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Unit 6 test

Listening bury destroy dump protect

recycle reduce reuse save waste
1  Listen to the conversation. What are Holly
1 Every year, UK households ______________
and Jack planning to do after school? (2 marks)
millions of tonnes of expired food.
2 You must never ______________ rubbish in the
2  Listen again. Answer the questions. Write 3 My sister ______________ plastic bags until
complete sentences. (8 marks) they are too old to use. Then she
1 What is Holly’s opinion of social networking? ______________ them.
_______________________________________ 4 Many species of animals are in danger because
_______________________________________ we are ______________ their natural habitats.
2 Does Jack really think that Leonardo DiCaprio is 5 My local council has ______________ pollution
an inventor? Why does he mention him? by promoting public transport, cycling and car
_______________________________________ sharing.
_______________________________________ 6 This company ______________ its toxic waste
3 What is the most important invention according
to the website they are reading?
_______________________________________ Grammar
4 Why do they decide to finish the project after
school? 6 Complete the sentences with the present simple
_______________________________________ active or passive form of the verbs in the box.
_______________________________________ (5 marks)
give make serve speak use
Vocabulary 1 Spanish ______________ in many Latin
American countries. ()
3 Complete the sentences. (6 marks) 2 People all over the world ______________ the
1 The winner is the team that scores the most internet to connect with each other. ()
g___________ . 3 What _______ your dress _______ from?
2 Footballers p___________ the ball with their 4 Dinner ______________ until 9 p.m. ()
feet. 5 Students at that school ______________ much
3 Ice hockey players wear skates to homework by their teachers. ()
s___________ across the ice.
4 The s___________ applauded loudly when the 7 Write sentences using the prompts and the past
players left the pitch. simple passive form of the verbs in brackets.
(10 marks)
5 The Davis Cup and the World Cup are famous
sports t___________ . 1 telephone / Alexander Graham Bell (invent)
6 Ice hockey is played on an i___________ .
2 a hundred years ago / bottles / recycled plastic
4 Write the opposites of the adjectives. (7 marks) (not make)
1 convenient ______________
3 who / gravity / by ? (discover)
2 low-quality ______________ _______________________________________
3 practical ______________ 4 Eiffel Tower / Stephen Sauvestre (design)
4 reliable ______________ _______________________________________
5 efficient ______________ 5 a helicopter / to rescue / the climbers (send)
6 time-consuming ______________ _______________________________________
7 useless ______________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 8 Complete the sentences with the present simple
the words. There are two words that you do not active or passive, or the past simple active or
need. (7 marks) passive form of appropriate verbs. (10 marks)

Unit 6 test
1 Suzanne Collins _____________________ the Cumulative Review
Hunger Games books.
2 The goal _____________________ in the first 9 Complete the second sentence so that it has the
minute of the game. same meaning as the first. Use the correct form
3 Millions of tonnes of rubbish of the word in brackets. (10 marks)
_____________________ in the oceans every 1 Helen is a girl in my school. She won the school
year. writing competition. (who)
4 More films _____________________ at home Helen is the girl __________________________
on computers and tablets now than at the ______________________________________ .
cinema. 2 It’s prohibited to smoke inside the café. (must)
5 Look at this beautiful photo. It You ______________________________ inside
_____________________ in Tanzania. the café.
3 The police trapped the kidnappers and arrested
Practical English them.
The kidnappers __________________________
10 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks) ______________________________________ .
4 I felt very relaxed after my yoga class. (relaxing)
Veronica: What’s your favourite type of food?
I thought the _____________________________
Tom: I like Greek food. Stuffed peppers are
______________________________________ .
favourites of mine.
5 Coryn is planning an exciting trip to Croatia next
Veronica: What are they (1) ______________
month. (excited)
Coryn _____________________________ about
Tom: Sweet peppers and rice. The rice has
her trip to Croatia.
got chopped tomatoes, cinnamon and
mint in it.
Veronica: I don’t like the (2) ______________ of
mint. It smells nice but I can’t stand it in
Tom: You can make it without mint.
Veronica: How is the dish (3) ______________ ?
Tom: The rice and tomatoes are cooked
together (4) ______________ a pan.
Then the mixture is put inside the
peppers and they are put in the oven for
an hour.
Veronica: That (5) ______________ delicious. I’d
like to try that!

Unit 6 test
Reading 12 Read the text again and answer the questions.
Write complete sentences. (8 marks)
11 Read the text. How can food waste be used 1 What percentage of food thrown away from
positively? (2 marks) British homes is unopened?
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 2 Why do people throw food away?
The average UK family throws away about 24 meals
3 How are supermarkets and restaurants working
a month. This amounts to about 4.2 million tonnes
to solve the problem?
of food and drink a year. Almost half of this food _______________________________________
goes directly from fridges or cupboards into the bin. _______________________________________
About 60% of this waste is thrown away before its 4 Name two negative consequences of burying
‘use by’ date. The top three foods that end up in the food waste underground.
bin are bread, potatoes and milk. _______________________________________
In order to solve this problem, the UK government
has started a campaign to reduce food waste. Food
producers, shops, restaurants and consumers are
being encouraged to work together to stop food
waste. Consumers are advised to consider
quantities and not buy too much food because of
discounts. Food waste companies work with
businesses to reduce food wastage and maximize
use from any food waste. Some restaurants and
supermarkets deliver any unsold food to homeless
shelters and food banks. Food banks were set up to
help feed the growing number of people affected by
poverty. These food banks collect food donated by
businesses or the general public. People who need
emergency supplies are given food at the banks.

As we attempt to solve this serious problem, more

possible solutions are being tried out; for example,
some local councils are using food waste from
homes and businesses to produce energy and heat.
Burying food waste underground increases the
amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
and, as a result, speeds up global warming. By
taking action now and reducing food waste and
converting it into energy, we won’t only protect the
planet, but we’ll also save billions of pounds.

Unit 6 test

13 Write a report about the positive and negative
effects of using cars, trains and bicycles. Use
the ideas below to help you. Remember to use
phrases for reports. Write about 175 words.
(15 marks)
alternative energy cost environment
health issues greenhouse effect pollution
recycling the transport system

Paragraph 1
Introduction: say what your report is about.

Paragraph 2
Talk about the positive effects.

Paragraph 3
Talk about the negative effects.

Paragraph 4
Conclusion: sum up and make recommendations.

Unit 6 test
















Listening _____ / 10 Cumulative Review _____ /10

Vocabulary _____ / 20 Reading _____ /10
Grammar _____ / 25 Writing _____ /15
Practical English _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

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