PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

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PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

The PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire is intended for the expert technical user who is responsible for
setting up your PeopleSoft environment (Database and PeopleSoft Server Administrator). The main purpose is to
obtain environment, setup configuration details and recent changes details that may help us to identify what
could be causing the performance degradation.

The Questionnaire contains the following sections:

 Basic Input

 Identifying recent changes, occurrences, additional job/processes and customizations

 Environment Details

o Database Server Details

o Application Server Details

o Batch Server Details

o Web-Server Details

Instructions on how to fill out the questionnaire

Take time to fill in the questionnaire carefully and thoroughly. To fill in text fill-in fields, locate the cursor in the
gray text area and start typing. If there are radio button or check boxes, check the button or box to mark your
choice. If there are drop down lists, select the option that marks your choice. All files requested should be
attached to the respective Service Request.

Please complete the questionnaire and return it within 2 business days.

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 1

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

Basic Input
1. Customer/Account      
2. Service Request Number      
3. Service Request Priority-Severity      

4. On-Demand Customer Yes No

5. Describe performance issue in detail and attach replication instructions document (step by step instructions
including screenshots on how to replicate the issue)


If it is an online transaction provide

a. Component Name      

b. Page Name      
c. Menu Name      
d. Navigation Path      

Describe if the problem is in the search dialog page (basic/advanced search), just after entering the component or
when clicking a specific button/hyperlink within the component.


If it is a batch transaction provide

a. Batch Process Name      

b. Batch Process Type SQR
Other, specify      
c. Method of Execution Process Scheduler
Command Line
Other, specify      
d. Mode of Execution Sequential
Other, specify      

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 2

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

Identifying Recent Changes, Occurrences, Additional

Processes/Jobs and Customizations
1. What conditions changed to cause the performance issue? (Describe if any)
a. Hardware change?
b. Software (third-party) upgrades/patches?
c. PeopleTools Upgrade? Specify current and previous PeopleTools version.
d. Database Upgrade? Specify current and previous DB version/patch level.
e. PeopleSoft Application upgrade? Specify current and previous PeopleSoft Application version/service
f. MP, Bundle, Resolution or POC recently applied? Specify MP, Bundle or POC resolution #.
g. Database setup change?
h. Functional setup change?
i. Data volumes change? Specify current and previous volume data processed.
j. Network (TCP/IP level) parameters/firewall configuration change?
k. Batch server, Application Server or Database Server recently recycled?
l. Other, specify.

2. When did the problem first occur?      
3. Is the performance poor all the time, during certain      
date/time or intermittently?
4. Was the offending process always slow? Did you      
use to have acceptable Performance?
5. Is the performance poor in all      
databases/environments (production, testing,
development, etc.)
6. Can the problem be replicated on all      
databases/environments (production, testing,
development, etc.). Specify.
7. Can the problem be replicated on demand?      
8. Is the problem consistent?      
9. Is there any pre-configured job such as backup      
running when the problem occurs?
If yes, is that process consuming noticeable
resources (CPU, Memory, I/O, etc.) during
performance degradation.
10. Is there any other 3rd party process running when      
the problem occurs?
If yes, is that process consuming noticeable
resources (CPU, Memory, I/O, etc.) during
performance degradation.
11. Are there other processes or transactions running      
12. Have you made any customizations (new page,      
new fields, new indexes, new hints, etc.) that may
be impacting the performance?
(Describe the changes if any)

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 3

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

Environment Details
1. PeopleTools Release (ex. 8.52.07)      
2. Application Release / Service Pack      
(ex. HRMS, Service Pack 0)
3. RDBMS Type Oracle

4. RDBMS Version/Patch Level      

(ex. Oracle Server
5. Specify the environment configuration where you are experiencing the performance issue:

Batch Server, Application Server, and DB Server on same physical machine (logical)
Batch Server & Application Server on same physical machine and DB Server on separate
machine (physical)
Batch Server & DB Server on same physical machine, and App Server on separate machine
Application Server & DB Server on same physical machine, and Batch Server on separate
machine (physical)
Batch Server, Application Server and DB Server on individual machines (physical)
Batch Server on one machine, and App Server & DB Server on separate box (physical)

Other configuration. Specify.      

Database Server Details

1. Database Server Name      
2. Database Server O/S (version and patch level)      

3. Database Type Oracle

4. Database Version and patch level      

(ex. Oracle Server
5. Database Server Number of CPUs      
6. Database Server Memory (GB)      
Amount of memory physically installed?
7. Amount of memory available when the problem
8. Database Server recycle frequency?      
9. Last recycle date/time:      
10. Is CPU peacking?      
11. Is memory max’d out?      
12. Is there excessive memory paging?      
If yes, specify.
13. Is there excessive I/O waits?      
If yes, specify.
14. Is Database tracing enabled?      
If yes, disable traces. Is the database still
performing poorly? Specify.

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 4

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

Application Server Details

1. Application Server Name      
2. Application Server O/S (Version and Patch Level)      

3. Application Server Number of CPUs      

4. Application Server Memory (GB)      
Amount of memory physically installed?
Amount of memory available when the problem
5. PeopleTools release (ex. 8.52.07)      
6. Tuxedo version / patch level (parameters)      
7. JRE version      
8. RDBMS Client Connectivity      
(ex. Oracle Client 11.2, SQL Server Native Client
10.0, etc.)
9. Application Server recycle frequency?      
10. Last recycle date/time:      
11. Is CPU peaking?      
If yes, specify.
12. Is memory max’d out?      
If yes, specify.
13. Is there excessive memory paging?      
If yes, specify.
14. Is there excessive I/O waits?      
If yes, specify.
15. Is application server tracing enabled?      
Verify Server trace settings in the application
configuration file.
16. Is the performance issue resulting from tracing      
17. Attach a copy of the current version of the      
application server configuration file (psappsrv.cfg)
18. If the application server seems to be the bottleneck, describe the recent changes made to the application
server configuration file and provide the following information:

a. A copy of the most recent archive version of the application server configuration file

b. Application server log files

i. Stdout
ii. Stderr
iii. Tuxlog
iv. Appsrv.log

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 5

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

Batch Server Details (Process Scheduler)

1. Batch Server Name      
2. Batch Server O/S (Version and Patch Level)      

3. Batch Server Number of CPUs      

4. Batch Server Memory (GB)      
Amount of memory physically installed?
Amount of memory available when the problem
5. PeopleTools release (ex. 8.52.07)      
6. Tuxedo version / patch level (parameters)      
7. JRE version      
8. RDBMS Client Connectivity      
(ex. Oracle Client 11.2, SQL Server Native Client
10.0, etc.)
9. Batch Server recycle frequency?      
10. Last recycle date/time:      
11. Is CPU peaking?      
If yes, specify.
12. Is memory max’d out?      
If yes, specify.
13. Is there excessive memory paging?      
If yes, specify.
14. Is there excessive I/O waits?      
If yes, specify.
15. Is application server tracing enabled?      
Verify Server trace settings in the application
configuration file.
16. Is the performance issue resulting from tracing      
17. Attach a copy of the current version of the process      
scheduler configuration file (psprcs.cfg)
18. If the batch server seems to be the bottleneck, describe the recent changes made to the application server
configuration file and provide the following information:

a. A copy of the most recent archive version of the application server configuration file

b. Application server log files

i. AESRV_*.log
ii. SCHDLR_*.log
iii. Tuxlog
iv. Stderr
v. Stdout

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 6

PeopleSoft Performance Questionnaire

Web Server Details (PIA)

1. Web Server Name      
2. Web Server O/S (Version and Patch Level)      

3. Web Server Number of CPUs      

4. Web Server Memory (GB)      
Amount of memory physically installed?
Amount of memory available when the problem
5. PeopleTools release (ex. 8.52.07)      
6. Tuxedo version / patch level (parameters)      
7. JRE version      
8. Web Server recycle frequency?      
9. Last recycle date/time:      
10. Is CPU peaking?      
If yes, specify.
11. Is memory max’d out?      
If yes, specify.
12. Is there excessive memory paging?      
If yes, specify.
13. Is there excessive I/O waits?      
If yes, specify.
14. Is the Web Server configured as a reverse-proxy      
(RPS) to one or more backend web servers?
15. Is Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security installed?      
16. If the Web server seems to be the bottleneck, describe the recent changes made to the web server
configuration file and provide the following information:

i. PeopleSoft PIA configuration files: and
ii. Web server configuration file: config.xml, portal/weblogic.xml, pspc/weblogic.xml
iii. Web server JVM settings: server-cfg.xml

i. PeopleSoft PIA configuration files: and
ii. Web server configuration file: server-cfg.xml or plugin-cfg.xml
iii. Web server JVM settings: server-cfg.xml


=== End ===

Oracle PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 7

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