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Design and Implementation of Ground Station Antennas for UAV Data Radio

Link in UHF Band

Z.H. Firouzeh, M. Moradian, A. Safari-Hajat-Aghaei, H. Mir-Mohammad-Sadeghi
Information and Communication Technology Institute
Isfahan University of Technology, 84154 Isfahan, Iran
Tel. (+98) 311 3912480, Fax. (+98) 311 3912481

Abstract signals; thus, it can direct Antenna to the UAV and

track. However, the fast maneuvering of UAV around
In this paper, design and implementation of Ground the Ground Station, especially in the time of taking-off
Station (GS) antennas are presented to control UAV by and landing should be regarded; consequently, GCS can
use of data radio link between UAV and GS based on not follow the UAV simultaneously and quickly.
spread spectrum in frequency band of 780-880MHz at Moreover, the UAV can be controlled visually, so omni-
the maximum range of 100Km. Gain, frequency directional antenna can be utilized in the short ranges

bandwidth, polarization, radiation pattern, and the height less than 5 km.
of installed antenna from the ground are very important Monopole antenna which is a vertical-polarized omni-
in regard to UAV maneuver and desired range. Helix directional antenna will be designed, simulated by
and omni-directional antennas are designed and Fidelity simulator, and optimized. Helix antenna has
implemented to cover short and long ranges. Helix is been used to cover ranges more than 5Km to establish
designed based on Emerson's relations and optimized by data radio link. It is designed, and matched to 50Q in
IE3D to match to 50Q in frequency range of 100MHz by frequency bandwidth of 100MHz by new stub-loaded
new stub-loaded method. Monopole antenna is designed matching method. The dimensions and position of
and optimized by Fidelity software. After optimum stub matching is attained by IE3D simulator.
implementation, measurement results are in a good Also, helix antenna specifications such as radiation
agreement with the simulation. Then, we demonstrate pattern, gain, HPBW, VSWR, and Axial Ratio (AR) are
how we can dominate the ground effect and multipath calculated. The implemented antennas will be tested and
effect by use of two-antenna system. measured. In the end, the appropriate height for
installing of the antennas is proposed in regard to LOS
relations and multipath problems.
1. Introduction
2. Design and simulation of the monopole
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is a remotely antenna
piloted or self-piloted aircraft that can carry cameras,
sensors, communication equipments or the other We would like to design a quite wideband vertical-
payloads. They commonly operate in military operations polarized omni-directional antenna which covers 360°
and scientific research, perform powerful intelligence around the GS at the maximum range of 5Km. A thick-
collection capability, and hence highly reduce the human rod monopole antenna with bent ground plane has the
risk and operation cost. Their autonomous flight and preceding characteristics. The dimensions have been
powerful sensing capability further facilitate their shown in Figure 1. The )/4 monopole antenna is
operations of flights beyond the visual ranges [1, 2]. simulated at the center frequency of 830MHz by Fidelity
GS Antennas should have appropriate frequency simulator.
bandwidth, polarization, gain, and radiation pattern on
the basis of radio link specifications. It is necessary to
use directional antennas to cover long ranges because of
their high gain. The Antenna polarization of the UAV is
vertical, and the direction of its installed antenna most
often changes due to maneuvering fast around the GS; ~92nu
therefore, it is necessary to choose circular or slant z
(+45/-45) polarization for GS Antennas. Meanwhile, it is x
used spread spectrum methods such as frequency
hopping to increase link security, so the Antennas
should be relatively wideband. Since the desired system .g/ - - . I ~30 mm . >

is based on Ground Control Station (GCS), i.e., it can .-A.g~ ~ mm

find the location of UAV by GPS or received RF

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Figure 1: X/4 monopole antenna with bent ground plane shape, the helical conductor diameter, the helix support
structure and the feed arrangement [4-6]. Some
references suggest choosing 1.1) for the circumference
of the helix to have better performance.
We would like to design the helix as a GS antenna at
-1 5
the center frequency of 830MHz for data radio link. It
should have VSWR<2 (50Q system) and AR<2dB in
frequency bandwidth of 1OOMHz. LOS link calculation
shows that GS antenna with the minimum gain of 12dB
throughout the bandwidth is required to cover lOOkm

range. According to [4,6] references, the number of
0.7 0.75 0. 0 SE
Froquoncy (GiHz)
turns and the dimensions of the desired helix antenna are
as the following:
Figure 2: Simulated VSWR of X/4 monopole antenna
S =9.0cm (1)
D =12.6cm

The parameters are N: number of turns, S: turn

spacing, and D: diameter of helix circumference. Kraus's
relations predict the gain of 16.5dB and the HPBW
448..00 .0 0 2.0
80.0 ~4.0
. . . . . . ,0
jK0., of 290 but King & Wong's relations anticipate the gain of
14.4dB and the HPBW of 370 [4,5]. It is calculated
13.4dB gain based on Emerson's formulas [6].
The helical conductor diameter does not significantly
5, ....... affect the radiation properties of the helix and may range
from 0.006) and 0.05X. The diameter conductor is
0 08 presumed 2.7mm. The helix may be supported by a few
Elevation Pattern Gain Display
(dBi) radial insulators mounted on an axial dielectric or tube
Figure 3: Radiation pattern of X/4 monopole antenna whose diameter is a few hundredths of wavelength, by
one or more longitudinal dielectric rods mounted
peripherally or by a thin-wall dielectric tube on which
The results are depicted in Figure 2 and Figure 3. the helix is wound. We use Thin-wall plastic cylinder to
Figure 2 shows the antenna has very good matching in support the helix. The ground plane may be flat (either
frequency bandwidth of 1OOMHz with VSWR<2. circular or square) or cup-shaped forming a shallow
Radiation pattern is omni-directional in the azimuth cavity or replaced by loops. The diameter or side
plane. Figure 3 shows the main beam is at the elevation dimension of the ground plane is calculated 0.5) at the
angle of 40° with the maximum gain of 3dB. The loss in low frequency of bandwidth. If the diameter of the
the horizontal plane is about 4dB which is not important ground plane is lengthened, the level of side lobes will
because of the high level of received power in the short be increased. We use a flat 320mm-diameter circular
ranges. ground plane for the helix. The antenna parameters of
helix are not sensitive to the calculated dimensions and it
3. Design and optimization of Helix works well in a wide bandwidth [7].
The input impedance of an axial-mode helical antenna
Helix antenna has many applications to establish any is between 140Q and 150Q. With a suitable matching
data radio links between UAV and GS. Circularly section, the terminal impedance can be made any desired
polarized axial-mode helical antenna prepares GS value from less than 50Q to more than 150Q. Thus, by
antenna to be able to receive signals in the different bringing the last 1/4turn of the helix parallel to the
conditions of maneuvering and to solve the wave ground plane in a gradual manner, a tapered transition
propagation problems. The UAV has the vertical- between the 140- or 150-Q helix impedance and a 50Q
polarized antenna, so the helix antenna will receive the coaxial line can be readily accomplished. This can be
signals with loss of 3dB in all directions [3, 4]. done with either axially or peripherally fed helices but is
Several relations have been introduced to design of more convenient with a peripheral feed [8,9]. A new
helix antenna [4-6]. Investigation of these formulas by stub-loaded matching is proposed for helix in frequency
IE3D software to design of practical helix antenna bandwidth of 1OOMHz. This method is easy, flexible,
indicates Emerson's relations are more accurate [6]. The tunable and low loss. Figure 4 shows the feed rod is
antenna parameters are functions of the dimensions of passed through the circular stub. The diameter and
helix, the center frequency, the ground plane size and thickness of the copper-circular stub are 50mm and

0-7803-9521-2/06/$20.00 §2006 IEEE. 2196

1mm, respectively. The position of stub is changeable
and tunable. Meanwhile, the input impedance of helix is
dependent on the thickness of the feed rod and the angle
of the first loop relating to the ground plane. The plastic-
cylinder strutctuire is connected to the ground plane by z
Teflon flange.

Circular stub

Figure 5: Helix simulated by IE3D software

Figure 4: The position of the circular stub

The calculated helix is simulated by IE3D) software to

optimize the dimensions of helix and the place of the

stub. The geometry of helix is depicted for simulation in

Figure 5. Simulation results show that the helix without

stub-matching has the directivity of 12.8dB and VSWR

of 2.5; consequently, the antenna efficiency and gain
will be 80 percent and 11.8dB, respectively. After
simulation of helix with 50mm-diameter circular stub,
the most favorable height of the stub is obtained 30mm
above the ground plane. In addition, the angle of the first

loop relation to the ground plane is attained 45'

Figures 6 and 7 illustrate far-field radiation patterns in

vertical plane =O' (XOZ) and azimuth plane Figure 6: Elevation-plane radiation pattern at 830MHz

9P 90' (YOZ) at frequency of 830MHz,

correspondingly. Both of radiation patterns are nearly

similar; therefore, elevation and azimuth HPBW are

equal to 31'. The gain is computed 12.7dB. Figure 8

shows the antenna gain from 11.8dB at 780MHz has

been increased to 13.8dB at 880MHz. As a result, the
beamwidth is increased at low frequencies and vice
versa. As shown in Figure 9, VSWR is 1.14 at 830MHz

and less than 1.35 throughout the frequency bandwidth.

It is found that the circular stub can accomplish a very

good matching with loss of around 0.15dB. The axial

ratio is the values simulated in the direction of the helix
axis. It is depicted AR is less than 1I8B as shown in

Figure 10. The loss of plastic-cylinder structure is

expected about 0.1IdB. Figure 7: Azimuth-plane radiation pattern at 830MHz

Considered altogether, these pattern, polarization and

impedance characteristics represent remarkably good 15 15

performance over a wide frequency range for a .5

circularly polarized beam antenna. ........1

1 35 1 35

13 ......13

125 1 25

12 12

11.5 11.5

1 05 10.5

10 10

0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88
Fieqtuelicy (GIHz)

Figure 8: Helix gain in frequency bandwidth of 100MHz

0-7803-952 1-21061$20.00 §2006 IEEE. 2197

1.35 11.35

1.3 1 .3

1 .25 1 .25


1.1 5 1.15

1.1 1.1

1.05 1 .05 Figure 11: The implemented monopole antenna

MKR( 250)* 31MHz ME
1 1 A(*) :[AGTD -24. l4dB I dB/ 0. OlOdB
0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0o82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.87 0o88 VS)JR 1.1323 _ l-
Freitieiicy (GHz) I I
Figure 9: Helix VSWR in frequency bandwidth of 100MHz
2 2
........... ............ ........... ...........
1d 1.2 26

0 I4...i
.. ..i .. 0 4
0.8 0)8
06 2-

8 EF: O51Hz0
OUT () i-10. ST:f
m 3 .90sec EL:e 00cm
6 IRG(R):-1OdBm IRG(T) -]OdBm RBW.lOkHz UB4W:I0SHz 50fk
1=RGTD T1 1=
2 Figure 12: Measured VSWR of monopole antenna
O 0
0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88
Frequieiicy (GHz)

Figure 10: Axial Ratio in the direction of helix axis

4. Implementation and measurement results

After manufacture of monopole antenna as shown in
Figure 11, VSWR and radiation patterns were measured.
Figure 12 illustrates the monopole antenna has
VSWR 1.13 at 830 MHz. The monopole antenna is
omni-directional in the azimuth plane. According to
Figure 13, the measured elevation radiation pattern is
presented at 830MHz. HPBW of the vertical plane is
about 65°. The gain of monopole antenna is 2.5dB at Figure 13: Vertical-plane radiation pattern
the elevation angle of 40° and the loss is 2dB in the
horizontal plane.
Helix was implemented according to the optimized
dimensions as shown in Figure 14. The angle of the first
loop to connect to the feed rod relation to the ground
plane is 45° which is shown in Figure 15. VSWR was
measured by Network Analyzer. Figure 16 indicates
VSWR<2 in bandwidth of 1OOMHz and VSWR is 1.6 at
830MHz. Radiation pattern of helix is endfire with the
gain of 12.5dB in the direction of helix axis. HPBW in
both of the elevation and azimuth planes are quite 32° . It Figure 14: Implemented helix antenna
is found that there are good agreement between
Emerson's relations and measurement. The antennas
have the mechanical resistance against vibration and

0-7803-9521-2/06/$20.00 )2006 IEEE. 2198

Design and implementation of Ground Station (GS)
antennas have been presented to control UAV by use of
data radio link between UAV and GS based on spread
spectrum in bandwidth of 780-880MHz at the maximum
range of 100Km. Helix and omni-directional antennas
have been designed and implemented to cover short and
long ranges with high reliability. Monopole antenna is
used for short range - less than 5 Km. It has been
designed, simulated and implemented. Measurements
indicate monopole antenna has VSWR<2 in 780-
Figure 15: Angle of 45 to connect the first loop to the feed 880MHz frequency band. Vertical-plane HPBW is
about 65°. The gain of monopole antenna is 2.5dB at
ME the elevation angle of 40° and the loss is 2dB in the
0. WOde
horizontal plane.
Helix antenna has been used to cover ranges more
than 5Km to establish radio data link. It has been
designed, simulated and matched to 50Q in frequency
bandwidth of 100MHz by new stub-loaded matching
method. It has VSWR<2 in bandwidth of 100MHz.
Radiation pattern of helix is endfire with the gain of
12.5dB in the direction of helix axis. HPBW in both of
the elevation and azimuth planes are quite 32°. It is
CF ^ 30NHf1z ] OlH found that there are good agreement between Emerson's
OUsT(B)':-10.030dBEm ST. 3.i%sec lEL:6.00PA) relations and measurement.
IRG(R )-I dEn It P i~cT:- Ed [:QeJ
REAJ LOkil QlJS II:lkHz 1ir
According to the multipath effect and LOS relations,
Figure 16: Measured VSWR of helix antenna GS antennas should be installed at the height of 4m in
regard to the UAV flying height. It is necessary to
5. Short and long ranges coverage elevate helix axis up about 40 to compensate the ground
effect on the radiation pattern. The flight tests confirned
the preceding hints.
Helix should cover 360°at the maximum range of
100Km. Moreover, multipath effect and LOS rules
should be regarded due to install GS antenna [10,11] . In 7. References
respect to the UAV flying height, it is recommended to
install GS antennas- especially helix antenna- at the [1] Munson, K., World Unmanned Aircraft, JANE'S,
height of 4m. The first break point -the furthest break NewYork, pp. 7-10, 1988.
point away from GS- is at the range of 2 1Km [11,12].
The multipath loss can not degrade the data radio link in [2] http//
this range because of the high level of received power. It [3] C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, John
is necessary to elevate helix axis up about 4 to Wiley & Sins, 1997
compensate the ground effect on the radiation pattern.
The flight tests confirmed the preceding [4] J.D. Kraus, Antennas, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1988
recommendation [12]. [5] H. E. King & J. L. Wong, Helical Antennas, Chapter 13 of
Although the desired system is based on Ground Antenna Engineering HandBook, 3rd Ed. L. Johnson, 1993
Control Station (GCS), i.e., it can find the location of
UAV by GPS or received RF signals; therefore, it can [6] Darrel Emerson, AA4FV, The Gain of an Axial-Mode
direct the helix to the UAV and track. In the other hand, Helical Antenna, The ARRL Antenna Compendium, Vol. 4,
the fast maneuvering of UAV around the Ground 1995
Station, especially in the time of taking-off and landing
should be regarded; consequently, GCS can not follow [7] Robert S. Elliott, Antenna Theory and Design, John Wiley
& Sons, revised Ed., 2003
UAV simultaneously and quickly. Moreover, UAV can
be controlled visually, so omni-directional antenna can [8] J. D. Kraus, "A 50-Ohm Input Impedance for Helical Beam
be utilized in the short ranges (less than 5 km). A RF Antennas", IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation, Vol. Ap-25, No.
switch can be utilized in GS Transceiver due to select 6, p.913, 1977
the desired antenna electronically.
[9] The ARRL Antenna Book, The American radio Relay
League, 15thEd., 1988
6. Conclusion

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[10] William C.Y. Lee, Mobile Communications Engineering,
2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1997
[11] William C.Y. Lee, Mobile Communications Design
Fundamentals, 2nd Ed., John-Wiley, 1993
[12] Z.H. Firouzeh, M.R Haji-hashemi, S.M. Moosavian,
H. Mir-Mohammad Sadeghi, "Reduction of UAV body effect
and Multipath fading in the high range of UHF radio link",
The 13th ICEE, pp377-382, Zanjan University, May 2005

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