Works
Watchdog iP7 Stable/Works
Watusi 5S,iPad Pro 10.5, iP6s,iP6Stable/Works https://github.com/FouadRaheb/Watusi-fo
WeatherLock iP7, 5S Stable/Works
WeChatHook iPX Doesn't Work
WGadReomever iP8+ Stable/Works
WGradRemover iPX Stable/Works
WGRadRemover iP8+ Stable/Works
Whatsapp ++ iP6+ Stable/Works
Whoneedsdock Stable/Works
Whoozit Pro iP7 Doesn't Work
WiCarrier iPX Stable/Works
Wifi Passwords List iPX Doesn't Work
WiJoin Stable/Works
xbarremover iPX Stable/Works Only for iPX
YouTube Tools iP6,iP6S,iP7,iP8,iPX Stable/Works
Youtubed iP7, iPX Stable/Works
YoutubeVolume Doesn't Work Crashes SpringBoard, safe mode
Zeppelin iP6 Stable/Works
WeElectra Tweak
Will NOT Compatibilty
Be Responsible for List
any issues
Install tweaks at you're own risk
We do NOT support piracy
Therefore piracy related tweaks, etc will not be included.

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BigBoss (Paid)
BigBoss (Paid)

BigBoss (Paid)










BigBoss (Paid)
n doesn't work

with app opening and closing animation

wipe up feature doesn't work, may drag you into safe mode

s blocked by the iPhone X "notch"

gs on this repo: apt.golddavid.com

settings app freezes and (oddly) disables home and power buttons when applying. Respring fixes this.

there's no text in preferences and Hide normal delete button is not working

s" not working

place, but works. Also icon names option don’t do nothing.

ister at devlopers site https://member.sparkservers.co.uk/repo
system apps, use Nightmode9

dated for iOS 11

s to safe mode with certain settings

of keys (the numbers) glitches with one language when the keyboard is set for two languages

cannot use latest version of tweak to activate switche

safe mode when activating 3D Touch gesture

orks but the iPad style tabs don’t show

wanna make a change you have to respring

reference bundle
der Go To /Usr/Share/ And Paste The File That Says iSwipe In There


ding PreferenceLoader // Will work if you have a config from ios 10

u might not be able to re-jailbreak
ed down and cover the camera button

rks but casting... so yea it broken

r but doesn't auto-disable it

ws in Music.app but when you click on it it gets stuck on "Starting MImport"

n, best pair it with " Disable Spotlight + Widget Page " with SpringPlus
prings on lockscreen

ption from 3D touch

n lockscreen

r but still with semi-transparent background


om cameraroll doesn't work just copy into folders

as it’s a beta



k does not work, you have to disable it before respring for RoundDock to work.

doesn't open after downloading the tweak

When you extract the deb file, there is a file located inside the "Application Support" folder (called BoxSC) - You just drag

with SimpleLSiOS10

new messages on the message app

working on iPX
p6/6s/7/8 screen size devices, may not work on others

s to /System/Libary/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/

faces show up in watch app

ing don't work, it does crash when hiding things on status bar, and apparently it's causing phone to stop responding.
e and update from developer

hes by changing the Volume, it only works on the Homescreen without crashing or having issues

ed on SparkDev_ ‘s patron to enable full functionality of taptickeys.

n apperars but dosen't do anything

ect into UISounds folder

m apps nowhere else

There is a Black home bottom does

If the charger is removed or plugged in when the black screen is on, clicking Home to i

run uicache after placing all files in their respective places


Board, safe mode

ion of tweak to activate switcher or go to last app
r (called BoxSC) - You just drag this to /Library/Application Support and your good to go
op responding.
screen is on, clicking Home to insert the passcode doesn't work

ir respective places

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