Ss Model 2 2016 - Scheme

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Course Code: 16EC45


Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU
IV Semester B. E. ExaminationsApril/May-18
Department of Electronics and Communication Engg.
Model Question Paper - 2
Course Title: Signals and Systems

Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to candidates:
1. Answer all questions from Part A. Part A questions should be answered in first three pages
of the answer book only.
2. Answer FIVE full questions from Part B. In Part B question number 2, 7 and 8 are
compulsory. Answer any one full question from 3 and 4 & one full question from 5 and 6

1 1.1 If x[n] = exp[-5n] u[n], Whether the signal is energy or power 01
1.2 Which property does y(t) = x(1-t) exhibit? 01
1.3 Comment on the stability of the following system, y[n] = n*x[n-1]. 01
1.4 The sifting property of the discrete time impulse is _____ 01
1.5 The RMS value of x(t)=8cos4t.cos6t is ______. 01
1.6 For the signal, x(t) = log(cos (a*pi*t + d)) for a = 50 Hz, what is the time period of
the signal, if periodic? 01
1.7 The energy and power of is _____ and ______. 02
1.8 The value of h(n-1)*δ(n-1) is ____ 01
1.9 If the Energy of a signal x(t) is E, then Energy of the signal x(2t ) is______
1.10 What is the period of the Fourier transform X(ω) of the signal x(n)? 01
1.11 Consider the analog signal,
xa(t) = 3 cos 50Πt +10sin 300Πt-cos 100Πt. What is the Nyquist rate for this signal? 02
1.12 Consider the analog signal xa(t) =3cos100Πt. The minimum sampling rate required to
avoid aliasing is ____.
1.13 State Parseval’s theorem. 01
1.14 Sketch x((n-3)8 for the sequence x(n)=[2,1,-2,1,2,1,-2,0]. 01
1.15 The 5-point DFT of x(n) is X[k]=[3,4j,2,2,-4j]. What is the energy of x(n)? 01
1.16 In the 512-point DFT computation by radix -2 FFT , there are stages of computations
with _____ butterfly computations per stage. 02
1.17 Compute the value 01
2 a Sketch the waveform for the signal
x(t) = u(t+3)+r(t+2)-r(t+1)-r(t-1)+r(t-2)-u(t-3) 05
b Determine the following signals are energy signal or power signal
1)x(t)=cos2w0t 2) x(t)=rect( ).cosw0t 06
c Check whether the following systems are
i)memoryless ii)Time-Invariant iii)Linear iv)Causal v)stable
1)y(t)=x(t).cosw0t 2) y(t)=ex(t)
3 a b)Given x(t)=e-at. u(t) and h(t)=e-bt. u(t). Find x(t)*h(-t). 06
b a)Determine the complete response of the system described by the difference equation,
y(n)-(1/4)y(n-1)-(1/8)y(n-2) = x(n)+x(n-1) with y(-1)=0,y(-2)=1
c A system has impulse response h(n)=(1/3) nu(n). Find the step response and verify
causality and stability of the system. 04

4 a Let h1(t),h2(t),h3(t),and h4(t) be the impulse responses of four different LTI systems.
Construct the system with impulse response h(t), using h1(t),h2(t),h3(t),and h4(t) as
sub systems, where h(t)=h1(t)*{h2(t)+h3(t)*h4(t)}. 04
b Draw the direct form I and II realization for the following system.
y(n) + 3y(n-1)+2y(n-2) = x(n) + 6 x(n-2)
c State and prove associative property of convolution integral 04
5 a State and prove the following properties of CTFT
i) Convolution
ii) Scaling 06
b Let the input to a discrete-time LTI system be x[n]=3+cos(πn+π/3).Determine the
output of this system for the impulse response h[n]=(-1)nsin(πn/4)/πn 06
c Determine the DTFT of unit sequence x[n]=d[n]+d[n-1]+d[n-2] where d[n] being the
delta function. 04

6 a Find the DTFT of x(n)=(0.5) |n|. Plot the magnitude response. 08

b State and prove:
i) Time shifting property
ii) Frequency differentiation property of DTFT 08

7 Given two sequences x[n] ={1,2,3,4} and h[n]={2,1,2,1}:

a) Find 4-point DFT of the sequence x[n] and h[n]. 06

b) Using the DFT and IDFT, find the circular convolution of x[n] and h[n]. 05

c) Using the DFT and IDFT, find the circular correlation of x[n] and h[n].
8 a Compute the 8-point DFT of sequence x(n)=[1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1] using:
i)DIT-FFT algorithm.
ii)DIF-FFT algorithm
Indicate the intermediate values in the signal flow graph. 12
b The 4-point DFT of a sequence x(n) is X[k]=[1,1-j,2,1+j]. Using FFT algorithm, find
the time domain sequence x(n). 04

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