Redding Assessment Implementation

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Assessment Implementation

Toni Redding
MEDT 7476

Client Information:

Name: Jasmine Bright

School: Stephenson High School
Certificate ID Number: 1382583


3D Shapes in the Real-World


MGSE9-12.G.GMD.1 Give informal arguments for geometric formulas.

MGSE9-12.G.GMD.3 Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve


1. Be able to define volume and surface area.

2. Be able to list the characteristics of 3D shapes.
3. Be able to identify 3D shapes in the real-world.
4. Be able to find the volume and surface area of 3D shapes.

For this project, you will create a presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides,
Piktochart, or Infogram. The following information must be included in your presentation:

1. Name, date, class, and 3D shape.

2. Definitions of volume and surface area.
3. Definitions of your specific shape, face, edge, and vertex.
4. Characteristics of your specific shape including number of faces, edges, and vertices.
5. Picture of 3D shape with one of each labeled: vertex, face, edge.
6. The volume and surface area formulas for your 3D shape.
7. A picture of your 3D shape with the components of the volume and surface area
formulas labeled. (Ex. label the length, width, and height of a cube)
8. 2-3 minutes lesson video(s) explaining how to find the volume and surface area of your
3D shape.
9. Five (5) pictures of your 3D shape in the real-world. A minimum of two (2) of your
pictures must be original pictures you took on your own. The others can be taken from
the internet.

3D Shapes in the Real-World

Exemplary Accomplished Acceptable Needs No Total
Improvement evidence
(4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts)
(1 pts) (0 pts)

Terms and All six (6) 5 - 6 terms 3 - 4 terms 1 - 2 terms 0 terms listed.
Definitions terms listed listed with listed with listed with
with accurate mostly mostly mostly
definitions. accurate accurate accurate
definitions. definitions. definitions.

Characteristics Lists all Lists most Lists few Lists only Lists no
characteristics characteristics characteristics number of characteristics.
of the 3D of the 3D of the 3D faces, edges,
shape shape including shape and vertices of
including number of including 3D shape.
number of faces, edges, number of
faces, edges, and vertices. faces, edges,
and vertices. and vertices.

Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D No picture of

shape with a shape with 3 shape with 2 shape with 1 shape with 0 3D shape.
face, edge, and correctly correctly correctly labeled
vertex labeled labeled labeled labeled characteristics.
characteristics. characteristics. characteristic.

Volume and Correct volume Correct volume Volume and Volume or Volume and
Surface Area and surface or surface area surface area surface area Surface Area
Formulas area formulas formulas for formulas for a formulas for a formulas are
for your 3D your 3D shape. different 3D different 3D not included.
shape. (Both formulas shape. shape.
included) (Both formulas (Only one
included) formula

Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D No picture of

shape with shape with all shape with shape with shape with no 3D shape.
components of components of most few components of
formulas volume and components of components volume and
labeled surface area volume and of volume and surface area
correctly surface area surface area correctly
labeled. correctly correctly labeled.
labeled. labeled.

Lesson Video 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes No lesson
lesson video(s) lesson video(s) lesson lesson video(s) video.
showing how showing how to video(s) showing how
to find the find the volume showing how to find the
volume and OR surface to find the volume OR
surface area of area of your 3D volume and surface area of
your 3D shape. shape. surface area a different 3D
of a different shape.
3D shape.
Real World Includes a total Includes a total Includes a 3-4 Includes 1-2 No pictures of
pictures of 3D of five (5) of five (5) pictures of pictures of your 3D shape
shape pictures of pictures of your your 3D shape your 3D shape in the real
your 3D shape 3D shape in in the real- in the real- world.
in the real- the real-world. world. 1-2 of world.
world. Two (2) None of which which are
of which are are pictures pictures you
pictures you you took on took on your
took on your your own. own.


Teacher comments:


Student #9’s Project

Student Project

Teacher Feedback and Grade

3D Shapes in the Real World

Needs No
Exemplary Acceptable Improvement evidence
Student #9 (4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts) (1 pts) (0 pts) Total
3 - 4 terms 2
All six (6) terms 5 - 6 terms listed listed with 1 - 2 terms
listed with with mostly mostly listed with
Terms and accurate accurate accurate mostly accurate
Definitions definitions. definitions. definitions. definitions. 0 terms listed.
Lists all Lists few 4
characteristics Lists most characteristics
of the 3D shape characteristics of of the 3D Lists only
including the 3D shape shape including number of
number of including number number of faces, edges,
faces, edges, of faces, edges, faces, edges, and vertices of Lists no
Characteristics and vertices. and vertices. and vertices. 3D shape. characteristics.
Picture of 3D 4
Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D shape with 1 Picture of 3D
shape with a shape with 3 shape with 2 correctly shape with 0
face, edge, and correctly labeled correctly labeled labeled labeled No picture of
vertex labeled characteristics. characteristics. characteristic. characteristics. 3D shape.
Volume or 4
Correct volume Correct volume or Volume and surface area
and surface surface area surface area formulas for a Volume and
Volume and area formulas formulas for your formulas for a different 3D Surface Area
Surface Area for your 3D 3D shape. (Both different 3D shape. formulas are
Formulas shape. formulas included) shape. (Only one not included.
(Both formulas formula
included) included)
Picture of 3D Picture of 3D Picture of 3D 4
shape with all Picture of 3D shape with few shape with no
components of shape with most components of components of
Picture of 3D volume and components of volume and volume and
shape with surface area volume and surface area surface area
components of correctly surface area correctly correctly No picture of
formulas labeled labeled. correctly labeled. labeled. labeled. 3D shape.
2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes 4
2-3 minutes lesson video(s) lesson video(s)
lesson video(s) 2-3 minutes showing how to showing how to
showing how to lesson video(s) find the volume find the volume
find the volume showing how to and surface OR surface
and surface find the volume area of a area of a
area of your 3D OR surface area different 3D different 3D No lesson
Lesson Video shape. of your 3D shape. shape. shape. video.
Includes a total 4
of five (5) Includes a 3-4
pictures of your Includes a total of pictures of your
3D shape in the five (5) pictures of 3D shape in
real-world. Two your 3D shape in the real-world.
(2) of which are the real-world. 1-2 of which Includes 1-2 No pictures of
Real World pictures you None of which are are pictures pictures of your your 3D shape
pictures of 3D took on your pictures you took you took on 3D shape in the in the real
shape own. on your own. your own. real-world. world.

Total: 26
Note: Student
#9 has an IEP
and to modify
this student's
assignment, all
5 required
pictures could
be found on the
internet with no
Excellent Job! Beautiful pictures of your shape in the real-world. I wish I could have seen some of a
pyramid in the real-world you took on your own! I really love the transitions you used in your
presentation. I can tell you are familiar with PowerPoint! You provided great definitions of volume and
surface area but forgot to include the definitions of face, edge, and vertex.


The assessment implementation was executed much better than I expected. The

students were engaged and appeared to enjoy the project. One small obstacle the

students faced was finding lesson videos. The school blocks access to YouTube, so
students were limited in where they could search to find lesson videos. All students are

familiar with and have accounts for Khan Academy, so many of them obtained their lesson

videos from there. This caused students to include the same lesson videos where I would

have liked to have seen a variety of videos from different sources. One other small

obstacle was some students couldn’t transfer the pictures they took with their phone onto

their school computers to include in their presentation.

The biggest issue was the limited opportunities and places the students had to

search for 3D shapes to take their own pictures of. Due to this being a summer school

course, the teacher was limited in the amount of time she had to prepare students for

their Georgia Milestone. As a result, I needed to design an assessment the students

could complete in one sitting and within two to three hours. Students needed most of

their time to find the information and put together their presentation. This left the students

with minimal time to look for the shapes in the real-world and they were restricted to the

open parts of the building and school grounds. I would have loved to have seen more

pictures the students took on their own in their day-to-day lives but am pleased with what

the students submitted.

Most of the students could follow the instructions and rubric and completed their

assessment with very few questions. Most of their questions came when students went

walking around the inside and outside of the school looking for their 3D shapes in the

real-world. Some shapes were much more difficult to locate in the vicinity than others.

During this time, it became apparent some students still struggled with taking what they

learned about the 3D shapes in class and applying it to the real-world. Most of the

students gave up on trying to take their own pictures of their shape in the real-world but
enjoyed getting out of the class. All students appeared to make a full effort to take their

own pictures before deciding they were unable to find their shape. Knowing the difficulties

and limitations students faced, the presentations I received are what I expected with some

exceeding my expectations.

To improve the assessment the next time, the assessment will not include surface

area as this is no longer apart of the standards. The surface area components were

excluded from the students grades for this reason. In addition, students will be allowed

to work in small groups and will be required to create their own lesson videos in their

presentation. In their video, students will be required to find the volume of one of the real-

world objects they include in their presentation. Each member will be required to submit

at least one of their own original photos of their 3D shape in the real-world. Creating their

own lesson video will allow the students to demonstrate their ability to find the volume of

an object. The video and pictures will help students apply the information they learned

about 3D shapes in class to those shapes in the real-world.

Impact on Student Learning

The above pie chart displays the student grade distribution for the 3D Shapes in

the Real-World assessment. No students earned a grade of 70% (D) or below (F), three

students earned 71-79% (C), five students earned 80-89% (B), and two students earned

90-100% (A). This distribution of grades shows the students understood and met the

minimum requirements to earn a passing grade on the assessment. 40% of the students

have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). These students were provided the same

guidelines and rubric as all other students but were not penalized if they did not include

their own pictures of their 3D shape in the real-world.

The above pie chart provides the student grade distribution of students with an

IEP. The chart shows 25% of students with an IEP earned an A, 25% earned a B and

50% earned a C on their project. The grade distribution of students with an IEP differs

from the grade distribution of all students in that most students with an IEP earned a C

on their project while most students without an IEP earned a B. Based on this data, the

students with an IEP understood and met the minimum requirements to earn a passing

grade on the assessment without modifications or the modifications for students with an

IEP were appropriate and beneficial to the them. Based on the data and the teacher

feedback, more of the students with an IEP struggled with providing all required definitions

and/or all characteristics of their 3D shape. These students would have benefitted from

a checklist in addition to the project requirements and rubric.

The bar graph below compares the distribution of grades for students with an IEP

to those students without one. This graph allows the teacher to quickly compare the
grades of her student with and IEP to those without to determine if the modifications were

sufficient for the students with an IEP or if further modifications needed to be offered.

Based on the data, the modifications for this assessment were sufficient and all students

earned a passing grade on the assessment.

Future Instructional Plans

After reviewing the data and the teacher comments from the students’

assessments, Mrs. Bright and I have determined that a checklist should be included with

the project requirements and rubrics to help students, specifically students with an IEP,

ensure they have included all components of the project before submitting it for grading.

Many students did not receive the maximum amount of points because they failed to

include all the required definitions and/or characteristics of their shape.

In addition, Mrs. Bright expressed she would like for students to demonstrate they

know how to find the volume of the 3D shapes on their own. To ensure this, the

assessment will require students to create their own lesson video showing how to find the

volume of one of the 3D figures they included in their presentation. I shared apps and

techniques I’ve used to create my own lesson videos with Mrs. Bright so she can practice

on her own before requiring this of her students. We discussed categories to include in

the rubric and project sheet and what should be included on the checklist.

Lastly, Mrs. Bright and I agree that the assessment plan can be used with different

topics/standards she teaches throughout the school year and this assessment plan can

serve as an alternative assessment for students instead of the usual paper and pencil

assessment she currently gives her students. Similar and Congruent Triangles is a

lengthy topic for students and Mrs. Bright wants to revise the current assessment to

include the standards, vocabulary, and tasks to fit this topic. We discussed ideas on how

to differentiate the assessment plan to prevent students from doing the same type of

project multiple times. In situations when time is a factor, students can include a lesson

video they find on the internet instead of creating their own. To add variations to the

assessment, students can be limited to using only Piktochart and Infogram to create their

presentation or submit a video blog versus creating their own lesson video. Mrs. Bright

was very impressed with the assessment I presented her and the outcome of the student

projects. She looks forward to implementing the plan with the revisions and variations of

the assessment we discussed.

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