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Chapter 12: South America Culminating Activity

Excellent (10 points each) Good (8 Points each) Fair (6 Points each) Needs Improvement (4 points
Delivery Students will Students will Students will Students will
 Present material while  Present material with  Maintain minimal eye  Maintain no eye contact
maintaining eye contact only occasional break in contact with audience with audience
with audience. eye contact  Frequently checks  Reads off notes
 Speak from memory  Infrequently check notes notes  Speaks at low volume
without relying on notes.  Speaks at a moderate  Speaks at a low volume with no inflection
 speak loudly, clearly and volume with inflection. with little inflection.
emphasizing main points.
Content/Organization Students will Students will Students will Students will
 Exhibit in-depth research  Exhibits research into  Exhibit limited research  Exhibit little to no
into assigned country. assigned country into assigned country research into assigned
 Include all of the following:  Include only 3 of the  Include only 2 of the country
physical geography, cultural following: physical following: physical  Include only 1 of the
distinction, history and geography, cultural geography, cultural following: physical
current issues. distinction, history and distinction, history and geography, cultural
 Cite sources, statistics and current issues. current issues. distinction, history and
facts.  Cite most sources and  Cite few sources and current issues.
 Demonstrate accurate facts facts  Cite no sources or facts
knowledge  Demonstrate mostly  Demonstrate little  Demonstrate no accurate
accurate knowledge accurate knowledge knowledge
Media Use Students will Students will Students will Students will
 Have 4 photos, including  Have 2-3 photos,  Have 1-2 photos  Have 0 photos
one of the flag including one of the flag  Include 1 map  Include 0 maps
 Include 2 types of maps  Include 1 map  Utilize PowerPoint or  Utilize PowerPoint or
 Utilize PowerPoint or  Utilize PowerPoint or Google Slides with 2-3 Google Slides with 0-1
Google Slides with 5-7 Google Slides with 4-5 slides Slide
slides slides
Mechanics Students will Students will Students will Students will
 Have no spelling, grammar  Have 2-3 spelling,  Have 4-7 spelling,  Have more than 7
or punctuation errors. grammar or punctuation grammar or spelling, grammar or
 Have a minimum of 75 errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
words.  Have a minimum of 50  Have a minimum of 25  Have less than 25 words
 Include a title slide and words words  Include neither title slide
Works Cited (separate)  Include a title slide and  Include either a title nor Works Cited
Works Cited slide or Works Cited
Chapter 12: South America Culminating Activity



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