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10 " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Corrected Revised Rebuttal Testimony and Attachments of Alice K. Jackson Proceeding No. 16A-0396E Hearing Exhibit Page 39 of 102 @ ARE YOU AWARE OF ANY OTHER JURISDICTIONS THAT PROCURE RESOURCES TO POTENTIALLY REPLACE GENERATION DEEMED “AT RISK”? A. No. In my view, in calculating our resource need and procuring resources to fil the need, we should consider our energy and demand forecasts and factor in any retirements that are actually scheduled and have been decided upon and will occur during the RAP.%° Requiring the Company to speculate on potential retirements and acquire resources to potentially replace these resources has too many “potentials” and is not contemplated as part of Rule 3607, which sets forth the parameters of the evaluation of existing resources required in an ERP filing.”°

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