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To the bone


-José Luis Hernández

-María Fernanda Alvarado

-Aylin Ximena Ocampo

-Israel Nieto

-Ghael Lopez

Dad: Good morning, Betty.

Betty: Hello, Dad.

Dad: I already done the breakfast

Betty; I’m not hungry, sorry Dad, bye.

Veronica: Hey, Betty

Mike: Hello, Betty I miss u this weekend. (He hugs her).

Betty: Auch!

Mike: Oh, sorry, why you have, why you have this bruises in your back?

Betty: Because, yesterday I did 50 abs.

Veronica: That’s good you´re flat.

Mike: No, you aren’t. You are very thin. You must eat and stop doing abs.

(They go to the classroom) Betty: (Looks angry) I feel tired guys (she passes out).

Mike: Oh no! I have to call the ambulance.

Dad: Hello doctor, I think my daughter have anorexy. Can you please check her?

Doctor: Sure, hey Betty, come with me.

Betty: I don’t have anorexy!

Doctor: (He check her) You do too much abs, isn´t it? . I’ll be direct with you, you have to eat
and do exercise well or you’ll die.

Betty: (Disgusted) Understood.

Doctor: I have to get you in a therapy.

Doctor: Good morning, Betty. This is your first day in the therapy. And I have a surprise to

Mike: (He comes out) Hi!

Betty: (She hugs him) Hi!

Doctor: I think it would be a great idea he stay here helping you up to you finish this therapy of
10 days.

(Sixth day)
Doctor: (He go to the room of Betty and he see her doing abs and then
measuring her arm compared to a coin) ¿What are you doing Betty?

Betty: I can’t stand this, I have to do exercise! (She starts crying)

Doctor: Calm down, all will be good if you follow the rules, come on, only 4 days
more, but please in your home you have to eat too. You climbed 1 kg!

Betty: (Flushed) Understood, doctor.

(Passes the 10 days)

Doctor: I think you’ll be better and I think you want to quit of this place.

Betty: Of course! I have learned my lesson..

(Friends and family go to the therapy)

Dad: Thanks, doctor for all I love my new daughter.

Veronica: You look better! I miss you.

Mike: Yes, she looks.

Betty: Thanks everybody, I will be better and don’t worry for me.

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