Story Lutung

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(from West Java)

King Prabu Tapa Agung and his queen lived in the Kingdom of Pasir Batang, West Java. They had
two daughters, Princess Purbaarang and Princess Purbasari. One night, when Prabu Tapa Agung sleep, he
dreamed. In the dream that Sunan Ambu said to leave the palace. Leave the throne to the youngest
daughter Purbasari. After he woke up, there goes his concerns.
Purbararang : “ What’s happen father? Why did you call us?”
Prabu Tapa Agung : “Do you know? I feel i’m getting older now. And I want to choose who
has to be my successor.”
Purbasari : “What?! Does it mean that father want to abdicate?”
Prabu Tapa Agung : “Yes…Because of that, I choose you, Purbasari.”
Purbararang : “How can be like that? I’m the eldest one.”
Prabu Tapa Agung : “Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many
other qualities that one must posses.”
Purbararang : "(Purbararang angrily left the room.)"
Purbasari : "Well if that's what you want, father:"
Then, one day, the king and queen went to a forest for good. After
that, Purbararang meet Indrajaya. She planned to block Purbasari so she failed to be a queen in the
kingdom Kanjuruhan.
Purbararang : "Kanda, Purbasari will be given credence by the father to be Queen in this kingdom.’’
Indrajaya : " Is it true? it should be the queen dinda Not the Purbasari. "
Purbararang : "we must do something. What if we go to someone Witch and tell us to make ugly a
face Purbasari ."
Indrajaya : "oh. . bright idea my wife. . "
After purbararang and Indrajaya meet the witch, the witch quickly run what are instructed by them. After
that, Purbasari face turned into ugly, which is expected by Indrajaya and Purbararang.
Purbasari : "Oh god. . why my face change to be like this? (crying) "
Purbararang : "(a quasi surprised and concerned). Hah!!! What happened to your face
Purbasari?. Are you going to be a queen with a face so ugly. "
Purbasari : "(sadly Purbasari heard the saying Purbararang)"
Purbararang : "if I may advise you better get out of the kingdom, so as not to invite slander
and make my father embarrassed.
Purbasari : "(sadly Purbasari answer) If that's the best idea, I'm going to leave the kingdom.
Then Purbasari lived in the forest alone. In another place, the Heaven something happened.
Mother : “My son Guruminda, what’s the matter? You look sad.”
Prince Guruminda : (silent)
Mother : “Mother knew, now you’re a teenager. Age seventeen. Is there an
angel who pulled your heart. Say the mother who she was. Later I’ll introduce you
to him.”
Prince Guruminda : I do not want to be introduced with any angel. I want to find a girl as
beautiful as you, Mother.
Mother : Guruminda, similar to the girl who’s mother was not in Buana In this.
He was in the Middle Panca Buana. You go up there. But not as Guruminda. You
must be disguised as an ape or a monkey.
He became a monkey. His name was Lutung Kasarung In the Pasir Batang, Queen Purbararang to perform
the ceremony. In a ceremony that required the sacrifice of animals. Queen Purbararang called Aki
Purbaarang : “Aki, Catch an animal to be a sacrifice in the ceremony. If you don’t get that
monkey, you will be the animal”
Aki : I’ll try, you highness.
With great fear Aki Panyumpit rush into the wilderness. However, not a monkey he found. So, Aki sat under
a big tree. Suddenly, a big monkey came to him.
Lutung :’ I came here because you see the sad old man. Why?”
Aki Panyumpit surprised to hear the monkey can talk. Asked Thus, Aki Panyumpit tell what they
Lutung :“Then take me to the palace, grandfather,”
Aki : “But you will be burnt!’’
Lutung :’’But if the grandfather did not successfully bring an animal, his own grandfather who
will be slaughtered as a sacrifice,”
Aki : “All right, then”
Then, Aki and Lutung went back to the Kingdom of Pasir Batang. When Lutung was in the town square,
something happened. Mines the fibers that bind his body one by one began to break and then he was free.
The queen was very angry and she had a bad idea.
Purbaarang : Aki, send the monkey to Purbasari.
Aki : Alright. Let us go, monkey. I bring you a more suitable place for you.
Aki and Lutung went to the forest to meet Purbasari.
Aki : “That’s Princess Purbasari. He is a sweet girl and kind. You must keep it.”
Lutung : “Yes”
Lutung helped Purbasari to have a better living. He also made her beautiful.
Lutung : "Purbasari .. Would you follow me to a lake ..? "
Purbasari : "why should there ..?"
Lutung : "Take a bath in the lake, because when you're bathing in the lake, your face ugly you
will be lost. "
Purbasari : "Really??"
Lutung : "yes .. you will be back to normal.!"
Purbasari : "Well I'm going to follow the advice apes you.”
And then Purbasari go ape lake, after Purbasari washed face in the lake. Amazing beautiful skin has
returned to normal. After that, Purbasari asked monkey Kasarung to go with her to the kingdom
Kanjuruhan. When Queen Purbarang knew it, she got very very angry.
Purbararang : "(surprised) Purbasari ..?
Indrajaya : "Why is this so? (shocked too) "
Purbararang : "Purbasari your face! (attention Purbasari face) "
Purbasari : "Yes sister, my face was back to normal. Now I can fulfill the mandate to be the queen's
father '
Purbararang : "No ... no ... (strongly opposes.) What should we do kanda? (Whispering Imdrajaya)"
Indrajaya : "Advise that a queen should have a prince (whispering)"
Purbararang : " Yes it's true Purbasari, a queen must have a handsome prince. (In a loud voice)"Here,
Indrajaya as my prince and which your prince? Haha”
Purbasari : '(sad face and the tears dripping) Lutung is my prince. Although he is a monkey, but I
love it "
Suddenly the monkey turned into a very handsome young man
Purbararang : "What?? How could (very surprised)
Indrajaya : "(dumbfounded)"
Purbasari : "Lutung? Whether this really you? Impossible"
Lutung : "Yes, long ago I was cursed to be a monkey, I would change if I find my true love"
Purbararang : "impossible ..! (With face disbelieve and held her head)
Lutung : "Purbasari .. whether you want to marry me.???
Purbasari : "(smiling and shaking his head)

------THE END----

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