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Sub Cheat Sheet

General Rules

 Noise: When students are too loud make a gesture where you put your hand up above your
head and slowly lower it so they know they need to lower their noise level
 Talking: If students are disrupting class, stand next to them until they stop
 Sharing time: Students should raise their hands instead of blurting out answers

Class Start Procedure

 Phone: All students must put their phone in the cloth pouch on the back wall. Each pouch is
labelled with a number that is associated with their number on the roster, which you can use for
roll call. They are not supposed to have their phone during class
 Role: Some students have special roles, which is listed below
1. Paper Aides: these 2 students help collect and hand out all papers
2. Class Leader: this student will help inform you of what’s going on in the class, such
 Turn in home-work: ask the paper handler to collect homework from the day before and put it
in the collection basket

During Class Procedure:

 Count-down: Always count down from 5 to 1 at the end of an activity to give students time to
wrap up their discussion
 Catching up: Ask the student who has the helper role to inform you on what they have been
working on, it should match the day lesson in my drawer
 Reviewing: If you are comfortable, review what the last lesson went over and have them turn in
something at the end of class

Class End Procedure

 The paper handler should be asked to collect the work they did for the day and put in the paper
collection shelf
 Students can retrieve their phone before leaving the classroom

Leaving the Class Routine

 Fill: Students need to use dry marker and fill out a column on a dry eraser board on where they
are going (bathroom, nurse, administrator, drink, etc). There are 2 wooden sticks, so only 2
students can be out of the class at a time


 Award students with 1 point if they follow directions throughout the entire class and timely
complete their work. I will be using these points to reward them.

 If students are behaving badly, start by writing their name down first and tell the student in
question privately. If that doesn’t work, send them to the administration.

If students run out of things to do…

 Academic Function Worksheet: Look inside my drawer for a worksheet that deals with
academic function words that the students can do

Where to find

 Turn in shelf: Next to the door

 Lesson plan: In the drawer
 Phone pouch: It’s at the back of the room
 Books: On the side of the class

Who to contact

 Security: 505-123-4567 ext. 1

 Teacher Friend: 505-123-4567 ext. 2
 Administrator: 505-123-4567 ext. 3
 Nurse: 505-123-4567 ext. 4

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