Outsource Your IT

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Our Team of IT Your Business

Professionals Organization

Outsource Your IT Department

For the cost of one employee
“Outsource Your IT Department” Why?
The number one reason why most businesses outsource their information technology needs is so that they experience fewer
headaches. Of course, this is an oversimplified and distilled encapsulation of a complex issue. And to make a qualified business
decision regarding whether or not to outsource your organization’s IT, you need to back it up with supporting evidence.

An IT department is made up of a complex environment of hardware, software, and computer networks that allow you to
perform important business functions and work flows such as accounting and financial processes (ERP), customer relationship
management (CRM), email, and document creation.

Your company’s success depends on it being able to use these functions reliably and efficiently. For example, it is imperative for
organizations to send and receive emails to communicate with clients, employees, partners and vendors – to fulfill product and
service orders. How long can your business operate without such an important function? Additionally, you must be able to access
customer information and financial data to run your business. And to protect these processes, there are many back-end functions
that need to be performed including security, anti-virus protection, data backup & recovery, and server monitoring.

With this large and vital undertaking, is it feasible for a business to totally take-on the tasks and responsibilities necessary to run
its own IT department? Not without a sizeable commitment and investment in IT talent, infrastructure, money and time. Training
IT staff, maintaining IT devices and keeping technology up-to-date are huge burdens for most Businesses.
Lets Face The Truth
Technology has an important place and role in every business. You can make
tons of sales from a simple technology well used. And obviously, your
business uses computers and software, it needs tech support. Computers
break down, they lose connectivity, and they can become infected with
viruses despite our best efforts. Users forget login passwords, especially after
long weekends, and networks go down for no reason. And then there’s the
learning curve that happens whenever you install or upgrade software. When
computer problems hit, you need someone on hand to fix them before they
completely disrupt your business. This is all just too frustrating. Unfortunately,
not everyone can have a dedicated, on-site helpdesk, which is why
outsourced IT support is so important. Like how you focus on what you do
and do it so well, we focus on your IT department so it gets just as best.
Why is outsourcing your IT
Department the best option for your
Just imagine it, We will create it… Control and Reduce Costs
You are able to control costs by paying a set monthly fee, so you know what
your expenditures are and they do not fluctuate month to month.

IT departments require a lot of equipment to run smoothly; this includes comp

uters, software, tools, office equipment, and office space. If your company is r
unning on a tight budget, an in-house IT department could be an expensive p
roposition, even if it’s just one guy. We generally provide our own equipment
and tools, and it’s included in the cost of the service. Also, because we have
multiple clients, the cost is spread over all clients and is minimal as compare
d to what you would pay in-house, just to support your company alone.

Additionally, we offer cloud-hosted services where you can rent hardware

such as servers, and even have them located offsite and monitored on a
continual basis, which substantially lowers your total IT investment. All
hardware has an “end-of-life” expiration for when its performance
deteriorates, then fails and needs to be replaced. Cloud-hosted services
allow you to control and predict these costs.
Just imagine it, We will create it…
One Stop Assistance

When you buy or lease computers, you have the option of purchasing a service
contract; but that contract only covers issues with the computer, and not
necessarily the software or your network. By the same token, software vendors
offer support for their products, but don’t usually support the computers on which
their products are installed. This means that you might have to call multiple
support desks to get the help you need, and that can significantly slow things

We are able to handle multiple issues, from hardware glitches to software bugs,
even for proprietary software and hardware devices.
Just imagine it, We will create it… Focus on Your Business
Your organization may be a law, engineering, accounting, or construction firm,
and these are your core competencies, not information technology.

Every company has limits to its resources, and we will let you redirect them
from non-core activities toward activities that provide a greater return.

By allowing us to take care of your IT, this frees up your resources to

concentrate on the other areas that make you successful and grow.
24/7/365 Monitoring of Your IT Environment
Just imagine it, We will create it…
We are generally open 24 hours a day and seven days a week, and have numbers that clients
can call at any time, from anywhere.

For example, we give support to companies in Accra, Ghana. However, if an employee of one
of those companies is on company business in Bangkok, Thailand, or New York, USA, he can
still get help if his computer fails, or if he is having trouble connecting remotely to the company

It also means that there is someone on-hand to monitor your systems 24/7, so that a mail
server outage, or a loss of data at 5:00 AM Saturday, during a long holiday weekend, won’t shut
everything down until Tuesday morning.

In-house IT departments are usually only available during regular business hours, unless you
want to pay a lot of money in overtime and double-time for IT staff to work during off-hours and

We can also take care of day-to-day tasks such as software updates and patches, anti-virus
updates, data backups, and inventory auditing and control.
Consistent Service and Increased Productivity
Just imagine it, We will create it…
We have years of experience screening our agents to ensure that they have the appropriate
technical skills and experience to provide consistent service.

When you hire your own IT personnel, you will either need to get someone who has the
knowledge to properly screen people, or you will have to screen them yourself. Even if you
consider yourself pretty technically savvy, you might not have the information you need to pick
the right candidates, and that can negatively affect your quality of support.

your organization will be able to lower its costs and focus on its core competencies. We can
predict, prevent and quickly respond to serious issues that lead to catastrophic failures and
extended downtime.

Moreover, you will be using the most current technology that enhances your success and
makes you more competitive. With first-class technology, you can streamline processes and
make them more efficient and productive, and your company will also be able to take
advantage of opportunities more quickly.
Minimize Risk
Just imagine it, We will create it…
We keep your day-to-day IT environment up-to-date easily and effortlessly by automating the
process using specialized tools. We are responsible for verifying that backups are working,
pushing out patches, and auditing inventory to minimize the risk of catastrophic occurrences.

We also take on the responsibility of being alerted of unpredictable circumstances such as

backup and hardware failures, database corruptions, software crashes, and virus and spyware
intrusions, acting quickly to prevent downtime. A limited in-house IT staff may not be able to
respond and take care of the problem as quickly, leading to extended downtime, putting
productivity at risk.

And with our expertise, you reduce the risk of making a wrong decision because of any lack of
technical experience.
Access to the Most Current Technology
Just imagine it, We will create it…

We bring world-class knowledge and experience to your organization on a continual basis. With
us, you will receive access to new technologies and know-how that you may not have
considered previously, as well as techniques and tools that you currently do not possess. These
tools include tried-and-true procedures and processes; documentation; and more structured

We as well do periodic training sessions for all your personnel on how to effectively use the
computers and other devices in your office and around them to achieve more.

Additionally, we test the engineers we hire, and maintain their training and examinations on a
continual basis to keep them up-to-date with the latest technologies.

Also, we bring a wide variety of IT professionals with different skills sets to take care of a
number of situations. If you have your own IT staff, their skill set would be limited to their
Access/Control over 25+ Dedicated IT Professionals
Just imagine it, We will create it…

We dedicate all of our over 25 IT Professionals to you with one key and dedicated personnel as
your assigned agent. This Agent acts as the IT Manager of your business and is responsible for
attending to your every call and needs. He/She makes periodic visits to your physical business
location and is able to assign any of the over 25 other personnel to attend to your needs.

Each of these personnel is specialized in a specific important IT sector that is aimed at

improving your IT needs. From Software Engineers, Software Developers Systems and
Network Security Administrators, Web Developers, Mobile App Developers, Certified Hardware
Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Trainers, Project managers, Consultants, to many other
various technical activities.

What this means is that, while on contract with us, you are entitled to an IT department with a
manager and over 25 professionals ready to meet your every need.
Our Packages
IT Department Outsourcing Packages
Service Start Up SMB Professional Corporate Custom Package
Just imagine it, We will create it… IT Policy Handbook for IT Operations and Management YES YES YES YES YES
Basic Computer Hardware Maintenance YES YES YES YES CUSTOMIZED
Basic Computer Software Maintenance YES YES YES YES CUSTOMIZED
Advanced Computer Hardware Maintenance NO NO YES YES CUSTOMIZED
Advanced Computer Hardware Maintenance NO NO YES YES CUSTOMIZED
Network Systems & Security Management NO NO YES YES CUSTOMIZED
Basic Software Development NO NO 2 4 CUSTOMIZED
Web Development 1 2 3 4 CUSTOMIZED
Basic Mobile App Development NO NO 1 2 CUSTOMIZED
Web Designing (monthly) 1 2 4 UNLIMITED CUSTOMIZED
Web Hosting Space +Domain Name (One Time) YES YES YES YES CUSTOMIZED
Graphic Designing (monthly) 4 6 10 UNLIMITED CUSTOMIZED
E-mail Marketing (monthly) 100 250 500 1500 CUSTOMIZED
Bulk SMS Marketing (monthly) 100 250 500 1500 CUSTOMIZED
Technical Support (For all your products and services) NO No No YES CUSTOMIZED
Consultancy and Analyses YES YES YES YES CUSTOMIZED
3G/4G Internet Services 2GB 5GB 10GB 20GB CUSTOMIZED

Cost (GHS) 899 1,299 2,499 4,999 PER REQUEST

About our Packages
Just imagine it, We will create it…

It doesn’t really matter what your needs are or what you are looking for. Whether you found
what you were looking for in the list or not, our teams have the ability to analyze with you and
develop customized packages that will entirely meet your needs.

Customized packages could cost a lot cheaper or expensive depending on your needs and or

As an example, we have clients who pay less than the Start Up packages because they do not
have need for some of the packages at the moment while other clients are paying a lot more
than the Corporate Package due to their extra and detailed requirements for extra support in
managing their IT affairs.
Getting Started
Just imagine it, We will create it…

Getting Started is as easy as selecting a package and

contacting us via Phone, Email, Forms from our website or
visiting our website.

Let us know what your needs are. There is always an agent

ready to walk you through a few processes to ensure you make
the right choice.

From that, we draw a contract for you and get the department
fully started.
About Search Engine
Our Tradition for presenting Search Engine is as a Multi Products and Services IT and
marketing Company with its headquarters in Ghana. We are set out to provide our clients with
Just imagine it, We will create it…
multiple solutions in all of their everyday lives.

Search Engine Incorporated is the result of a great deal of imaginations and dreams proven to
be possible from hard work and experience thus our slogan “Just imagine it, We will Create it”.
This has given us the ability of being able to go the extreme in developing the imaginations and
dreams of our customers in which ever way possible.

Since the establishment of Search Engine in 2007, its main aim and objective has been to
multiple solutions under one trusted brand.

Knowing the difficulty of getting Finance to start a Business, to continue or just even to
introduce new Products or services, Search Engine Incorporated is making it simple for you by
helping you to save more and spend less and at the same time giving you all you need by
providing you everything possible.

Search Engine currently operates in five(5) countries; Ghana (Headquarters), Belgium, USA,
Gambia and South Africa
Just imagine it, We will create it…

M: P.O. Box GP19306, Accra-Ghana

L: 8 Hospital Street, Spintex Road, Accra
C: +233 57 303 7814, +233 27 190 5684
E: itdep@searchengineinc.info

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