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――Happiness is what people envy,

And the easier it’s obtained, the more unsatisfying it becomes.

I am a vampire

Because I

Draw the blood of Karlheinz.

And as the eldest son,

I’m in position to inherit the house.

For honor and status.

Life was given to me at the same time,

And because of that,

I was able to obtain this happiness.

It wasn’t something that I purposely sought to have.


It belonged to me.
There are things out there

That remain unattainable.


-Flashback; Scene: Forest-

Shu: … …Haah… …

(It’s a drag to be in that place for so long… …but, I’ll still probably be forced to go back to that mansion

(Though, if I come up here… …those housemaids might not be able to find me)

???: *humming* … … … … ♪

Shu: ! Wh… …Who’s there!?

???: Huh? A person?

Shu: Eh… …?

(… … It’s a human?)
???: You look like you’re about to collapse there.

Shu: About to collapse… …me?

???: There’s no one else here.

Shu: (I see, he doesn’t notice that I’m a vampire?)

(I guess not… …)

???: I haven’t seen you around before. You’re not a kid from our village, are you? Where’d you come from?

You’re an aristocrat, aren’t ya? What’re you doing in a place like this?

Shu: Uh, well… …

???: You shouldn’t be here. Up ahead is the vampire’s forest, so you shouldn’t go near it. No one’s told you

Shu: Oh… …uhm… …I don’t go out of the house much. So I wouldn’t have known.
???: Well, a rich kid’s life is different from the common lower class one of mine.

Shu: … … … … What are you doing here?

???: Me? I’m collecting firewood. Unlike your kind, we have to do everything ourselves.

It must be nice being an aristocrat, you have a huge warm home.

Shu: … …I hate that mansion. I can’t get a relax at all.

???: But you don’t have to collect firewood in the freezing cold, now do you?

Shu: I still hate it.

???: … …Hmm. Since you’re a noble’s son, I assumed that you were all high and mighty of yourself. Sorry.

Shu: … … … …

Edgar: … …But, you don’t seem like a bad guy. My name’s Edgar. And yours?

Shu: Eh… …
(Why am I panicking? I should be able to introduce myself… …)

Edgar: I met much trouble, just tell me your name.

Shu: Uh… …I’m Shu.

Edgar: Heh, Shu. What an interesting name. I like it! Despite being an aristocrat, that sure doesn’t affect
your name.

Hey Shu, let’s be friends!

Shu: Friends… …?

Edgar: Yeah. They do fun things together and share strong bonds.

Shu: You and me… …friends… …

Edgar: Yeah, nice to meet you, Shu. From today on, we are friends.

Shu: … …Okay!
Edgar: So let’s have a handshake of friendship.

Shu: Handshake… …?

Edgar: Oi Oi, you don’t even know what a handshake is? Here, fit our hands together, like this. It’s a
confirmation of our friendship.

Ooh… …! Well, I have to go now!

See ya, Shu! Look out for the wolves!

*Edgar Leaves*

Shu: Ah… …

(Edgar… …my human friend, my very first friend… …)

… … … …Ah!

*Some Other Day*

-Scene Change: Sunset Forest-

Shu: (Ah…there he is… …)

Edgar: *humming* … … … … ♪

Shu: (I can do it. Today, I’ll greet him. Okay… …)

*Shu Attempts to Approach Edgar to Greet Him, But Steps On A Stick*

Shu: … … … …

Edgar: Wah… …! I-It’s just you Shu. You startled me.

Shu: … …Can… …I?

Edgar: Eh?

Shu: Can I help…. …if that’s okay.

Edgar: Huh… … … ?

Shu: So! Y-You’re carrying firewood, right? It’d be quicker with two people, I think… …

A-And… …uhm… …
Edgar: Hehe… …

Shu: W-What!

Edgar: It’s nothing. Hehe… …

Shu: … … … …Uh.

Edgar: But for you, wouldn’t the firewood be heavy? You haven’t lifted anything this heavy before, right?

Shu: I’m okay, this amount will do──

*Shu Drops The Firewood*

Shu: Ah… …

Edgar: Shu, the firewood’s easier to carry if you hold them like this.
Shu: … …Like this?

Edgar: Yeah. But… …are you sure about this? Aren’t your fancy clean clothes going to get dirty?

Shu: I don’t care──

*Bushes Rustle*

Shu: … …Uh!

Edgar: Shu?

Shu: Shh… …! The wolves are coming near.

Edgar: … …!!

Shu: Quiet.

Edgar: … … … …
*Wolves Growl*

Shu: … … … …

*More Growling*

Shu: … … … …


*Wolves Growl Some More*

Shu: Didn’t you hear me? … …Shew!

*Wolves Leave*

Edgar: … …I-Is it safe… …?

Shu: … …Yeah.

Edgar: AHHH… ..I thought we were gonna die… …

Shu: … …We’re okay.

Edgar: You saved me, Shu! Thank you. You really are something.

Shu: I’m not… …

Edgar: No, you really are amazing Shu!

Shu: … … … … Ah.

Edgar: Oh yeah… …

Here! It’s an apple.

*Chucks The Apple To Shu*

Shu: … …Ah.

Edgar: They’re delicious. I grew it all on my own. I’m sure it’ll fit in your mouth.
Shu: … … … … … …T-Thank you… …


If I were to use the powers of a vampire,

Then driving the wolves away

Would’ve been easier than breathing.

However, Edgar was there

And I didn’t want to show the power to him.

A vampire and a human.

With the walls of race that separate us,

Never, would I have thought

We’d be able to converse.

Before long, I noticed.

There’s always something

That remains unattainable.

And if you can’t obtain it,

You should forget about wanting it.

-End Flashback; Scene: Living Room-

Shu: … … … …

Eli: (Shu-san’s listening to music while eating an apple. That’s his third one today)

(He seems to be spacing out a bit… …)

Shu: … … … …

… …Oi.

Eli: Y-Yes!

Shu: The way you’re staring at me’s annoying.

Eli: I-I’m sorry… …

Shu: … … … …

Eli: (Uhh, I did chose Shu-san, but)

(I wonder if that was really a good choice… …)

Shu: … …I’ve been thinking about this… …

Why do you stay here?

Eli: Because… …

Shu: Well, it’s not like you have anywhere else to go… …

Eli: (Why did would he ask and then answer… …?)

Shu: And, it wasn’t really your choice to come here──

Eli: Waah… …

(An apple?)

Shu: The apple, it’s for you. I got tired of eating it for today… …
Eli: T-Thank you very much.

Shu: Hmph. Why would you thank someone for giving you something that’s half-eaten?

Eli: It doesn’t matter, you still say thank you… …

Shu: … …Whatever. I’m going to sleep… …

Don’t be bothersome… …

Eli: O-Okay… …

Shu: Hm… … … …


Eli: (He really did fall asleep already… …)

Sigh… …

(I wonder what’ll happen to me from now on… …)


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