Basic Concepts

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What is motion?

Motion is a change in position of an object or process of

being moved.
When the body changes its position with respect to its
Classification of motion:
 Translatory motion
 Rotatory motion
 Vibratory motion
 Translatory motion

- the particle moves from one point in space to another.

This motion may be along a straight line or along a
curved path.
They can be classified as:
1. Rectilinear Motion
Motion along a straight horizontal line
2. Free- Fall
Motion of an object in a vertical path, acted by an
acceleration due to gravity
3. Curvilinear Motion
Motion along a curved path
Rotatory Motion
- the particles of the body describe concentric circles
about the axis of motion.

Vibratory Motion
- the particles move to and fro about a fixed point.
 It is a vector
 An interaction between two forces.
 It has external effects and internal effects.
 English units of a force are pounds and kips
and metric units of a force is Newton.
Formula for weight

Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
The Law of Inertia
states that a body at rest will remain at rest and a
body in motion stays in motion with the same speed
and direction unless an unbalanced force interacts
with the body.
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Law of Acceleration
Pertains to the behavior of a body when the forces
acting to its system is unbalanced.
States that the acceleration (a) of the body when
unbalanced force is applied depends directly to the net
force (F) acting in the body and inversely to the mass
(m) of the body.
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Law of Action and Reaction
The law states that for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
Application of Newton’s Law
A box of mass 5kg is sliding down an
inclined surface with an angle of 200
with the horizontal. Find the
acceleration of the box considering a
coefficient of kinetic friction equal to

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