United Way Rescues Opera: Culture

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Thursday, July 27, 2017 Page B-3

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United Way rescues opera

Opera Theatre of Montclair
finds a new old space
by GWEN OREL Ave. , and “they are very inter-
orel@montclairlocal.news ested in helping you.”
In addition to heading the arts
Mia Riker-Norrie was sitting advisory committee, Molina-
at home, stressing about the lack ro is working on an initiative to
of space for Opera Theatre of form an arts alliance, modelled
Montclair’s upcoming produc- on local arts alliances such as the
tion of “Cinderella.” Downtown Brooklyn Arts Alli-
Riker-Norrie was stressing ance, or ART New York (The Al-
because four days earlier, St. liance of Resident Theatres). The
Luke’s Episcopal Church had alliance would offer “structural
cancelled the group’s use of support to the arts, space, mar-
their space for the production, keting training. Space is a real
although it had been scheduled issue for local not-for-profit arts
since November. groups,” Molinaro said.
The local opera company, en- So Molinaro, a local director,
tering its third year of full pro- had been keeping an eye out for
ductions, had been resident at St. opportunities for space rentals.
Luke’s since January. At the meeting with John
It was a bad weekend for Rik- Franklin, the CEO of United Way
er-Norrie. Northern New Jersey, she shared
This production would be the OTM’s plight and asked if they
first one in which the soprano might have a space.
performed with the company, as The general reaction was, “Oh
well as produced: she was set to wow, ‘Cinderella’ here,” Molin-
play a wicked stepsister, wearing aro recalled with a laugh. “They
a hat with rubber chickens. said, ‘Get us a proposal immedi-
In an email to the Local, the ately.’”
Rev. John Mennell said that “We were talking about mak-
the church’s space and priori- ing better us of Mia Riker-Norrie, general director of Opera Theatre of Montclair, tests the acoustics at the United Way building.
ties needed to focus on its core the auditorium,”
mission of “spreading the good Franklin said.
news and love of Jesus,” adding When he heard
that as Toni’s Kitchen expanded, that the opera
there was less space available for company was
outside organizations. in a bind, Unit-
But for Opera Theatre of ed Way made a
Montclair, losing the space was JOHN quick accom-
a crisis. They were just about to FRANKLIN modation.
send out publicity for the show. Riker-Norrie threw on shoes
Now, it looked as though the and hurried over.
show might not go on. The building is “right next
She posted the dilemma on door to the library. There’s a
the Facebook group Montclair beautiful garden in back,” Rik- The proscenium of the United Way theater fits the style of “Cinderella.”
Watercooler Connections, and er-Norrie said. But she’d never
got more than 50 leads. looked at the space. She’d heard Franklin said “It’s a nice fit be- van and park it someplace. We’re ‘Cinderella’
Then Riker-Norrie got a call there was a rug on the floor, tween us and the arts. Often the a perfect partnership.”
from Elaine which was bad for acoustics. arts raise awareness of issues, “A family of four in New Jer- ‘La Cerentola’
Molinaro, chair “As I entered the building, I and help us communicate mes- sey needs $64,000 just to get by,” By Gioacchino Rossini
of the arts ad- had an incredibly positive feel- sages.” Franklin said. “The federal pov-
visory commit- ing about it. United Way wanted to make erty level is $23,000 to get by. Opera Theatre of Montclair
tee, which she “As I entered the auditorium, I better use of their auditorium, That’s a huge gap. It’s hard to get Sept. 15, 16, 22, 23
founded in 2015. started to cry. and reach out to community or- by and be recognized as being in
The committee “It’s perfect.” ganizations, he explained. need, even though you are work- United Way
60 South Fullerton Ave.
serves as a liai- The proscenium space has 215 Riker-Norrie said that after ing.”
ELAINE son between the seats, and that rug she’d feared talking to Franklin about United After a talk-back at an ear- Operamontclair.org
MOLINARO artistic commu- actually helps dampen the ex- Way’s ALICE program, an acro- lier theatrical production held
nity and the township council. tra-ringiness of the space. nym that stands for “Asset Lim- at United Way, Franklin said he
“Mia, what are you doing,” she “She got up on stage and sang ited, Income Constrained, Em- also realized that most artists are And, he said, “I happen to love
recalled Molinaro saying, and one note to test it,” said Molin- ployed,” she realized “you know, ALICE. opera.”
“Can you get over here?” aro. “It’s wonderful to hear this that’s most of our singers. Hosting “Cinderella,” he said, Will he attend “Cinderella?”
Molinaro said she had been beautiful opera sound.” “Most of them. There are “brings new life into the build- “Absolutely,” Franklin said. “And
meeting with the board of di- United Way, Riker-Norrie singers of mine that sleep on ing. It creates more awareness of I may be taking my granddaugh-
rectors from United Way at their said, is “Cindrella’s” knight in people’s couches. the space, and an opportunity to ter.”
building at 60 South Fullerton shining armor. “One of them wants to buy a serve the community.”


One day of music isn’t enough

8th annual sity, as part of Jazz House Kids’
summer camps. Montclair Jazz
festival On Saturday, Aug. 5, “Jazz
across Montclair” will feature
Saturday, Aug. 12
‘ramps up’ Jazz House Kids’ student ensem-
bles performing in seven loca-
Noon-9 p.m.

tions on Church Street, including Nishuane Park (High Street)

by GWEN OREL Center Stage, from 2 to 10 p.m.
orel@montclairlocal.news For Walker, the achievement montclairjazzfestival.org
of the festival, which started
“Jazz is America’s home- “with 300 people sitting on the
grown music,” Melissa Walker grass,” to a free, nine-hour event and tools and inspired teaching,
told sponsors and guests at a with 50 vendors and two stages, they can go on to great heights,”
kick-off event for the Montclair is a personal triumph. Growing Walker said.
Jazz Festival this past Thurs- up the child of an interracial She praised the community
day. Walker, a celebrated singer, marriage in Michigan, she found for allowing Jazz House Kids to
founded Jazz House Kids, which many doors closed to her. thrive.
presents the Festival, 15 years Her mother, “who’s right Local politicians came to sup-
ago. COURTESY CHRIS DRUKKER FOR JAZZ HOUSE KIDS here,” and her father, told her the port the event, including New
This summer the Jazz Festi- Jazz House Kids’ Founder and President Melissa Walker describes the coming difficult situation was an oppor- Jersey Assemblyman Thomas
val will have more music in it Jazz Festival. tunity to make a difference. Giblin, Essex County Freeholder
than ever: it will include a two “This is the dream of that little Brendan Gill, Montclair Town-
week ramp-up, Chief Operat- noon to 9 p.m. er Mister,” who, Walker said, girl that just felt shut out,” Walk- ship Council members Bill Hur-
ing Officer Lynne Toye told the But first, “Jazz in Focus,” a “looks a lot like Christian Mc- er said. lock, Rich McMahon, and Renée
guests standing outside on a photography exhibit with work Bride.” An ensemble of Jazz House Baskerville.
steamy night. “One day just isn’t from Richard Conde, Patrick From July 31 through Aug. 10, Kids students had been playing In an interview, Baskerville
enough.” Hilaire, and the late Ed Berg- McBride, who is the festival’s for the guests. During the festi- said that she loves that the festi-
The big day will be on Sat- er, opens tonight at The Gallery artistic director and a Gram- val, 10 Jazz House Kids student val “provides the entire commu-
urday, Aug. 12. “No tickets re- at Hillside Square, and will run my-award winning bass player, ensembles and vocal groups, in- nity with top notch jazz. Maybe
quired,” Jazz Festival buttons through Oct. 27. curates a mid-day summer con- cluding more than 160 students, some of those people wouldn’t be
declare; as always, the eighth Tomorrow, Friday, July 28, cert + symposium series at the will perform. able to afford to go to the city for
annual festival will be free. It will there will be an Old School Funk Cali Schol of Music’s Leshowitz “When you bring young peo-
take place at Nishuane Park from + Soul party, spun by “D.J. Broth- Hall, at Montclair State Univer- ple together, and give them skills See JAZZ, B-5
Page B-4 Culture Thursday, July 27, 2017


Looking through the eyes of Arab-Americans

by LILY BRYAN “Karam Arian, how many times must I
ask you not to leave your backpack on the
Lily Bryan’s untitled story was the 10th-grade kitchen table?” I sigh.
winner in the first Montclair Literary Festival “Sorry, Mom!” I sprint down the stairs,
Short Story Contest, held this spring. Arianna grab my bag and place it by the door. I went
Donas and Ellie Whittam were runners-up for to go back upstairs, but my name being
that grade. The contest received 77 entries from called once again stopped me.
Montclair High School students. “Not so fast. How was your day?” My
mother never fails to ask me this question.
“Now, you can clearly infer that Jane I look up at her. She is truly a force to be
does not care about the societal expecta- reckoned with, someone I would never
tions placed upon her, yet she— think of crossing. She is of Syrian descent
“Sam Peters, if I see that phone one and proud to be so. It is evident in me as
more time!” I sigh under my breath, and well, and not something I’ve ever been
the familiar sound of Mrs. Williams yell- ashamed of.
ing at Sam automatically reduces to the “It was good. Can I go upstairs now?”
same buzz that I have taught myself to She sighs and nods.
push to the back of my mind. I pick up my My eyes fly open to a pitch black. I fum-
pencil, and soon the words flowing in my ble around until I find my alarm clock and
mind are all I can hear. As usual, the poem squint at it. 3:42 in the morning? What
begins to write itself. I have soon become woke me up? I hear a yell, definitely the
so concentrated that I do not notice the cause of my awakening. More yelling. I feel
buzzing in my ear has stopped and not a frozen under my covers; unable to move a
student is with pencil in hand, until I hear Lily Bryan was the 10th-grade winner of the Montclair Literary Festival Short Story Contest. muscle. I know I should go downstairs and
a new voice. I look up, and Mr. James, the find out what is happening, but I just can’t.
president of the high school, is standing at The only thing I can do is squeeze my eyes
the doorway. I feel the rush of fear I always dread. He settles in his desk chair, while I “It’s my passion.” shut and pray that this is a dream, some
do when an official is in my presence. sit across from him. I feel my heart franti- Mr. James smiles. “Well, I’m glad. Please type of bizarre nightmare, and that when I
“May I please speak with Karam Arian cally beating against my rib cage, and find keep writing, I don’t come across many wake up in the morning everything will be
for a quick moment?” myself unable to look up. students with such an exceptional abili- as it always is.
My head jerks up at the mention of “Mr. Arian? This is nothing bad, you ty. I would strongly advise you pursue a Three years. It’s been three whole years
my name. The rush of fear immediately know.” I look Mr. James in the eye, unable writing career.” I nod my head swiftly and since everything. Three years since my
turns into a full-blown panic. I push back to believe what I’m hearing. reach across the desk to shake his hand, in mother was deported. Three years since
my chair and stand up, my legs shaking. “N-nothing bad?” I stammer. He smiles complete and utter disbelief of his words. I’ve seen my father really and truly smile,
As usual, the class erupts into the usual and shakes his head. “Karam, do you know The puddles splash my jeans as I walk the kind that goes all the way up to your
“oohs,” but this time I cannot join them. your writing is something exceptional? home, but I don’t notice. I can’t stop con- eyes. Three years since I’ve had a room
As I follow Mr. James down the hall, I It’s unlike anything I’ve ever read, years templating Mr. James’ words. I would to myself. Three years since I’ve willingly
run through in my mind everything I was and years above your grade level. Mrs. Wil- strongly advise you pursue a writing ca- picked up a pencil. But things are starting
taught to say if anything like this were to liams sent me a few pieces of yours, and I reer. The thought has never even crossed to change. I’m beginning to seeˆ nature
happen. can’t quite explain what it is, but there is my mind, but now I can’t get it out. Writing and people surrounding me the way I used
My name is Karam Arian. I was born something so powerful about your writ- makes me happy, and the thought of doing to. New ideas for poetry pieces are begin-
in Boston, Massachusetts. I now live in ing. From what I can infer, writing is some- something I love for the rest of my life fills ning to pop into my head, and I am starting
Montclair, New Jersey. I am 16 years old. I thing you very much enjoy. Is this true?” me with warmth. to listen to them instead of pushing them
am legal. This is more than true. Writing is my The door is open when I arrive. I throw away. As I look out the classroom window
Those last three words bounce around everything; the only way I keep myself my backpack down on the kitchen table at what used to be my beautiful house be-
my skull, like a mantra I can’t seem to sane. To not be able to write would be to and sprint upstairs. I had heard a new vid- fore the move, I realize. I realize that I can-
shake. I am legal. I am legal. I am legal. not be able to feel, to think. I cannot possi- eo game was being released today, and I am not let what has happened to me and my
We enter Mr. James’s office, a room I bly express this to Mr. James, so I keep my eager to find out which one. I am halfway family change the way I learn, or the edu-
have always looked upon with a sense of answer simple: to my room when I hear my name called. cation I am here to receive.

Kids Corner
Thursday, July 27, 2017 Culture Page B-5

Art wanted for ‘celebration’
ABCs of summer fun
It’s the most wonderful time of Ave. , for children up to the
by Studio Montclair the year for our children. Months of Local age of 17, Monday through
To celebrate its 20th
anniversary, Studio Montclair
Selected artists may be asked
to participate in a panel dis-
summer vacation to enjoy. Endless
hours with nothing to do. That was
Voices Friday, noon to 2 p.m. until
Sept. 3. First come, first served
invites submissions of art that cussion, which would include great for a few weeks, then boredom Robin Ehrlichman but there are at least 60 bag
“celebrates celebrating.” SMI questions from the audiences set in. We’re exploring the town Woods lunches ready to enjoy each day
writes that they are “interested and slides of the artist’s work. from morn till night in search of fun with a simple and nutritious
in work inspired by victories No entry fee. Curator is Mary things to do. sandwich, fruit and a sweet
and achievements, like the Z. Scott. Deadline is Aug. 20. camp on site. The Boys are treat. Vegetarian option also
joy of a job well done, the For information and an entry A is for awake. We’re awake attending Explorers Camp here available in small quantities.
gratitude and anticipation of form, visit studiomontclair. by 6 a.m. The Boys like to watch and there, a specialty camp Please be aware that lunches
moving forward, or commem- org/call-for-entries-celebra- “the earth get up.” As many for ages 8-12. Drop them off are not nut- or gluten-free. The
orating a personal milestone.” tion/. times as I explain that the at 8:30 a.m. , pick them up at wonderful volunteers at the
earth can get up without their 3:30 p.m. kitchen make lunches from

Raise your local voice

assistance, it falls on deaf ears. Swim, gym, daily donations. We avoided a
A walk around Glenfield Park, art, science, meltdown about cheese on the
Local Voices is a forum for local.news. Got something 115 Bloomfield Ave. We mosey outdoor play sandwiches by letting the kids
residents’ essays about issues to say? Submit an idea for a down Maple Avenue and take and trips swap out what they didn’t like
and subjects that affect them. series, with a writing sample, a few laps around the field, twice a week. with each other. Negotiating
For serious issues, such as or submit an individual essay, then play for a few minutes Pack them skills lesson to boot.
voting or the environment, to culture@montclairlocal. in the wonderfully renovated a nut-free
submit an essay for a Town news. children’s area. lunch with ROBIN The day is barely done, and
Square to letters@montclair- beverage and EHRLICHMAN I have a list with so much fun
B is for breakfast at they’re good to WOODS to share in the future. Free
Send us your summer snaps Marlboro Bakery, 133 Grove
St. Good old-fashioned and
go. It’s so much
fun greeting the counselors
kids movies, township pools,
Montclair History Center,
We’re keeping it local add a gold star if you’re delicious sweet or savory dressed in festive sparkly tutus Montclair Art Museum and a
and neighborly — what are holding a Montclair Local! Let choices. No, I don’t let the each morning. bit of mystery. Hang in there,
you doing on your summer us know where you are and kiddies eat cake for breakfast. parents! Remember to check
vacation? Send us one of your when, and who’s who, left to That’s reserved for me, as an D is for drop in at Montclair which sippie cup you put in
favorite pics of you and the right. Remember, to run in independent adult. We pack Public Library, 50 South with lunches for the kids, if
family (furry family included) Thursday’s paper we need pics fruit and yogurt to take with us, Fullerton Ave. , or Bellevue need be. Not that I accidentally
enjoying the summer. We’ll the Friday before. and settle into our usual tables Avenue Branch, 185 Bellevue packed my cup with an adult
for two. It’s the simple things Ave. We all signed up for beverage in one of their bags,
Deadlines for Culture section they love, like plain long rolls
without butter served to them
Summer Reading Club 2017,
and are enjoying books from
but better safe than sorry.
That’s my story and I’m stick-
Montclair Local Culture wel- that have just happened. with plate and napkin. I sip “Charlotte’s Web” to “Middle ing with it.
comes your news. Please send Please include caption infor- some of the best coffee in town School: Get Me Out of Here!”
listings one week in advance mation (people identified, left for under $2, large cup. Use the computers for an hour Robin Ehrlichman Woods is a
and story ideas at least two to right, photo credit). Ideal or so, then go back downstairs writer living in Montclair. For Local
weeks ahead of publication. photo size is 150KB to 3MB. C is for camp. Geyer Family to the café area to pick up a Voices, she writes about things to
We also welcome pictures Send to arts@montclairlocal. YMCA, 159 Glenridge Ave. , free lunch provided by Toni’s see and do in town.
of coming events or of events news. has wonderful choices for day Kitchen , 73 South Fullerton


A DJ with a familiar face

Christian McBride spins tunes ‘DJ Brother Mister’
spins tunes
by GWEN OREL with me Old school funk and soul
orel@montclairlocal.news Montclair Local: How long dance party
have you been doing this?
Friday, July 28, 8 p.m. - 12 a.m.
The spirit of James Brown will McBride: For about three
hover over one of the first events in years. I started DJ-ing seriously 18 Label St.
the ramp-up to the Montclair Jazz in 2014, mostly because I went to
Festival on Aug. 12 is the Old School Tipitina’s in New Orleans to play montclairjazzfestival.org
Funk + Soul party spun by DJ Brother a big birthday bash for DJ Soul 973-744-22743
Mister, aka Jazz House Kids’ Artis- Sister, a number one DJ in all of
tic Director Christian McBride. The New Orleans.
party will take place on Label Street She had a James Brown- vinyl. The thing about dance mu-
(not far from the Walnut Street train themed birthday party. They’d sic, you think of music played by
station) on Friday, July 28. We caught put together an all-star band COURTESY TREVOR SMITH musicians playing instruments.
up with McBride to talk to him about that I played in. Leading up to DJ Brother Mister spins old soul and funk. I have no problem with studio
“DJ Brother Mister,” vinyl, and the our set she spun her usual DJ set. wizardry. There are genius pro-
goodness of soul. I’d never seen anybody in like ‘It begins and ends pretty much with ducers and artists. Somebody
20 years do a whole DJ set only like Prince. He also played an
Montclair Local: Talk to me on vinyl. She had everybody James Brown.’ instrument. He didn’t have to go
about the name. dancing and screaming. There —Christian McBride digital to get down.
McBride: “Brother Mister” is was no digital. No nothing. it was There was a sweet spot in
a prefix that James Brown used straight vinyl. Roots showed up, my homies really pay attention. Frankly I dance music from 1966 to 1986.
when he really got to know you My assistant at the time had from Philly. Everybody showed think it sounds better. I don’t care what your culture is,
well. He called everyone “mister” a lot of ins to some clubs in up. Montclair Local: Analog vi- what you are into.
no matter how well he knew you. Brooklyn. I said, “Hey man, see DJ Soul Sister flew in. nyl, not digital pressed on vinyl. Dance music from that period
In those rare moments of just if you can get me a DJ gig on the Montclair Local: why is vi- McBride: Exactly. And will make you get up.
being informal, he would call down-low.” nyl having a resurgence? there’s cover art, and label logos. Montclair Local: Give me
you “Brother Mister.” I got a gig in a club called Spike McBride: With vinyl you There are always a lot of stories an example?
When I got to work with Mr. Hill in Williamsburg. I put out have to pay attention. You don’t inside the story. McBride: James Brown. It
Brown he called me that one not a whole lot of press. I wanted have the option to walk around Montclair Local: Why soul begins and ends pretty much
time. to not make a fool of myself, get and work out or jog or get on and funk? with James Brown.
I’ll never forget it. That let me it under my feet. The word got public transportation. When McBride: Because when soul No one on the planet made
know he felt really comfortable out and next thing I know The you’re listening to a record you music was at its peak it was on more people dance worldwide.

Jazz Christian McBride Situation is

the name bass player McBride,
from page B-3 who is the artistic director of
Jazz House Kids, uses for any
a night out. eclectic group of musicians he
“And I love Dee Dee Bridge- brings together, according to a
water.” release.
The Tony and Grammy George Hayes, director of
award-winning Bridgewater development at Montclair Co-
is one of the headliners of the operative School, said that
festival. She will appear with “music is a very big part of our
her band Memphis Soulphony. curriculum. It’s so in line with
Actress S. Epatha Merkerson the way we think and what we
will again be Master of Cere- want to accomplish.”
monies. Local contractor Tom Mind-
Other musicians that will en, who grew up in Montclair,
appear include keyboardist said that “it’s amazing to see
Cyrus Chestnut, trumpeter Ted the talent [Jazz House Kids]
Chubb, Louis Prima Jr. , and A can bring here. I like seeing the
Christian McBride Situation. A performers being themselves.”

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