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Canedo, Samuel


Period 0

February 5, 2018

Letter of Introduction

I am Samuel Canedo. I have been enrolled at Carson Senior High school since August of

2014.I have been part of the academy of Global, Business, Law, and Government (G.B.L.G.).

Though this academy is not the first choice of the many academies, it was the first and only

academy I wanted to be in.

American history, world history, war, law and government have always fascinated me.

Whether associating with books, movies, documentaries, or even lessons at school. I can never

wonder from them. So, whenever I was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, I

always said, “I don’t know.” I still don’t know, but I am positive that it will involve any

of fascinations. I can strive to become a lawyer, paralegal, historian, or even a teacher, and I

know I will love it no matter which occupation it is.

My hobbies include pretty much any form of art; doodling, sketching, stippling, painting,

calligraphy, anything. Art was a way for me to express myself and my emotions when I couldn’t

express it verbally. As I sketched more and more, it quickly became a hobby I love. I’m not

saying in any way, shape or form that my pieces of art exceed over others. This is just a little

thing I like to do. I also do it just for fun or when I’m bored. When I’m not sketching, I do tend

to read books that are available to me. My favorite genres include: war and history, sci-fi,

adventure, mystery, greek mythology, and culture. A lot of books that have been catching my

attention are books about what are world can become in the future.

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