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English Paper I (Subjective)

Time: 50 Minutes Total Marks: 50

Q. 1: Use the correct forms of the verbs: 10
i. I (not look). My eyes are closed tightly.
ii. She (not come) here very often.
iii. She (come back) last Friday.
iv. We (just talk) about it before you arrived.
v. He (work) here since 2001.
Q.2: Write answers to the following in 40-50 words each.
i. What was the cause of Negroes discontentment? 4
ii. What is racial discrimination? 4
iii. Why did they want to present gifts to each other? 4
iv. What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things? 4
v. Describes Maulvi,s appearance? 4
vi. What is Racial Discrimination? 4
vii. What is the dream of Martin Luther King jr.? 4
Q.3: (A) Read the following stanza and answer the questions at the end: 6
What is this life if, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows:
Questions: i. Why do we miss the pleasure in your opinion?
ii. What is it that sheep and cows enjoy and we do not?
iii. Make two rhyming words with care and boughs?
Q.3: (B) Write the theme of the poem “Ruba’iyat” by Allama Mohammad Iqbal: 6

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