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Statistical Inferences and Application


1. What is inductive statistics ?

Inductive statistics is the phase of statistics which is concerned with the conditions under which
conclusions about populations can be drawn from analysis of particular samples.
2. Difference between parameter and statistics.

Parameter Statistics

A parameter is a numerical value that states A statistic is a numerical value that states
something about the entire population being something about a sample
studied. For example, we may want to know
the mean wingspan of the American bald
eagle. This is a parameter because it is
describing all of the population.

The value of a parameter is a fixed number The ultimate goal of the field of statistics is to
estimate a population parameter by use of
sample statistics.

Suppose we study the population of dogs in A statistic would be the mean height of 50 of
Kansas City. A parameter of this population these dogs.
would be the mean height of all dogs in the

3. What is ramdom sampling ?

Random sampling is a part of the sampling technique in which each sample has an equal
probability of being chosen. A sample chosen randomly is meant to be an unbiased representation
of the total population. If for some reasons, the sample does not represent the population, the
variation is called a sampling error.
For example,
the total workforce in organisations is 300 and to conduct a survey, a sample group of 30
employees is selected to do the survey. In this case, the population is the total number of
employees in the company and the sample group of 30 employees is the sample. Each member of
the workforce has an equal opportunity of being chosen because all the employees which were
chosen to be part of the survey were selected randomly. But, there is always a possibility that the
group or the sample does not represent the population as a whole, in that case, any random
variation is termed as a sampling error.
4. What is unbiased estimator? Give example.
An unbiased estimator is an accurate statistic that’s used to approximate a population parameter.
“Accurate” in this sense means that it’s neither an overestimate nor an underestimate. If an
overestimate or underestimate does happen, the mean of the difference is called a “bias.”

For example, the mean of a sample is an unbiased estimate of the mean of the population from which the
sample was drawn.

s² calculated on a sample is an unbiased estimate of the variance of the population from which the sample
was drawn.

s² divided by n (the size of the sample) is an unbiased estimate of the variance of the sampling distribution
of means for random samples of size n and the square root of this quantity is called the standard error of
the mean. It is a commonly used index of the error entailed in estimating a population mean based on the
information in a random sample of size n.

5. What is biased estimator ?

An estimator or decision rule other than zero bias is called biased estimator.

6. What is MVUE ? why it is called BEST estimator ?

MVUE stands for minimum variance unbiased estimator.

It is called BEST estimator because it is judged on basis of minimum choose that
unbiased estimator which has minimum variance.

For a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance, the sample mean and
(unbiased) sample variance are the MVUEs for the population mean and population variance.

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