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Criteria (Play) 4 3 2 1 TOTAL

Student spoke clearly

Voice and language Could not understand
Voice was loud and but it was difficult to
was not very clear; what was being said
clear; words were easily understand some of the
could’ve been much due to unclear and low
VOICE understood script; could’ve been
louder. speech.

Needed more audience

AUDIENCE Audience felt like part
Was aware and well- awareness and
No audience awareness
connected to the connection.
of the show. or connection at all.

Almost used entire Could have used more Needed more

Good use of stage and
stage—turned away of the stage; must blocking—always face
BLOCKING movement—did not
from audience only concentrate on facing audience and use the
turn back to audience
once or twice. forward. stage!

SCRIPT/ Enticing vivid detail used Script/dialogue was

Some detail used in Script/dialogue
in script/dialogue; evident well-written;
PURPOSE reasons for the considerable detail with
script/dialogue; needed contained no purpose
performance. more of a purpose. and very little detail.
good purpose.

Script was fully Script was almost fully Script was partially
Script was not at all
memorized; student memorized-some memorized; student did
MEMORIZATION memorized; no
improvised in place of improve used to make not attempt
IMPROVISATION improvisation used.
lines. up for missed lines. improvisation.

FACIAL Great use of gestures, Contained some facial Needed more facial Contained little to no
EXPRESSION/ facial expression and expression, gestures & expressions gestures & facial expression,
BODY body movement! body movement. movement. gesture or movement.
Almost committed, No commitment,
Committed, cooperated Semi-committed,
cooperative & cooperation or
& concentrated- concentrated &
concentrated- concentration
OVERALL WOW! cooperative-

Criteria (Pageant) 4 3 2 1 TOTAL

Almost all information Very little of the
All information appeared Most of the information
appeared to be accurate information was accurate
Accuracy to be accurate and in
and in chronological
was accurate and in
and/or in chronological
chronological order. chronological order.
order. order.
Can clearly explain
Can clearly explain
several ways in which his Can clearly explain one Cannot explain one way in
several ways in which his
character "saw" things way in which his character which his character "saw"
Knowledge Gained differently than other
character "saw" things
"saw" things differently things differently than
differently than other
characters and can clearly than other characters. other characters.
explain why.
The costume is found to
The costume The costume The costume be out of compliance with
wholly represents the relatively represents the inadequately represents the dress code and
Props/Costume literary/ historical literary/ historical the literary/ historical poorly represents the
character. character. character. character.

The student does

The student is able to The The not represent the
Presentation represent the student somewhat represents student poorly represents character and fails to
character and convinces the character and tries to the character and struggles convince the audience.
the audience. convince the audience. to convince the audience.

Almost committed, No commitment,

Semi-committed, cooperative & cooperation or
Committed, cooperated & concentrated &
OVERALL concentrated- cooperative-
concentrated- concentration
4 3 2 1 TOTAL

Occasionally in
Always in character, Characterization is not
Characters Mostly in character, character, personality
shows personality & seen, facial expressions
Exaggerated emotion through face
shows some personality and face is hard to see
and emotions are not
Facial Expressions and emotions because they are not
and body language exaggerated
& Gestures exaggerated

Took time to develop

Resistance Resistance was shown at Opportunities to show Little resistance is
exaggeration of weight;
Exaggerated movements were crisp
times; movements were resistance were ignored; shown; movements were
Weight mostly crisp movements were vague hard to interpret
and defined

Objects and movements Consistency slips in and Shows glimpse of

Consistency Mostly consistent with
were consistent with out, objects vanish consistency, objects and
Objects and ideas location and definition
objects and movement
and/or move movements disappear
stay consistent

Interact well, reacts to Interacts fairly well,

Pays attention but only Interaction hard to see,
Relationship other character, pays attention to the
occasionally reacts to timing is off, reaction to
Working with movement and timing other actor, timing
other character each other is minimal
Partner works mostly on

Scene is fun to watch,

Scene is fun to watch Scene is mostly fun to Scene is a little hard to
Overall characters are easy to get
with minimal glitches, watch with some watch with several
Storyline involved with, storyline
characters are mostly problem spots, storyline problem spots, storyline
has a beginning, middle
there, storyline has gaps is spotty is weak
and end with conflicts

Almost committed, No commitment,

Semi-committed, cooperative & cooperation or
Committed, cooperated concentrated &
OVERALL & concentrated- cooperative-
concentrated- concentration

Criteria (Puppet Show) 3 2 1 Total

Puppeteers always manipulated Puppeteers generally Puppeteers rarely manipulated

Puppet Manipulation puppets so audience could see manipulated puppets so puppets so audience could see
them. audience could see them. them.

Puppets were original and

Puppets were original, creative, Puppets were not constructed
constructed fairly well. No
Puppet Construction and constructed well. No pieces
pieces fell off during the
well. Pieces fell off during the
fell off during the performance. performance.

Play had several creative Play needed more creative

Play was creative and really
Playwriting held the audience's interest.
elements and usually held the elements and did not hold the
audience's interest. audience's interest..

Scenery was creative, added Scenery was creative and did Scenery got in the way of the
Scenery interest to the play, and did not not get in the way of the puppets OR distracted the
get in the way of the puppets. puppets. audience.

Puppeteers' voices showed a lot Puppeteers' voices showed some Puppeteers' voices were
(Vocal variety in rate of
of expression and emotion. expression and emotion. monotone and not expressive.
speaking, pitch, volume,
pausing, and inflection.)

Puppeteers stayed in character

Puppeteers stayed in character Puppeteers acted silly or showed
Staying in Character throughout the performance.
generally throughout the

Almost committed, cooperative

Semi-committed, concentrated & concentrated-
Committed, cooperated &
OVERALL concentrated-
& cooperative- NOT TOO

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