Experiment 1 - Use of Analytical Balance

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Name: DIONGCO, MARC ANGELO V. Date Performed: 21 June 2016

MANALO, JEAN LOUISE B. Date Submitted:

Experiment 1


Measurements are made using appropriate equipment or instruments. Various equipment and
instrumentation used in analytical chemistry ranges from the simple and inexpensive, to the complex
and costly. The instrumentation used to measure mass and much of the equipment used to measure
volume are important to all analytical techniques (Harvey, 2000). In most analyses, an analytical balance
must be used to measure masses with high accuracy. Less accurate laboratory balances are also used for
mass measurements when the demands for reliability are not critical (Skoog et al, 2014).

An analytical balance is an instrument for determining mass with a maximum capacity that ranges from
1 g to a few kilograms with a precision of at least 1 part in 105 at maximum capacity. The most common
analytical balances (macrobalances) have a maximum capacity ranging between 160 and 200 g. With
these balances, measurements can be made with a standard deviation of 60.1 mg. Semimicroanalytical
balances have a maximum loading of 10 to 30 g with a precision of 60.01 mg. A typical microanalytical
balance has a capacity of 1 to 3 g and a precision of 60.001 mg (Skoog et al, 2014).

Figure 1.1. Analytical balance

It is important to understand the difference between mass and weight. Mass is an invariant measure of
the quantity of matter in an object. Weight, on the other hand, is the force of attraction between an
object and its surroundings, principally the earth. Because gravitational attraction varies with
geographical location, the weight of an object depends on where you weigh it (Skoog et al, 2014). For
example, a crucible weighs less in Baguio City than in Manila because the attractive force between the
crucible and the earth is smaller at the higher altitude of Baguio, and the force of attraction increases
measurably with latitude. The mass of the crucible, however, remains constant regardless of where you
measure it (Skoog et al, 2014).

Weight and mass are related by the familiar expression

W = mg (Equation 1.1)

where W is the weight of an object, m is its mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. From the
equation, mass of an object is equal to its weight divided by the acceleration due to gravity, g (9.8 x 10 8

A chemical analysis is always based on mass so that the results will not depend on locality. A balance is
used to compare the mass of an object with the mass of one or more standard masses. Because g affects
both unknown and known equally, the mass of the object is identical to the standard masses with which
it is compared. The distinction between mass and weight is often lost in common usage, and the process
of comparing masses is usually called weighing. In addition, the objects of known mass as well as the
results of weighing are frequently called weights. Always bear in mind, however, that analytical data are
based on mass rather than weight. Therefore, throughout this text, we will use mass rather than weight
to describe the quantities of substances or objects. On the other hand, for lack of a better word, we will
use “weigh” for the act of determining the mass of an object. Also, we will often say “weights” to mean
the standard masses used in weighing (Skoog et al, 2013).

There are different weighing methods used with the aid of analytical balance. Direct weighing, for
instance, can be used for laboratory glasswares, metals like coins, or other objects that cannot possibly
damage the balance pan by direct contact (Hargis, 1988).

Indirect weighing is a method wherein the sample do not direct contact with the balance pan. There are
two types: weighing by addition and by difference. Weighing by addition is done by first determining the
accurate mass of a dried container. Then, the desired quantity of the sample is added to the vessel and
the increase in mass is taken as the mass of the sample. Addition of the sample into the container is
done by the use of a spatula or by tapping the sample vial such that only small portions are added at one
time until the desired mass is obtained (Harvey, 2000).

Weighing by difference is a simple method for determining a series of sample masses. First, the bottle
and its contents are weighed. One sample is then transferred from the bottle to a container. Gentle
tapping of the bottle with its top and slight rotation of the bottle provide control over the amount of
sample removed. Following transfer, the bottle and its residual contents are weighed. The mass of the
sample is the difference between the two masses. It is essential that all the solid removed from the
weighing bottle be transferred without loss to the container (Skoog et al, 2014). The mass of a liquid is
always obtained by difference (Harvey, 2000). Liquids that are noncorrosive and relatively nonvolatile
can be transferred to previously weighed containers with snugly fitting covers, such as weighing bottles.
The mass of the container is subtracted from the total mass (Skoog et al, 2014). If the material being
weighed is not moisture-sensitive, a clean and dry container is placed on the balance. The mass of this
container is called the tare. Most balances allow the tare to be automatically adjusted to read a mass of
zero. The sample is then transferred to the container, the new mass is measured and the sample’s mass
determined by subtracting the tare. Samples that absorb moisture from the air are weighed differently.
The sample is placed in a covered weighing bottle and their combined mass is determined. A portion of
the sample is removed, and the weighing bottle and remaining sample are reweighed. The difference
between the two masses gives the mass of the transferred sample.

An analytical balance is a delicate instrument that must be handled with care. Several important
precautions help to minimize errors in measuring an object’s mass. The general rules for must be
observed when working with an analytical balance:

1. Weight readings change as people walk around the instrument, or when a person leans on the
table or moves other objects that are on the table. Balances should be placed on heavy surfaces
to minimize the effect of vibrations in the surrounding environment and should be maintained
in a level position (Harvey, 2000).
2. Center the load on the pan as well as possible. If not centered, the center of the mass is not
determined and correctly measured, therefore resulting to errors. All analytical balances have a
horizontal-level bubble gauge. As a way of determining if the load of the pan is leveled, the
bubble must be kept centered within the inner circle of the level gauge (Harvey, 2000).
3. Protect the balance from corrosion. Objects to be placed on the pan, or can be weighed directly
should be limited to nonreactive metals, nonreactive plastics, and vitreous, or glasslike,
materials (Harvey, 2000).
4. Keep the balance and its case scrupulously clean. A camel’s-hair brush is useful for removing
spilled material or dust (Skoog, 2014).
5. Air currents can significantly affect a sample’s mass. To avoid air currents, the balance’s glass
doors should be closed, or the balance’s wind shield should be in place. A sample that is cooler
or warmer than the surrounding air will create convective air currents that adversely affect the
measurement of its mass (Skoog, 2014).
6. Always allow an object that has been heated to return to room temperature before weighing it.
Attempts to weigh an object whose temperature is different from that of its surroundings will
result in a significant error. Failure to allow sufficient time for a heated object to return to room
temperature is the most common source of this problem. Errors due to a difference in
temperature have two sources. First, convection currents within the balance case exert a
buoyant effect on the pan and object. Second, warm air trapped in a closed container weighs
less than the same volume at a lower temperature. Both effects cause the apparent mass of the
object to be low. This error can amount to as much as 10 or 15 mg for typical porcelain filtering
crucibles or weighing bottles. Heated objects must always be cooled to room temperature
before being weighed (Skoog, 2014).
7. Use tongs, finger pads, or a glassine paper strip to handle dried objects to prevent transferring
moisture to them (Harvey, 2000).

This exercise aims to discuss the concepts, principles and techniques involving the use of an analytical
balance, as well as its proper use, handling and maintenance. It also aims to recognize factors affecting
accuracy and precision of data and to apply statistical tools to analyze data.


Step 1: Effect of fingerprints on weighing

Steps 2.1 to 2.4: Direct weighing and weighing by difference of crucible and cover

Steps 2.5 to 2.11: Weighing by addition and by difference of NaCl and water


Steps 1.1 to 1.3: Reproducibility of the drop

Steps 2.1 to 2.3: Statistical evaluation of weighing ten individual coins



Table 1.1. Effect of fingerprints on weighing

mass of beaker handled with tongs, g
mass of beaker handled with bare hands, g

Table 1.2. Direct weighing and weighing by difference of crucible and cover
mass of crucible cover, g (A)
mass of crucible cover + crucible, g (X)
mass of crucible, g (Y)
mass of crucible cover, g (X – Y)
% difference on the mass of crucible cover
obtained by direct weighing (A) and by
difference (X – Y)

Table 1.3. Weighing by addition and by difference of NaCl and water

(a) mass of bottle containing NaCl, g
(b) mass of wash bottle with water, g
(c) mass of dry beaker, g
(d) mass of bottle – NaCl, g
(e) mass of beaker + NaCl
(f) mass of wash bottle – water, g
(g) mass of beaker + NaCl + water, g
mass of NaCl by addition (e – c), g
mass of NaCl by difference (a – d), g
% difference
mass of water by addition (g – e), g
mass of water by difference (b - f), g
% difference

Table 1.4.Weighing of ten individual drops of water

mass of Beaker A (beaker + water + dropper), g
mass of Beaker A – 1st drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 2nd drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 3rd drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 4th drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 5th drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 6th drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 7th drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 8th drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 9th drop, g
mass of Beaker A – 10th drop, g
Mass of individual drop, g Deviation, g
(arrange in decreasing order)

Relative ave. deviation, %

Table 1.5.Weighing of ten drops of water as a group

mass of Beaker A (beaker + water + dropper), g
mass of Beaker A – 10 drops, g
mass of 10 drops, g
average mass, g

Table 1.6. Statistical evaluation of weighing ten individual coins

Coin No. Mass of coin, g Mass of coin, g Deviation, di, g di2
(arranged in increasing


Average mass, g Average deviation, g

Range Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Confidence limits of the mean (90% level): Q-test (if applicable):

Date completed:

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