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Standard A Standard B Standard C Standard D Standard E
The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following The student work has the following The student work has the following The student work has the following
Knowing and understanding the

 appropriate definition and comprehensive characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics:

description of facts showing discriminating  appropriate definition and detailed  definition and description of facts  partial definition or simple  statement of facts using some
use of legal terminology description of facts using relevant legal using legal terminology description of some facts using legal terminology
 thorough and effective explanation of a terminology  explanation of legal concepts and legal terminology  statement of aspects of legal

comprehensive range of legal concepts and  detailed explanation of a range of legal processes relating to legal rights  simple explanation of some legal concepts and processes relating
processes relating to legal rights and concepts and processes relating to legal and responsibilities. concepts and processes relating to legal rights and responsibilities.
responsibilities. rights and responsibilities.  communication of meaning using to legal rights and responsibilities.  communication using inconsistent
 coherent and effective communication of  clear communication of meaning using language conventions suited to  communication using language language conventions.
meaning using well-chosen language appropriate language conventions purpose and audience. conventions suited to aspects of
conventions suited to purpose and audience. suited to purpose and audience. the purpose and audience.

The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following The student work has the following The student work has the following The student work has the following
Investigating legal issues

 thorough and discriminating analysis of legal characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics:

situations to identify and examine relevant  detailed and informed analysis of legal  analysis of legal situations to  simple analysis of legal situations  identification of some legal issues
legal issues and stakeholders’ perspectives situations to identify and examine identify and examine legal issues to identify and examine some and/or stakeholder perspectives
 discerning application of legal concepts and relevant legal issues and stakeholders’ and stakeholders’ perspectives legal issues and/or stakeholder  identification of some legal
processes to legal issues to determine logical perspectives  application of legal concepts and perspectives concepts and/or processes
legal outcomes.  systematic application of legal concepts processes to legal issues to  partial application of some legal relating to aspects of legal issues.
and processes to legal issues to determine appropriate legal concepts and/or processes to
determine logical legal outcomes. outcomes. legal issues to determine legal

The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following The student work has the following The student work has the following The student work has the following
 discerning evaluation of the law and characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics:
Responding to the law

stakeholder responses  effective evaluation of the law and  evaluation of the law and  simple evaluation of the aspects of  description of aspects of the law
 discerning decisions and insightful stakeholder responses stakeholder responses the law and/or stakeholder and/or stakeholder responses
recommendations made about the suitability  relevant decisions and logical  decisions and recommendations responses  statement of decisions and/or
of legal outcomes and their implications recommendations made about the made about the suitability of legal  simple decisions and/or opinions
 convincing and reasoned justification of suitability of legal outcomes and their outcomes and their implications recommendations made about  justification inconsistent with
decisions and recommendations using implications  justification of decisions and suitability of legal outcomes decisions and/or
evidence and legal reasoning.  valid and logical justification of decisions recommendations using evidence and/or their implications recommendations.
and recommendations using evidence and legal reasoning.  simple justification of decisions
and legal reasoning. and/or recommendations.

Question 1

Explain the differences between the following terms:

Rights and Responsibilities





Rules and Laws





Fairness and Equality





Question 2

Identify four (4) reasons why society has laws and provide an example of a law relating to
each reason.








Question 3

Explain the symbolism behind the blindfold and scales of “Lady Justice”.







Question 4

The three levels of government are Federal, State and Local. Identify which level is
responsible for the following services.

Education ___________________________
Garbage collection ___________________________
Immigration ___________________________
Defence ___________________________
Pet registration ___________________________
Health ___________________________

Question 5

Read the following scenario and answer the questions below.

Phong and Vicky were student leaders in their school and had been asked by the
student body to organize a social for the senior students. After approaching their
senior deputy, they were given a list of conditions that had to be met before the
social could be held. Firstly, permission from the principal was required. Support
and assistance from teachers was needed, so letters requesting this would have to
be prepared and distributed. A supervision roster would also be required for the
evening. A DJ had to be found and appropriate music selected for the event. The
school hall would be the venue and students would have to be involved in setting
up and cleaning the hall at the end of the night.

During the night, several students had been drinking alcohol in the courtyard area
and there was a fight between a number of Year 11 boys. Several neighbours
made complaints about the noise level.

Identify two (2) examples of a rule.



Identify two (2) examples of a law.




Question 1

Read the following article and then answer the questions that follow.

Uneasy riders: bikers caught in anti-association

laws Robyne Cuerel, 23rd Feb 2014
THEY were meant to target criminals.

But Queensland's anti-bikie laws have created a net that has spread so wide its catch includes the
innocent as much as the guilty.
And they threaten a culture almost as old as the motorcycle itself, radiating tremors throughout the
motorcycle community and putting its very existence at risk.
Since Queensland introduced the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act (VLAD) late
last year, if you are a leather clad motorbike rider, the time of reckoning is here and you are guilty
until proven innocent.
That's how it seems to local riders.
Where once you could judge a bikie or biker by their colours, this is no longer the case since bikies
are not permitted to wear the patches that once identified them.
And now, it's almost impossible to spot the difference.
Yet there is a big difference in the motorbike community between a bikie and a biker.

The latter include respectable citizens, many who enjoy aspects of the motorcycle culture without
the criminal element. Bikers such as Lizzie Walker, the public relations officer for the recently
formed Independent Riders group, said she had noticed a big change in the public's attitude
toward them since the VLAD laws were introduced.

It's scaring a lot of people who once donated goods for our raffles and charities.
"When I ask businesses for sponsorship they back off and say 'no, the rules have changed now.'"
Officer in charge of the Maryborough District CIB, Detective Senior Sergeant Nikki Colfs, said the
legislation was not aimed at people who liked to ride motorcycles or who rode for charity
"The legislation is aimed at criminal motorcycle gangs and people affiliated with an organised
crime network."
Det Snr Sgt Colfs said there were many rides conducted around the Fraser Coast which were not
affiliated with outlaw gangs.
"People are intercepted all of the time as normal policing activities - random road tests, breath
tests," she said.
(a) Name the legislation related to anti-bikie laws.


(b) Explain how the anti-bikie laws conflict with the principles of equality and fairness and
every individual having basic human rights.








(c) Explain how the law could be amended or what needs to be done to ensure that all
motorcycle riders are given basic human rights in regards to the law.








Question 2

You are walking through City Beach at Stockland Shopping Centre when you see a friend
from another school slip around the back of the serving counter and remove some money
from the cash register which she places in her schoolbag. The friend leaves the store. You
catch up to your friend and discover that she stole the money because her parents are
unemployed and she needed the money to buy an outfit to wear to school for casual dress
(a) Is your friend justified in taking the money? Justify your response.








(b) Is it just for the law to punish for such crimes? Explain your response.








Question 3
Please form
The following sign appears in a well known family restaurant –
a queue to
Explain why we tend to agree with and follow this rule. order food
and drinks.




Question 1

Read the proposed Youth Protection Bill and in the space provided below identify any
possible issues with the Bill and explain what improvements could be made to make the
law more effective.


Purpose of Bill

s1 The purpose of this Bill is to protect the Youth of Queensland by limiting their right to be on
the streets late at night.


s2(1) Subject to s3, a young person is not allowed on any street of Queensland after 10 pm.
s2(2) For the purpose of this section, a ‘young person’ is defined to mean person under the age of
18 years.


s3 Nothing in this Bill prohibits a young person from being on the streets after the prescribed, if:
(a) They are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; or
(b) They are travelling to or from an educational institution.


s4 Subject to s3, a young person found to be on the streets after the prescribed time will be
escorted by police to their place of residence.














Question 2

Our legal system has a number of obstacles in relation to providing a fair and equitable
system for all, regardless of race, job or status in society. Evaluate whether our legal
system is fair and just for all and, if necessary, recommend any changes that may improve
the process.
























Question 6

Laws need to be flexible and constantly updated. Explain why laws need to be flexible and
change with society values. Identify a law that may or may not have kept up to date with
society’s changing values.







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