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Core Period 7-8

Should parents limit how much time children spend on tech devices?

Growing up I was not exposed to excessive amounts of technology. My father was really

the only one that used the TV and my mom didn’t have games for me to play on her

phone. Due to the limit of technology in my childhood, I am not obsessed with being on

my phone I don’t mind living without it. Instead, I love to read and hate to put books

down. The excessive use of technology can create lifelong problems that might develop

and get worse. Many articles say that the overuse of technology is harmful to the brain

and poses many health risks, especially in children. Some technology throughout the

day is normal, but parents should still be limiting their children's’ use.Parents should be

limiting the amount of technology their kids are using for a prolonged amount of time

because using tech devices promotes poor health issues, affects children’s performance

in different subjects, and causes children to grow up too fast.

The excessive use of technology promotes poor health issues in children. In the

article 5 Reasons to Limit Your Child’s Exposure to Tech Gadgets, Katy addresses

“There are many health and social reasons to limit your child’s exposure to all things

tech related.”, lack of limitations while using technology devices promotes poor health

issues for your child. Katy presents five health reasons to limit technology usage,

exercise is needed for better brains, too much radiation, toddler’s development at risk,

eye strain is more common, and poor posture. These health risks can become more

severe in the future and can lead to even bigger and worse health problems. Stephanie
Roman, a reporter for Public Source, points out, “When parents give their kids cell

phones to play Candy Crush or watch YouTube videos, they’re actually stalling their

children’s development.”, in the first few years of a child’s life, they are developing their

brain and need to interact with people instead of screens to learn better. Are you going

to be the one to blame for your child’s health problems?

Using too much technology devices affects the way children perform in different

subjects.In the article How Technology Impacts Children’s Development, Thrive Global

states “Since technology is full of stimuli and often requires paying attention to many

different things at once, children who play many video games or spend most of their

time online tend to have less of an ability to focus than kids who use technology

minimally.”,excessive use of technology can be a negative effect on children’s

performance and can change the way they think about different things.Timothy Smithee,

an author for It Still Works, implies “However, they might spend more time and effort on

the presentation than researching the subject and complete the project knowing very

little about the subject.”,students will be more excited to do a research project if they

can create a Powerpoint or digital presentation, but they won’t be learning as much

information because they spend more time worrying about how it will look.

While some children use their devices all the time and aren’t experiencing health

issues may be the case, it is still true that excessively using tech devices can create

issues that may become worse in the future.Institute for Family Studies’ interviewee

explains that technology promotes “exposure to a lot of things that you’d just assume

they weren’t quite exposed to yet as far as sex, drinking, language, whether you’re

going to date.”, using social media such as Facebook or Instagram exposes younger
users to inappropriate content and can lower self-esteem by what others say or do.

Have you ever thought about what exactly your children may be seeing when you hand

them your phone?

Parents should be limiting the amount of technology their kids are using for a

prolonged amount of time because using tech devices promotes poor health issues,

affects children’s performance in different subjects, and causes children to grow up too

fast. I was not exposed to excessive amounts of technology growing up therefore, I am

not as likely to experience health problems, have less of an ability to focus, and be

exposed to inappropriate content as much as my fellow peers who excessively use

technology devices might be. I want all parents to truly understand what is happening

to their children when they are using technology devices. Parents should be moved to

make a change and limit the use of technology in their homes and with their children.

Works Cited

5 Reasons to Limit Your Child's Exposure to Tech Gadgets,

10155416494401209. “How Technology Impacts Children's Development – Thrive Global.”

Thrive Global, Thrive Global, 4 Mar. 2017,


“Negative Effects of Using Technology in Today's Classroom.” It Still Works | Giving Old Tech a

New Life,

PublicSource, Stephanie Roman Reporter |. “Technology's Harmful Effects on Children.”

PublicSource, 8 July 2015,


“Why Parents Worry About Technology, But Struggle to Limit Its Use.” Institute for Family



Rubric rating submitted on: 2/19/2018, 9:22:14 PM by

8 6 4 2

Introduction Presents a clear Supports a claim Presents a claim Lacks claim and
Your score: 8 claim and provides that is clearly that is vague or does not explain
background presente but unclear and does issue.
information that introduction has not explain issue
gives clear vague background or provide
explanation of information. background
issue. information.

Evidence and Masterfully Sufficiently Has sufficient Has few pieces of

Support supports claims supports claim amount of evidence that are
Your score: 8 with at least two with 1-2 pieces of evidence but it is vaguely cited and
credible sources evidence per incorrectly cited or missing works
per paragraph. paragraph. Has missing works cited page.
Has Works Cited Work Cited page. cited page.

Rhetorical Devices Skillfully uses at Essay has a Essay has 2-3 Essay lacks usage
Your score: 8 least one example variety of examples of of rhetorical
of rhetorical rhetorical devices rhetorical devices devices.
devices per throughout most of
paragraph. essay.

Counterclaims Counterclaims are Counterclaims are Counterclaim are Essay does not
Your score: 6 refuted but does refuted but does listed but not contain
not use sufficient not use sufficient refuted with counterclaim
amount of clear amount of clear evidence paragraph
evidence evidence

Conclusion Argument is Concludes by Concludes by Concludes without

Your score: 8 clearly ended with revisiting the main listing the main conclusion
a masterful call to points and points of the paragraph
action, in addition, reinforcing claim thesis; no call to
writer summarized with a sufficient action
hook and main call to action
points of essay.

Transitions Links main points Uses transitions to Spends too much Writing lacks clear
Your score: 8 with effective link the major time on some direction and lacks
transitions that sections of the irrelevant details transitions
establish essay and create and uses few
coherence. coherence. transitions.

Diction Uses precise Uses appropriate Uses informal Uses informal

Your score: 8 diction deliberately diction for the diction that is Diction that is
chosen to inform information or inappropriate at inappropriate for
or to explain the explanation times for the the purpose
topic. information of

Use of Language Demonstrates General command Demonstrates Too many spelling

Your score: 8 technical of spelling and limited command and grammar
command of grammar with of spelling and errors
spelling and minor errors that grammar with
grammar. do not interfere some errors that
with meaning. interfere with

Comments: I need to find better counterclaim arguments and try to explain them better.

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