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CLA EEO OE EO OC EEC COOOCE CEE CC CECOOOOHOOEECOQCECEE \ ) NAG HAMMADI STUDIES MARTIN KRAUSE - JAMES M. ROBINSON FREDERIK WISSE ‘Avexayoen Beno ~ Jean DoRESsE ~ Sonex Grvensen Hans Jowas ~ Rooourne Kassex - Pavon Lasin Geonoe W. Macks Incquis-&. Mexano - Torax Skve-Sooexsenox ‘Wrote Conseus vax Unk» R, MeL. Wass Tas Zao Ix VOLUME EDITOR R. McL. WILSON at LEIDEN E. J. BRILL 1978 THE COPTIC GNOSTIC LIBRARY bad der the opis of PISTIS SOPHIA CARL SCHMIDT VIOLET MACDERMOT Sues mt LEIDEN E. J. BRILL, 78 COCO COCOCCOCOCOCOC OE ESF EOOCOCOCE ECO CROCE. are BT 1390 PSL ane 17 by Drie, he Meee Ai gh rae No pr of th Sok may be repre or ptt mini me ry heme who i pi am he pb rod CONTENTS Forenord ag Iotasion 28“ Htor of the Askew Coder SE Desrnon of the Manse “$5. _Smmary of Contents >> astrovine Sia ‘THE TEXT AND TRANSLATION Bibliography Key to Words of Gresk Origin Greek Words Selected Words of Coptic Origin Proper Names| References 258 512 m 1% 186 oy wm DO DO OO OOOCOCOCLCOOE ee ry FOREWORD The Piss Sophia text which orm the contens of the Askew Covdex was made availabe to scholars over a century ago, Homey ion ofthis Coptic gnostic document hs been lacking for some eats, and itis advantageous thal previously ould now be included in the Nag, Harm. ‘madi Studies Series. The admirable edition and Ocrnay waren is therefore based on the Coptic txt as edited and emended op Schmidt (Bibl. 46), and the Coptic text is reproduced Irom the dition unatered except for minor corrections For purpores at uy and comparison with the German, the general temas or Bib. 44 hasbeen retained in the English cansltion, For easy reference to previous translation, all the indexes are based on the page sumbers of Schmid’ eiton ef the Coptic {ext (Bibl. 46) which are retained in the present volume, toik forthe text and the translation. In the German translation of the Pistis Sophia (Bib. 49), these page numbers a hand margin. Division ofthe text into paragraphs and numbed chapters corresponds to that in BibL. 44 The vert of pooen ae likewise numbered ‘Any new ransation has to be made inthe light of those already in existence, and ths one owes much to the work of Seka, and Till An important earlier edition and translation was that ‘ot Schwartze and Peterman (Bibl. 5) to which there ae frequen Although inthe main the present translation closely follons thet of Schmidt and Til, there are some minor diferenccs Iv seek ‘utes, the alteratve readings or versions are given ts fovtnonee TI's notes on Schmid’ translation, which appear inthe Apron, ‘ix to Bib. 4, are also incorporated! into the present footnenc, Schmi’s footnotes tothe Coptic text have been checked with {he manuscript, nd are given herein English translation, His ‘ferences to Schwarte’sfeadngs have been omitted. ‘The use of modem English poses certain problems in tras lating the Piss Sophia. Th text contains numerous quotations {om and allusions to the OM and. New Testaments which, (0 English-speaking reader, are probably familiar in the language ofthe Revised Version. It sered best to adopt a somewhat formal English prose style and this, is hope, willbe both suitable and ‘ot unduly archae. It wil be seen that words of Greek origin ae italicised. The alternative of giving the Greek words in brackets after the Enaish words would hae been vey repetiie and would have added considerably tothe cost of publication. A ey to these words of Greek derivation is given om page 776. Certain Greck words, some of which are gnostic techakel terms, have been le Untranslated. Following Schmidt and Til, able to give words of uncertain meaning in transiteration, rather than to atempt a translation which might be misleading, 1 has been posible in some case o india in the footnotes a compar. ble we of such words in the Nag Hammad exis and elsewhere ‘The Bibliography represents a selection from what now 8 considerable accumulation of erature. Early writings of hie toric interest or likely to be af relevance today tre included. For others not mentioned here, the bibliographies in G. RS. Mead (Bibl, 34), 1 Mora (Bibl. 35) and W. Till (Bibl, 44) should be fonsued. Review articles on modern writers ae listed in D. Mt Scholer: Nag Hammadi Bibography. My acknowledgements are due to Gyldendal Publishers for ‘ermision to reproduce the Coptic text of Pastis Sophia; alo to the Testes of the Bish Museum and their sucesors in the British Library for facies to stody the manuscript nthe Depa ‘ment of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books, Im pratful to Me. T. A. Edsdge, Assistant Manager of EJ. Brill for his ‘are and atention inthe preparation ofthis volume. My thanks sr also due to the Editorial Board of the Nag Hammad Stes for the opportunity to contribute to their series; in particular to ny volume editor, Professor R, MeL. Wilson, who. hes read through the translation and made many helpful suppations. Any 1 | i ee nedeeeNNe hecahes eee eleneseseesne eseda eee agence elena iene geese u remaining errors are my responsibly. To Professor Martin Kaus, for his kind encouragement over many years, 1 would tls lke to express my gratitude Department of Eayptolony, University College, London Viovr® MacDennor OCOOEHOOOCOOOCOOOECOOEECEOCOLOCEOCOOOCE, OC OE u INTRODUCTION History ofthe Askew Codex ‘The Askew Code, volume of unknown provenance containing the tens of the Piss Sophia treatises, was named afer is ist owner, A. Askew, a London doctor. Askew was a coletor of ‘old manuscripts, and he bought the codex from + bookscller (probably in London) in 1772:" After the death of Askew the nuscript was bought by the British Museum. A copy in the British Museum of the sale catalogue (1785) of Askew manic Sexipts contain the entry: "Coptic MS. £10, 0. 0" This reference was presumed by Crum to apply to the present document which appears in his catalogue as AD S114? CG. Woide, to whom Askew gave the task of studying the | ‘manuscript, firs brought itt the attention of theological readers? | introducing it under te tide “Pistis Sophia” which it has since rettined. Woide also quoted the New Testament citations in his Appendix a edtonem Now Testament gracce coe Ms. Alexa. sino. (Oxford 1799). A copy of the whole text was made by Woide, but never published. The First parts t0 appear were the five “Odes of Solomon” which were published by the Danish bishop, F- Miinter* in 1812. further copy ofthe whole codex was made by E. Durie between 1838 and 1840, again. with the intention that it should be published. However the mani. Script of Dularier ever appeared in print and is now in the Bibliothique Nationale in Pris (Bibl 16). ‘The next attempt to prepare an edition of the text was made in 1848 by M. G. Schwarze who was sent to England for this snc Ral Lari rf! oom Dvd Mile, Lie ct Eas ae of he Cn Manse Bish Ma BINA. Caer Brien Berd ether wd ander wich em Meant ae Purpose by the Kénigiche Preussishe Akademie der Wissene Schaften. Schwartze died before its publication, and the none Script which he left was published postumously by 1.1, Petes ‘mann (Bibl. 51). This edition, containing transctption of the {ett and a Latin vanslation, i an outstanding achievement, even by modern standart, ‘A French translation by E. Amélineau in 1895 was the first to ppetr ina modern language (Bibl 2) yea later ©. R'S, Mead bought out an English translation, based on the Latin recs by Schwartze (Bibl. 34); a second edition appeared in 1921 aed ‘eprint in 1947, 1955 and 1963. The only other Engh translation ofthe wiole text was that of G. Horner which appeared in 1904 (Gibl. 22), This set out to be Heal translation, even keeping 10 the Coptic word order The translation of the tat which has stood the test of tine as published in Germany by C. Schmidt ia 1908 (Biel, He was given the task of editing and translating the then kaon Coptic gnostic texts by the Kirchenviter-Kommistion fuow he Kommisson fr sptanike Religionsgeschicht) of the Bere Akademie der Wissenschaften. The volume conlsined a tear lation ofthe Pits Sophia, followed by ranslatione ofthe Cope nostic tens contained in the Bruce Codex. These translations Were fully annotated and preceded by an introductory discussion A second edition of Schmid’ translation of the Pits Sop (Gib. 47 and his annotated edition ofthe Coptic text (Bh. 40) Appeared in 1928. Since this date there have Been no farthey tions ofthe text. tn 1984 W. Till published @ new editios of ‘Schmidt's (1905 and 1925) translations (BIBL. 4). He followed Schmiats versions closely, giving his ovn alternative renderings of certain pases in an appendit. A third edition, revised fy Til, appeared in 1959, and a reprint of the thi eon in 196 Description ofthe Manuscript The Askew Cover is described in W. E. Crum’s Catalogue of Coptic Manuscripts tthe Brush Museum under the headiog of Sahidie Manuscripts ‘The manusrpt, which now consists of 174 leaves in modern | CEOCCceces COCE et che eieke daa sedenenane ne emeseseneset ta tenes ¢ binding, orginally comprised 178 leaves of parchment. The leaves measure 21% 16 cms. The text i writen in two columns oe ‘oth sides ofthe leaves (354 sides), and i the work of two sonkon The ist sribe numbered the pages onthe rectos onl the second ‘n rectos and versos, The book consists of 23 ques, the tt of which consists of 6 leaves, the last of leaves, and the remainder each of 8 leaves. Four leaves ffom the imide of one quire are missing, s0 that there im lacuna between. pages 336 land 345. The fist wo blank and unnumbered pages and the last four are also missing. The state of preservation of most of the {ext is very good. On parts of some pages the ink has faded, ard in these places the script i ony just lesb The text consists of four “books”, Book One ends with the fest column on p. 114 (Schmidt 125) and has no tle, ether at the beginning or end. The second column ofp. 114, which was 4eft blank, was ltr ied with text by another hand Book Two begins on p. 115. A tte atthe head ofthis page The Second Book of the Pits Sophia is a later addition, The hole text is now known as the Pits Sophia onthe basis of the insertion, tile of the second book occurs on p. 23 (Schmidt 253.17 at the foot of the fist colin: 4 Part ofthe Books of he Saviour. The text continues in the second column, and ends in the second column of p, 734 (Schmidt 255.16). The lat sentence of p 234 suggests that this & the end of the Book, rather than P. 233, It is suggested by Schmidt and Till that Because. the ontens of the fist and second columns of p. 233 appear to follow one another, the title properly belongs at the end of the text on p. 234 Book Three thus begins on p. 235 (Schmidt 256), and ends fon p. 318 (Schmit 352) A tie similar to thet of Book Two stands telow the last line of the first column on p. 318, Book Four begins inthe second column of p. 318 (Schmidt 383) 4nd ends in the second column of 354 (Schmidt $88) A para, raph ina later hand stands atthe head of the frst colon a 384 (Schmidt 385) The end of the Pists Sophia account proper occurs in Book Two (Schmidt p. 184.6; Chapter 82). Thereafter the tet conte ‘of teachings given to the disciples in the form of answers to thet € #e of hike CCOCEECECECE CEE eee q ooceoccecocececE 7’ petion, I may be noted here that thee is considerable lack ot homogeneity in composition, Even Seeaaat the Fat Mystery, then as Jess and at he end ark sarge it Beok IU a Jesus andthe Saviour alternates ae mack IV, a8 Jesus. Mary Magislene appears as Mare, ad arim (Mahan) in diferent parts of the lex, The nce Gitte support the view thatthe texts a compiadon suthorshi, date, here. A guide to followed by a brie ‘Book JD. 1128.(Chapers 1-62). United, but the ttle resumed to be The First Book ofthe Pits Sophie. tile (rignal Book TV, pp. 353-384, (Chapters 136.148) Untied Summary of Contents Book 1 Ohaper 16 Survey of the posresurection teaching of Jesus; de Sctintion ofthe coming down of light power upon hig {nthe Mount of Oves inthe presence of his dps his ascension and descent. ‘740 Discourse by Jesus on his garments of light, his incarna- tion; the incarnation of John the Baptist ‘and the in «pes ‘116 Account by Jens of his asenson wearing the garment ins 2 2331 a7 448 2 Book 11 6 6465 flight the rebelion of the azons against the igh, fand the removal of power from those that rebelled Interpretation by Mariam, eting Inaiah 19-312 ‘Answers by Jesus to questions by Mariam and Philip Another account by Jesus of his passing through the ‘cognition ofthe garment of light; the leaving of the [duh acon by the Pastis Sophia. 13 tepentances of the Pistis Soph, spoken by Jesus, interpreted by various disciples, citing passages fom the Palms Ale the 7th repentance, a description by Jesus of his {aking of the Pistis Sophia to another place in the Chace Aer the Sth repentance, a description by Jesus of his emoval of the Psi Sophia from the Chaos “Another account by Jets of his help tothe Ps Sophie inthe Chaos, bringing her to a higher pace A tone frais by the Pits Sophia interpreted by Salone ‘iting Psalm of Solomon 8 Discourse by Jesus on his light power which became '& own of ight forthe Pistis Sophia. Interpretation by. Mary, mother of Jesus, citing Psalm of Solomon 19 Another account by Jesus of the saving of the Phas Sophia. The mestng of two lightpowers which became 8 great outpouring of light. Interpretations by Mavens citing Psalm 84; by Mary, mother of Jesu, cing Palm 84; account by Mary ofthe childhood coming together of Jesus with his own Spit. Interpretations be Mariam and Mary, citing Ps 84, Matthew 3.13 and Lake 1.39, Interpretation by Joh, citing Prat 84 Discourse by the First Mystery: another account of the ‘avin ofthe Pits Sophia through the mestng of tne Tieh-powers to become an outpouring of light, The CORRIDOR OGIO 667 80 si 90 {aking ofthe lphtto the Chaos by Michael and Gabe. Interpretation by Pete, cting Ode of Solomon 6, Account by the First Mystery of the actions of the Pistis Sophia by the Authades and Adams, the Tyran, in the Chaos; her ery for hep; the sending of Michael and Gabriel to cary heron ther ands and to guide hee ‘ut ofthe Chaos; the outpouring of light which became he erown. The trampling upon the powers of the Chaos by the Pistis Sophia and the First Mystery. Interpre tation by James, citing Palm 90, Songs of praise ofthe Pits Sophia, spoken by the First Mystery. Interpretations by various disciples, citing the (Odes of Solomon and Psalms. Account by the First Mystery ofthe bringing ofthe Pistis Sophia to place below the 13th acon: discourse on the three ties: account ofthe abandoning of the Pits Sophia. below the 13th acon Discourse by the Fest Mystery, siting on the Mount of lives, before the sending of his garment from the 24th Mystery: the persecution ofthe Pats Sophia by Adam: her ery for elp. Interpretation by Jame, citing sali 7 ‘Account by the First Mystery of the words spoken by the Pists Sophia to Adsmas and the archons, het ry for help to the light. Interpretation by Marth, ting Psalm 7 ‘Account by Jesus of his taking of the Piss Sophia to the 13th acon; the reognition ofthe Pistis Sophia by the 24 invisible ones; her song of praise to Jesus end ‘hanks for her deliverance. Interpretation by Philip, citing Psalm 106, ‘Answers by Jesus fo questions by the disciples: on the 24 invisible ones; on the precedence of souls which have received mysteries in this world overall those Within the Treasury of the Light: on the magnitude of ‘he helpers; on the ranks to which soule may go, according (0 the mysteries they have received Another discourse an the ranks to which souls may g ‘on those who have eceived the mystery of the Ine u too.101 Book str 2 103-110 mn nats ans ian3s ie ee eperepe ese ienee ceseg) eee fon this mystery asthe source ofall knowledge; despair ofthe dscples and answer by Jesus that tht mystery is «easy to those who renounce the word; another discoutse ‘on the knowledge of this mystery the unimpeded scent to the height of the souls of those who have recived this mystery, and their fellow eulership with Jesus, ‘Answers by Jesus to questions on the mysteries of the Ineffabl, the twelve mysteries of the Fitst Mystery and ‘he mysteries of the Hight; the need of mankind for purification bythe mysteries ‘Answer by the Saviour to a question by Andrew on the satus of mankind; the inbertance by the disciples of the Kingdom of the Light Discourse by Jesus on renouncing the world in order to ‘besaved from the punishments of Ameen preaching ‘o the worl, andthe means of going to the Kingdom of the Light. Answers by the Saviour 19 questions of the disciples ‘on forgiveness in relation to the mysteries, Discourse by the Saviour on the power, soul and spirit ‘counterpart which compel men to sn Discourse by Jesus on the bondage of the soul tothe spirit counterpart and destiny; the effectiveness of mys. teres. Interpretation by Mari, citing the Gospels and Romane ‘Answers by the Saviour to questions bythe diciples on the effeacy of the mysteries in the forgiveness of sins, Interpretations by the disciples, citing the Gospels and Psalm 31 Answer by Jesus toa question by Masia on the outer darkness and places of punishment; the dragon of twelve chambers, having ital ints mouth; the names ofthe archons ofeach chamber, Answers by the Saviour to questions of Maria and Salome Discourse on the dragon of the outer dackness; fon the bondage of the soul to the archons of the ee peed pene ieee pear aeee heeeea eee Book IV 136 1740 atta e148 Heimarmene: on the spitit counterpart and destiny: fon release by means of the mteies; on the souls of the patriarchs and prophets Ritual prayer of Jesus afler his resurrection, in the presence of his disciples; description of the ight of the heavens, the world and the en to the west, with Jesus and the disciples standing inthe st inthe way of the Midst, Discourse by Jesus on the separation of the archons according to thir practice of the mysteries of sexual Intercourse; on five archons which are identified planets; om another five archons which incite men to wickedness, and lad them to destruction. Discourse on the purification of souls; identification of the aeons of the Spee wth te sino te zd; he omen of Vision by th dicples of fire, water, wine and blood: imyseres of the light brought by Jesus into the works, hich forgive sins. Ritual of fire, vine branches, wine, water and loaves. Payer by Jetue to his Father for forgiveness ofthe disciples. Discourse on the mysteries of baptism of fire, water and spi (oteruption by lacuna of 8 pages) ‘Answers by Jesus to questions on the punishment of ‘vatious sins; prayer to Jesus for compassion, spoken by the ascpies in Amente eph Mave Handi er ABBREVIATIONS. Aten rt Ge dr ptm Jet nd de cite Mem (A. Nad: ei Pt eh rely Rc heen LesineMapws Geen faye (A Dela Pk. Deri, Pr! iota Nase, 0) ‘twa of ecg Sten, Neo Tela Te De Ratpo n Gos nd Genes, 3 Aap Few at oth New Tes atc tr Appice pace we Aerated 2 The Annona io 5 The Shales Cn ‘he Ameri fn. Tecate en ‘The Papin ol She SIGLA Round brackets in the translation indicate material which {is uel to the English version, but not explicly present in the Coptic. Pointed brackets inthe text and translation indicate conjce- tural emendmens. The actual readings of the manuseipe ‘and tral translations ofthe text are given note to the lext and translation respectively (1 Square brackets in the text and translation indicate dite ‘raphy or other material erroneously interpolated by the Serb which should be omitted in the translation NOTE The page numbers ofthe text and translation correspond, but the line numbers apply tothe text only. At the beginning ofeach note onthe translation, line references to the cortesponding page ofthe text are given, Other references to the texts and tansaton ae usualy given in brackets at the end of a note, Where the notes refer to alternative renderings of the translation, Schmidt = Schmidt's translation, edited by Til (Bibl, 44, pp. 1-288). Til = Appendix by Till (id, pp. 369-82 “The pages of the text and translation carry the page numbers ‘of Schmidt's edition of the Coptic txt (Bibl. 46) im the upper let and right hand margins respectively. It isto these numbers that references are made throughout, and all indexes are bac ‘on these numbers, p eee eed eee eee ie pane nae eet | inet eee een ee ienese ie PISTIS SOPHIA THE TEXT AND TRANSLATION ‘ower MacDenwar,Pstis Sophia Brrata Sine the pulsation of The Nag Hammadi Libary Eglih based on the Facsimile Editions ofthe Neg Hammadi text, pes vious systems of page numbering have been superseded. Corre tions are therefore requied 8 follows: TnI, 2 Gospel of Thomas, fr #4 read 36 “or 86 read 38 ‘or 90 read #2 In 4 Hypotais ofthe Arcons, for 143 read 95. In, 5 On the Origin of the Worl, for 14 read 100 “or 131 read 103, AcwwNE AG Milica Tpe | TwoyN HON A NETHOOYT Ayw AwPANTOYE FifoHnE euwpaxe Hii neamaonTHc ay@ e+fosw Hay wa iTonoE HMaTe FndF-ToW: ay ws fironoe FnwoF sFimyCrupion nat ermoyn FinkATANETACHA 67 Fimoyn Anwom Frwow cre frou ne nueexoyT. Aare FiMycTHPION eROA: xy@ enEcHT Hai OT. Goon Fi nmezcay finwpuna fire maOTH Fey. CTHPION eTaxTe2N FmyeTHPION WM maT Fine ‘eiicpoorne: ere iG xw FHoc TnewAouTHC xe Tiraler 80% 3% nwo HaycTHpION eTiiMAy Ere Hro4 ne’ mac ReyeTupion ere nmeexoyTarre: Ne AY@ ere Fine FMAWTHC EME AyD FnoyNO! X€ OVI-AAAY Fihoyn FimtycTHpION eTéiay: Anan ‘s NeyMeeye ne enuycTHpION erfiMAY xe frOW Ne TKOPAAN FiNTHFT ayw Tano finerwoon THpoy ‘nin oi sere nd comps the mete 4 SAS 45 MS ermoyn;prap ner e¥FInzoyn. 1 eppapam 9 act wry eee fr yon UCI CURRIE OOO « Oe ee eg ee (BOOK 1, But i happened that after Jesus had risen from the dead he spent leven years speaking with his disciples ‘And he taught them only as far as the places of the first ordinanee? and as far as the places of the Fitst Mystery Which is within the veil® which is within the first ordinance, hich is the 24th mystery outside and below, these which are in the second space of the First Mystery which is before all mysteries — the Father in the form of a dove®, And Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come forth from that First Mystery which is the last mystery, namely the 24th" ‘And the disciples did not know and understand that there was anything within that mstery. But they thought that that ‘mystery was the head of the All5, and the head of all the ‘things that exist®, | And they thought that i¢ was the com: onine 5 oe Reh (4, Aer as (ft orton; ee Boot (HT, 9.13122 2 (Seis U3 COC COOECOCOCOEE ES O00 & COOCEF COCCCOCOOOECEE EE” 2 isis sorta 00K | CHAPTER 2 AY@ NeyMocye ne xe fiToH ne nxwK AfixoK THPOY” 680A xe Nope i xw FiMoc MAY ne ETRE RMYCTHTION eTiiMAY xe firo¥ neTK@OTE enwoF irrow ii whoy xaparent ayo fit nos Roy. 506m aya Fit nfoy FimapAcrATHC xy fe Nowe eayPoc THF’ Finoyoem ayw on eneFne i x@ ‘CAMAOHTHC FincwP oBOX” THP TiiTonoK THPOY [i Finuoe jiazoparoc Ami nworinT iirpLAynamic ii nxoyrauTe HazopsT0oC Ati NeyTONIOG ‘THpoY "wit Neyalou Hii weyraxc THrOY fies eroycup Geox HOC ual ETE TiToOY Ne NenpoBOACOYE Finioe TistopaTo® ayw it ueyarenmToc xy FM NeyAYTOFENNC AYw AL NeyrENNTOS AyD ATL hey pwctHP ayw AM MeyxwpccyNzyroc: ayw. ‘SHI NEYAPXOH AT MeycXOYCIA: A NEyzcoGIC HA NGYAPXATTOAOG: A HEYAPTEAOC’ ATi NCY-ACKAL NOG: Hi NeyaToYPrOG: Fi HoIKOG THpOy ire heyedaipa” ayw" A franc THPOY Finoya noya Fimooy sve enefing i xw enewtaourac Fincap "680A THR fivenposorooye Hneoncaypoc oyAE NeyTAsC Toe Eroycup esoa fimoc oYAG No. Hirixw@ epooy ne iineycwrnp KATA TaRC H. MOYA NYA iiee GrOYO Foc: oyAG noi Piletion of all completions, because Jesus had said to them concerning that mstery, that it surrounded the first or mmanee and the five incisions" and the great light and the {ive helpers (parastatat) and the whole Treasury of Light And moreover Jesus had not spoken to his disciples of the ‘whole extent of all the places of the great invisible one and the three triple powers and the 24 invisible ones and all the places and theit aeons and all their ranks, how they extend” these which are the emanations of the great invsife one ~ and their unbegorten ones and their sebegotten ones and their begotten ones and their uninaries® and thei unpaired ‘ones and their archons and their powers (exousiat) and the lords and thei archangels and their angels and their decane and theit ministers* and all the houses of theit spheres and all the ranks of each one of them. And Jesus had not told his disciples of the whole extent of the emanations of the ‘treasury, nor their ranks how they extend, nor had he told them oftheir saviours, according 10 the rank of each one, hhow they are. Nor had he | told them which watcher is 5 fe ini Route (0, p34 £6 0 Feary of Ligh we 199 2 een: TH me tel ae 329; 1621, { ibemansions seen > tho marae U3 * 6 sy decs ond mii eeCH Exe So VL Inston, pati moe sre oe eae, 2 ltr alloing eget ad che es eters acpi y spain pin, FT wre eee 12 Ms neyarrenerroc. ef expe 33 MS Bova: anova, re ne 3 sms sop XO0C EFOOY Ne x6 WIM Fbyaax neva Toye! Toye! @inyaw) Finconcaypoc Fnoyoem: oyac uchitixw crooy ne ey: ere firo4'ne naxoy HMAoY+ ayw NEF sx epooy no FnvoHOG FNwONTT waMHN xe eycup 80x’ &T aw iironoc epooy ne xe ope hoy Hann cHp Esor FH aw, fivonoc: oyac nxecadyi femme ere firooy ne Teaae Tipwun xe AW NE NEYTONOE KATA eC © ETOYCHP GOA TMOG AW cNEHNE MAOHTHC xe Epe MFOY FinAPACTATHE O° Haw Fry: noc ii firayitroy ai aw iMronoc: oyAc werirxw epooy ne xe TTA nNOS Floyocm cwp GBOA fiAw Tee: W xe WrayiiTi Mi aw jronoc- oyae ne 15s FiFix@ 6pooy ne fintoy fixaparmu: oyAc eTEE nwoPi Tirww xe Trayiiroy Bi Aw ironoc: Ax MAY XE CEWMOON AKA NEYCWP SOA A TTAsIC fire weyronoc uekimxo0c epooy ne KATA 06 * eroywoon FiMoc: erse mai pw Fnoyeme xo oyi-xeronoc oon poyn Fntycrupion eriixy~ AYW EneHITFXO0 CHeIMAEHTHE xc Tiraler' cEOX. i aw Hronoc waster exoyn ensrycrHpon GY Finny @anfnpocree 680A TeNTT- aaxa ewar 2 say Fry WDE NOMMAXG HTHMAY FATE NC oHfcR@D 7 es LL 00K 1 CHAPTER 1 a cover each of the (doors) of the Treasury of Light. Nor had he told them of the place of the twin saviour! who is the child ofthe child. Nor had he told them of the place of the three amens?, in which places they extend, and he had not told them in which places the five tres* are spread, nor of| the seven other amens, namely the seven voices, which their place is and how they extend. And Jesus had not told his disciples of what type are the five elpers® (parastata. Or into which places they ate brought. Nor had he told them in what manner the great light extends, or into which places it is brought. Nor had he told them of the five incisions, nor concerning the first ordinance, into. which places they are brought. But he had only spoken to them ‘n genera, teaching them that they existed. Bur he had not {old them their extent and the rank oftheir places according to how they exist, Because of thie they also did not know that other places existed within that mystery. And he had not sai to his disciples: “I came forth from such and such laces” until I entered that mystery, until T came forth from ". But he had | said to them as he taught them: "T came (0) nin moe Did eV 48 J 19: ATH, 318 (Gola ete cai e118. GEyp 0, Va; Rep NIK 6 (5 tee ane seen ames Hipp VL. 39, (9) fesse) 10; OT ep Ip. 30 10) sen voto 1, Ge Hi 13 1052 0 wen owe, we pal VA: Keopp (B28) Mp. 28; Dee (OH 1) 7 2 corms. 1) fe eae ee 10,2; U 2; Gap LA (hh sch and nh pens TH chad eh» ple 4 ists soma 006 Nay Evhtw WAY 20 fiTAleI’ E8Ox FH myc. THRION ETHiMAY" CTBO nai ce MoYMEcye eneyc. THPION ETFitay xe Fro ne xeDK ‘TifixeK ‘He Poy Ayw xe iirow ne TKeApaAH NTH: Ayu 5 xe"iiro4 ne «menanpona THPi- cman eqape [x) WG xooc enownowrnc xe n4yerupion crmtay Hrow nork@re eummuPa- newrsixooy epwitt Tupoy xm Finexooy enrsiananra epariti ewe WMOYN CnOOY TRooy: ETke Mai Ge ope Finn ONTH MeGyO Ne xe MLAaxy Woon Fhoyn H nmyctupion evvinay: acme o6 oro Finonrnc mooe Hil-neyerny aH nvooy iiixocrr eyzw finelwaxe aye cy. FAMC Bi oyNoe jie ayw cyream cHaqo: 'sAYW eYX@ Finloo TEyerHY x6 AoW zonINAKA: MOG Aon napa fipoMG THPOY Cra nka? xe a Newrnp EXMAAI NAN G8OA* Ayu ani Fnenane [5 FeoMA fi NXCwK THFT> NAT ey;RW FIMOOY enEyEpny Ne ere 16 2MOOC GIoYHY e8OX FIMOOY Hoya %» ACMWNE AG I NATH Fino? FncKOT HrewEe Ero ‘04 HE NeOY cwAPE Noo? xwK TieTi* fine. 2O0Y 66 eTHimay TiT6PE npH er’ E80X aH YeWRACIC™ ACEI €80% Mficiod Fist OynOS FAynaMIC fioyocm CcFoyoom exw exawo- ein enoyoe 3 6760! Finod racer rap ckox 3 noyocm Fre 1 MS cial Fins errno nd toe 5 alone cap mda eed of eps spare cars COC eed ce eee sae ege needa t toehenene Caeser sosele d OOK L cHAPtER 2 4 forth from that mystery”. Because ofthis they thought now ‘of that mystery that it was the completion ofall completions, and that it was the head of the All, and that it was light (© which there was no measure, And the disciples gazed after him, and not one of them spoke until he had reached heaven, but they all kept a great silence. Now these things happened on the ISth ofthe moon, ‘on the day on which iti fll in the month of Tabe, Now it happened when Jesus went up to heaven, after three hours all the powers of the heavens were disturbed, and they all shook against one another, they and all theit ‘aeons, and all their places and all theit ranks and the whole earth moved with all who dwelt upon it. And all the men inthe world were agitated, and also the disciples. And they all thought: “Perhaps the world will be rolled up”. And all the powers which are in the heavens did not cease from theie agitation, they and the whole world, and they all moved ‘against one another* from the thd hour ofthe 1Sth of the ‘moon in Gl, Bylamems ofthe lm COO IO OO TIO EHAMO EMAWO* NEYPOTE AC NO EEE INOS TZ BHF |rwOON aye neyrMe ne AINCyoRY yx Fito x6 OY Ara neTHAUKONE® MowEK Cpe Ne@TUP NARA eHOR HftrONOG THpOY- rime c20yn eucyorny way AECINfrTe Finewacte A Fimuye oye xyeD AyHAY GI emmy ences edFoyoen crxn0 er1N0- eFTi4y enewoyOR EFRON TNT nor OYOGM TAP TOYO ehwAY enrrasREOK cna OF ‘oniys* 2@cre wemi@eoM HFiMKOCHOC cwaxe @noyoeM cnewpooN FON Ay nomex aKrM HOA ME ANTE oMATE esa eno 7 AY NOTE NEVYOON NEw AN Ne FT NEHER” AAAA Novo" ime Hun me Aye NEWOr ‘siiryoc TyNoE ne ere 20INe OYOTE euoyery FFincon~ ayn nepe Novo Tut 21 neveruy ne Novo" Riwowre ike ne Ayw were oye oyOTE Soyer ne TFincon: THEAgHTE er vHaITO uECOY 7% ne ereroyere eriinecuT xyw THeaworre » Grae Foy THOY HecoyOTE ne EraHre oF BFmecur= ay rwOFH cre KH erFinccwr Fnooy THroy eco Fine Finoyoon nurs om V8 AY c4ayey oysint Finxre FF newoyooN~ aye TwoHTe Teo =s Hoyocm Neyo Fimine mine Hoyoom ne ayw Neyo" 3 NAT 66 eyxw MNOOY Oe ee eee epesene nea heal OOK | CHAPTER 4 7 Account of the great earthquake which happened, and they went together, saying: “What will happen now? Pechaps ‘the Saviour wll destroy all the places As they were saying these things and were weeping to fone another, of the ninth hour of the following day the heavens opened, and they saw Jesus coming down, giving light exceedingly, and there was no measure to the light in which he was. For he gave more light than in the hour that he went up to heaven, so that the men in the world were not able to speak ofthe light which was his, and it east forth very many rays of light, and there was no measure to its rays. And his light was not equal throughout, but ‘twas of different kinds, and it was of diferent 1ype, 50 that some were many times supetior to others, and the whole light together was in theee forms, and the one was many times superior to the other; the second which was in the middle was superior to the first which was below; and the third which was above them all was superior to the second which was below. And the first ray which was below them all was similar tothe light which had come down upon Jesus before he went up to heaven, and it was quite equal to it in its light. And the three light-forms were of diferent kinds of light and they were | of different types. And some were ‘many times superior to others, ® rnsvis sora firynoc rynoc ne- ere 20iNe ovo’ 5 Acqoone AG firepE FMAOHTHC Hay eNAT Aye. 20Te eEMATE AY AYWTOPTP: TK ee nual aywo Ss meaXGanr’ Hropoanay Enewmrouruic xe AyUyrORTR Bi oynos TeTOrTP* Mawaxe HFiNAY EHUD FnOC X6 TO fiaHT’ ANOK ne FiTpReO-Te 5 Acuywne oo iirepe FiMAoHTHC cwTR enciaaxe NexXAy XE NXOSIC EWE TOK ne CK GPOK A enexoyoem Tieooy rifllew-aeeraTH- enmon NONE ZTOMTM AYW ANGTOPTE ayw ON Xt QTOFTF Fist NKOCHOE THPT GRO FinHos FoyoEM eT@OON FHOK: 5 TOTe 16 AcwK Epos neooY Fincwoyoem: ‘Saye reps nal mone xyrwx Tait ior FaAOH ‘THE THPOY Ayer ETATH HI aynasvoy Tupoy 2 OYCOR AYOYWATT Haw eypAwE Bi OYNOS Fipaae~ NeXAY MAM 2X6 2PABREL TITAKREDK TUM 7H OY TO TOKAIAKONIA TITAKE@K FIMOG i Hi OY iirow No se nclayrorT® TupOY Ah weitero -THOY. enray- qwone* Tore nexa4 nay fot E nuany xe page TireTtirexw. xm Finemay xe"'aiB@K aA iro. NOC eHTAIeY exon FianToy: xm NOY Ge EHO PUAMAKE OMT Fi oymafpuci xx Tap czome. Be) ‘ pera nee eesene sane eke we 5. It happened, however, when the disciples saw these they were greatly afraid and agitated. Now Jesus, the com- compassionate and tender-hearted, when he saw that his disciples were in great agitation, he spoke to them saying "Be courageous. It is 1, do not feat”, 6. Now ithappened when the disciples heard these wor they said: “Lord, if t be thou, draw thy light-lory to thy- self so that we can stand, otherwise our eyes are darkened and we are agitated, and also the whole world is agitated because of the great light which is thin Then Jesus drew to himself the glory of his light. And when this had happened all the dscples took courage, they ‘came before Jesus, they all prostrated themselves atthe same time, they worshipped him, rejoicing with great joy. They said to him: “Rabbi, where didst thou go, or what was thy service in which thou didst go, or for what reason were all these disturbances and all these earthquakes which hhappened?"? Then Jesus, the compassionate, said to them: “Rejoice and be glad® from this hour because I have been to the places from whence I came forth. From today onwards now 1 will speak with you openly from the beginning | of the (NM ae dase ested ai ae) ease dene se pesenenaseseneed 9 Pastis Soren TAMnooin WA necK + AyD -HUAIAxE FIN Tizo 71 20. AST MAPABOAIL: THfUARENARAY CpeDTT Xi tieinay Tire HANDICE AyW NArtroNoE Fra: ANOGIA” AY'H-GR0YCIA. TAP UAT 21TH maTInAxe: 5 oFO" AYO 217F4 MOAT FMVETUpION Tire ReyerH Plow “THROY GYPAWAXE APiOWTT 2c -TAPRHE GDA, HGHAHFOMA’ AY ZANOYH @ABOA AY XIIBOX Moyn- COTH ce TACW ROTH Tawe HIM AC: (DHE GieMOOE GloynY COA FMDTH TloyKoyi 3° ‘© akF roy jivixoer elMccye ewrase TraL. KOWIA GHTAYTAYOEL ETRUNTE 26 ACXWK EHO AY@ FUATWTFNOOY NAL FUACHAYMA Het fac meaxcoyrastre Fie: NAT erwooN aH nM nie TVG NGXWPIMA CHRMAY* AcaXDNE ce FrepEr emte XE AGAUK EHOX Tie! ITARC FTALAKONIR OT: Ale ersimTE> Ayw eMIATE HMYCTHPION ErFiNAY TMOOY HAT FNAGHAYMA HAI CHTATKARS TienT® » WANTEX@K CKOA Tiel NELOYOONW* HX Ge ciNaeye erooy ckHOOE” a5 TOY. iiixoErr eloyuy [7] Finwih Foye acaywne ere np nny eepxt Fimaiiona’ Miticwe 6 exOX arrOOTH FmAOPT H MYCTuPION nai enexaoon xm TaOA LD 00K | CHAPTER 7 ° ‘rath until its completion. And I will speak with you face to face, without parable*. I will not conceal from you, from this hour onwards, anything of the things of the height and of the place of the truth*. For U have been given authority® through the IneTable? and through the Fist Mystery of the mysteries, that I should speak with you from the begiening until the pleroma, and from within outwards, and from without inwards. Hear nov, so that I tell you all things. Tt happened a6 Twas sitting at a short distance from you upon the Mount of Olives, I was thinking of the rank? of the service for which I was ent, that it should be completed, and that my garment was not yet sent to me by the Fits “Mystery, which is the 24th mystery from within outwards ‘These (24 mysteries) are in the second space of the First Mystery in the rank of that space. It happened now when I knew that the rank of the service for which I had been sent was completed, and that that mystery had not yet sent me the garment, which I had left behind within it until the time was completed — as T thought of these things, I was siting upon the Mount of Olives at a short distance from you. 7. Tt happened when the sun rose in the East now after- wards, through the Fist Mystery which had existed from the beginning, because of which | the All existed, from 1) peo te th este 2.0 2 thy then ten a 0 ‘sis soPnA wane elem nat cwrsier aw chon HenFi Tenoy- Fmoyosiw an ennaToyeraypoy Fimol aaa Tenoy> Acayone 27 TKEAGYCIE ain. MYCTHPION ETHiMAY A¥TFINOOY wai HNAGHAYMA sTloyoem Nai EVTAATAAY MAT xi WOAT Nal Orr AIKAA4 HF ae FinyCTHPION ETE Fro# ne nnee. XOYTATE FiMyETHPION 21 HeoyN e8OX wat eT. woon %i iran Wire nezcuay Wxwpuma ire WwETAMAY ANOK neNTAIKAAd J ae RMYCTHPION GANTEXWK E60 jist NEoYOEIA) ETPATAA 2KDUFT AY@ TITAAPXCCOA! eTPAMAXE HH NrENOG TAT. PME AYW HITAGOANOY MAY CBO THPOY 2x1 TAP XH TTAMOLA 26WE HA NECXOK AYW FTAWAXC sitimay 2am cAWoyn jiTe micamoyn 260 WA HCANBOA TE WICANBOA AVw XIN NEANBOX Tire HNICANBOA 266 GA HEANeoyN HITE mIcArROYH PAMO 66 Ti(reTH)TEANA’ Aye HiTeTHPOVERAGE: Xe TTWTH NONTAYTAAG NATH ETPAMAE MMNTA + RiwoFT 2am TAPRH TiTAAHOLA: "sew wa NecXEK erse xi pw AiceTTHyTH xi iiwWOP Eso 2 2 erayroy writen the fom FOV. 4 Msongonty lr macnn et pune: rad nagnAayrs, 5S 2 om tte Se MOP 2 Som men: Room ei ce rae eeneueesenegusenence the MyoRi FmrycTHPION: MENAYMA oyioiN Ge CECCCEEECOECEEZ COCO OOK 1 CHAPTER? 0 which I myself have come just now — not prior to my crucifixion", but now — it happened through the command of that mystery, it sent_me my garment of light, which it hha given to me from the beginning, which I had left behind in the last mystery which is the 24th mystery from within ‘outwards, these (24 mysteries) which are in the ranks of the second space of the First Mystery. That garment of light) rnow I had left behind in the last mystery until the time ‘was completed that I should put it on me, and that I should begin to speak with the race of mankind, and reveal to them all things from the beginning of the rch until its completion, and speak to them from the innermost of the inner fo the ‘outermost ofthe outer, and from the outermost of the outer to the innermost of the inner. Rejoice and be glad*, and rejoice stil more, that it is given to you that I should speak. with you first from the Begining of the track until its com= pletion, Because of this indeed I have chosen you from the beginning | through the First Mystery. Rejoice now and "ot pro my cnn He hy Md et rid u svi SOPHIA roOTH nom FMYErIPON PAE o6 HrETTiTE AIA_X6 Tircner’ cinny eBOX enKOCHOE xM Fi QOF NicME FATT CHOOYE HeoM TINAT KATA 06 OnYXLCOOG epwTT 21H FOR eHrFAixtToY iro. soroy FeiFenooye Fewrup ncencayroc Tloyoom KATA TKEAEYCIC RuOMT FryernpIon* HAT 66 AINOXOY ETKARAZI HTETHMAAY 2m eintry ‘enkooHOG ETE NAT NETA NETHCwMA AnooY* TAYE AP iineIcor EPOTH MAPA NKOCHOG THAT 20 Ww RiTwTH NeTHANOYaT FnkOCNOC “THFT AY@ XEKAC CreTHCwecon Frmoyn 2X rAMAH TiApREDH Fm uxOCHOC Ayw Fit Tice FinkocHoc ay fi Hey” KIIAYHOO AYW fifi NEYAIDEMOC ‘THFOY EroyNs. YY xT fist FApR@M FnxICE* XixOOE FAP NNT Tioymmuye ficon xe Ye0H crayon Fel IWyTi+ TTAWITE enon FH uTFCHOOYe Howrnp i + erK0 nai PO NixOOG HTH xm HOR xe Aro ire 2ONCKOA AM 3H NKOCNOC: NAT AD AHOK ZAP oy: 2ee8Ox An TeHTT PONE FAP wut ETH nKOCHOS. TaYaUYYRIE GBA 3H TeOM FATIApxeoN FAD T6oH AC GWOON" RiMyiH OYE AMOK TO* [R) Troi Ac ope eTHMyxN un enxice> Frail imvrcnooye fisom Fire 1 Hicwrnp Hneoncaypoc srwoon 3 noontcayroc Finoyoon 2 OOOOEL COC OCE EE EEE COCEES COCO CEE E COC CECE ES COCE 7 be glad, because when I entered the world 1 brought the twelve powers with me, as I told you from the beginning, which T took from the twelve saviows of the Treasury Of Light, according 10 the command of the First Mystery ‘These now I cast into the wombs of your mothers. when Teame' into the world, and it is these which are in your bodies today. For these powers have been given to you above the whole world, for you are those who are able to save the whole world, so that you should be able to withstand the threat of the archons of the world, and the sufferings of the world and their dangers, and all their persecutions Which the archons of the height will bring upon you. For Thave said to you many times that the power which is within you I have brought from the twelve saviours, which are in the Treasury of Light. For this reason I have indeed said to you from the beginning that you are not from the world; 1 also am not from it®, For all men who are in the world have received souls from ay THT cuooye ficon fire nitTFewooye: Hea cayroc Finoyoom: ueursixtroy HrooToY Fin SFITFCHOOYE TAIAKONOC 61% THECOC* ANoxOY ‘erecers iiapRion: AyD HAGKAHOG ATR NeyArToYProc* NeyMEEyE No x6 aerryKooYe) ne re Hapxwn ayw ayliroy fier Harroyrroc Aimopoy Hi ncwma TreFHMAAY* Ayw Frere ul: \wFioyoow) 0K oHOr AYZNE-THYTH BH ‘nKoS noc oniisfysn Fire Hapxwn HrHyTH* Aye are 1 fineFRINCPOC eROX AT TEOM “TAT ENTAWNIAG Foc eroyn enkepacnoc Hor Gao FnapacraTHe TAL ETHOS AH HiazopavoC THPOY Fi fiapxeon ss THpoy” Ai Hatwon THPOY eanax 2ANA@e ecMOxT i nKOCHOC fire NYAKO eT UKEPACHOE NE TAXI ONTXIITE E6OX HMO! 21H TMOAT AINOKE eoyn enaof Tran ayo A nMOpT Krad awoyxe Fioynopoc TNTE exoyn ennos Hoyoom- ayw wnnoe Hoyoem xwoyxe HoyMeroc ™ newTAS Xx1Fi ex0yn entoy FinapacTaTHe’ ayw dao Fina- PACTATHG wer HoyMeroc a newradctTa- a4 ’ e2oyH enkepAeHoc* ayo axMone 3 NET. MS amoyxoy: Y expunged a coed oo. Ds ernfyxooy MS amopoy: nd Ayoroy- 5 Baa poy” rien Ter maga omison MS eat Boe td COCEEL COCEEE EEE EC CECE ES im eee eg cee 00K 1 CHAPTER 8 4 from the great Sabsoth, the Good', who is in the place ofthe right, And the twelve powers of the twelve saviours of the Treasury of the Light, which I received from the twelve servers which ate in the Midst | cast into the sphere of the archons. And the decans of the archons and their ministers ‘thought that they were sous ofthe archons, and the ministers brought them, they bound them in the bodies of your mothers. And when your times were completed, they bore you into the world without there being souls of the archons in you. And you have received your parts from the power Which the last helper (parastates) had breathed into the ‘mixture, this (power) which is mixed with all the invisible ‘ones and all the archons and all the aeons. In a word, i is rixed with the world of destruction, namely the mistur, This (power) which, from the beginning, T brought out of ‘myself, east into the fist ordinance. And the frst ordinance cast part of it into the great light. And the great light cast 4 part of what it received into the five helpers (parastata), and the last helper (parastates) took a part from what it received and cast it into the mixture. And (the part) has ‘come to be | in all who are in the mixture, as I have just said to you." *() Stuth, the Gon ee 1285: Ove Cok VI: Ad 45 15 risvis soma oon mpoy AH nKEPAEMOC "KATA 06 eHTAIOYH. 106 nT lore 1G xw FMOOY uc TincwMAOHTHE Ah NYOOY TiEKOKIT* Mloywe 66 ON ETOOTA Het \WAXC FH MOWMAONTHE XE PAE Aye Hire THVeAIN AyW TroTHOYE: pAwE eM neTiPAWE XE AYXIK EROS Tie! NEYO) ETP} aDwT FA. CUAYMA Ai eNEWTRT@T ual XI H@OAT™ mat ew ‘sikAa4 3H ac Firyerupion ws neoyoeus) Fines we XWK BOA” NEYOEI) AE FiNeIXwK ExOX NE ne oyocw croyuaKereye aim maopi Fryer. NON CTPAGAXC TNT XW TAP FTAAMON HecxwK* AYE XI NeANzoYH FTE mIcAweoyn+ (260 GA NEANBOX TITE MICANBON) EBOA XE EE I HKOCHO UANOYAH ATLTHYTH PAGE 66 TET VEAIA X€ HTETH 2GUMAKAPIOG MAPA HME THPOY OT AGER mae XE HIOTH NETUANOYIR FnkOCHOC HF 5 Acwone 66 rere E oyw exw Fnciwaxe » ENOIMAONTHE* MOYw2 ON ETOOTH IH NOAXE Ne: MI MAY! X6 GICMNTE 66 AK OP FMAGHAYMA® AY) Ay1 NAT FiesoycIN uM arTAt naoRH Reve: iuplon: en KeKoy! Hoyoew ne ayw -fuaxw oven 1 Ms neyAeyesY nd nna 0 COCOEL COC CECE CEE CCE CEES C COC OEE E CECE CEE TS COCE OOK 1 CHAPTER 9 5 [Now Jesus was saying these things to his disciples upon. the Mount of Olives. Jesus ow continued again in the discourse with his disciples: “Rejoice and be glad*, and add joy to your joy, Because the times are completed that T should pot on my garment which was prepared for me from the beginning, which I left behind in the last mystery until the time ofits completion. Bur the time of its com- pletion is the time when I am commanded by the First “Mystery to speak to you from the beginning of the truth to its fulfilment, and from the innermost of the inner

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